Devil's Flaw, Angel's Sin - mmiintyy (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text


Obsession. A deadly disease that manifests in one’s own brain. A disease that if you’re not careful can totally destroy you. It takes over every sensible judgment from one person and turns that person into nothing but a brainless waste of a human being. Something best to avoid before it totally consumes you. And if you can’t avoid it, you take that obsession by the throat and consume it before it spirals out of control. And I plan to do exactly just that.

From the very moment I set my eyes on him, I knew I had to have him. For a month now, this man unknowingly captured my attention, seducing me with his white ivory skin. Enchanting me with his voice of a siren, his laugh of an angel. Creating a hunger inside of me so foreign that it irritated the hell out of me. An unholy distraction. I just knew, I had to have him. If even once, he will be mine. And then, I will destroy him.

Unfortunately for him, he caught the attention of mine. They call me the devil. In this lawless world of mine, the devil is king. And whatever the king wants, the king gets. And I want him.

I don’t know when this stranger wandered into uncharted territory. In fact, it’s not uncommon at all for city dwellers to pass through and stay for months on end, most of whom volunteer as health professionals, teachers, and or construction workers in these rural, mountainous parts of the country to the few small tribal communities here. What they don’t know is that all these uncharted lands are mafia infested territories. Specifically, mine.

These mountainous terrains are one of many routes my operation use for transportation to avoid legal eyes. For the most part, I leave the tribal people and their ongoing guests alone. The tribal people are very aware of my operation taking place in their backyard but knows damn well to not get involve and stay away. Incidents rarely ever happens and I like it that way. But that may very well change soon with his arrival.

These transport operations are usually left under the care of my henchmen but every now and again, I make an appearance to make sure everything is operating smoothly. One month ago, I took the trip up here, I haven’t left since.

When I first saw him from afar, I didn’t pay much attention to him. That is, until I heard his laughter as he kicks a ball around with the tribal kids. The sound of his laugh is what I imagine heaven’s hymn would be. It made my heart pound wildly with blood quickly rushing through my veins creating a euphoric sense of feeling. It was like I was injected with my own personal serotonin made just for me. Then I got closer and got a real good look at him. He was damn beautiful and my dick hardened. I knew then and there that I was going to have him.

And today is the day. I studied his routine for a month now and know exactly when and where I’m going to take him. It’s the early morning hours and I’ve been lying in wait with my right-hand man, Arm. Any second now, he’s going to walk out of his little cabin with a cup of coffee and take his morning stroll along the riverbank.

My excitement ascends although I don’t show it on my face as he exits his cabin exactly like how he’s done every morning since I’ve seen him and take the few steps down. The sun was barely peeking through the horizon and no one is up yet, only him.

I watch as he makes his way down the riverbank closer to me where I lie and wait. I watch as he takes small sips of his hot coffee and admire the slowly flowing water that mirrors the hues of the horizon. I watch as his still pajama clothe body sway with every step he takes. Right when he makes it to the waterfall, I emerge from my hiding spot.

It's time. Time to take what I’ve been craving for a month, to satiate this new found obsession of mine before it eats me alive.

He looks up at me confused as to why I’m blocking his path. His brown orbs shifts from me to Arm and back. He looks a little uncomfortable, unsure of what to do next. I’m sure the tribal had warned all these city dwellers to stay away from me and my people. I’m sure he has seen us operating in the background before. My eyes slowly scan his body from head to toe before I look into his dark orbs again wondering if he’s ever saw me out here.

“Excuse me,” he clears his throat. “Uh, I mean excuse me.” This time he spoke in the tribal language, thinking maybe I didn’t understand him. His words were broken at best, letting me know he isn’t fluent in the native language.

He makes a move to step around me but I take a step with him blocking his path. His eyes slants as he looks up at me with his lips thinning showcasing his deep dimples.

“Please come with us.” Arm spoke gaining his attention and directing his gaze towards Arm.

His face has the slightest relief when he realizes that Arm spoke the same language as him.

“I’m sorry sirs, but what is going on?” He asks.

“Please come with us. Now.” Arm repeats himself.

“I… uh…”

A little ball rolls towards us landing right by our feet follow by one of the little tribal boy running up to us.

“Sorry teacher,” the boy says stopping in front of us. “What are you doing out here so early?” he asks.

The boy was speaking broken English like he’s been practicing. Is that what this man does here? He teaches the tribal kids English? It was fitting for someone as gentle looking as him. A teacher.

“Ah, I’m just taking a morning stroll.” The man I’ve been craving for a month now smiles down at the boy showing off his dimples once again. I want to stick my tongue on his face and feel the indents of those dimples.

“Can I come too? I woke up early today.” The little boy asks.

“Uhhh…” he looks up at me, his gaze unsure.

“If you don’t come with us, everyone in this town will die.” Arm said, his face stoic emitting no emotions.

The man’s eyes widen as the coffee in his hand shifts from the shaking of his hands. He swallow the lump in his throat and turns to the little boy who still look up with an expecting smile. The boy probably had no clue what Arm just said. He probably never had the chance to learn the meaning of the word die.

“Kao, go back to your house. Your mom is looking for you.” He says to the boy slowly, so the boy can understand him. The boy did and nod before picking up his ball and running off.

“What is the meaning of this? Who are you guys?” he asks as soon as the boy disappear from sight.

My patience runs thin as I wanted to get my claws in him so badly. I go into my jacket and pull out a gun aiming it at his face. This time the coffee in his hand drops to the ground. His breath hitch as fear laced his eyes.

“Now, or he will kill everyone in this town.” Arm says.

“O…okay.” He breathes his expression full of fear. Whether for his own life or the life of the townspeople, I didn’t care. “Where do you want me to go?”

Arm looks at me and I move by body to the side making space for the man to step forward. He stares at the gun in my hand again before reluctantly taking the first step. He walks slowly as Arm and I follow closely behind.

“Where to?”

“Just keep walking,” Arm replies to him.

We walk into the woods and up the side of the mountain in silence. Only the heavy breathing of his can be heard. As he climbs up the mountain, my eyes land on his ass, a perfect shape to the curve of his lean back. Halfway up the mountain now away from the town, we come to a clearing with a road where a car awaits. His foot steps pause as he sees the car.

“We take a car from here.” Arm announces.

“Please.” He turns around to us. “I don’t know who you guys are or what you want. But I’m just a poor school teacher from the city. I’m worth nothing.”

I turn and say something to Arm in a language I know he won’t understand speaking for the first time.

“He asks for your name.” Arm turns to say to him.

“Does he not speak our language? What does he want?” I’m sure it was clear to him by now that I was in command and Arm is just here to do my bidding.


He relieves a shaky breath. “Pete. My name is Pete.”

“Pete…” his name rolls off my lips. Pete stares at me as I said his name. I give him a smirk before pointing the gun in his face again.

“Last chance. Go now or die here.” Arm tells him.

Pete’s lips shake before thinning out. He reluctantly turns around and start walking towards the car. Once we reach the car, Arm opens the door and usher Pete in. I put my gun away and follow after him sitting right next to him. He moves his body away, shrinking into the other side of the car hugging himself. Cute of him to think he can get away from me. Starting this moment on, he is mine.

I open a compartment in the car and pull out a thin black cloth handing it over to Pete. He looks at me in confusion not moving to touch the cloth. I smirk before grabbing him and pulling him towards me. He shrieks out loud at my hasty movement and tries to get away from me. I turn his body around facing away from me and lock one arm around his waist and with my other hand I curl it around his neck. I bring his panic body against mine.

The feel of his body alone pressing on me feel ecstatic. Not to mention he smells like the morning after a thunderstorm. My dick immediately hardens.

Pete’s little body shook in my arms as he stops struggling knowing he can’t win against my strength. I let his body linger against me for a moment longer and inhale his scent once more before I slowly loosen my grip. This time he doesn’t move.

I put the blindfold over his eyes securing it tightly behind his back before dropping my hands from his body completely. Although Pete’s hands are free, he doesn’t dare remove the blindfold.

“Sit back.” Arms voice comes from the driver’s seat.

Pete slowly shifts his body and hugs himself once more as Arm drives off into the distance securing his fate.



Why is this happening to me? This morning, I woke up like normal, made my coffee like normal, and step out for a morning walk like normal. But now, I’m blindfolded in the backseat of a car by two men being taken to God knows where.

Growing up in a traditional household with a loving mother and father and an annoying but loving younger brother, made me feel that I had the whole world in the palm of my hands.

Although we aren’t rich, we aren’t poor either. The normal middle-class family that works hard for what we want and love and support each other throughout our lives. That was enough for me. Enough for me to think I had the whole world.

I was raised with love and care and wanted to return what I have received to society because I was always taught right from wrong, to be a good person, to never leave someone in need behind. So against my parents wishes, I came up here to the mountains to share my talent.

Flashbacks of my parents warnings hit me like a lightning bolt. They’ve warned me not to take this volunteer job. They warned that the mountains aren’t safe and no place for a city teacher like me. But I wanted to come up here anyways. I wanted to help communities in need. I’ve always wanted to give back as much as I’ve been blessed with. But now, it seems the only thing I’ll be giving is my life because who knows what’s going to happen to me now.

I can only assume that whatever is going on, cannot end will. I’ve seen these people. I’ve been warned about them from the village head and towns people. I was told that these people are not good people. Drug traffickers. But they will leave you alone if you don’t disturb them. All they want is to work on their illegal operations in the background. So I’ve done just that. I’ve ignored them and didn’t give them a second look. So why? Why did they take me?

Did I happened to do something wrong? Did I offend them in anyway? But I know I didn’t. I’m just a volunteer teacher from the city who signed up for a program to come here for the summer and help teach English to the children of the mountain tribes. I don’t even speak their language and is just an assistant to the real teacher though I have picked up a phrase here and there. I haven’t done anything wrong at all.

All my senses are on high alert. I couldn’t see but I can hear and feel everything around me so vividly. The sound of the car engine running as it seems to be climbing the mountain higher. The feel of the sun on my skin coming through the window. The air conditioner blowing at my already cold skin that’s currently breaking out in cold sweat. And I can hear him. The man next to me. His breathing, steady and slow, like he didn’t just kidnapped a human being.

Goosebumps raise on my skin and a slight shiver runs through me in fear. Although I couldn’t see, instincts tell me that he was staring at me with those calculative eyes that are almost as black as onyx.

It seems the man didn’t understand the Thai language since the other man spoke the whole time. But even if he didn’t, I can tell it’s him who is running the show. He’s the one giving the orders. Whatever he told the other man to do, the man is doing it. And whatever language they spoke, I didn’t understand a single word of it.

I don’t speak another word or make any movement during the ride for fear that they will hurt me, kill me even. When the car comes to a stop. The blindfold is ripped off me replaced with a set of cold eyes staring into my soul.

The man says something to the other man though he kept his gaze on me. I nervously lick my lips as the other man gets out of the driver’s seat not missing the one next to me watching my every move.

The door beside me opens making me look away from those dark piercing eyes.

“Get out.” The driver says.

I slowly slide myself out of the car taking a quick look at my surrounding. I can tell we are pretty high in the mountains as there are no more trees to obstruct the view. We stopped in front of a pretty big house that towers over the valley below. There is only one paved road that leads down hill into the wooded forest of the mountain. That’s where I need to go.

There’s no townspeople and children here for them to threaten me with. I can escape now. Adrenaline rushes in and I make a move. I shove the man holding the door away and dash down the road not looking back but I swore I heard the chilling sound of someone chuckling behind me.

I kept running begging the gods to not let me trip in my flip flops. But that was the least of my worry as I run downhill, the view of a front gate that’s closed stood before me. Oh no…

Four men emerges from the side with big guns in hand moves in front of the gate blocking my path. My run slows down into a jog then a walk, before a full stop as I breath heavily to catch my breath and fear begins to overtake every part of me again. All four guns are raised and pointed at me. Instinctively, I throw me hands up in surrender.

I hear the sound of that man’s voice behind me coming closer saying words I don’t understand until I can feel his breath breathing down my throat creating goose bumps all over my flesh. He steps in front of me coming into view with an amused smile on his face. He tsk, clicking his tongue and says something again as if I can understand him.

“Please… what do you want with me? Let me go.” I beg as my lips begin to tremble, my adrenaline gone.

He doesn’t reply to me as he probably doesn’t understand me too. Instead, he comes up to me and harshly grabs my chin in his grip making me squeal in pain. I move to grab his wrist but he bends down and toss me over his shoulder and start making his way back.

“Help! Somebody help me!” I scream, cry and shout. I struggle in his grip but nothing came out of it. He was too strong.

The man carries me into the house, out of the sun, and up a flight of stairs. We enter a room before he carries me over to a bed and tosses me onto the bed. I quickly scoot away from him until my back hits the headboard. I look up and as soon as my eyes laid on him a whimper escapes my throat and I shrink back in fear. He looks scary, menacing and just straight up like the devil himself.

“Please don’t hurt me… what do you want?” I whispered.

He smirks like he can understand me and says something. Then he starts taking off his clothes. My eyes widen as dread consumes my soul. He wants me.

My head slowly shake as I watch him take off his blazer first before he starts working on the buttons of his shirt until the very last one but he doesn’t take it off. Or maybe I didn’t see, because I turn to my side and scramble trying to get away. The man jumps on the bed and grabs my ankle before I can get off the bed pulling me towards him.

“Get away from me! Let me go!” I start screaming and kicking again. Frustrated, the man shouts angrily before I feel immense pain in my abdomen. He punched the air right out of me.

I bend over hugging my stomach and couldn’t help the cries escaping my throat and the tears that begin to swell in my eyes. The man didn’t care as he rips my hands away and pins them over my head flipping me onto my back. My lips tremble and the tears in my eyes fell as I stare into the face of the devil. My misery only seems to entertain him more as he stares at me with interest in his gaze.

He bends down, looming over me bringing his face close to mine like he was going to kiss me. Before his lips can touch mine, I turn my head away. He chuckles, his breath fanning my face sending chills down my spine. Without another word, he attacks my neck burying his face on my skin.

I cry loudly at his cruel assault doing my best to twist away from him. My struggles against him are fruitless and he only pins my arms harder as I try. He was rough with me but his mouth on my skin was softer and warmer than I’d imagined. Yet I still feel highly disgusted by his action.

I try getting my hands out of his grip again but instead he locks both of my wrists under one hold and start moving his other hand down my body burning every part of me he touches. How can he be so strong with just one hand holding me?

I gasp as I feel something hard pressing against my thigh and his hand graze across my belly stopping right by the waistband of my pajama pants. No.

He starts digging his hand into my pants and I screamed so loudly I thought the windows can shatter.

“Please don’t.” I wailed loudly not caring for anything anymore. I didn’t even struggle. “Please don’t. I’m begging you. I’ve never done this before. I’m a virgin. Please don’t do this to me. Not like this.”

I cry helplessly, my body shakes under his hard body. “Anything but this.”

I feel the hand that was on my waist move and the pressure on my wrist lightens. Timidly, I turn my face to look at the man who still hovers over me begging him with my eyes to have mercy on me. Instead, this time he has a curious look on his face. His jaw tightens before loosening and he leans back down towards me. I quickly turn my head away biting on my lower lips to keep in my sobs. I feel his breath on my skin before he spoke.

“If you’re lying about your innocence. I’ll kill you.” He whispers in my ear, his tone low but threatening.

A shiver runs down my spine at his threat before my eyes widen and my head snaps back to look at him. I understood him!

He looks down at me and smirks as I realize this whole time he’s been pretending not to speak the same language. He releases his hold on me and completely let’s go of my wrists. I don’t move an inch as he slides off the bed and I hear him walk away. Shortly after, the sound of the door shutting and a click of a lock follows.

I release a relieved but shaky breath, turn to my side, curl myself up into a ball and just cry.

Chapter 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


I watch through the screen monitor as Pete moves around the bedroom. Ever since I left the room, I came directly to my office and have been watching Pete since.

He cried for a little bit, his little body curled into a ball as it shook. Then when he finally recollected himself, he immediately started looking for escape routes. He first tried to open the windows that I already had nailed shut. When that didn’t work, he made his way to the bathroom trying the same thing with the windows in there. Again, the windows failed to open.

Looking defeated, he makes his way back to the bed. Sitting on the edge, he clutches his belly with a slight grimace on his face. I didn’t mean to hit him, but he moved too much and kicked me in the gut without realizing it. I am going to have to teach him, train him to be obedient if he doesn’t want to get hurt again. I’d rather have him willing but if he doesn’t obey then I’m not against taking him at will. I almost did.

The hunger I have for Pete still burns and seeing him on the bed earlier made me not think twice about taking him then and there. That is until he revealed his innocence. I didn’t show it to him, but just that little information highly satisfied me and it’s what saved his little behind earlier. I’ll be the first to tear him apart and rip his innocence to shred. That is, if he isn’t lying. Because if he is, I will really kill him. If there’s something I hate most about this already tainted world, it’s lies.

My gaze falls on Pete again as he starts moving from the bed once more. He starts opening drawers and going through the empty walk-in closet. I couldn’t help the little entertaining chuckle that leaves my lips.

“You’re not going to find anything angel.” I whisper to myself.

I had planned to take him for a month now. The room, locked windows, the cameras, anything that can be used as a weapon or used to aid an escape had already been removed from the room. I mean, in this twisted world of mine, technically anything can be used as a weapon if one gets creative enough. But looking at that innocent, I doubt he has it in him to conjure up something like that. And if he was smart, he could easily use something to break those windows open. But even if he does, he will have no way of getting down from this tall two-story home.

Pete looks frustrated, as he leaves the closet empty handed. His eyes scans his surrounding. He looks up past the camera before his gaze returns his eyes widening. He takes a step closer to the camera looking directly into the lens like he was staring directly at me. His mouth opens and a startle expression swept his face.

Pete quickly grabs the sheet off the bed and looks for something to step on. He push the single armchair in the room towards the camera and stands on it. I laugh as he tries to reach for the camera and cover it with the sheet. I know damn well he won’t reach it with that armchair alone. The ceiling in this house is too high for that.

He attempts a few times and even try to toss the sheet over the camera but fails. Defeated he angrily looks up at the camera. I reach out to touch the monitor as if I’m touching him. I run my fingers down his face to his body. The things I’m going to do to you…

Again my dick hardens for this man I know nothing about but has my body screaming for his. Just the little taste I had earlier only confirms how much I wanted him and how delicious he tastes and smell.

“I’m going to ruin you.” I say to the screen. Pete had since moved from the camera and hidden himself behind the bed on the floor. Only a part of his head poked out from where he sat.

A knock comes at the door before Arm walks in.

“The files you asked for sir.” Arm says placing a folder on my desk.

“His belonging?” I asked.

“A luggage of his belonging from the village is in your room. Everything else has been taken care of.” I give him a nod, and Arm quickly takes his leave.

I gave Arm orders to return to the village and collect his things. To warn the village chief that Pete was never there and anything related to him should be destroyed. Seeing Arm return with his things so soon, confirms that the village chief won’t be giving us any trouble. They know better than to mess with me.

I open the folder and grab the first thing on top. His passport. I open the little booklet and read the few information on there. He got this passport recently and the pages are still empty so he hasn’t gone anywhere just yet. He probably brought it with him here just for identification purposes.

Suddenly, I smile reading the next information. His birthday is next week. How fortunate of him to be spending his 25th birthday with me next week. I’ll be sure to make it extra special. If he survives that long, that is. Already the excitement in me is brewing from all the possibilities to come.

I close the booklet and toss it aside. I then grab the few documents I also had Arm look into. Information about Pete, his family, his job. According to the document, he’d only graduated college a little over a year ago and have been teaching at an elementary school for a year. He lives alone in a small apartment in the city. His family consisted of a mother and father who lives in phu*ket where I assume he’s originally from and a younger brother name Porchay who currently attends college and lives on campus in Bangkok. A record of his old part time jobs he worked while in college and a list of friends from the city are also included. But there was no record of a love life. He might have been telling the truth about his innocence after all.

Overall, he led a very normal, basic life it seems. What is it about this man that draws me in? Besides his beauty and that ever sweet voice of his, he’s just that, a simple normal man. So why do I feel so attracted to him? He entices me and irks me at the same time because already, this attraction is unhealthy. Everything I hate about the chemistry of the human brain. I need to hurry and devour him, get him out of my system and then get rid of him so I never have these urges again.

“How unfortunate of you to have meet me.” I say setting the documents down. I return my gaze to the screen where Pete is still hidden behind the bed. “Do you think you can hide from me, angel?”

I check the time on the screen. It was almost lunch time and I know Pete hasn’t had breakfast yet. I think it’s time to make another visit to him.



I pull my knees closer to me as I bury my head on top of them. How the hell am I going to get out of here? The windows don’t open and there’s nothing much I can use as a weapon for protection. Not to mention, there’s a damn camera in the room. Was he watching me now? A shiver runs down my spine at the thought. What the hell did he want with me?

I kept trying to think about what I could have done to offend these people but nothing came up. That only leaves one possible reason. I recalled the look in the man’s face as he attacked me. Are they planning to sell me to some sex ring? Was he trying to try out the product first but stopped when I said I was a virgin because virgin sells for more? A choked cries leaves my lips at the thought.

Suddenly, the door burst open making me look up from where I sat to hide from the camera. I look to the door to see the same man walk in. He sees my head peeking from behind the bed and smirks. Immediately, I jump up and run to a corner like it was going to hide me from him.

I hug myself tightly not daring to look at him as he approaches, my body shaking in fear with every nearing step. He stops in front of me, dominating the space and air around us.

“Please don’t hurt me.” I say barely above a whisper.

He grabs my chin with his large, surprisingly warm fingers, or maybe my body is just cold from fear, and tilts my head up to him.

“Now why would I want to hurt this pretty face?” He spoke. His fingers may be warm but his voice was cold. “Neither would I want to hurt this body. At least, not in the way you’re thinking. But I will if you disobey me.”

He let his finger trace down my neck before giving it a slight squeeze. I close my eyes, whimpering a little but dare not move. Finally, his hand falls off from me and I hear him step back.

“Follow me.” He orders. I open my eyes to see his back to me but I don’t move.

“Now!” He demanded sterner making me jump.

Reluctantly, I start following him. He makes his way out of the bedroom surprising me. Is he going to let me go? He leads me out of the room through a hallway before we reach a staircase. He turns to me and grabs me by the arm with a tight grip making me wince. Ignoring me, he holds me as he pulls me down the stairs.

“I can walk! You don’t have to drag me!” I try to pull away afraid that I might slip and fall with his dragging.

He pulls me to his body and leans down in my face. “I don’t trust you to not push me from behind. And I don’t trust you to not run if you’re in front of me.”

I look at him confused. I wasn’t even thinking of pushing him or running. I’m just trying to survive by following his order. But thanks for the idea, next time I surely will.

When I don’t say anything, he continues down the step holding me tightly with his hand. Once we reach the bottom, he drags me through the house and finally stops in a dining room.

“Sit." He commands pushing me into one of the many chairs around the huge mahogany dining table. He moves to sit at the head of the table next to me.

“Serve the food.” I hear him say as I stare down at my hands trembling in my lap.

I hear dishes start to set around the table and the smell of food entices me. I had to admit I was very hungry haven’t eaten anything today. But why is he feeding me? Is he trying to poison me?

I peek from under my lashes as a plate is set in front of me. A girl about my age sets utensils next to the plate before bowing and exiting through a door where two men stood watch.

“You must be hungry. Eat.” The man says making me focus my attention back on my hand. When I don’t reply, he sighs. In one swift motion, he had my arm in his grasp, pulling me over into his lap.

“What are you doing!” I shouted trying to pry his fingers off my body. Finally, I look at him and immediately shrink back at his icy cold stare. With once arm wrapped tightly around my waist holding me in place, he grabs my chin with his other hand.

“Pete, I’m not a nice person, don’t test my patience.” He said calmly but threatening. The sound of my name coming off his lips gave me goosebumps. It’s the first time he’s using my name. I hate it.

“Just tell me what you want. Or tell me if I did something wrong, I’ll apologize, fix it.” This draws a little half smile to his face. He moves his finger from my chin to my lips, tracing the bottom half. I turn my head away but he grips my chin again this time harder.

“You feel good in my arms.” He says pulling my body closer to his and ignoring my earlier request. I place my hands against his chest trying to push away but he wraps both arms around me now capturing me against him as I sit on his lap. As I stare at him, I can feel every part of his body touching me, his hard muscles, his slow beating heart and the semi hard bulge under my ass that I didn’t want to think about.

“Why are you doing this?” I all but whisper knowing my strength is nothing against his larger frame.

“Because…” He stares at my lips as he slides a hand up my back and stops at the nape of my neck. “I want own you.”

Without another word, he slams his lips into mine, sealing any words I have left to say.

His lips are warm but rough as he tries to mold our lips together. I try pushing against him but that only makes him hold me closer, tighter. His fingers curls into my hair and harshly pulls my head back making me shout in pain. Then I feel his tongue penetrating my mouth. My eyes slams shut and my fingers dig into his chest. His tongue moves expertly sweeping at my mouth, chasing my tongue. He was soft, hot and taste of mint.

I whimper helplessly in his arms and start to feel faint as this man forcefully steals my first kiss. He makes a satisfying hum as I push back with my tongue. Suddenly, I feel his hand on my crotch and my eyes immediately flutters open. What the hell am I doing?

Without thinking, I bite hard at his tongue. A growl erupts from him as he lets me go and pushes me away making me fall off his laps onto the floor.

“Khun Vegas!” The two men that were standing at the door comes running towards us with guns pointing at me like I just stabbed the King, himself.

So, his name is Vegas… I look up at the man who I just bit and fear consume me. He stared down at me with evil burning in his eyes and blood trickling down his lips. I just knew I’m done for.


A/N: I hope you all enjoy the first two chapters! We will get more into the plot and storyline as the chapter comes. Just a heads up, updates will be slower than my last books since I'm now focusing on my publish work too.

Please do support my official work as well if you can. Writing is enjoyable but not an easy task and very time consuming. For me to be able to continue to write my publish work and my fics, I will need your continued support. If you have read Morning Glory before, please do go leave a review on Amazon and B&N even if you're not able to make a purchase (without mentioning VP). Reviews really make or break an author and the success of their book (right now I have very few). It's very important for me and I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I will be doing a giveaway soon for PDFs of Morning Glory, so if you're interested in that, you can follow me on my official accounts X: maela_bale or IG: maela.bale for more information to come.

As always, thank you so much and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Chapter 3


Hi readers, welcome back to another chapter. I just wanted to remind everyone that this is a dark romance novel and not just angst like Broken Hate. The Vegas here is a Mafia boss so his personality is one of a cruel boss so yeah...happy reading! lol also I didn't edit much at all so forgive me.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


I lick my lips tasting the metallic on my tongue. The feral kitty may be small but his bite was painful. I thought my tongue was going to fall off from his sharp fang. I use my thumb to wipe the blood from my chin staring at the crimson color. It’s been a while since someone made me bleed. And the last person who made me bled is dead. My gaze falls on Pete who is still on the floor. He flinched back at my cold stare.

I put up a hand indicating for my men to back off without saying a word. They put their guns down and back away. I get up from the chair keeping my gaze on Pete.

“I didn’t mean to!” Pete shouts scooting away slowly as I step closer. I believe him. He was too into that kiss to suddenly rebel like that. A kiss that still lingers on my lips. It was probably just a reflex reaction to me touching his dick. But whatever the reason, the little feline must be taught a lesson so he learns to never rebel or do anything displeasing against me.

Before Pete can back away any further, I catch up to him. I bend down and grab him by the hair, pulling his head back harshly. He cries out in pain as his hands grip my wrist trying to pry my grasp on him away.

“Since you don’t want to eat, then you can starve. And since you like playing rough, I’ll do the same.” With these words I start dragging him by the hair out of the dining room.

“Let me go! It hurts!” Pete screams clawing at my arms. He struggles against me but that only made me drag him harder.

“You’re only going to hurt yourself more fighting.” I warned him. I’m no nice guy and I’ve told him that. Being nice gets you nowhere in life.

“Vegas! It was an honest mistake!” he cries out, calling my name for the first time. I never told him my name and realized that those two bodyguards had shouted it. I stop moving and look down at Pete. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

“Please let me go… I’m sorry.” His tears slip his eyes as he begs me.

I bend down to Pete gripping his chin with my other hand and smirk in his face. “Tears don’t work on me. If you want me to forgive you, you can start by sucking my dick.”

Pete gasps, his hands on my arm loosening. “Bastard…”

I laugh loudly and get back up. Then I immediately cut my laughter and start dragging him again emitting another painful cry from his throat. He will learn eventually. And if he doesn’t, I’ll f*ck him anyways then dispose of him.

I drag Pete until we get to a little storage room. Opening the door, I shove him in there, finally letting him go. Although he was surrounded by nothing but darkness, he seemed relieve with the pressure gone from his head. He looks up at me with his teary eyes, both hatred and fear burning in his brown eyes.

“You can stay in here until you learn to obey.” With those final words, I shut the door shut locking it behind me.

“You.” I call to a bodyguard nearby.

“Yes sir?” he says running to me.

“Watch this door. Give him one cup of water a day only and a bucket to use. If he escapes, your head is going on a stick.” I instructed.

“Understood sir.” He moves to stand by the door. I walked away not saying another word.


“Boss. The East Gang is making a move.” Arm informs me as we sit in a meeting with some of the closest men who works with me. “The leader in the South is dying and have no heir. War is going to break out soon for territorial rights. We must make a move soon, before the East Gang takes over.”

I listen intently to Arm. We’ve been at a standstill war with the East for as long as I can remember. The last time blood was shed so much was during the fight for the West territories which I won. I now control the West and North of Thailand. Kim, my arch enemy controls the East and Arthee, the South.

I’ve had a peace treaty with the South for a while now. But a peace treaty doesn’t necessarily mean peace, it only means we stay out of each other’s territory. Now the old man is dying and he has no heirs, that means another war will break out soon. Knowing Kim, he will do everything in his power to gain it. The South is a very profitable land especially with tourists. If Kim gains the territories down there, he can easily take over Thailand. And I can’t let that happen. That means, leaving the mountainous terrains behind.

Thinking of leaving reminds me of Pete. How long has it been since I locked him up? Three days now? I haven’t seen him since. I wonder if he’s still alive. If I need to leave soon, that means I need to get my obsession with him out of the way and fast.

“Boss what should we do next?” Lom, my best sniper asks. “I have an inside man in the East Gang. I can have him keep watch but he won’t be able to do much else he risks being exposed.”

“Otherwise, I can try hacking into their systems and dig up any information I find.” Arm adds.

“I say we go in full force, guns blazing.” Chan, my uncle through marriage, advises. He was always too hot headed choosing to fight first and think later.

“Or… we can win over the South in a more peaceful way.” Tankhun, my cousin, said walking into the room. Tankhun, a man more humane than monster unlike the rest of us. He was born into this kind of life although he rather not have anything to do with it so he usually tries to think of a more peaceful solution for everything. Although, humane, he is deadly when needs to be. He is also probably the only person in this world I can say I trust.

“You’re late Khun.” I said looking at him. Tankhun smiles at me and sits down. My eyes fall on the file he holds in his hand.

“I’m late because I found something interesting that can help us gain the South without blood being shed.” He tosses the file at me.

“What would someone like you know about solving anything.” Chan says berating his own son. Tankhun rolls his eyes at his father and looks over to me.

“Rumor has it, Arthee has a child. A secret child. One he’s hid for over twenty years. And, the child is a woman. There’s birth certificate to prove it.” Tankhun says.

“That’s ridiculous! Why would Arthee hide his own kid?” Chan interjected.

“Why not? Look how cruel this world is. Only you would want your child raised in this mess, father!” Tankhun sneers.

“I will beat you…”

“Shut it!” I shouted gaining everyone’s attention. Even though Chan was an elder, I’m the real boss here. Everyone listens to me. “Khun, if this is true then…”

“Then we find his daughter and you can marry her. That way we get the land in the South and control over the gang without bloodshed.” Tankhun concluded.

Ha… marry? If it’s true that Arthee does have a hidden child then what Tankhun says will be the most reasonable, less bloodshed way to gain control of the South. I’ve never thought of marriage ever in this lifetime, but if that’s what I must do then so be it. I’ll just rid of her too after her father passes and I have control of everything. Also, if we know this little information, then that means Kim should be aware of it too. I must move fast.

I turn to look at Tankhun and smile. “Well then… should we start planning my wedding?”



I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been locked in here. It feels like forever. I’m weak, dirty, dehydrated and hungry as hell. The bastard locked me in here and never returned. Except for a visit once a day to receive a small cup of water from a man in suit, I haven’t had any human contact.

How can a human be so cruel? I never done anything wrong to him. Biting him was a mistake that I did on impulse when he touched me inappropriately. Still, he dragged me through the house just because of that and locked me up. If I decide to do something for real, he would probably kill me.

I stare weakly at the blank wall while I lay on my side of the cold hard floor. Is this how I’m going to die? I think of my family and a weak cry leaves my lips. I’m so tire and dehydrated that even my eyes refuse to make tears anymore.

“Ma… help me.” I choked out. “I don’t want to die.”

I wonder if my family is aware of my disappearance yet. They should be. Ever since I came up here, I’ve talked to my parents almost every night before bed. They should know something’s wrong. They should have notified the authority already. Someone is looking for me, I’m sure.

Suddenly the door opens and I expect it to be another water drop off so I don’t move. I was too weak to move anyways. I hear the footsteps enter and come closer before stopping before me blocking my view of the wall.

“I see you’re still alive.” Vegas’s voice sounded in the silent room. His voice alone, made my skin crawl. I look up and curled into myself when I meet his eyes. He chuckles lightly at my action.

“Are you ready to be a good little pet?” He bends down and reach a hand towards me, touching my hair. I move my head away.

“Still have some fighting spirit left in you? I should leave you in here longer. But lucky for you, I don’t have much time left so I need you out of here.” He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up making me groan softly. He doesn’t care that I’m in this state and continues to pull me to my feet but I stumble against him.

“Haha, you’re even touching me on your own now.” He chuckles. I try to push against him but he instead lifts me up into his arms and start walking out of the room.

“Put me down… I can walk.”

“I don’t think so.”

Vegas ignores me and carries me upstairs to the bedroom that he originally locked me in. Once in there, he takes me to the bathroom and sets me down on the sink counter.

“Wash yourself up. You smell.” Of course I do! You’re the one that locked me in that little closet, I wanted to scream at him but hold my tongue.

“And Pete, don’t displease me again if you know what’s best for you.” Vegas walks out of the room after that leaving me alone.

As soon as he was gone, I turn on the sink faucet and desperately lap at the water. I didn’t even care if the water was poisonous, I needed it. After I have my fill, I weakly clean myself up. It took longer than normal but I manage to take a shower and dry myself. I wrap myself in a towel after I’m done and stare at my clothing. They were dirty and reeked badly. While I was locked up, I didn’t even have a proper toilet to use but the bucket provided to me.

Sighing, I look around to see if maybe there was a robe or something I can wear. Only then did I notice high in the corner was another camera with a red blinking light. The bastard! He even installed a damn camera in the bathroom. I immediately turn around hiding my body even though I had a towel wrapped around me. Was he watching me now? Although I was angry, I can feel my cheeks warming from embarrassment.

I walked out of the bathroom as fast as I can and grab the blanket off the bed wrapping it around me too. Just then, I hear the lock from the other side of the door before it opens. I feared it might be Vegas coming back but instead it was the same maid from before that served us food. She looks at me giving me a little quick bow before coming up to the bed and setting down a set of clothing.

“Khun Vegas will like you to get dress and join him for dinner in the dining room once you are done.” She informs me.

“I’m not hungry.” I lied. The bastard wanted to starve me before so why feed me now. Plus after finding out about the camera in the bathroom, I didn’t want to see him, ever.

“He will be waiting for you in the dining room.” The maid said once more before exiting the door and closing it behind her.

I take the clothing she left behind. It was a new set of clothing and a luxury brand too. Why would he spend money on expensive clothing for me? Or was this his own clothes? But it doesn’t matter, clothes were better than no clothes.

I enter the closet and check to make sure there’s no camera before I quickly put the outfit on. Once I’m dressed, instead of going down like Vegas request, I fall onto the bed and just lay there. My body needed food and was weakened but I wanted rest more. Sleeping on that hard floor for who knows how long made me sore all over. I’m well aware if I don’t go down, Vegas will probably hurt me again. Just five minutes I tell myself. I want to rest just five minutes before I have to deal with him again. Then I’ll go down.

Just as my eyes starts to lazily close, the door bursts open making me sit up from the bed. My eyes widen as a very angry Vegas walks in dragging the maid with him follow by the same man in suit that’s been bringing me my water. He throws the maid to the floor as she cries out in pain.

“Vegas…” I breathe his name. My fear starts to rise again.

“I warned you not to displease me. Yet you don’t want to listen.” He said in a threatening tone. “Now, Cindy here, will pay for not doing her job correctly.”

I look at the maid and her terrified face but she doesn’t say anything or move. She just sits there on her knees where Vegas threw her.

“Punish her.” Vegas orders bringing my attention back to him. He steps back as the other man takes his place. Only then do I see the belt in the man’s hand. They are going to whip her!

“Vegas! I was going to come down!” I say shifting off the bed. Right when I land on my fight, Cindy screams out in pain making me freeze in place. The man raises the belt again and I move, running over to him.

“Stop it! It’s not her fault!” I scream grabbing the man’s arm. Suddenly I’m pulled back and Vegas holds me tightly in his arm. He turns me so I can see clearly as the man raise the belt again and connect it to the maid’s back making her cry once more.

“Stop! Let me go Vegas!” I shout desperately. The man raises the belt again and I turn away not able to witness it. I end up burying my face in Vegas’s chest. I hear the maid name Cindy cry again.

I didn’t get hit but it felt like it was me who got struck. My body shook violently in Vegas’s arm.

“Every time you defy me from now on Pete, someone will get hurt in your stead.” Vegas says with no emotion follow by another scream from Cindy.

“I’m sorry! Please tell him to stop Vegas! It’s all my fault. Punish me. I’ll do anything you want. Just please stop. Please…” I cry in his chest, my fingers gripping the front of his shirt tightly.

“Stop.” I hear Vegas order. I move my head to look at the girl but Vegas palms my face stopping me. He tilts my head up to look at him.

“Take her to go get treatment.” Vegas says but looks at me. I hear the shuffling of feet and then we are alone.

“Remember what you said Pete. Anything I want.”

My lips tremble but I nod my head once. “Yes…”

He finally smiles, any prior anger gone.

“C'mon our dinner is getting cold.” He takes my arms in his strong grip and I can only follow as he takes me out of the room.

We ate dinner in silence. Although I was hungry, I didn’t taste anything. I was still horrified about what happened and couldn’t control my emotions though I try my best to not show it. A tear still fell here and there throughout dinner.

Once we finished, Vegas takes me back upstairs to the room. Instead of leaving me alone, he follows me in, locking the door after us. My body shook as I stand there. I just know what’s about to happen but I can’t fight it. Not if he’s going to hurt someone else because of me.

Vegas stares at me for a bit before stalking slowly towards me. He walks around me once, eyeing me like I’m meat making the hair on my body rise. He stops behind me and grabs my waist pulling me against him.

“You made me cum earlier when I watched you shower.” He breathe into my ear making me shiver. “Now strip. I want to see your naked body again.”

“Vegas…” I whisper in a shaky breath.

“Are you taking back your words?” He growls lowly in my ears.

I quickly shake my head. “I’m just… scare.”

Vegas’s hand snakes up my body and stops at my neck. He tilts my head up to the side so I can see him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Vegas bends down and locks his lips with mine ending the conversation.


A/N: I had to put Cindy back in here. I love her lol. Though she isn't having a good time right now, I'll make it up to her later chapters! And I only write happy endings so Vegas will come around too, eventually lol. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote and share. Until next time, take care.

Chapter 4


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


I sit on the edge of the bed as Pete stands before me, his little body shaking slightly. He had a terrified look on his face and although he doesn’t voice it, his eyes plead me to stop this. But I won’t stop. I’ve waited too long and have been patient enough with him. Especially now that I have other important matters to attend to. I am getting marry after all.

Pete grabs the hem of the shirt I had prepared for him before his arrival. I actually had a lot of clothing purchased for him not knowing how long I was going to keep him. But now, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be keeping him long at all. By the end of the week, I plan to return to the city. And depending on how Pete pleases me these next few days, will decide if he gets to live and return home or if his body gets buried in these mountains.

Pete takes a gulp and slowly start to pull the shirt up revealing a little of his flawless creamy skin inch by inch. His skin should be marked with my teeth including his nipples. I lick my lips just seeing those little buds perking and can feel my dick swelling, growing to its full length. I wasn’t lying when I said I cum earlier. I watched him shower and stroked myself until my load coated the monitor. Everything about this man is just that sensual.

When the shirt is completely off Pete, he puts it in front of him trying to cover himself up.

“Come here…” I say.

Pete takes small timid steps towards me and stop a foot away from me. I reach out and grab his wrist, pulling him between my legs and making him gasp. I grab the shirt and rip it from his fingers before tossing it aside.

“Don’t be shy. I’ve already seen all of you.” I tell him. I run my hands up his torso stopping at his nipple. With my fingers, I pinch his nipples just hard enough to elicit a small cry from him. His body also shiver beneath my touch which pleased me very much. Pete may be an innocent, but his body is sensitive to the touch.

My hands fall to the button on his pants and I undo it including the zipper too. I let the pants fall down to his ankle. He was left with nothing but a boxer on now. I look up to Pete who had his eyes shut tightly and his teeth sink into his bottom lips. He breathes heavily with his hands fisted at his side. I smile and grab his dick in my palm. He hisses but he keeps his eyes shut. His dick is still flaccid but I’ll change that very soon. I’ll have him screaming my name soon enough.

I hook my fingers into his boxer and also let it fall to his ankle. Pete’s beautiful co*ck stared me in the face already semi hard just from my little touch.

“Ever got your dick suck Pete?” I asked even though I know he probably never did. I don’t wait for an answer and instead I bend down and wrap my hands around his buttocks and swallow him whole.

I hear Pete let out a little grunt and his body stiffen with my hold. I ignore him and wrap my tongue around his slowly growing dick in my mouth. I suck long and hard pushing his length deeper and deeper down my throat until his full hard length is extended and all the way in my mouth. Then I start sliding my lips up and down his co*ck.

I look up just as a moan escapes his lips. He quickly slaps a hand over his mouth to keep from moaning and that made me chuckle inside. Let’s see how long you can keep that voice hidden angel.

I continue to suck his dick digging my fingers into his ass cheeks. I make sure to leave my prints behind as I roll my tongue around his dick. I knew Pete was close when he could no longer hold his moans and heavy panting. His voice caresses my ears and sent a thrilling sensation down my groin. He digs his fingers into my shoulder and throw his head back crying out. I feel the first spurt of his cum hitting the back of my throat. His essence was salty and sweet and I swallow it all.

When Pete’s body stops shaking in my arms, I finally let him go. His dick slides out of my mouth coated in his own cum and my saliva. I stand up and turn us around, pushing Pete onto the bed. Immediately I strip myself of my clothing as Pete stares at me still breathing heavily. His cheeks a pretty pink and gaze hooded. When his eyes lands on my rock-hard co*ck, he sucks in a shaky breath and backs away.

“Where are you going?” I ask getting on the bed. “You had your fun. Now it’s my turn.”

Pete blush harder, embarrassment at what he just done shines in his orbs.

“I don’t know how to.” Pete says, his back hitting the headboard. Did he think I was going to make him suck me? No, that’s a sweet idea for another time. I have other plans for him. I want my dick in his virgin little asshole and I want it now.

I spit into my palm and start stroking my dick with it making sure it’s nice and wet. “You just have to lay down and spread those pretty legs. I’ll take care of the rest.”

I grab his ankle and pull him back to me. Pete starts to panic and struggle once more. I quickly pin him down leaning on top of him.

“Don’t make me hurt you, Pete. Like it or not. I will be in you. This can be pleasurable for the both of us if you stop struggling.” I said leaning down close to his face. A single teardrop falls from the corner of his eyes but he stops moving.

“Will it hurt?” He whispers looking at me.

“Mmm.” I reach to wipe his tear away. There’s no point of lying to him. “But it will feel even better.”

Pete closes his eyes and swallows a breath of air before opening them again.

“Just… get it over with then.” Pete says turning his head away.

If he thinks to hide from me, he is wrong. I turn his face back to me and press my lips to his. Grabbing his chin, I move his mouth open and thrust my tongue into it making him taste himself on my tongue. The taste of his essence mixed with the sweet taste of the inside of his mouth is enough to make any sane person go mad. He really is a drug, made for love, sex, and sin.

I desperately kiss him even harder as I grind my naked dick against his own. The friction is enough to make me cum alone if I allow myself. Instead, my fingers find his tight little hole and I push a finger in without a warning. Pete gasps in my mouth and his body stills beneath me.

“Relax…” I say breaking the kiss.

“It hurts…” he says barely above a whisper.

“You have to relax. It will get better.” I tell him but didn’t wait for him to adjust before pushing another finger inside of him. His walls squeeze my fingers so tightly, I need him loosen if the tip of my dick even plans to fit in there.

“Please take it out…” Pete pants, his hands move to push me. That only made me finger f*ck him harder. “Vegas, please.”

“If I take out my fingers, I’m replacing them with my dick.” I tell him making his eyes widen. Not giving him a chance to reply, I capture his lips once more.

I thrust my tongue down his throat as I continue to f*ck him with my fingers, loosening him up. Pete’s hand grips at my arms tightly causing little pain. With my other hand, I find his nipple and start playing with it, pinching and plucking at the little bud. That seem to do it because his cries turn into soft little moans that I devour with my lips. Soon enough, he loosens enough for me to fit three fingers in and his dick starts to swell once more. I need to be in him now.

I quickly remove my fingers and not giving his hole a chance to close up, I thrust the full length of my hard naked dick all the way into his tight warm hole. f*ck, I was home.

I growl loudly and a shattering cry leaves Pete’s lips as my dick pierces the deepest part of him. Pete’s little body shakes beneath me and his nails dig into my arms. His eyes shut tightly as tears steak down the side of his face and he breathes heavily. He looks like a damn angel being ravage by the devil. And yes, I’m going to ravage the hell out of this body.

“Your walls are sucking me in.” I breathe, tracing his face with the tip of my nose.

“So warm and tight. I might get addicted Pete.” I pull out almost all the way before pushing myself inside again. Pete shouts out once more before biting down on his lip.

“Vegas...” Pete calls my name and I look into his teary eyes.

“Is it painful? Do you want me to stop?” I asked cupping the side of his face and pushing into him again.

“Yes,” he nods grunting making me chuckle.

“Too bad. I don’t want to stop.” I don’t think I want to stop ever. He feels too damn good. And his innocent expressions are turning me on like no other. Pete’s lips tremble but he doesn’t say anything.

I get up and grab one of his legs and hook it over my shoulder before leaning down to him again.

“Make me cum and I’ll stop.”

I take his lips with mine and I start moving my hips and pounding into him relentlessly. Pete cries out in my mouth but I don’t care. My need to devour and destroy his body consumes my mind as his hole wraps tightly sucking my dick in, making me lose my mind.

Pete bites down on my tongue once again making me break the kiss. He looks at me with scared, pained eyes like he didn’t mean to do it. Instead of getting mad, I smirk down at him. I turn his head to the side and stare down at the vein pulsing on his neck before taking the skin between my lips and sucking hard. Pete half moans, half cries as I bite down making sure I leave my mark behind.

Once his skin is nice and red, I find his Adam’s apple and suck on the skin there too. His cries from his throat vibrates nicely against my tongue. I then work my way down his chest to his nipples I’ve been dying to taste. I suck a bud into my mouth and swirl it with my tongue gaining a moan from Pete. I hum satisfied. He may be in pain but his body was also enjoying this. His hard dick against my skin was proof.

I grab Pete’s hard smooth co*ck and start stroking him as I tease his nipples with my tongue, switching from nipple to nipple. At this point Pete is no longer crying but moaning loudly, just like I wanted. His arms find the back of my head and he pulls at my hair, not hard enough to make me bald but enough to make me want to f*ck him even harder. And so I do just that. I thrust into him hard, making him throw his head back against the bed.

I make my way back to his face and curl my free hand behind his head making him look at me with his now hooded gaze. “I’m going to cum so hard in you.”

I slam my lips against Pete as a hard shudder racks through my whole body down to my very toes. My cum rushes out of me, filling his hole. Pete moans into my mouth as I feel his own hot cum spilling between our stomachs. His nails run down my back and I’m sure he left his own marks behind. But that only made me cum harder. Damn he’s hot as f*ck.

Pete’s arm drops from my body to his side, his chest heaves heavily beneath me. I remove myself from him as the last of my cum enters his body. Not giving him a break, I flip him onto his stomach and position myself at his hole once more.

“Wait…” he said turning his head back to look at me. “You said you will stop after cumming.”

“Yeah… but I didn’t say how many times though.” I thrust my still hard dick back into him again.

For the rest of the night, I continue to f*ck him until my body no longer wanted to produce anymore cum and still, I kept my dick buried in him as I hold him close to me. No one, no ever made me feel this much pleasure.



I struggle to open my eyes and a soft groan escapes my lips as consciousness settles in. My body is sore from head to toe, especially my behind. When my eyes fully open, I realize it is already morning. I try moving but groan in pain again before being pulled back into a warm embrace and arms tightly locking over me. Vegas held my body to his, spooning me from behind.

“Where are you going?” Vegas said in a low groggy voice. His hands slide down my still naked body leaving goosebumps wherever he touches. He stops at my dick and palms me before slowly stroking me.

“Vegas…” I can feel his dick hardening inside me. Did he sleep with himself inside me the whole night? There’s no way… Vegas pulls out and thrust into me, halting my thoughts.

“Vegas, please. I can’t do this again.”

“Yes, you can.” He whispers in my ears sending a chill down my spine. “Just lay there, I’ll do the work.”

“Please no…” I said weakly. My eyes begin to burn as reality sets in of everything that happened last night. He took from me something I kept close and guarded for the right person. He took it without a single care in the world. And I gave it to him although not willingly. But even if I wasn’t willing, there were times that what he did with my body felt so good and that makes me hate what happened even more. I thought he would be done after last night, but now he wants more.

“Begging doesn’t work with me. Save your voice because I’m about to extract every pleasurable cry from you.” Vegas thrust into me from behind. My tears left my eyes and I shut them tightly. I bite down on my lips as he has his way with me once more.


After Vegas was done, he leaves me alone in the room and disappears. I was grateful for his absence. It took me awhile but I got myself out of bed and into the shower. I didn’t want to shower with the camera eyes on me but I wanted more than anything to wash away his touch. But no matter how much I wash, the bite marks he left behind stayed.

The whole time I turn my back to the camera and also the whole time my tears fell but he won’t see it as the raining water quickly washes them away.

When I finished, I put on the robe and exit the bathroom just as the maid from yesterday, Cindy, walks in. She carries a bag with her and also a tray of food.

“Good morning. Khun Vegas ask me to drop off some clothes and for you to have breakfast in your room today.” Cindy says brining the bag over to the bed and then setting the tray on the little coffee table.

“Would you like anything else?” Cindy asks looking at me nervously.

I shake my head at her. “I’m sorry… about yesterday. I’m so sorry.”

This time she shakes her head at me and gives me a sad little smile making me feel more guilty. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.”

“That’s right. It’s that monster’s fault.” Cindy quickly shakes her head at my words and walks towards me.

“Please don’t say that. You can get in trouble.” She whispers.

“What more can he do to me aside from killing me. He already took everything else away from me.” I replied. Her eyes lands on my neck and I know she can see the marks there and guess what happened between us.

“Khun Vegas isn’t a horrible person you know.”

“How can you say that after what he did to you yesterday?”

“I owe him my life. He saved me from human traffickers and allow me to work here. He may be hard and tough but not all of him is evil.” She says looking at me.

“I’m sorry but I can’t think the same. He didn’t save me from anything. Instead, he took me and stole from me.” I look away already feeling my eyes burning once more.

“Just listen to what he wants. He won’t hurt you then.” Cindy proposed. “I have to go now. Please eat your breakfast. Otherwise, he may get upset again when he comes back.”

“He’s not here?” I asked turning back to look at her and she nods.

“Cindy, you must help me get out of here.” I grab her hands and shake her a little. “Please, I’m begging you.”

Cindy pulls away. “You know I can’t do that. He will have my head.”

I sigh disappointed. She’s absolutely right. I can’t put her in anymore danger just for me. “At least… tell me how I can get out of here.”

“I’m sorry…Pete. That’s your name, right? I’m sorry but I really can’t help you.” She turns around and walk away exiting the room and I can hear a lock from behind the door. A cry escapes my lips and I let my tears fall.

I looked over to the tray and noticed that even the utensils were plastic. He really didn’t want me to have any weapons of any kind. I quickly dress, finish the breakfast and return to bed. There was nothing else to do in the room. Cindy returns much later and grabs the tray replacing it with a new one for lunch. This time I ignore her not giving her any attention. Yet, I still ate the food after she left so he can’t blame her or anyone else if I don’t eat it.

I spent the rest of the day gazing out the window, wondering how I could get out of here. By the time the sun disappeared behind the mountains, Cindy reappears.

“Khun Vegas is back, and he ask you to go down for dinner.” Cindy informs me.

“I got it.” I replied not looking at her.

“Pete. If you want to get out of here alive, you must please him.” She warns me.

“I’m starting to think death is better than being locked in this room all day or being used by him.” I nonchalantly say.

“Is that so?” I hear Vegas’s voice and immediately goosebumps spread through my skin. I look up at him and almost flinched back.

“Leave us Cindy.”

“Yes sir.” She gives me a quick worried look before scurrying out of the room closing the door behind her.

“So you would rather die than have me treat you nicely, feeding you three times a day, clothing you and… brining you immense pleasure we both know you enjoyed.” He slowly stalks towards me where I sat on a chair by the window.

Vegas stops in front of me and reaches a hand out to me. I close my eyes and flinch back thinking he will strike me. Instead, he grips my chin and tilt my head up.

“Look how scare you are already and you dare speak of death.” He said. “Open your eyes, Pete.”

When I do, he bends down stopping close to my face. “If you want to die so badly, I’ll grant you your wish. After I’m done with you.”

Vegas crush his lips to mine stunning me. I didn’t expect a kiss from him. Not after looking so scary and threatening me with death. Quickly I snap out of it and try to pull away from him but he grabs me by the arms and pulls me to my feet. Breaking the kiss, he drags me over to the bed and toss me on it. I quickly turn around and back away from him. He doesn’t stop me but starts taking off his clothing instead.

“Vegas don’t do this again!” I shouted already fearing what’s to come.

He ignores me but gets on the bed instead. He grabs my ankle and pulls me towards him. I try my best to break free but I’m weak to his strength. He pins my body under him and starts attacking my neck.

“Vegas stop!” I cried.

“I’m hungry!” I yelled not really thinking what I’m saying. Surprisingly he stops kissing my neck and turns to look at me.

“I’m hungry.” I say again. “Can we go down and eat first?”

Vegas jaws tighten like he’s deep in thought. And then he did the unthinkable and gets off me. That actually worked?!

“Get up. And let’s go before I change my mind.”

“Yes!” I quickly shuffle off the bed as Vegas starts putting his clothes on again. I can’t believe that actually worked. I couldn’t help but stare at Vegas curiously.

“What? Changed your mind? Want me to eat you instead?” He said looking me up and down.

“No!” I quickly decline. “Food. I want food.”

He walks up to me after dressing and holds me close before dragging me out of the room and down to the dining room.

We return to the room after dinner and this time, I had no excuse to use. Vegas stares at me with hungry eyes like he didn’t just eat and have been starve for days. I nervously bite the inside of my cheeks as I sit on the bed watching him watch me.

“Tell me something.” I begin to say as he makes a move for me. “Will you really kill me after you are done with me?”

Vegas looks at me with his piercing gaze like he can see right through me.

“Why? Don’t want to die anymore?” He asks after some time.

“No. But if I’m going to die anyways then… I’ll fight you on this.” I boldly announce. Because yes, if he plans to kill me anyways, there’s no point of giving my body to him. Yet, I can feel my palms already starting to sweat and hear my heart beat loudly in my ears.

A low chuckle escapes his throat and he looks at me… proudly? I tilt my head at him not sure what his reaction means.

Vegas removes his shirt and starts twirling his neck before cracking it on each side.

“Then fight me, Pete.” He smiles before jumping on me.


A/N: Hi loves, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Since it's the holidays, I've been a little busy but I've already started on the next chapter and hopefully can get it out by the end of this week. Thank you always for reading. Please comment, vote and share.

Chapter 5


Hi readers, this is a shorter chapter but prepare yourselves lol. Anyways, happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


I hold Pete’s naked body close to me as he sleeps. The little angel is tired and out of energy after fighting me and screaming my name all night long. He’s a daring little one. Not fearing death anymore that’s for sure after the fight he put up. The scratches and bites on me are proof of his feistiness. But instead of being angry with him, I found him entertaining and exhilarating. And above all, f*cking sexy as hell.

He fought for a little bit but once I got my dick inside him, he was moaning and screaming my name like a dog in heat. It was music to my ears. I silently chuckle to myself.

Everything about him draws me in. His voice, his looks, his body, his attitude, everything. And damn it all if I didn’t want to keep him longer. The thought of keeping him and bringing him back to the city with me entices me. Even if I get married, I can keep him too if I so choose. It’s not like I’m getting married out of love or anything. It will be a business transaction and just that.

Pete mumbles into my chest and wraps his arm around my body. Automatically, I hug him tighter and pull the blanket over his shoulder. f*ck… I curse myself as I realize what I did. What is it about him? Why is he different from anyone else I f*cked? But deep down I know I’m obsessed with him. I’ve been obsessed since I’ve laid eyes on him. And now that I’ve tasted his body, I’m even more so addicted to him. Just leaving him alone all day after f*cking him was hard to do. All I thought about is him, moaning and shaking beneath me.

I move his hair out of his face and stroke his cheek. “No. I won’t kill you just yet.”

But he will probably wish he was dead if he finds out I want to keep him longer. I couldn’t help but smile thinking of him fighting me every time I want to ravage him. He can fight me all he wants so long as he’s screaming my name after.


In the early morning hours, I wake up to Pete still sleeping on me in the same exact position. I move to touch him but a knock comes at the door halting my hand. Pete shifts in his sleep but doesn’t wake. I move him off me and place the blanket over him to cover his body. Putting on my pants I make for the door.

“What is it?” I say as soon as I open the door and Arm is there.

“Sorry to bother you so early boss, but…” He looks at the wounds on my chest Pete left behind then over my shoulder to Pete. “The village chief is here. He says that…”

I hold up my hand stopping him. If Pete is awake, I don’t want him to hear. I walk out of the room and he follows me to my own room. He waits until I put on a new shirt before continuing.

“The chief said his father came by and is looking for him. He doesn’t know what to do anymore. Or what to say to fend him off.” Arm finishes.

“I’ll go talk to him.” I say already leaving the room.

I make my way down to the foyer where the chief stands nervously. When he sees me coming, he bows and stands up straighter.

“Tell me.” I command.

“Uh… Yesterday, Nong Pete’s father came to the village and said their family can’t contact him for a while now. He came to check on his son’s wellbeing but Nong wasn’t there. His father is demanding answers and searching around town for him. I told him, Pete has moved on to a different village but he doesn’t believe me saying that he talked to his son only a week ago and his son was still here in our village. He threatens to bring the cop to search.” The village head explained.

“Well that is a problem, isn’t it.” I cross my arms.

“Yes. I don’t know what to do. I can keep quiet and so can the adults but the children. They talk.”

This can get problematic and it’s something I didn’t need right now. Not with war about to break out. I can easily just kill his father to shut him off or…

“Go back and tell his father Pete will be home in one week’s time. If Pete isn’t back in one week, he can call the cops all he wants.” I say.

“Yes sir.” He bows once more before leaving.

As much as I want to keep Pete. I have bigger issues at hand. I’ll just spend the rest of this week ridding my obsession of him then I’ll let him go. It’s best this way anyways. He was a distraction being here and I can’t afford to be distracted now.


“Yes boss.”

“Call a meeting.”

“On it.”

“And Arm… what day is it today?”

“It’s Thursday sir.”

“I thought so. Order a cake.” I smile.

“O…okay.” He looks at me weird but goes about his work anyways.

Once Arm leaves, I make my way back to the bedroom Pete is in. But before I can go in, I stop myself. I’m fully aware that if I go in now, I won’t be leaving anytime soon. I just called a meeting and didn’t need the distraction. Instead, I turn around and return to my own room. Later, I’ll enjoy him later. It is his birthday after all. And I’ll gift him pleasure he won’t ever forget no matter who’s f*cking him in the future. Suddenly, the thought of someone touching what’s mine displease me and my hands clench. sh*t, this is going to be a problem.


“I still say we just go in guns blazing. Get rid of the enemy while we have the chance once and for all.” Chan states across from me.

“And I said no, Pa.” Tankhun chimes in.

“The f*ck with what you want! You don’t know anything boy!” Chan shouts.

“Yeah, I’m only as smart as my father!” Tankhun yells back.

“You ungrateful little bastard!” Chan stands up and points a finger at his own son.

“Shut it. All of you.” I said in a calm tone yet they listen.

“Chan you are too hot headed. We already agreed to go with Khun's plan and that’s final.” I inserted to which the bastard grumbles under his breath.

I lean closer to him. “Don’t let me find out you go behind my back and do something else. Family or not, I will have your head if you disobey. Am I clear?”

“One hundred percent.” He clipped.

“Now… any news on the child?” I lean back into my chair.

“As we suspected. My inside man said that Kim and his gang is fully aware of the secret child as well. They are searching for her.” Lom said.

“I’m still trying to hack into their system but they are just as careful as us. It will take some time.” Arm adds.

“The girl lives in phu*ket. At least, that’s where she was dropped off when she was only an infant. That’s what my men were able to find out.” Tankhun reveals.

“phu*ket…” That’s where Pete is from. How coincidental. Ha, well aren’t you a lucky one Pete. I’ll be sending him straight home to his parents.

“Find out more Khun. Arm, book us a ticket to phu*ket for Saturday. We start hunting this weekend.” I said. “Pete too.”

“Yes sir.” Arm nods.

“Pete? Who’s Pete?” Tankhun perks up and a brow lifts.

A smile crosses my lips. “No one you need to know.”

“Now I am intrigue.” Tankhun smirks. “Are you hiding a toy from me?”

I don’t reply to him but smile with my mind on Pete now. Suddenly the door burst open and a guard comes running in.

“Khun Vegas! We are under attack!” The guard yells followed by the sound of gunshot in the distance.

“This is why I say we act first before they do!” Chan shouts pulling out his gun follow by everyone else in the room.

“sh*t…” Why the hell is my mind on Pete at this very moment?



I heard the bodyguard coming to the door this morning. I heard the village chief was here and looking for me. I don’t know what for since Vegas and him left after but I know for sure people are looking for me. And after what Vegas did to me again yesterday, I wanted out of here no matter what.

He once again used my body however he wanted even when I tried fighting him off. Surprisingly, that didn’t piss him off like I thought. The asshole seemed to quite enjoy it. He took my hits like I was purely swapping a fly at the same time successfully stripping me of my clothes. I feel my cheeks warming and shake my head vigorously. Still, he made me cum buckets.

“Argh!” I sigh frustrated with myself.

A little knock sounds at the door before I hear the locks and Cindy walks in. Once again, she carries a tray of food. She scans the room and see me seated by the window granting me a small smile.

“Good morning, Pete. Khun Vegas wants you to have breakfast in your room again.” She walks the food over to the table close by and sets it down.

“Cindy… you really can’t help me? Even just a little?” I look up at her with sad puppy eyes.


“Okay yeah, I know. How’s your back?”

“It’s healing.”

“That’s good.”

“I see you took my advice.” I look at her in confusion.

“You look much better today.” Cindy offers a smile.

“Took your advice? To please him?” She nods her head. This makes me laugh. “Cindy, I fought with him. What do you mean took your advice?”

“And you’re still alive?” Her eyes open widely. “You must be special.”

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

“Anyways… I have to go back to work. Make sure you eat your food.” Cindy turns to leave.

I quickly finish my breakfast and afterwards, I start looking through the room again. There must be something in here I can use. Vegas can’t be that meticulous, can he?

I walk past the camera and look up at the red light on it. I stare at it annoyed before sticking my middle finger up at it. Bastard.

I hurried to the window and look out. There were a few men roaming the grounds outside on this side of the house which seems to be facing the back. Beyond the little yard is only trees and mountains. I wonder if I can safely jump down from this distance without breaking a leg. We’re only on the second floor. Well, there’s only one way to find out. Now how to break this window…

I grab the chair by the window and lift it over my head. Here goes nothing…

Just as I’m about the throw the chair I hear loud bangs making me drop the chair.

“What the hell…” I look out the window to see the men back there all running away out of view. Then I hear more gunshots follow by shouts.

Is this some kind of shootout? Drive by? I run to the door and try the handle but it’s still lock. Suddenly a gunshot sounded from the other side too close to the door before a loud bang hits the door. I quickly duck back. The door handle starts to rattle frightening me. I dart to the bathroom shutting the door behind me and locking it. I hide in the shower as the loud commotion outside resumes.

The sound of the bedroom door being kicked in makes me jump. Quickly I cover my mouth to not make a sound. Where the hell are you Vegas?

I catch my thought but for some reason, it doesn’t bother me like how it should. Something in my gut just told me, being with Vegas is better than being alone in this situation.

“Pete!” My head perks when I hear my name being called. It wasn’t Vegas but it was a voice I recognize. The one bodyguard who watched over me when Vegas had me locked up. The same one who also whipped Cindy.

“Pete where are you?” He calls again.

I carefully get up and walk to the door. “I’m… I’m in here.”

I’m not sure if he even heard me. I was scare senseless and my voice shook.

“Come out. Vegas had me come get you. We need to go down and meet them.”

Slowly I open the door as I try to stop my shaking hand. I peek out to see it is the same bodyguard on the other side. He had his gun drawn and back to the wall ready to shoot someone if they come in.

He turns to look at me. “Let’s go.”

I nodded before following closely behind him. As we exit, a dead person laid just outside the door with a bullet hole in his head. A small cry escapes my lips and I look away grabbing onto the jacket of the guard. I’ve never seen a dead body before.

He guides me to the staircase, passing more dead bodies on the way. I kept my head down not daring to look anywhere afraid of what I might see.

“Pete, you need to lift your head and see where you’re going. Otherwise, you might fall down the stairs.” The man tells me.

Reluctantly, I lift my head up and carefully descend the stairs with him. Just as we make it to the bottom two men on their knees came into view with Vegas, the man that kidnapped me with him and three other men I don’t know, surrounding them. Just then, Vegas lifts a gun and shoots one of the men in front of him right in the head. The man falls back, dead, blood escaping the hole in his head. A cry escapes my lips and I stop dead in my track, my eyes train on Vegas. This is their real world. A world of crime, blood and death.

Everyone’s gaze falls on me and the fear inside me doubles.

“What the hell are you doing down here!” Vegas snaps. Huh?...

The guard before me suddenly turns around snatching me and places me in front of him like a shield before placing a gun to my temple.

“Drop all your weapons or I’ll shoot him dead right here, right now.” He threatens.

My eyes widen and I look at Vegas. Just the look in his eyes told me that he didn’t order this man to come get me. I was tricked.

“I guess we found ourselves the mole.” Vegas says keeping his gaze on me for a second longer before looking up at the man behind me.

The other man on the ground moves to get up but Vegas points his gun at him. None of the other men had dropped their guns yet either.

“Uh uh uh. Vegas, I’ll shoot your lover if you shoot him.”

“Vegas…” I call out to him barely above a whisper hoping he will save me even if I’m absolutely nothing to him. Cindy said he saved her. He’s not all evil. And that I’m special. I can only pray that’s all true. Tears swell in my eyes.

Vegas makes eye contact with me, his hand paused for only a moment before he pulls the trigger. I flinch back as my heart drops to the pit of my stomach preparing myself for the worst.

“sh*t! f*ck!” The guard holding me yells. The gun in his hand shakes against my temple.

“I knew you were bluffing.” Vegas says.

“I’m not! I’ll really kill him!” He shouts.

“You think I care about him? You think to use him against me?” Vegas chuckles at the idea before wiping all emotions from his face.

“I know you do. You treat him differently from the rest.”

“Do I now?” Vegas stares at me with a blank expression, his eyes dark. He lifts his gun and my lips tremble.

“What the hell are you-”

I hear the loud bang of the gun. Then I feel the excruciating pain as the bullet pierce through my chest and feel my breath being rip out of my lungs. A shallow breath leaves my lips. I look at Vegas as he looks at me, his face stoic. My tears finally fall. I’m not special at all… My eyes closed and then, nothing.


A/N: Yeah major cliffhanger. I'll try to get next chapter out as soon as I can. I hope you enjoyed and please continue to vote, comment and share. Thank you! Until next chapter, take care!

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


As soon as Pete’s eyes close and he starts to fall I sprint over to him catching him before he hits the ground. His blood from his wound rushes out of him staining his clothes.


I turn to look at the damn mole now on the ground next to Pete to make sure he was dead. The bullet ripped right through Pete and puncture the bastard’s heart.

“Arm! Doctor now!” I shouted.

“Vegas, who is he?” Tankhun rushes over to me but I ignore him.

I pick Pete up into my arms and hurried him upstairs to my room. I lay him down and grab a few towels, putting pressure on both his enter and exit wound to try and stop the bleeding.

“Vegas…” Tankhun follows into the room.

“Clean this mess up. Find out who sent them. They dare enter my territory, my own home and challenge me.” My voice was cold and deadly letting Tankhun know not to f*ck with me. I didn’t realize my hand was shaking so badly. And I wasn’t even sure if it was shaking because of anger, or because of the man laying down bleeding next to me.

“On it.” Tankhun says. He gives me one last look before walking out.

I bend over putting my ear next to Pete’s mouth. He’s breathing. I release a little sigh of my own.

I took a chance back there. Being in this business since birth, I know I’m a pretty damn good shot. The bastard was taller than Pete. I knew if I aimed it right, I could get the bullet through Pete and shoot the bastard standing behind him in the heart too. But when that bullet ripped through Pete and his tears fell, for some f*cking crazy reason, I felt that pain as if it was me who was shot.

Arm comes running through the door with the doctor we keep close for instances like this. A private doctor who works only for us. I back away from Pete and he gets to work right away.


“Khun Vegas, it’s a flesh wound. He will fully recover with care and rest. The bullet entered through the front under the collarbone and through his back but didn’t hit any bones or organs. It might be hard for him to use his left arm for awhile. And he might have fevers so watch him closely. I’ll have someone drop off his medication later.” The doctor informs me. I only nod at him and he leaves.

I enter the room and pull a chair next to Pete. He was in only pants, with his top half wrapped in bandage. I reach a hand to touch his face but stop myself. Why am I acting like this towards him? I admit one of the reasons I decided to shoot Pete wasn’t just because I knew I could kill the man behind him but also because I wanted to prove to myself that he meant nothing. So why am I doing this now?

A knock sounds at the door and I drop my hand but keep my gaze on Pete.

“What did you find?” I knew it was Tankhun without looking.

“It was the East Gang. I found a calling card in the pocket of the mole. The ones they leave behind after a job is done.” Tankhun says.

“That Kim really wants war huh?”

“Vegas, I still think we should go with my plan. We already eliminated all the people sent here today and found a mole in our men.” He insists.

“You expect me to not retaliate and let Kim think that he can do whatever he wants?” Pete’s brows twitches slightly and I’m angry all over again.

“No… I just think that can wait until we sort out the matter of taking over the South first. Don’t you think? If we attack them now, they will only attack back again and it will be a never-ending cycle. When will we make time to find the hidden child?”

“Fine. I’m trusting you on this Khun. Find me that child. All the information you can gather. I want it as soon as possible. Where are the bodies?”

“Still out back.” He says.

“Chop off all their heads and send them to Kim.” I command dead serious.

“You’re one crazy bastard.” Khun sighs.

“So who is he? Pete?” Khun asks changing the subject.

“He’s nobody.”

“Nobody? When you haven’t once looked at me since I enter this room?” Finally, I remove my gaze from Pete and look at Tankhun.

“Don’t think I don’t know you shot him because we were all there and you were being challenged. Not to mention, you knew exactly where to shoot to not kill him. You could have easily ended them both. So, who is he?” Tankhun asks once again. The bastard knows me too well. I turn back to look at Pete.

“A flaw. One that must be eliminated.” I said.


I slept with Pete throughout the night though I didn’t touch him. My own damning thoughts kept me awake for the most part. I couldn’t get his teary face out of my head. He broke a small fever but for the most part, he slept calmly.

The next morning, I had Arm gather all our current men here and do background checks on them showing them the severed head and making damn sure they are all aware that if they even think to betray me, they will meet the same fate. Afterwards, I had him check on everyone at my city home as well. Another event like this cannot happen again. As for that Kim bastard, he will get his. That was a damn promise.

I return to Pete’s side after handling the aftermath of everything and postponing the trip to phu*ket a few days until Pete gets better. The doctor comes back to check on Pete and change his IV before leaving again.

“Khun Vegas…” Cindy enters the room after knocking.

“I picked this up yesterday after the incident.” She brings a cake with her reminding me that it was Pete’s birthday yesterday. What a turn of event this is. Instead of getting a cake, he got a bullet from me instead.

“Toss it.” I ordered.

“You can still give it to him when he wakes.” Cindy suggests.

“You’re funny.” A humorless chuckle leaves me. “How do you know it’s for him?”

“Who else will it be for?” she replies.

“Trust me. He doesn’t want it. Toss it. Keep it. Up to you.”

“Yes sir.” Cindy leaves the room.

I look over to Pete and his brows were slightly scrunch together again like he was having a bad dream. I finally cave and touch his face with my hand. I slowly trace circles around his brow area until his muscles relaxes.

I’m well aware now what I must do with him, with this obsession before he becomes more of a weakness used against me again.

Suddenly, his eyes open looking a little confused and hazy. I pull my hand back with my heart speeding up for some damn reason.

“Pete…” his name slowly left my lips.

His eyes closes and his lips twisted in pain before he opens them again. He turns his gaze to me and immediately coil back and then grunts in pain at his sudden movement. His right hand moves to cover where the bullet hit him on the chest and he looks at me, his eyes shine with pain and fear.



I’m still alive…

Memories of everything that happened before I blacked out rushes through my mind as I place a hand over the pain burning over my chest. My back was also in a lot of pain. But that doesn’t even compare to the ache in my heart and the fear I have for this man looking at me, with that same stoic face he had on before and after shooting me. He actually really shot me. Now I’m very sure he is capable of killing me. Not once but twice he put my life in danger, when he shot that man and when he shot me himself. I’m no one special to him at all.

“Pete…” he reaches a hand out to me. I wanted to move but it hurts too much. But when I open my mouth to speak, a dry cough comes out hurting my chest. I was in pain and dehydrated.

Vegas looks at me for a moment before reaching for a water bottle on the nightstand. He opens it and brings it to my lips. I turn my head away.

“Don’t be stubborn.” He says, his voice rough.

He moves the bottle to me again. When I try to turn away, he grips my chin with his fingertips. My lips tremble and I can see the muscle in his jaw tick. He pulls my chin down and tilts the water into my mouth. I drink a little before turning my head away.

“Get away from me.” I breath.

Vegas puts the bottle back and turns to look at me. I couldn’t bear to look into those cold dark eyes of his so Iook away.

“Scared of me now?” He asks. I don’t reply to him. “Or just don’t want to talk to me because I shot you?”

When I don’t say anything, I hear him get up from his chair. He leans down over me, palms the side of my face and move my head to look at him. He watches as my tears roll down my face and notice the way my body shook in fear. Again, the muscle in his jaws move.

“You shot me. Of course, I’m scare of you. I’ve always been scare of you.” I say in a low voice. “You should have just killed me.”

“I’ll go get the doctor.” Vegas says backing away. Why does he look a little conflicted?

He takes one last long look at me before leaving. As soon as the door close, a cry escapes my throat.


After a doctor comes and look me over, he briefly explained to me the extent of my injuries with Vegas there the whole time just burning holes into me. I wanted to ask the doctor for help but knew if he was here, he was no better than the people in this house who won’t help me at all. When he leaves, I’m left alone once more with Vegas.

I notice that I’m no longer in that other room and a new one. This one bigger than the last and I knew immediately it was Vegas’s own room. The sheets reeks of him.

Even though the doctor explained to me, it was just a flesh wound, that doesn’t change the fact that Vegas shot me and so close to the heart too. And he intended to shoot me that I’m sure of. If he’s so good as a gunman to shoot a bullet through me without killing me and missing everything in between, he could have easily shot that guard in the head. Whatever happened to that person anyways?

“Cindy will be bringing food soon. You need to eat and take your medication then rest some more.” Vegas says breaking the silence.

“Stop pretending to be nice. It doesn’t suit you.” I say.

Vegas stalks towards me and harshly grips my chin. He leans down until his lips is but an inch away.

“You think I’m being nice Pete? I just want you to get better so I can f*ck you.” He growls in my face.

I grab his wrist. “Get your dirty hand off me.”

“You have enough energy to argue with me, then you have enough energy to f*ck.” Vegas slams his mouth on mine. I tried to push against him but end up hurting myself. I cry out in pain and Vegas moves back letting me go. I clutch at my wound, tears already forming.

A light knock at the door can be heard and then Cindy walks in.

“I brought porridge…” her voice trails off seeing my tearstain face.

“Make sure he takes his medication after eating.” Vegas orders before angrily walking away like this was all my fault.

“Ka…” she replies.

“Pete. Are you okay? How are you feeling?” Cindy sets the covered tray on the nightstand and sits beside me on the bed. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Cindy… I just want to go home.” I break down in tears and even just crying hurts physically.

“Pete… don’t cry. You’re going to end up hurting yourself.” Cindy put a hand on my good shoulder patting me gently.

“He shot me. I’m scare. I don’t want to be here anymore.” I feel like a child crying to her but I couldn’t help it. She consoles me until my cries were nothing but sniffles.

“I don’t know what happened since I hid in the basem*nt with some of the workers during the incident, but rumor has it, he shot you to save you.” She tells me.

“Huh?” I look at her confused.

“The bullet that tore through you hit that man right in the heart killing him instantly.”

“He’s dead?” Cindy nods her head. But I shake mine. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s evil.”

“Okay… he’s evil.” She nods agreeing.

“Aren’t you scare saying that?”

“This is Khun Vegas’s personal bedroom. There are no cameras in here. But don’t ask me to help you. I still can’t.”

“I know.” I say defeated. “It’s not like I can go anywhere in this condition.”

Cindy uncovers the tray of food and presents a bowl of porridge along with a piece of cake? She smiles at me when I look at her confused.

“Happy belated birthday Pete.”

“You know?” In the midst of this all, even I forgot my own birthday. “How did you know?”

“Not me. Khun Vegas. He ordered you a cake yesterday but that happened. So I decided to bring you a slice.” She informs me.

“Why would he…”

“I told you, you’re special.”

“Special enough to shoot.”

“Let’s not talk about it anymore. You need to eat and rest.” She concludes.

Cindy helps feed me food since my body is still weak, or maybe it’s just my heart that’s weak from everything that’s happened. She tries to give me the cake too but I refused knowing it’s from Vegas. After, she makes me take some medication before telling me she will be back with dinner later and leaving the room.

The medication made me drowsy and I immediately fall asleep. Some time later, I jolt awake from a nightmare. The room was shrouded in darkness with little moonlight letting me know that night had already fallen. Beneath me, I feel the warmth of a naked chest and strong arms holding me. I tried to move but am hold tightly by the waist.

“Stay still.” Vegas says in the darkness. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Let me go Vegas.”

“You had a fever and was having a nightmare. It was you who called my name in your sleep.” He tells me.

“I would never.” I breathe trying to move but the pain was too much halting me.

Vegas lifts my head up by my chin so I can see him. “You did. I never lie.”

“Maybe because you’re the monster in my dreams.” I whisper.

“Monster or not, you cried out for me.” He reaches a hand and wipe a tear from my face I didn’t know was there. “Why are you crying? Are you really that afriad of me?”

“I want to go home Vegas. If you’re not going to kill me, please let me go home.” My lips tremble and I hate myself for feeling so weak, like a crybaby right now. And I hate it even more that I still think he will find some kind of compassion in him to let me go. Cindy must be getting to me.

Instead of answering me, Vegas bends down and places a kiss on my lips. Not an intruding one, just his lips against mine, connecting us as one. I allow his lips to linger on mine for a moment as my fingers grips his chest before turning my head away breathing heavily as if he not kissed me but stole my very breath away.

“I’m not going to kill you, Pete. I’ll let you go home. I promise.” He breathes.

“Huh?...” I turn back to look at him not believing what I just heard.

“But in exchange. Just for this week, let me have what I want. Don’t hide from me. Don’t say no to me. Don’t be afraid of me.” He says lowly caressing my cheek. “And I’ll take you home.”

I swallow the rock in my throat thinking about what he just said. Is he being serious or is he lying? He said he doesn’t lie and I don’t think a man like Vegas lies. He doesn’t have a need to lie. I exhale a slow breath. If it means I can go home then…

I slowly nod. “Okay…”


A/N: Hi loves, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I can't wait to share what happens next with you all but I'll be busy this weekend and next week so I might not update for a bit. Please comment, vote and share as always. Thank you and take care!

Chapter 7


Hello luves, sorry for the long wait. I didn't do much editing these next chapters so forgive me please. But these are longer chapters! Happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Just for this week, I’ll enjoy him. I’ll live out and rid of this obsession that’s taken all my time this past month. Maybe if I had paid more attention to my men instead of him, that reckless attack wouldn’t have happened. Yeah, I’ll allow myself just this week to step outside my norm and indulge in whatever crazy hold he has over me. Then I’ll take him home. All the way to phu*ket.

I toss my cigarette over the balcony and return to my bedroom. My eyes naturally finds Pete who is still sleeping. After giving me an answer last night, he fell asleep in my arms once more. As much as I wanted to bury myself in him, I won’t touch him yet. His body is no where close to being healed. And I’m sure it will take more than one weeks time, but I don’t have a lot of time. Not anymore. I’ll give him another day or two and then him, his body, his soul, all of him is mine.

Pete stirs on the bed with his face scrunching in pain as he comes to. I watch as his lids adorn with the longest lashes I’ve ever seen on a man, open. He sighs, sounding disappointed like he just realizes that he is still stuck in this hell of a world. Pete slowly pulls himself up against the headboard grunting a little. He slowly pushes the blanket aside and moves to the edge of the bed.

“Going somewhere?” I speak for the first time. Pete looks at me surprised, only realizing now that I was in the room.

“I need to use the bathroom.” He says looking away.

I keep my gaze on him as I round the bed to where he is sitting. I grab his arm and put it around my neck as he looks at me confused. In one swift motion, I pick his little body up into my arms.

“Vegas!” Pete shouts but held into me tightly. “What are you doing?”

Instead of answering, I carry him into the bathroom and over to the toilet. I set him down, but kept my hold on him to make sure he is well balanced.

“I could have walked.” Pete informs me with a little blush forming above his dimples. “You shot me in the chest, not leg.”

“I’m well aware of where I shot you. And I know exactly what I’m doing.” I grab Pete by his little waist gluing my body against his back. Bending down, I whisper into his ear. “I’m seducing you.”

A slight shiver runs down Pete’s spine and he releases a slow soft breath. I smile satisfied with his reaction. I love how his sensitive body reacts to me, my touches, even if he denies me with his mouth.

“Let go. I need to use the toilet.” Pete put his hand over mine, but I dig my fingers into his waist holding tight. I trace my nose down his neck to his shoulder before planting a kiss there.

“I’ll go have breakfast brought up.” I say and finally release him. I needed to before I pounce on him. Healed or not, my dick was begging for his hole.

I return to the room with breakfast about ten minutes later. Pete was already in bed again, his back against the headboard. He looks at me as I approach, neither one of us saying a word. I set the tray on the nightstand beside the bed and sit down on the bed next to Pete. Grabbing the bowl of porridge Cindy made, I take a spoonful and blow on it before offering it to Pete. He looks up at me, wide eyed, confused and like I’ve sprouted horns on my head. The corner of my lips twitch and I nudge the spoon to his lips again.

I thought maybe Pete will say something, but instead he opens his mouth, closes his luscious lips over the spoon and accepts the food. My eyes naturally follow the movement of his natural red lips sliding off the spoon and I wished so badly it was my dick his lips were sliding off of. f*ck… I’m hard again. I don’t know if it’s me trying to seduce Pete or is he seducing me.

I continue to feed Pete until there’s nothing left in the bowl. When he finished, he gulps down a glass of water along with his medication. I watch as he licks his lips, delivering the final blow to my sanity. I sigh defeated and without uttering a single warning, I grab Pete and crush my lips to his.

Pete squeals a little surprised by my action. He raises the arm on his good shoulder and places a palm to my chest. Before he can push me away, I cover his hand with mine, moving his palm over my beating heart so he can feel exactly how he drives me wild inside. I curl my other hand behind his neck, tilting his head up to me. I continue to kiss him. Gently, softly, so as not to hurt him.

I trace his lips with my tongue, teasing him to open up for me. After a little teasing, Pete softly sighs, opening his mouth. My tongue immediate dives into his depth of sweet, sweet torture. My sweet torture. The only torture I would ever allow myself to surrender to. The thought made me kiss him even harder with Pete kissing me back with just as much passion. His palm now gripping the skin before my racing heart.

I had to force myself to stop devouring his lips before I do more and hurt him in the process. I detached my lips from Pete but kept our faces close, my forehead against his. Pete keeps his eyes shut as he tries to steady his breathing through his deliciously bruised red lips.

“Look at me Pete.” I say. Pete’s eyes flutter open and he looks up at me, his face a beautiful pink tint again. I trace a thumb over his plump lips. “I want you so badly right now, it hurts.”

I slide Pete’s hand on my chest that I’m still holding slowly down my body until his palm rests on my hard dick. Pete gasp a little but doesn’t pull away.

“Look what you do to me.” I slide off my pants, allowing my dick to surface. I straddle Pete, then I take his hand and wrap his fingers around my length. I wrap my own hand around his fingers and start slowly stroking myself with his palm.

A satisfying moan escapes my lips as I continue to stare into Pete’s brown orbs. He looks nervous but intrigue at the same time. Innocent yet curious. Beautiful.

I remove my hand off his own and the strokes slow down though he still holds onto my co*ck.

“Don’t slow down Pete, keep touching me.” I tell him. Pete nervously licks his bottom lip but speeds up at the same time. The corner of my lips curves up. He is no longer the teacher but the student, and f*ck, if he isn’t doing a fine ass job. Good students deserve to be rewarded.

My hand moves to his midsection and without warning, I slide my hand down his own pants finding his beautiful dick.

“Ve...” Pete gasp and start to say.

“Shhh… it’s okay to lose yourself in the moment. This doesn’t make you a bad person. Just enjoy it.” I whisper and capture his lips once more.

Pete’s body stiffen for just a moment before melting into my touch. I kiss him deeply as I begin to stroke his full length that mirrors my own hardness. His own hand around my co*ck starts to pick up speed again matching each stroke I give him. Just this and I’m ready to cum for him. f*ck…

“You’re going to make me cum so hard.” I groan into his mouth.

“Me too…” He moans softly before shutting his eyes tightly and crying out. I feel the first spurt of his warm cum landing on my arm before my own org*sm hits me and I’m grunting like a bitch in Pete’s mouth. We continue to stroke each other until the very last drop of cum is gone.

Pete releases his hold on me first and drops back lazily against the headboard now that his adrenaline is gone. I take my hands off Pete but not before swiping a finger of his cum and bringing it to my lips. I slowly lick his essence off my fingers. Still delicious as ever. I catch Pete staring at me with his hooded gaze and he looks… turned on? I smile as he realizes he was caught staring and quickly looks away biting his lips.

“What do we do now? You’re all dirty.” I look him over and his clothes are stained with his and my cum.

“Just give me new clothing. I’ll change.” Pete looks down and gasp. He quickly tucks his dick back into his pants. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Putting my own pants on, I go into the walk-in closet and grab a random shirt and pants of mine and bring it out placing it on the bed. Then I go into the bathroom and return with a wet face towel before returning to Pete’s side. I start to take off his shirt for him.

“I can do it myself.” He says but already shows discomfort on his face when I lift his left arm slightly.

“You know, you’re pretty stubborn for someone who had agreed to my deal.” I nonchalantly say, taking his shirt off.

“I’m not stubborn…” He mumbles like a kid.

I take the wet towel and wipe where cum had landed on his skin. He looks at me like he wants to say something but bites his lips instead.

“Would you rather bathe?” I asks knowing he will need help with that too since he can’t get his wound wet.

Pete shakes his head. “This is fine. I can bathe later tonight.”

I nod at him and continue to wipe him. I then take off his pants before putting on new clothes for him. He’s much smaller than me so the clothes hang loosely on his body. Yet seeing him in my clothes somehow satisfy me in a strange way.

“I’m going to work and won’t be back until later. I’ll have Cindy bring you your meals for the day. Rest up.” I tell Pete after dressing him.

After I shower and clean myself up, I leave Pete alone for the rest of the day while I tend to work.



What the hell is going on? I couldn’t help but think to myself all day alone in the room. Vegas, he seems like a whole different person this morning. He was so gentle, caring and attentive. Nothing like the monster I know he is.

I know we made a deal but that deal didn’t include him being nice. Or is this just how he really is when I actually listen and do as he say? I snort to myself and shake my head. Him nice? That’s not possible.

A knock comes from the other side of the door and I knew it was Cindy coming to bring me dinner. She was here earlier with lunch and said she will be back. I watch as Cindy enters with a covered tray. She smiles upon seeing me and I smile back. I have to admit, although Cindy is a part of this household that’s keeping me captive, she was growing on me.

“I made you a steak for dinner.” Cindy said coming beside me. She sets the tray down and open the cover. There is a plate with the steak already sliced so no knife is needed. Beside the steak is another slice of cake.

“Cindy…” She gives me a small smile.

“Pete, I think you should have at least a bite to celebrate your birthday.”

“It’s not my birthday anymore and I already said I don’t want to eat it. It’s from him.” I tell her.

“All these foods you’ve been eating are from him too.” She counters. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. She was absolutely right.

“Why are you pushing it?” I asked genuinely curious.

“Because… you have a birthday.” She looks down at the cake with a sad smile.

“What do you mean. We all do.”

Cindy shakes her head. “I don’t remember mine. So, I don’t have one.”

“What?...” I look at her confused.

“I told you Vegas saved me from human traffickers. Who do you think sold me to them? My own family. With the family I had, birthdays are not celebrated or even remembered. Long forgotten with the abuse and struggle to stay alive.”

“Cindy… I’m sorry…” I try to move to her but groan in pain when I moved too fast.

“It’s okay. Don’t move. It’s all in the past.” Cindy looks at me with watery eyes and smile making my heart hurt for her. I wanted to hug her and offer my comfort because that’s the only thing I can do. I can’t even advise or relate to her since I come from a loving family. One I miss so dearly right now.

“Eat your food before it gets cold. I won’t bring the cake anymore. It will probably go bad after this anyways.” She hands me the plate of steak, setting it on my lap.

I push the plate back to her and smile. “I want cake first.”

“Okay.” She smiles back and put the steak aside. She grabs the cake and scoop me a fork full bringing it to my mouth. I happily accept the sweet treat. The flavor was of vanilla and very delicious.

“It’s good!” I grin at her. She chuckles and scoop another fork full. Before she can give it to me, the door opens and Vegas walks in. He stares at us as Cindy’s hand stop short of my agape mouth.

Vegas arch a brow at us and Cindy drops her hand.

“Ah… this. You said I can keep it or toss it so I kept it. Look, Pete likes it.” Cindy said showing Vegas the piece of cake with a few bites missing. I can feel my face warming. This was not supposed to happen.

“Leave us.” Vegas orders and Cindy didn’t have to be told twice. She was gone in an instant.

Vegas walks over and sits next to me. He stares at my untouched dinner since I decided to start with dessert instead for Cindy. Will he get angry now that I haven’t eaten it yet? Will he punish Cindy?

Vegas picks up the plate with the cake. He grabs the fork that still have cake on it and brings it to my lips surprising me. I thought for sure he would get angry.

I slowly open my mouth and take the cake in, chewing and licking my lips in the process. I didn’t miss the way Vegas’s eyes follow every movement of my lips. The horny bastard. But who am I to judge, his intense needy stares send shivers down my spine with just a look. And not bad shivers too. And I admit that sometimes, or recently, he makes me feel good, physically. Does that make me a bad person to enjoy these lewd acts with this devil of a man? No… he said so himself this morning.

Vegas finishes feeding me the cake before setting the plate aside. He looks at me just as I lick the last of the cream off my lip. I knew what was coming already as he palms my face and plants his annoyingly soft lips on mine. Shouldn’t a monster like him have rough lips? The thought crosses my mind as he thoroughly taste every corner inside my mouth. Just as I’m about to get lost in his now familiar touch, he pulls back.

Vegas licks his lips and looks at me. “Sweet. So damn sweet. But I can’t tell if it’s the cake or just you.”

Oddly my heart skips a beat at his word and I quickly look away nibbling on my bottom lip. The things that come out of this man's mouth. He can hypnotize anyone to fall for him if they didn’t know he’s the devil.

“Happy belated birthday, Pete.” Vegas grabs my chin and turn me to look at him. “Tell me, if there is one thing you want for your birthday? What is it?”

My brows scrunch together and I didn’t even have to think about it. “Besides a bullet? I want to go home.”

“You sure talk about getting shot casually now. I remember you were so scare when you woke up.” Vegas provides me with a half-smile that makes my skin crawl.

“I am still scare of you Vegas. Very afraid. But you ask me not to be and you will take me home.” I am indeed afraid of him. After everything he put me through in such a short time, who wouldn’t be? But if to survive, I have to sit here and play house with him, then so be it.

The muscles in Vegas’s jaw clenched before he releases it. “You will be going home soon anyways. So, anything else you want?”

Was he seriously asking me for what I want? And will he gift it to me since he wants to know so bad?

“I… I want to call my family.” I say just above a whisper. Vegas lifts a questioning brow at me. “Not to ask for help or anything! Like you said, you’re taking me home anyways. I just… I know they are worried about me. I just want to tell them I’m alive and well. Please.”

Vegas keeps those steely eyes on me, calculating my request. He gets up without saying anything.

“Vegas…” His name came out sadder than I wanted it to. Maybe because, I thought he might just let me.

“Finish your dinner.” That was all he said before disappearing into the bathroom.

I dejectedly grab the plate of steak and set it on my lap. Then I start feeding myself with my good arm not really tasting the food. Although I was shot above the chest, my left shoulder and arm are still no use to me.

I finished almost everything before Vegas exits the bathroom. He was still dressed the same and his hair still dried. I had thought he maybe had wash since I heard the water running.

“Are you done?” Vegas asks me stopping before me. I only nod at him.

He takes the plate from my lap and set it back on the tray. Then he bends down and scoops me into his arm again.

“Bath time.” He says as he carries me to the bathroom. Already the nerves are spreading within me. Is he planning to bathe me?



“I’m not a child or helpless heroine. You don’t need to treat me as such. I’m a man through and through.” I tell him as we enter the bathroom with me still in his arms.

“I’m well aware of how much of a man you are Pete. I only f*ck men.” He smirks down at me making me redden. Bastard.

Vegas sets me on the edge of the decent size tub that is filled with water but not much. He grabs the hem of the shirt I’m wearing and starts pulling it over my head until it was completely off. It was easy enough to do since these clothes are so big on me, I assume they are his.

I’m well aware of where this is going and that I will have no say since I already made a deal with him. I laugh to myself inside. Deal or no deal, he would have done whatever the f*ck he wanted anyways.

Vegas hooks his fingers into the waistband of the pants and rid me of that as well. Then he removed all his clothes after. I couldn’t help but eye his semi hard dick. It was massive. How does that thing fit into me every time? I unintentionally lick my lips and hear a little growl coming from Vegas’s throat.


I turn away for sure blushing now. I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just… there!

“Get up.” Vegas commands. As if he had a string attached to me to do his bidding, I get up from the edge of the tub.

Vegas close the small gap between us. Bending down slightly, he picks me up again. He carries me over the edge and into the tub with him. Slowly, he lowers us, him first so his back is to the tub. Then he sets me between his legs, my back to his chest and to his now hard co*ck poking me from behind.

Vegas gently leans me back against him like I’m made a glass. Like I’m too fragile and can break at any second. The warm water surrounded us but only comes up to our waist, barely covering my own dick. My hard dick. I scream internally at myself for not having control over my body. What the hell did this devil do to me?

Vegas grabs a small clothe and slowly starts to wipe my body with it, avoiding my wounds. When he is done, he grabs the soap and lathers his hands with it. Slowly, starting at my shoulder, he slides his hands down my arms coating my skin with the soap. Then he moves over to my torso, rubbing his large palms all over me. He lets a palm glide over my sensitive nipple, purposely letting it linger there for a little longer. I suck in a breath and gulp it down from the sensation of that simple touch. While one palm lays over my nipple, he slides his other down my belly. I can feel my muscles tightening up in my groin, waiting, expecting for him to touch me there. Instead, Vegas stops and moves his hands making me release a little sigh in frustration. Did I want him to touch me?

Vegas divert his attention to my legs. He lifts both of them so I’m bending them at the knee and both are poking out of the water. He lathers his hands once more and start running his hands up and down my thigh, each time coming closer and closer to my core.

My hands fist at side under the water. The bastard was teasing me, making me feel all hot and bother and hard as a rock. The feel of his big strong hands massaging my skin left a trail of fire wherever he touched.

Vegas slides a hand up my thigh and without realizing it, I opened my leg wider for him but the bastard stop just an inch short of touching me. I close my eyes and bite down on my lip so I don’t squeal in disappointment. I lean back into Vegas even more. The temptation is too high drowning my head with wicked thoughts.



“Touch me.” I let the words slip my mouth. This was so wrong but I needed his touch so bad.

“I am touching you.” The bastard said.

“You know what I mean.”

Vegas sets his chin on my shoulder and turn to whisper in my ear. “Tell me where you want me to touch you, Pete.”

I can feel my face heating up and turn to look at his face resting on my shoulder. How come I haven’t realized this before? He’s quite beautiful. His features are rough, but he’s very handsome.

Vegas squeezes my inner thigh when I don’t reply to him reminding me how horny I currently am.

“Vegas. Touch… touch my dick.” I say surrendering to him. Just for this week…

Vegas immediately obeys wrapping his long fingers around my co*ck. I hiss, sucking a breath of air at his touch. The corner of Vegas’s lips lifts up. He starts stroking me up and down my shaft. At the same time, he places little kisses on my shoulder, gently sucking the skin between his teeth every now and again. His other hand continues to touch every part of my body before stopping at my nipple and flicking and playing with the bud.

I throw my head back against Vegas, the sensation growing too strong for me. His hand on my dick and nipple and his lips doing God knows what to my sensitive skin. All of his touches, all of it was driving me mad. My eyes shut tightly and a breathy moan escapes my lips with the first spurt of cum shooting from my dick. My back arches against his body and there was pain in my chest but even that pain was overcome with the intense sensation of my org*sm.

When the cum finally empties from me, I slump back against Vegas’s chest, breathing heavily and highly satisfied. I can feel his hard co*ck still poking my lower back. He just satisfied me. Does that mean I have to return the favor now?

I get up from his chest and try to turn around so I can have better access to service him but he grabs my arms stopping me.

“What are you doing?”

“Uhh… I thought to turn around so I can um… help you too.” I say all shy now. Vegas chuckles and pulls me back to him.

“Don’t worry about it.”


Is he serious? Is he letting me off?

“I can help myself… to you.” He finishes.

“Huh?” Before I can react, Vegas spreads my legs over him and bend them at the knees once more. His hands reach under me and spread my ass cheek. Then I feel his hard co*ck at my hole. Of course, he wasn’t letting me off.

“I’ll be extra gentle to not hurt you too much.” He whispers in my ears before plunging his full length into me. Gentle my ass!

“Ahh…” I moan out loudly. He was so deep, I can feel him in my stomach.

Vegas curls a hand around my neck and turns my head back to him. He bends down capturing my lips kissing me slowly and softly. As gentle as he was kissing me, he starts f*cking me just as gentle, surprising me. His movements are slow, but still so fulfilling. It felt nice.

I thrust my tongue into Vegas’s mouth and slowly massage his tongue like how he did mine. I think I’m getting the hang of this now, this kissing. This too, feels nice now. I feel his hand on my dick that’s already semi hard again. I moan into his mouth and he hums a satisfying tone kissing me deeper.

“Do you know how hard it is for me to not ravage you? I want to f*ck you so hard.” Vegas says between kisses.

“Yes, f*ck me.” I mouth and then gasp not believing I said that out loud.

Vegas pulls back from the kiss to look at me. He chuckles slightly. Damn even his smile is nice.

“Just you wait angel. I’ll f*ck you nice and hard once you get better.” As he said that, he pounds into me just a little harder making me half shout, half moan.

Even though I wanted more, I too know that my body won’t be able to handle it. So I lay back against him as he continues to slowly f*ck me and torture my body with his sweet touches until we are both cumming and moaning into each other’s mouth.

When Vegas finally pulls out of me, I lean back into him tired. Even though this was a slow f*ck, with my current state, it was enough to exhaust me.

“I think I have to clean you again.” Vegas says.

“Mmmm.” I mumbled with my eyes closing. I can hear him chuckle at me but I don’t mind.



“I’ll let you call your family tomorrow.”

“What!” My eyes immediately flutter open. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. Remember I don’t lie.” He nods once.

I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face and the little excited squeal emitting from my throat.

“Thank you, Vegas! Thank you!” I grin up to him.

Vegas’s eyes squint for a second before his lips raised in a half smile. I lean back against him and close my eyes. I should quickly sleep so tomorrow would come. I didn’t even care that we were still in the tub. I think I heard Vegas sigh before falling asleep.


A/N: Hope you enjoy this light chapter. Who's going to fall first? Lol. As always please, comment, vote and share. Thank you!

Chapter 8


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Pete is absolutely a dangerous person. A threat to my sanity. Not only does his body and voice hypnotize me, but that smile he gave me yesterday before falling asleep in my embrace, made me want to conquer the world and give it to him just so I can see that smile again. f*ck me.

Never have I done anything for anyone without benefiting from it. With Pete, I seem to willingly want to please him even if it’s just a little. Allowing him to call his family is very risky but I guess you can say I’m benefitting from this since Pete willingly gave himself to me. But for sex, I’ve never done anything remotely close to being nice just for sex. This is indeed dangerous.


“Yes boss?” Arm replies to me as we sit in my office.

“When are we set for phu*ket?”

“In three days, sir.” He answered.

“Three days…” Already.

“Is something wrong?” Arm asks.

“No…” Just three more days with Pete then I’m letting him go. The feeling didn’t sit right with me. I haven’t even had the time to f*ck him properly yet. At least that’s what I’m trying to convince myself for why my heart suddenly sped up.

“Okay, I’ve postponed the setting of new routes for our trade until we return from phu*ket. We should have everything handled here until then.” Arm informs me. “Anything else I can do for you today?”

“Yeah… Give me Pete’s phone.”

“Um sir… All his belongings have been in your room this whole time, including his phone. It’s in your closet.” Arm says.

“You mean to tell me, he had access to his phone this whole time and I left him alone in my room?” I almost growled out.

“Well sir. I thought you knew. I told you from the beginning his things were in your room.” Arm defends himself.

Yeah, he did tell me. But once again I’ve been too distracted to realize it. Damn it all. I can really put us in danger soon enough if I continue to leave my f*cking head in the clouds.

“Okay. That’s all for today.” Arm nods and leaves my office. I quickly make my way back to my room. It was already evening and I know Pete has been anticipating this call all day. If only he knew how close he’s been to his phone this whole time. My only saving grace is his wound keeping him bedridden and the high possibility of his phone being dead after so long.

I enter the room and naturally look over to the bed but Pete wasn’t there. Immediately my senses spike. Before I can call for him, he exits the bathroom.

“Vegas!” He smiles at me. Again, with that smile. One he hasn’t ever shown me until last night. I’ve only seen him smile like that with the village kids. That’s what made me addicted to him in the first place.

Pete slowly walks over to me with the same smile on his face and expectancy shining in his eyes. What a simple and naïve person he is. Already he’s forgotten the monster that I am. It makes me almost want to show him the monster in me again, not this devil with a halo he’s currently seeing me as.

“Can I make the call now?” He asks stopping in front of me.

I lift a brow at him. “Not even a greeting?”

“Oh…” He blinks a few times. “Um hi, how was your day?”

I throw my head back and laugh. Genuinely laugh. Something I haven’t done in a very, very long time. Pete looks at me confused, his smile wavering. He is indeed an entertaining one. How I’m going to miss him when I let him go. Maybe I can convince him to still see me after all this. Yes, maybe I’ll do just that and still make him periodic visits. It would be a shame to give up someone as delectable and entertaining as him.

“Go sit. Let me change first.” I tell him.

Pete nods and returns to bed as I enter the closet. I changed into more comfortable clothes and find his luggage in the corner of the closet. Digging through it, I pull out his phone. Indeed, it was dead. I also find his charger and exit the closet. Pete’s eyes widen as he sees his phone in my hand.

“Where did you get that?” He asks.

Ignoring him, I walk over to the nightstand and plug his phone into the charger before turning it on. Immediately, his phone blows up with notifications. Missed calls and messages pops up one after another. Pete reaches to grab his phone but stops when I look at him.

“They must have been so worried.” He mouths sadly.

“You get one call.” I sit down next to him and grab his chin with pressure so he understands me. Pete winces but doesn’t say anything. “This is your one and only warning. Say anything I don’t like and I’ll end the call. And not only will you not be going home but I will hunt down your family and kill them. Understand?”

Pete’s lips waver but he nods. “Understood.”

“Unlock it.” I let him go and held the phone to him. Pete uses his finger and the screen unlocks. I then take it back and open his contacts.

“Who are you going to call?” I ask.

“Um, my dad.” Pete says. I find the contact saved as Dad and call it. Then I put the phone on speaker and hold it to Pete.

He looks at me and then down at his phone nervously. The first ring wasn’t even over yet when someone picked up.

“Pete! Son! Where are you? Where have you been?” An older man’s voice, I’m assuming his dad, yells through the phone in a panic.

“Dad…” Pete can barely get the word out, his lips shaking.

“Are you okay son? We’ve all been looking for you and worried sick. Ma come here! Pete called!” His dad shouts.

Even though they couldn’t see each other, Pete smiles at his phone. His eyes starting to water.

“Honey!” His mother cries through the phone. “Oh my God. Thank heavens you’re okay.”

“Ma…” Pete chokes. He quickly swallows a few deep breaths to compose himself.

“Where are you? What happened? Why did you stop calling?” His mom asks, her sobs ringing through the phone. “We are worried sick about you, even your brother is ready to drop out of school to come find you.”

“Ma, Pa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to not call you. I’m okay. I’m doing well.” Pete lies to them with a smile even though they can’t see him.

“I came looking for you. But the villagers said you moved on. Why did you move on without tell us?” His father asks. Pete looks at me confused since he wasn’t aware of his father coming up here.

Pete quickly clears his throat. “Uh… um. I’m sorry. Another village needed volunteers and I had to quickly decide if to go or not. When I arrived at the next village, I only found out then that, that village didn’t have access to electricity so I couldn’t call since my phone was dead. I know I should have tried to contact you all sooner but I couldn’t. I’m so sorry for making you all worried.”

“No no… don’t be sorry. As long as my son is okay. Ma is relieved and happy.” His mom cries.

“I’m so sorry ma please don’t cry. Pa sorry for making you come up here. Tell Chay I’m okay and sorry for making him worry too.”

“Mmm. Ma will. But please never disappear on us like this again. Mom was ready to have a heart attack.”

“I won’t, Ma. I promise.”

“Pete, son. The village chief that I met told me that you will be returning home soon?” His dad mentions. Again Pete looks at me confused.

“Um, yes I am. So you don’t have to worry about me anymore. I’ll be back soon.” Pete confirms to his parents. My hand grips the phone tighter for some reason. He really will be gone soon.

“That’s good son. We can’t wait to see you.” His father said sounding so much brighter now.

“Please take care of yourself until then. When will you be coming home?” his mom asks.

“Uh…” Pete looks at me. I raise three fingers at him. “In three days.”

“Okay. Ma can’t wait to see you. I will prepare all your favorite food.”

“Thanks Ma. Again, I’m sorry for making you all worry.” Pete apologizes.

“Not at all son. As long as you're happy and healthy, that’s all parents can ask of their kids.” His mom says.

“I am. Very happy and healthy.” Pete’s lips tremble. “Just so yall know, I won’t be able to call again. So I’ll see you all in a few days.”

“That’s okay. We love and miss you dear.”

“I love and miss everyone too.” I watch as the tears finally slip his eyes. “Bye now…”

I take the phone away from Pete and hit the end button before turning his phone off completely and removing it from the charger and setting it aside. Pete stares at the phone like I just ripped his heart away. Pete shifts his gaze to me. His lips tremble and another tear falls. Quickly he looks away.

“Thank you…” Pete whispers. “Why didn’t you tell me my dad came looking for me?”

“It wouldn’t have changed anything anyways.” I tell him.

I hook a finger under his chin and turn his face to me, still he doesn’t look at me. I gently wipe his tears away before cupping his face.

“Do you hate me.” I ask before I can think the question through. Pete nods his head once. The muscles in my jaws tighten even though I expect nothing less. Suddenly, Pete shakes his head surprising me and confusing me at the same time.

“I don’t hate you. I just don’t know why you did this. Why me?” He breathes above a whisper.

“Because Pete… The moment I laid my eyes on you, you made me feel things I’ve never felt before. And quite frankly, it’s damn annoying.” I trace his lips with my thumb. “I want to destroy your body yet cherish it with the upmost care. I want to make you scream yet I want to hear you laugh. I want to make you cry yet I want to wipe your tears away. I want to control you yet I lose self-control around you.”

I lean closer to Pete, stopping just before his lips. “I want to kill you for making me feel this way yet I want to bind you to me and keep you by my side forever.”

“Huh…” Pete breathes. I quickly silence anything else he has to say with my lips. I didn’t need any reply or answer from him. What I said, I meant every word. However he interprets it, that’s his thoughts alone. I know damn well now that he's a flaw. A flaw someone like me can never possess.

I break the kiss, already missing the touch of his lips. “So yes, you should hate me. Hate me with all your heart or else… I will want to make you mine forever.”

Pete looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes, his brows slightly scrunched. He reaches a hand and traces a single finger on my face. Just that simple touch alone made me want him. I grab his hand in mine stopping his movement. Pete opens his mouth but I drop his hand. Grabbing his phone, I quickly make my way out of the bedroom.


I didn’t return to the room at all yesterday. In fact, I haven’t seen Pete at all today too. Instead, I decided to cool off my head and work instead. Yesterday, the whole situation after he called his family, got a little too personal for me. In this line of work, one should never have feelings. I adjust the bloody brass knuckle on my hand and punch the rat in front of me one more time.

This morning we caught someone working for us trying to sell our route information to some street gang. Stupid doesn’t even begin to describe the insignificant rat. To sell one of the biggest mob’s info to some nobodies is a dumb ass and very desperate move. And really, it does no harm to me and my operation since they are all small fries in the underworld. But because of what happened lately and because I need to blow off steam, I decided to set an example out of this insignificant issue.

“Boss, there’s a phone call for you.” Arm informs me. I take off the brass knuckle and toss it aside. “What do you want to do with him?”

“Kill him.” I simply said taking the phone from Arm. I don’t wait for an answer and walk away from the mess. I enter my house and place the phone to my ears.


“Hello to you too.” Tankhun says through the phone. “Arm said you were busy bloodying someone up. Leave those poor idiots alone. You have bigger issues at hand.”

“Big or small, if you cross me, you suffer the consequences.” I said walking through the foyer. Tankhun sighs and I can imagine him rolling his eyes.

“Anyways, I found her. Your bride.” Tankhun says making me halt my steps. “She’s in phu*ket as we speak. We must move now before anyone else gets word of her location.”

My eyes look up the staircase and instead of thinking about this missing bride, I think about Pete. We were supposed to have three more days but Tankhun works fast. This should please me yet this unsettling feeling stirs at the pit of my stomach.

“Vegas, did you hear me?” He says.

“Yes. Give me a day. I’ll fly down first thing tomorrow. You go down there now and keep an eye on her.”

“Am I hearing this right? Is the Vegas putting work aside? The world must be ending.” He mocks.

“Khun…” my voice clips.

“Fine, I’ll go down first. But you better hurry. This isn’t some game. This determines war or not. Get that flaw out of your system and fast.” Tankhun said before hanging up. I sigh frustrated because he is absolutely correct. I cannot risks delaying this at all.

I return outside and see Arm walking towards me with a slump body on the ground behind him.

“Arm, we leave first thing tomorrow.” He understood what I meant and just nod.

Afterwards, I return to my bedroom for the first time since last night. I must admit, a little excitement boils within me as I open the door and see Pete sitting there. He had one of my books in his lap. I guess he’s bored of doing nothing all day in this room. I haven’t really thought of giving him anything to entertain himself but that doesn’t matter anymore. He will be home by tomorrow.

Pete looks up from the book and his gaze meets mine.

“Hi…” He greets me making me want to laugh. He took it seriously when I said I don’t even get a greeting.

“Hi…” I enter the room closing the door behind me. “What are you doing?”

He lifts the book up to show me and sets it back down. “I got bored so I took one of the books off the shelf. I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s fine. How are you feeling today?” I ask walking up to him.

“Good. Better than yesterday.” He replies.

“Let’s bathe.” I said sitting down next to him.

“Now?” Pete tilts his head in question but his gaze lands on my hand and he gasps, quickly looking away. My knuckles were bloody still.

I take the book off his laps and grab his hand ushering him to follow me. Once inside the bathroom I turn back to look at Pete. His eyes were on my bloody hand holding his.

“What, never seen blood before?” I let him go and start stripping myself.

“Did you…” he starts to ask.

“Kill someone? No. Arm did.” Pete’s mouth drops but says nothing.

After I remove all my clothes, I reach for Pete but he backs from my reach.

“Don’t touch me with those hands.” The fear in his eyes return.

“Do you really…” I take a step towards him. “Want to do this right now? When you’re so close to going home?”

I grab Pete and pull him against me. Pete bites down on his bottom lip and peers up at me through his lashes. I knew he was fighting an internal battle with himself. Yes, what I do disgusts him but the thought of pissing me off and losing his chance of going home weighs heavier on him. Now that I think about it, I want him to piss me off. Give me a reason to hold onto you Pete. f*ck.

I shove Pete away like he burned me. He winces in pain reminding me of his injury and I almost reached out to him again. f*ck my senseless emotions. I can’t control myself around him.

I turn to the sink and wash my hands of the blood. When I’m done, I turn on the water to make the bath. It was exactly in this bath that he willingly asked me to touch him. That he smiled that angelic smile at me. I sigh heavily and turn back to Pete who still stood at the same spot.

“Come here.” I tell him sitting on the edge of the tub. Pete nibbles on his lips but comes towards me. He stops before me and I grab him, placing him between my knees. I hold his waist tightly, inhaling his aroma into my lungs calming me before looking up at him.

“I don’t want to fight you or upset you tonight. Just for tonight, you’re not Pete and I’m not Vegas. We’re just two people highly attracted to each other. Just two people who will give and take from each other. Just two people who will lose themselves in each other’s embrace. Can you do that for me?”

I watch as Pete’s Adam’s apple bob with a swallow.

“Your bipolar personality confuses me to no end.” Pete touches my face with a finger tracing my jawline. “You scare me yet you make me crave a sinful damnation like never before. Maybe it’s not you I’m scare of but myself and what I can lose myself to if I allow myself to drown in whatever this is going on between us.”

I reach up and caress a hand to his face. “Then lose yourself. Just for tonight. For one more night. Lose yourself to me.”

I grab Pete and pull him down against me capturing his lips with mine. He doesn’t put up a fight but wrap his arms around my neck, opening his mouth and deepening the kiss. My hands glide up the inside of his shirt as I insert my tongue into his sweet hole and embrace his tongue with mine. I hook my fingers into his waistband and remove the pants on him before grabbing the hem of his shirt. Breaking our kiss, I carefully remove his shirt tossing it aside. I get into the tub and grab his arm to follow me. This time, I sit Pete down on my thighs so he is facing me. I pull him to me and start kissing him again, never getting enough of his taste.

Pete’s dick starts to harden against my own dick. He moans softly in my mouth as our dicks rub against each other. He was so f*cking sexy, I couldn’t wait anymore. Not breaking the kiss, I lift his bottom up and spread his cheeks enough to position my dick at his hole. In one smooth motion, I pull his body down until his tight little hole is swallowing me completely.

“f*ck…” I moan against his tongue. Pete also moans breathily as he digs his fingers into my shoulder to hold himself up.

I pull back and look at Pete who have his eyes closed with his long lashes fanning over his cheeks and his mouth open. I caress his cheek until he opens his eyes to look at me.

“You look so damn beautiful. An angel sent from heaven to ruin and conquer the devil himself. Conquer me Pete. Make this dick yours.” Pete blushes and I watch as he sexily nibbles on the corner of his lips biting back a smile.

“You have a way with words.” He says getting up and sitting down on my dick again.

“Do you like it? Am I seducing you enough yet?” I smirk at him. His lips finally break out into a smile and he shakes his head. I find his hard dick and stroke it slowly making him moan. “I think I you like it very much. But it’s you who’s seducing me with your voice, your smile, and this succulent body of yours.”

I start thrusting into Pete as he grabs my face and kisses me. He meets my thrust with his soft ass hitting my thighs making the water around us swoosh around. Even though I’m not as gentle as the other day, I’m still careful not to hurt him or get his wounds wet. I hold myself back, letting him take over as much as his body will allow him. Even though the sex is soft, the pleasure is just as intense. With him, everything is intense.

Pete continues to ride me bouncing his sweet little body up and down my dick holding onto me tightly. I remove my lips from his and attack his neck, shoulder and chest leaving my mark behind. I want him to see these marks after tomorrow and think of me every time his eyes land on them. Even after they disappear, I want him to crave me inside of him and miss my touch. Because, God only know I’ll f*cking miss it.

Pete starts imitating me and kiss my skin, nibbling with his little fangs. I never allow anyone to mark me before, but for him, he can lick, bite and suck my whole body and I’ll display it to the world like art on a canvas.

“Vegas I’m going to cum…” Pete breathes heavily and his movement becomes more erratic.

“Cum for me angel.” I whisper into his ear and bite his earlobe. Pete shouts out as his body shakes on top of me. f*ck… I grab his ass and slam it down one last time harder than before and bury myself deep within him as my own cum pours out of me. Pete bites down on my shoulder harshly intensifying my own org*sm.

“f*ck yes…” I throw my head back enjoying both the pleasure and pain this little human being is gifting me.

After we calm from our org*sms, I clean us up and removed us from the bathroom into the bedroom. There, I take Pete over and over again imprinting every little detail into my memory knowing they will haunt me for a long time.


“Pete…wake up.” I gently nudge Pete awake. Pete slowly opens his eyes and stretch his little body like a cat. Damn how I wish I can take him once more.

“I’m sore…” he mumbles making me chuckle. We might have over did it last night but there was no stopping us, not even his injury.

“You need to get up and get ready.” I tell him pulling him up into a sitting position. His eyes were closed again and he yawns like a little kid.

“Why, what’s going on today?” he asks.

“I’m taking you home Pete.”

“What?” His lids open immediately and suddenly sleep eludes him. “What did you say?”

“Home. You’re going home.” I repeat myself.

“Already? It hasn’t even been three days yet?” He stares at me with a quizzical gaze.

“Don’t tell me you actually want to stay. I can make that happen.” I smirk at him.

“No!” Pete quickly replies without batting an eye and for some reason my heart thump with a pain. Obviously, he would want to leave. I never gave him a reason to want to stay.

“Get ready. We leave in twenty minutes.” I hide whatever useless foreign emotion I felt and got off the bed. This mirage of a fairytale is over. It was time to face reality again and get my head on straight.

Pete stares at me with my quick change of attitude but doesn’t say anything. He quickly heads to the bathroom and ready himself. I remove his luggage from the bathroom and set it out on the bed.

“I need something to wear.” Pete says coming out from the bathroom and sees his luggage. “My bag is here! You have my bag.”

He comes over excitedly and reach for his bag but I grab his hand.

“Wear this.” I hand him my own clothing.

“What? Why? Your clothes are too big for me. Besides mine are right here.”

“Just do as I say.” Pete huffs but takes my clothes regardless. Maybe I was being childish making him wear my clothes when his is here but I just want to see him in my clothes one last time.

After Pete changes, he follows me out the bedroom and down the stairs. Arm is already downstairs waiting for us. He greets us and grab Pete’s bag from me. Only Arm will be accompanying me down south since we will be in another gang’s territory and don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. And I already have Tankhun down there as well with his people.

After we put the bags in the car, I turn to look at Pete and he was waving at someone. I look into the foyer and see Cindy there waving bye to Pete with a sad smile on her face. A little jealousy spiked in me. Those two became close in this short time yet he fears me and hates me.

“Lets go.” I announce opening the car door. Pete turns to me and enters the car with me following behind him.

We ride to the airport in silence. This scene is somewhat familiar to when I first took Pete. It was Arm, me and Pete in the car again. Except this time, Pete isn’t blindfolded. He took his time staring out the window and taking in the scenery and his location for the first time. We weren’t too far from the village I took him from. Though Pete didn’t take one glance at me, I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was indeed very excited about going home. It only makes sense seeing how much his family love each other.

Once we made it to the airport, I wonder if Pete will run or cause a scene but he obediently stayed by my side not drawing attention to us. And just like that, we were on the plane to phu*ket, back to Pete’s hometown.


We pulled up and stop a block from Pete’s house so his family won’t have to question him about us if they see us. But I don’t think that will be an issue seeing his block is devoid of people and traffic. Arm exits the rental car to remove Pete’s luggage from the trunk. Now that we are here, Pete looks down at his hands, picking at his own fingers.

“What are you waiting for Pete. You’re home. Go.” I say with no emotion even though I wanted nothing more than to turn this car around right now.

“Thank you for keeping your words and taking me back home and not killing me… I guess.” He says not looking at me and making my lips twitch.

“I still can.”

Pete finally looks at me with a frown. I chuckle lightly and wrap my fingers behind his neck pulling him to me. I thrust my tongue into his mouth kissing and tasting him one last time. He froze at first but then melts into my arms kissing me back. Our tongues dance and twirl around perfectly in sync tasting and teasing one another. Pete moans into my mouth, his voice vibrating nicely against my tongue. I’m going to miss this.

I pull away breaking the kiss. Pete blush lightly and backs away. He’s going to miss it too. I smile knowing that’s a fact seeing the look on his face.

“Go Pete. Don’t call the cops on me if you know what’s best for you.” I grin at him even though I know he won’t.

“Don’t worry I know better than to mess with the likes of you.” He sneers.

“Good. Now go before I change my mind.”

Pete takes one last look at me with almost sad looking eyes before exiting the car. He grabs his luggage from Arm and start down the block. As Arm enters the car, I reach in my pocket for my phone but pull out Pete’s instead.

“Wait.” I tell Arm already exiting the car.

“Pete!” I call to him. He turns around and looks at me with a questioning gaze. I show him his phone.

“Ah…” Pete leaves his luggage and walks back towards me.

“Unlock it.” I turn his phone on and hand him the phone. He looks at me suspiciously but does it anyways. I take his phone back and enter my number into it.

“Call me… if you ever miss me.” I hand him his phone back and wink. Pete tsk but take his phone and put it in his pocket.

“Good bye Vegas…” Pete gave me a small wave and turns around. I wanted to stop him but can’t. He doesn’t belong in my world for both his and my own sanity.

I turn around and this time dig my own phone out of my pocket. I turn it on and immediately my phone rings.

“How is it going?” I ask Tankhun.

“Vegas! Why the hell did you not pick up! I’ve been texting and calling you this whole time!” Tankhun shouts through the phone.

“I was on the plane, my phone was off.” I move the phone away from my ear because of his shouting.

“Never mind that! Where is Pete?”

“Pete?” I turn back to look at Pete who is still walking down the block dragging his luggage alone.

“The old bastard is smarter than we gave him credit for! We were tricked! He had a son! Not a daughter! A damn son! The son is Pete! Don’t tell me you already let him go! I’m on my way to his home address right now!”

“What?...” I kept my eyes on Pete, goosebumps slowly spread across my flesh.

“Don’t let him go! I’ll explain everything once I get there.”

“Don’t come here. Text me your location. I’ll meet you.” I tell Tankhun before hanging up.

I didn’t realize it, but a smile had found its way to my face. Pete is the hidden child after all and suddenly, all feels right again. In an instance, I dash towards Pete who made it halfway down the block. I make it to Pete and grab his arm turning him to me.

“Vegas!” Pete shouts in shocks seeing me. “What is it?”

“I’m sorry Pete, but you can’t go home.”

“What?” He tries to pull his arm out of my grip but I hold on. “Let me go Vegas! What the hell!”

“No can do.” I pull him to me and toss him over my shoulder.

“Vegas!” Pete shouts and starts kicking. I ignore him and quickly bring him back to the car before anyone hears him and comes out to investigate. Opening the door, I toss him in.

“Arm, go get his bag.”

“Yes boss.” Arm leaves the car without question.

Pete scoots over the seat and tries to open the other side of the door but I pull him back pinning him against the seat.

“Vegas! You can’t do this to me! You promise me! You say you never lie!” He shouts angrily trying to get loose from my hold.

“Sorry Pete. But this time I have to break my promise and go back on my words.”

A choked cry escapes his lips and he looks at me angrily. “What the hell do you want from me Vegas?”

I smile down at him.

“Marry me Pete.”


A/N: This chapter is all Vegas. I know some suspected that it was Pete, but did you really though? Lol.

I'll be busy with Broken Hate publishing the next few weeks so don't know if I can get another update in soon. Speaking of Broken Hate, I took it off of here sadly. Please look forward to the published version. I look forward to your support always! Thank you! Please don't forget to comment, vote and share!

Chapter 9


Hi readers, every now and then I feel like I put out a chapter I'm not too proud of or that it's a filler. I'll call this chapter one of those. I hope you still enjoy! Sorry for lack of editing since I'm so busy lately. Happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Marry him?

Is the bastard completely insane? What the hell is he playing at? He promised to let me go. He even took me all the way here. And all for what? To f*cking tease me and make a mockery out of me? Now I can’t leave and he’s asking me to marry him?

“Let me go Vegas. You promised me. You said if I do what you wanted, you will let me go. Now let me go.” I say looking up at him trying to hold my anger in. I know my strength is nothing against him even if I wasn’t injured. So I can only beg him with my eyes praying that he’s fooling me and will set me free any second now.

“Things have changed. Now I need you to stay. So be a good little boy and don’t resist. You will only hurt yourself more.” He said as if this all is nothing but a game.

“You liar…” My voice cracks and I quickly look away trying to hold my emotions in. He played me like a fool. He used my body and my naivety and lied to me. And like a damn fool, I fell for it.

“Look at me Pete.” Vegas released his hold on my arm only to grab my chin and turn me to him. My chin trembles in his grip and he lightens his hold on me.

“I didn’t lie to you. I really did intend to let you go. Do you think I will waste my time to come all the way here just to tease you? Something really did come up that requires me to keep you. In fact, you should be glad it’s me who found you first. If it was that bastard Kim, just one day with him and you would be crawling on your knees begging me to take you back.” Vegas said in all seriousness.

“I hope that bastard Kim comes find me and take me away from you.” I breathe angrily. Vegas’s jaws tighten as a scowl crosses his features. I don’t know who this Kim is, but its apparent Vegas didn’t like what I just said one single bit. But I don’t care anymore. Let him be mad and maybe he’ll f*cking rid me then, because I’m never believing a single damn word he says again.

Before Vegas can act, the front car door opens with Arm’s return. Vegas’s hold on me loosens and I don’t waste another second. I push against him as hard as I can with whatever strength I have, not caring for my injury or the pain that radiated through me.

Vegas falls back and I dart away from him grabbing the door handle. Before I can open it, I’m yanked back harshly hitting his strong chest behind me. I throw my head back and head butt him right in the face. He growls in pain but held on to me with his arms wrapping around me tightly. I also grunt in pain as I feel the wound on my chest stretching, yet I still fight with adrenaline pumping through me.

I continue to jump around in the seat trying to get away from him.

“Stop it right now Pete!” Vegas roars loudly behind me.

“No! f*ck you!” I cursed at him. Something I hardly ever do since I’m a teacher and try to never use such vulgar languages.

Vegas throws his body back along with me so I’m pretty much lying on top of him. He wraps all four limbs around me to hold me still.

“f*cking enough!” He shouts angrily.

“Let me go! I f*cking hate you!” I yelled but couldn’t move. “I f*cking hate you…”

My strength quickly diminishes as I slump back against Vegas. I couldn’t contain my emotions anymore and a cry breaks out as my tears fall.

“You liar… I hate you so much.” I cry as my body shakes in his iron clad hold.

Vegas sighs removing a hand from me. “Arm, go to this location.”

I see him hand Arm his phone before he wraps his arm around me again. I hear the car engine roar to life and feel the car jerk forward. And that only makes me cry harder.


We drove for a while before the car finally comes to a complete stop. The whole time Vegas held me against him and the whole time my tears didn’t stop. I was so close to going home. To seeing my family again. I miss them so much.

“Boss we’re here.” Arm announces.

He gets out of the car first before the door opens on Vegas’s side. Finally, Vegas lets me go only to get out of the car then he grabs me pulling me out too. He snatches my arm and drags me along. We were somewhere on a beach.

Vegas drags me up a short driveway and up a couple steps of stairs before inviting himself into the house.

“Vegas…” I hear a familiar voice. “What the hell happened? I asked you to bring him back not beat him.”

Vegas ignores the person and drags me over to a couch tossing me on it.

“Stop your useless crying!” He shouts at me making me cry even harder. I can tell he is very angry and holding back. But the bastard has no right to be angry with me. It should be me angry at him instead.

“Of course he’s crying! He’s bleeding!” A man I saw in the foyer the day I got shot appears next to Vegas. I look down to see blood staining through the shirt Vegas gave me to wear. I swallow a sob as my body shakes. I didn’t know if the shaking was from crying too much or if it’s from the immense pain I’m currently feeling.

“Shut up Khun! He f*cking did it to himself!” Vegas snaps.

“Way to start a marriage.” The person named Khun sneers.

Marriage… Why the heck do they keep bringing up the topic?. I’m not f*cking marrying anyone, especially Vegas.

“I don’t give a f*ck. sh*ts not about love.” Vegas growls.

“Still need to make his father believe in it if you even think about possessing this territory.

How dare these two speak about me like I’m not even here. Like they didn’t just kidnap me all over again. Like my life belongs to them. Marriage? My father? What the hell does my father have to do with this?

“I don’t know what this is about but you’re f*cking crazy if you think I’m going to marry you. I rather die.” I look up at Vegas with my tearstain face.

Vegas smirks at me before grabbing my chin harshly. “You think you have a f*cking choice? You can die after I get what I want.”

Vegas shoves me back against the couch making me grunt out in pain.

“Vegas! You f*cking idiot!” Khun shouts at him. “I’ll go grab some bandages. Don’t mind him Pete, he’s a dumbass sometimes. I’m Tankhun, you can call me Khun. I’ll be right back.”

Tankhun walks away leaving me alone with Vegas. How did this stranger know my name? I have a feeling that whatever this is they are trying to involve me in is much deeper and darker than what meets the eyes. I’m a nobody, yet everyone knows me all of a sudden.

I stare up at Vegas and catch him staring down at me with his harsh cold gaze. Quickly I look away suppressing anymore cries I have left allowing only sniffles to escape. I hear Vegas huffs angrily before shouting out a line of curse words making me flinch. I bite down on my lips to stop from reacting.

I feel the couch dip next to me and feel Vegas’s body heat beside me but I dare not look at him. This Vegas is scary. Like the one from when I first met him. Not like the Vegas these last few days that treated me so gently with his touches and spoke to me with words found only in romance novels. That Vegas is gone.

Tankhun returns with a little first aid kit. “This is all I can find in this house.”

“Give it to me.” I hear Vegas says. Tankhun walks to him handing him the box.

“Arm!” Vegas shouts. Arm comes power walking in from the next room. “Go get Pete’s luggage.”

“Yes boss.”

Vegas sighs beside me, sounding much calmer now. I then feel his hands on me making my body stiffen.

“Turn around Pete.” His voice was normal now. Bipolar bastard.

“Pete…” He calls when I don’t move. Reluctantly, I turned to face him. I would rather look at his face then face his wrath again.

Vegas reaches a hand out to me cupping my face. He gently wipes away at my tears with his thumb. His fingers were calloused but warm to the touch. I feel my lips tremble once more and divert my gaze away from him. I hate how he does this. Hurt me then acts gentle. Toxic should be his middle name.

Vegas sighs and removes his hand though his touch still lingers on my skin. He grabs my shirt and carefully lifts it off me. My wound in front had bled through the bandage to the shirt. Vegas looks at the red stain, his eyes actually showing some concern.

“Oh my gosh! You two skipped straight to honeymoon stage.” Tankhun says grabbing our attention. I turn to follow his gaze on me realizing he was staring at all the hickeys on my skin.

“I worried for nothing.” He smirks making me blush. This was so embarrassing, I wish I could hide away.

“Shut it Khun.” Vegas says. Tankhun smiles but doesn’t say anything else.

Vegas carefully removes the old bandages and inspects the open wound. Thankfully it was just a small tear but still hurt like hell. He dresses the front of my wound before looking at the back wound which didn’t tear. Then he wraps new bandages around me again with the upmost delicate touch. When he finishes, he grabs a shirt of mine from the luggage that Arm left behind and helps me put it on.

“There…that wasn’t so hard to be civil.” Tankhun finally says. “Now can we talk business?”

Just those words alone sparked my fight or flight instincts again. I don’t know what’s going on but want no part of it.

“In private?” Tankhun asks.

Vegas stares at me for a bit before shaking his head. “No, Pete should hear this. It’s about him after all.”

“Does he know who he is?” Tankhun asks.

“I don’t think so.” Vegas replies.

“Well, this is going to be fun.”

“Tell me why you guys are doing this?” I interrupted. I can’t take their cryptic talks anymore.

“What happened? How did it end up being Pete?” Vegas asks ignoring me.

“I found the girl this morning. Or, the old lady that is supposed to be the girl. That girl was never meant to be found because she doesn’t exist. The old man hid Pete as soon as he was born so nobody knew if his baby was a male or female. Instead, he spread false rumors to even those closest to him that he had a daughter and sent her away for protection faking birth certificate and everything. The only ones who knew the truth is the old man, his late wife, the couple that took Pete in and that grandma I found this morning who was their personal nurse at the time.” Tankhun explained to Vegas.

“The old man wanted to make sure his son wasn’t found until he was ready to step up to the throne, huh? He thought to keep his son safe this way. The best way to hide someone is to not hide him at all. They kept it from him and let him live a normal life like any normal person so no one will suspect it’s someone who is allowed to roam so freely.” Vegas said understanding Tankhun but their words only confused me more and more. I’m just a normal person and I already have a family.

“How did you find out?” Vegas asked.

“I have my ways. Once I met who I thought was going to be a female in her twenties but turned out to be some grandma, I started questioning her. Like I said, she’s old now. She wanted nothing to do with this life anymore and wanted no trouble. She gave up the information with little convincing. Even mentioned that old man Arthee named his son Pete before giving him away to the couple.” Tankhun answered.

“I don’t know what luck we had but fate dealt us, rather you, the golden key to the kingdom of the South. You had the golden child this whole time. It’s a good thing we found out before you let him go. Now you just have to get marry and no war needs to be fought.” Tankhun smiles like he is discussing the weather instead of my life here.

“What the hell are you two going on about? I’m leaving. This sh*t doesn’t involve me.” I try to get up but Vegas pulls back down on the couch.

“Pete. You’re not who you think you are. You’re not some simple schoolteacher in the city with a picture-perfect family. You’re the son of the most notorious crime boss in the South. You’re the determining factor to if war between different crime syndicates break out or not.” Vegas said, his hand reached to touch my face. “You’re the one I’ve been looking for.”

I scoffed at his words and couldn’t help myself, I start laughing ridiculously at him. Son of a notorious crime boss? The reason for war? These people are really out of their minds. I’m my parents’ son. Always have been, always will be. I am not anyone’s hidden child and golden key to any kingdom.

“You both are full of sh*t. I’m out.” I try getting up again, but this time Vegas grabs me and pulls me into his lap so I’m sitting on him.

“Vegas!” I struggle in his hold.

“Stop before you open your wound again.” He says sternly. “Whether you believe it or not Pete. It’s you. Should we go pay your adoptive parents a visit and ask for clarification?”

“Leave my parents out of this! Don’t you dare touch my family.” I barked at him.

“Well then, I only need you to do me one tiny favor now. Marry me, Pete.” Vegas says again.

“Why the hell would I marry you? Because you think I’m someone else’s son? You’re foolish! Both of you!”

Vegas touches my face moving some hair away and smiles at me. “Your real father is dying soon and he’s leaving a mass land of fortune behind. And I need you, to control that fortune. So, whether you like it or not, you will be marrying me. Besides, don’t you want to meet your real father before he passes?

My heart thumps wildly in my chest. There’s no way anything they’ve said is true. But if it is… my real father is dying? That thought bothered me more that I would like to admit.

“Even if what you said is true, I’m just a pawn in this game of yours. I will never marry you Vegas.” I breathe.

“But you will.” He smiles like I’ve already said yes to him.

“Over my dead body.” I said through my teeth.

“How about over your fake parents’ dead body? They might not be your real parents but it’s obvious they love you like their own and you love them dearly too. Or how about over that brother of yours’s dead body. What’s his name? Chay. The one attending college in Bangkok right now. We can have a wedding over their graves.” Vegas flaunts a sinister smile making my skin crawl.

“I f*cking hate you…” My voice cracks. He’s the f*cking devil. I know he can and will harm my family if he wants too. I’ve seen him ruthlessly kill. I’ve been on the receiving end of his gun. If he can shoot me without a thought, he can destroy my family without batting an eye.

“Your choice Pete. They can either attend our wedding alive, or dead. It’s the same for me.” Vegas conclude.

“So I’ll ask you one more time. Marry me, Pete.” He looks me dead in the eyes to let me know how serious he is.



The next morning, we arrived at Pete’s adoptive parents’ house. Pete and I, along with Tankhun and Arm. It looks like I didn’t break my promise to Pete after all. He is getting to go home. Although not to stay but a brief formal visit. I have to let his parents know after all that I’m taking their son’s hand in marriage, even if Pete hasn’t agreed to it yet. Yesterday, he completely shut down not saying anything else anymore. But I know damn well, he can’t deny me. He loves this family too much to put them in harm’s way. Which is why he so obediently followed me here today.

I have to admit, a part of me is very f*cking excited it’s Pete. Too damn excited. I wasn’t ready to let him go to begin with and the moment I found out it was him, I couldn’t help but jump on this god given opportunity and bind him to me. It’s not that I’m thrill about getting married but if I’m going to marry anyways, it might as well be someone like Pete, who’s so damn compatible with me, in bed at least. And who knows, maybe one day after his old man dies and I get what I really want, I’ll set him loose for real. He just needs to do as I say until then.

As soon as we arrived, Pete reached for the door, but I hold him back to me.

“Don’t try anything funny unless you’re eager to perform a funeral first before a wedding.” I warned him. He looks at me angrily but bites his lips to keep from talking.

I let him go and he exited the car skipping over to the front gate of the house. I don’t know how today is going to go but I’m serious about taking his family out if he or even his parents disagree with me. They aren’t the ones I have to impress anyways. It’s Arthee. But I do wonder how his adoptive parents will take it and how much they know of everything going on in the underworld. They have to still be in contact with Arthee somehow if Pete’s been with them this whole time even if no one spoke a single word to Pete about his true origins. And if they are still part of the underworld, then that means they will know damn well who I am too. This will be interesting indeed.

I follow Pete out just as a middle-aged woman comes out of the front door. She takes one look at Pete and a huge smile spread across her face.

“Pete! Son!” She jumps off the porch and runs towards the front gate to Pete. “Son, you’re finally here!”

She opens the gates and immediately throws her arms around Pete hugging him tightly with tears in her eyes.

“Ma!” Pete hugs her back, his own emotions rising to the surface. “I miss you so much.”

“Ma misses you too dear.”

“Pete, my son!” His adoptive father runs out of the house. He throws his arms over his wife and son hugging them both. “Thank heavens you are really okay.”

Well, isn’t this something. They look like a damn real family. Arthee found the right people to raise his son that’s for sure.

“Pa I’m sorry. I miss you too.” Pete couldn’t hold his tears any longer and let them fall. His parents hug him even more tightly and I didn’t miss it. He winced in pain but hid it quickly. He is still injured after all. My hand itched for some reason. I wanted to tear his parents from him.

When his parents finally let him go, his mom grabs his arm. “Come inside son. I’m in the middle of preparing food. Happy belated birthday by the way.”

“Thank you. Ah ma, pa, wait.” Pete turns back to look at us standing behind them. His parents look back as if seeing us for the first time.

“Oh my gosh. I’m sorry, our bad. We were so excited to see our son that we haven’t realize he brought guests.” His mom smiles at me. “Hi there, I’m Pete’s mother, Cay.”

She gives me a smile and I return it with a fake smile of my own.

“These are my… friends.” Pete says to his parents. His mom nods and continues to smile at us but his father assesses us with his eyes first before a slow smile stretches across his face.

“Welcome sons. Any friend of our sons is welcome here. I’m Pat.” His father finally said. He knows, he can try to hide it, but he knows. I gave his father a nod but say nothing.

“Come on, let’s all go inside.” His mother invited everyone in.

We’re led to the living room where his mother serves us refreshments before returning to the kitchen to continue cooking. Pete sits beside his father on one couch while Tankhun and I sat on one opposite of them. Arm stood behind us refusing to sit down.

“Son, where have you been this whole time. Are you okay?” Pat asked.

“Sorry Pa, like I said on the phone. I’ve been without cell service in a different village. But I’m here now and fine.” He assures his father.

“That’s good, and these friends…” Pat looks over to us.

“I’m Vegas. This is my cousin, Tankhun and my secretary, Arm.” I replied not hiding our identities from him. His eyes squint in recognition before he fixes his gaze.

“Pa, these are friends from Chiang Rai. They come to the village often to help and donate to the towns people.” Pete lies with a smile.

“Ah is that so. Thank you for looking after my son too.” Pat thanked.

“Yes, thanks for looking after our son. He’s never been to such places before. We worried for him a lot.” Cay walks into the living room.

I provide them with a smile. “It’s my pleasure. And I will continue to look after him from now on.”

“What do you mean. Pete you aren’t going back are you? I thought you are here to stay?” Cay asks Pete sitting down next to him. Pete gives his mother a nervous smile.

“Umm. Ma. I’m only here to visit. My program isn’t over yet.” Pete tells her.

“So how long will you be staying for?” Cay questions.

“We’re leaving today.” I interrupted.

“What?!” Both of his parents said together.

“We came by for a quick visit. I have work to finish and must leave soon. Actually, I came here to inform you both of something.”

“Vegas!” Pete raises his voice and looks over at me. He pleads me with his eyes not to say anything.

“Vegas, what are you doing?” Tankhun leans over and whispers in my ears. “Don’t you think this is too fast.”

I ignore Tankhun and continue speaking. “Pete and I…”

“We’re dating!” Pete shouts, interrupting me. He looks to me then to his parents. “Vegas and I are dating…”

His parents look at him shocked and confused at the same time.

“I’m sorry Ma, Pa. I didn’t tell you guys sooner… but, I like men.” Pete lowers his head apologetically. “I was scared to tell you both so I hid it but when I met Vegas in the village, I liked him so much I didn’t know what to do anymore and avoided everyone. I’m sorry if I disappoint you all.”

I internally scoff. So he didn’t plan to tell his parents after all. But this I admit was nice. Nice to hear him say he likes me so much, although I know it’s all a damn lie. I’m well aware he hates my guts.

“Oh son.” Cay hugs him. “Is this why you went into hiding?”

Pete slowly nods his head and looks at me from under his lashes. I’m sure he had not at all plan to come out of the closet to his parents any time soon but because of me, he did. And he actually looks a little worried about what they will think of him.

“Your father and I don’t care who you or your brother choose to love. As long as whoever that person is loves and cherishes you just as much as we do. Right hun?” Cay says turning to Pat.

“Yes, son. So long as you are happy, so are we. We’ll never be disappointed in you for choosing to love and following your heart.” Pat added.

“Really? You’re not disappointed?” Pete lifts up his head and look at them.

“Not at all.” Cay smiles. “But, this still doesn’t explain why you are going back so soon.”

“Umm… Vegas is very busy but took me here regardless. We have to return soon so he can finish his work. Plus, I’m still in the volunteer program until the end of the summer. I just took a short break to visit.”

“Ah, well that’s unfortunate. We miss you so much. What kind of work do you do Vegas?” Cay turns to me and ask. Pete eyes me like a hawk holding his breath. I should just say I kill people for a living to f*ck with him.

I smile at her. “Trade. International imports and exports. That sort of thing.”

“Ahh, interesting.” She nods at me. “Well, let’s discuss more over lunch. Food is ready and I’m sure everyone is hungry.”

We have a nice little lunch, mostly with Pete catching his parents up with his life up North. Most of the stories are about his job in the village and he made up some stories about how we met. It was interesting to witness him squirm in his seat when his mom asked about us. He’s a great storyteller that’s for sure, weaving a fake story of love and care between the two of us. When in actuality, I all but kidnapped him and made him mine. He doesn’t utter a word about marriage though, but that’s okay because I’ll change that very soon.

Once lunch is over with, I step outside while Pete helps his mother clean up. I have Arm and Tankhun step away to prepare for our departure. I didn’t want to be here any longer than I needed to be. As I’m smoking a cigarette, Pat comes up beside me.

He doesn’t sugarcoat anything and get straight to the point. “What does the North Gang want with my son?”

A little smirk crosses my face. “Marriage.”

“Why in the hell would you want to marry my son? He’s nobody to the likes of you.”

“Now we both know that’s not true. He’s not your real son.” I turn the look at Pat. His jaw shifted and he intakes a heavy breath.

“I raised him since birth. He’s my son.” Pat says. “I don’t know what you think to gain from marrying Pete but you won’t get anything. Leave my family out of your territorial wars.”

“Ah, so you know this is all about land. Then you know why I must marry Pete.” I flick my cigarette away. “Let me tell you something Pat. I’m your best option at keeping your son safe. You think I’m the only one who knows about him? Soon, this little safe house of yours you built for you and your family will be under attack by everyone who wants this land. It’s best he stays as far away from here as possible under my protection. As for you and your family, I suggest you all get somewhere safe before anyone else figures out your location.”

“I’ll take care of my family and my son. He doesn’t need you or anyone else.” Pat counters but I can tell he is already worried about the incoming danger to his family.

“You really think so? Look how easily I found you once I knew who Pete really is. Don’t think so highly of yourself. This is what’s best for everyone.”

“For everyone, or for you? What are you going to do to him after you acquire the land in the South? Kill him?”

I chuckled at his words. “Well, I guess that depends on your son now doesn’t it.”

“I swear if your hurt a single hair on my son…” Pat starts.

“You will what?” I give him a threatening gaze. Just because I’m taking Pete away, doesn’t mean I’ll stand idly by and be threatened by his so-called father. I have no problem ridding him myself if he stands in my way. “Don’t think I’m here to ask for your permission. I’m taking him whether you like it or not. Over you and your wife’s dead body, now that depends on you. The only reason we are here anyways is because of a promise I made.”

Pat shuts his mouth and says nothing but looks angry regardless with his hands fisted at his sides.

“We’ll be leaving now. Do me a favor and call upon his real father. Tell him to contact me. Oh, and don’t try to play hero or snitch. It will only cause Pete harm at the end. I know you’re a smart man, seeing you’ve kept him hidden for this long.” I smiled like I didn’t just threaten him with his and his wife’s life and walked back into the house. It’s time to retrieve Pete and get the hell out of here.

I stop by the entry way and stare at Pete who is wiping the table down as his mom finishes the dishes. When she finishes, she dries her hands and turns to Pete.

“Pete, son…” she begins. “He’s not a good guy, is he?”

Pete looks at his mother with eyes wide open before blinking a few times and looking away. “What makes you say that ma?”

I’m not surprised that she would be aware of me if her husband is too. She was most likely once a part of this lifestyle. But for her to bring this up to Pete, that did surprise me.

“You’re my son. I raised you from an infant until now. Of course, I would know if something were off with you.” She says. “Now tell me the truth, what is going on.”

I listen intently as Pete spoke. Depending on what he answers, will determine his parents’ fate. “Ma, really there’s nothing wrong. Vegas… he may not be the picture-perfect man for most, but he’s my perfect.”

Oddly my heart skipped a beat with his words and the hands I didn’t even know were clenching so tightly by my side loosens. Even though I know it’s all a lie, his words sent a chill down my spine.

“He’s nice to me.” Pete continues, his gaze on his hand. “He feeds me when I’m sick, he calls me beautiful and says the sweetest things sometimes, he even carries me around like a princess.”

He looks up and smiles at Cay. “So you don’t have to worry Ma. Everything is fine.”

Look at him so innocent and naïve. He really doesn’t want his parents to worry about him at all and is trying his best to protect them from a monster like me. Little does he know his parents are already aware of my evil deeds.

“You really do like him, do you?” Cay asks.

“Mmm. I like him.” Pete nods his head and again my heart wants to believe his little lies.

“Ma… can I ask you something?” Cay nods her head.

“Was I adopted?” Pete chuckled nervously.

“What! Why would you ask that?” Cay said astounded.

“Just because…”

“Pete. You are mine and your father’s son. You have always been and always will be.” Cay walks over to Pete and holds him. “Now why would you ask that?”

“I know.” Pete smiles up at her again. But his smile was as fake as they come. Anyone can tell from a mile away. He now doubts his own identity and his mother avoiding a direct answer only adds to his doubt.

I clear my throat and enter the kitchen. I walk right up to Pete as Cay lets him go and I grab him from the waist pulling his back to me. “It’s time to get going love.”

“Vegas, let me go. My mom is here…” Pete looks down with a blush.

“I just miss you.” I say squeezing his tiny waist. I can feel the shiver that ran down his back.

“Do we really have to leave now?” Pete turns his head back to look at me, his eyes shining with sadness.

“Mmm… I have important work to finish.” I replied.

“Well, that’s unfortunate. But if Vegas has work, it can’t be help.” Cay chimes in disappointingly. “Regardless, I’m glad you stopped by and are okay. Thanks Vegas for taking my son here to visit.”

Cay walks us out the front door where Pat is still standing. Pete gives his parents one last longing hug before returning to my side.

“Take care of my son Vegas. I’m entrusting him to you.” Pat says his hard eyes on me both pleading and threatening harm if anything happens to Pete.

I nod my head at him. “I won’t let anyone take him away from me.”

Cay looks at us suspiciously but says nothing. Finally, Pete and I leave the front gates and enter the car where Arm and Tankhun are already waiting. Pete smiles and waves at his parents one last time. As soon as his parents were out of sight, his tears fell. He turns his back to me and stares out the window, silently wiping his eyes.

Tankhun turns around from the front passenger seat and looks at Pete and then at me. He nudges his head towards Pete signaling me to do something about Pete’s tears. What the hell am I supposed to do? It is because of me that he’s crying after all. Tankhun bites his lower lips nudging his head again. I sigh and turn to Pete. Grabbing him, I pulled him into my embrace. Pete doesn’t fight me but silently cries in my arms as I slowly pat his back. I held him like this all the way to the airport.


A/N: A quick visit to mom and dad and now their story will continue with them back at Vegas's mountain home. Not much happened but hope you all still enjoyed. Please remember to vote, comment and share. Thank you!

Chapter 10


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


We’re back. The thought hit me like a storm as I see Vegas’s house come into view in the already darkening night sky. Emotions rush through me as I sigh heavily to keep from breaking down once more. I hate the fact that I’m so sensitive and emotional but there was nothing else I can do. I feel hopeless.

Vegas really dragged me all the way back here to his fortress in the mountain. He wants to marry me but I’m nothing but a prisoner here. Someone for him to use and abuse until he gets what he wants. And I can’t even say no to him without risking the lives of the people I love the most. Yes, I was absolutely helpless and f*cking hopeless.

“Get out of the car Pete.” I hear Vegas orders as the car comes to a stop.

I step out of the car with the little energy left in me. My eyes land on Cindy who had stepped out of the house along with other bodyguards to greet Vegas. Her head tilts with a questioning gaze upon seeing me but she doesn’t say or question why I’ve returned.

“Let’s go.” Vegas grabs onto my arm moving towards the entrance. I follow without a fight hearing his workers greet him as we pass.

Once we reach the top of the stairs, Vegas finally let’s my arm go. As if on autopilot, I turn towards the bedroom I was initially locked in, my own prison cell.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Vegas questioned halting my step.

“To my cell.” I said emotionless. Vegas takes the few steps towards me and grabs me turning me to face him.

“Would you like me to arrange a real cell for you? I can easily lock you behind bars and treat you like an animal.” He threatens with a low voice.

“I don’t care what you do anymore. You can’t kill me anyways.” I daringly mouthed to him.

A sinister half smile crawls across his face and he pulls me closer to him so our faces were only inches apart.

“You’re right. I can’t kill you but I can certainly kill that family of yours.” He breathes, almost growling and once again reminding me what he’s capable of. His threatening voice alone brings a cold shiver down my spine.

“Do that and you will never get what you want from me.” I bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from cursing at him.

Vegas’s grip on my arm tightens and I try my best not to wince at the pain.

“You’re sleeping with me from now on.” He said before turning around towards his bedroom and dragging me alone.

We make it to his room and he drags me over to the bed before shoving me down on it. This time I couldn’t help but show pain. My wound was still healing after all. For a split second, Vegas looks a little startled with my reaction before quickly masking his emotion.

“Get yourself ready for bed.” He said turning away. “I have some work to finish.”

He walks away and out of his room. I hear his footstep retreating but not before I hear a lock from behind the door. Here I am once again, a prisoner to this devil of a madman.


In the middle of the night, I’m startled awake as strong arms wrap around me and a warm hard body rest against my back. Immediately I knew it was Vegas. I’ve become too familiar with his smell, his touch, and his annoyingly perfect sculpted body.

I don’t know when I fell asleep. But after cleaning myself up and dressing in some of Vegas’s clothes, since mine was never brought up to me, I had laid down and eventually succumbed to sleep, exhausted both physically and mentally from the past few days. I slowly open my eyes and the bedroom was shrouded in darkness with only a little moonlight escaping through the heavy curtains. I attempt to move out of Vegas’s arms but he pulls me back, spooning me from behind.

“Did I wake you?” Vegas asks, his warm breath fanning the back of my neck and making the hair on my skin rise. The bastard was warm and comfy but I didn’t want to even entertain the idea of how he makes me feel.

“Let me go Vegas. I’m tired.” I say above a whisper. I try moving again but he only holds me tighter against him.

“You’re hurting me.” I lied. Vegas loosens up his hold but still doesn’t let go.

“Then stop moving.” Vegas said. I sigh heavily but allow my body to rest fully against his.

My eyes shut close and I try to succumb to sleep again. I was too tire for another fight or argument at the moment. Just as I’m about to fall into unconsciousness, I feel his hard rod poking me from behind. Then I feel Vegas’s soft lips on my neck planting small kisses down to my shoulder.

“Vegas no…” I mumble and attempt to move away once again but it only resulted in failure.

I feel Vegas’s hand slide down my belly before stopping at my co*ck. He palms me and starts massaging me through the pants. I try to deny him but a soft moan leaves me lips instead.

“Vegas… st…ah.” I breathe as his other hand pinch my nipple.

“I love it when you say my name in that soft seductive voice of yours.” He whispers into my ear and grinds his hard dick against me. “I’ll be quick and gentle.”

Letting go of my dick, he quickly grabs my pants and pull them down my legs. I hear him moving and shifting behind me and realize he had taken his own pants off as his now bare dick rest on my skin. The feel of his dick made my own perk up. I wanted to deny him, but I know he will take me regardless. The bastard always gets what he wants at the end. And I have no strength or even the right to fight him now.

Vegas moves a hand up my body to my face. He grabs my chin and pull down so my mouth opens for him. He then thrust two fingers into my mouth, moving slowly in and out between my lips. With his other hand, he continues to play and tug at my nipple. I moan as sweet sensation starts to take over my thoughts. My mouth closes on his fingers and to my own accord, I start greedily sucking on them coating his fingers with my saliva. Vegas gives a satisfying hum before removing his fingers. And like a toddler who just had his pacifier ripped away, I follow his fingers wanting it back inside. A low chuckle leaves his lips making me blush as I realize my action.

With his fingers now wet, he places them at my hole coating the entrance there with my saliva before pushing and breaking through my barrier. A gasp escapes my lips as my eyes close with the intrusion. It felt damn good.

Vegas slowly f*cks me with his fingers while he plays with my nipples until I’m a withering mess. My body arches against his with my toes curling up as cum spurts from my dick. I moan into the darkness loudly, hoping that the rest of the silent house didn’t hear me.

I haven’t calm down from my high, when I feel Vegas remove his fingers and quickly replaces them with his large co*ck, plunging into the deepest part of me. I shout loudly as more cum shoots out of me. Quickly I cover my mouth to hide my voice. Vegas immediately let’s go of my nipple and grabs my wrist, removing my hand from my mouth before thrusting into me again. I bite down on my lips to hold in my cries of pleasure. With his other hand, he wraps it around my neck before turning my head back to look at him.

“Never hide your voice from me.” He said looking down at me. He takes this opportunity to thrust into me harder than before. A loud breathy moan escapes my lips and he smiles down at me with satisfaction. He then capture my lips as he continues to slowly f*ck me from behind.

With his tongue deep in my mouth and his dick hitting the very sweet spot within me, he takes my hand still in his grip and wraps both his and my fingers around my co*ck, stroking it with both of our hands. I couldn’t help but cry into his mouth as I drown in this sinful pleasure only this man have ever ignited in me. My free hand searched for his body, clinging onto the skin at his hip as he pounds into me a couple more times before we both rush over the edge of sanity and drown in a pool of euphoric pleasure.

Whatever little strength I had left was completely gone after I return to planet Earth. With my mind still in a haze, I close my eyes needing sleep more than ever. I finally feel Vegas pulling himself from me but he continues to hold me against him. Our bodies sweaty but neither one of us minded. After a moment of silence and just heavy breathing, Vegas spoke.

“We can have this always Pete. Our bodies are made for each other. It doesn’t always have to be hate and war between us. I can cherish this body of yours with every part of me. You just have to give into me.” He said.

Body… He doesn’t care for anything but my body. A dull ache formed within my chest that had nothing to do with the bullet wound. I don’t say anything to him and close my eyes. In my head I start counting. I start counting to distract myself of any useless thoughts and to calm my aching heart.


It didn’t surprise me when I woke up this morning without Vegas by my side. He probably left to go do whatever mafia bosses do nowadays. After I clean myself up, as if on cue, Cindy walks in with breakfast. Our eyes met and she gives me a small smile before walking the tray over to me where I sat by the window.

“Good morning Pete.” She says as she nears.

“Good morning…” I replied unenthusiastically.

Cindy puts the tray down on the little circular table in front of me and sits opposite of me.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asks.

I look at her and smile sadly, before slowly shaking my head.

“Okay… if you ever want to talk, just call for me.” Cindy offers getting up.

“The bastard want to marry me…” I hear myself saying. I guess I do need to vent a little.

Cindy sits back down and reach for my hand from across the table. She hold my hands in hers, gently patting the back of it.

“That’s surprising. I never thought he would ever want to get marry.” Cindy stated.

“He doesn’t. He just needs me. He thinks I’m someone else I’m not.” I sigh. “He thinks I’m some notorious mafia boss’s son.”

“If he says so then you are. Vegas is never wrong.” Cindy confirms.

“He has to be.” I look up at Cindy with teary eyes. “Because if he isn’t, that means my whole like has been lie.”

That means I have a father who I don’t know anything about, who I never met. That means, I’m a part of a world that I don’t want to be even a little. That means… I’m one of them. I’m one of the bad guys. A single tear slips my eye and Cindy reaches out to wipe it away.

“If it’s true… and you are who Vegas says you are, then maybe he’s doing this to protect you?”

“Protect me?”

“I’ve been here not very long, but long enough to know how dangerous this world of theirs can be. Maybe it’s safer for you to be here under his protection than out there.” Cindy said.

“He can protect me from the whole world but who’s going to protect me from him?” My lips tremble slightly.

Cindy smiles and wipes another stray tear away. “You are. I don’t think you realize the power and influence you have Pete. Listen to your inner self and follow your heart. I’m sure in no time, you will have him wrapped around your finger, if you already don’t.”

I look at Cindy with confusion. She makes it seem like Vegas will fall for me if he already hasn’t. The devil? Never. And even if he did, I will never reciprocate those feelings. I hate him.

Suddenly the door opens interrupting our little conversation. Cindy immediately jumps up from the chair and bows her head as Vegas walks in. I turn away quickly wiping at my eyes to hide any trace of tears left.

“Good Morning sir. I was just bringing breakfast to Pete.” Cindy quickly explains without looking up. Was she going to get reprimanded for sitting and talking to me? I jump up in front of Cindy.

“She didn’t do anything wrong.” I said looking at Vegas.

He raises a brow at me. “Did I say anything?”

“Pete don’t…” Cindy whispers from behind me.

“Cindy, you may leave now.” Vegas says.

“Ka.” Cindy quickly shuffles out of the room without looking back.

Vegas takes one look at me before turning towards the closet.

“Please don’t give her any trouble. I was the one that ask her to join me for breakfast.” I quickly say following behind Vegas.

Vegas ignores me and enters the closet. He starts removing his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

“I’m just bored and lonely and thought it would be nice to have someone to eat breakfast with.” I added though my eyes begin to follow the hard muscles on his back. It is only now that I see the numerous scars that layers on his skin.

Usually when we have sex, it’s in the dark or I’m pinned under him, never really having a chance to see his full body completely. Unintentionally, I reach out and touch the most prominent scar on his back. Vegas immediately turns around and grabs my hand like I burned him. He pushes me until my back hits the wall behind me and pins my wrists beside my head.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to startle you.” I apologize. Vegas looks down at me with his dark orbs piercing through my soul. His stare was cold but his body heat surrounded me, his presence overpowering.

We have a little staring contest for a moment before I lose and turn away. Vegas let’s go of one of my wrist and brings his finger to my chin. He turns me back to face him.

“You’ve never invited me to dine with you once. If you want someone to eat with. Just ask.” Vegas tells me.

“Okay…” I whisper. Cindy’s voice chose this moment to rang loudly in the back of my head. Listen to your inner self. Follow your heart.

“Would you… like to have breakfast with me?” I timidly ask. “Ah… you probably already eaten. Well then, lunch maybe?”

“Okay. Let’s have breakfast together.” Vegas finally say letting my arms drop. He steps back giving me the much needed space. He turns around once more.

“Umm. About Cindy…”

“I don’t mind you two conversing Pete. It’s okay.” He says surprising me.

“Thank you.” I voiced. “And about touching you, I’m sorry if I startled you.”

Vegas turns around and smirk. Like he didn’t just violently pin me against the wall for barely touching him.

“I was saving you, from me.” He said as if hearing everything Cindy and I talked about. He once again invades my space and back me against the wall. “Only touch me when you’re ready for the repercussion. Because just your touch alone drives me crazy. So don’t touch me so carelessly, because I’ll take that as an invitation to consume you entirely.”

A shaky breath leaves my lips. Even if it shouldn’t, his words sent an electrifying jolt down my groin.

“The food… the food is getting cold.” I quickly brush past Vegas and exit the closet before anything else can happen.



After changing into something more comfortable, I rang for more food to be brought up and join Pete for breakfast. He didn’t talk much and we ate in silence for the most part but he did steal glances my way every now and then.

I didn’t lie to him what I said about touching me. In fact, I would love it if he willingly touched me more. I wanted him too. But since he’s not ready for that, it’s best he doesn’t touch me at all or I will pounce on him with the slightest touch. I can barely control my own urges around him and it’s hard enough to take him only during the nights. If time allowed me, I would take him every chance I have whenever and wherever we are. Like right now, right on this little table, I want to take him.

Cindy returns to the room and clears up the table once we finish eating. Neither Pete or Cindy said anything to the other, still afraid that I might get mad over their bond. Mad, no. Jealous, maybe. What the f*ck…jealous?

I clear my throat as Cindy exits the room. I stare at Pete who is trying to look anywhere but at me. I smile a little. Even though we didn’t speak over breakfast, it’s nice to see him like this. I admit it was a nice feeling when he asked me to dine with him too. If only he can be this way always, in my sight, pleasing me, I will stay true to my words last night. Between us, there can be good things if he listens and obeys me. I can make his life so good and easy, the king himself would be jealous.

My phone starts ringing catching both of our attention. I get up and step out onto the balcony. Lighting a cigarette, I inhale the first puff before taking out my phone. It was an unknown number but I picked it up anyways.


“I hear you have my son.” An older male voice comes through letting me know exactly who it is.

“I do.” I say taking another puff from the cigarette.

“So you want war before I die.” Arthee said through the line.

“No. I want to marry him.”

“You think by marrying my son, you will get all that I possess?”

I turn around and see Pete staring out the glass door towards me.

“Yes…” I didn’t care to lie.

“You’re right. When I pass, all my assets will be passed down to him even though he’s never been a part of this world. So whoever he chooses as his life partner, will help him take over.” Arthee says.

“Whoever?” I lift a single brow.

“That’s right. The East Gang has also proposed marriage. I don’t care who takes over when I’m dead. But, it will be my son’s choosing. Not yours or Kim’s.”

“He’s mine…” I almost growled at him and realize I’m gripping the phone.

“Also, if a single hair on his head is out of place, I will bring war and destroy both you and Kim before I die. That is a promise.” Arthee says before the line went dead.

A text quickly came in after he hung up.

I’ll be seeing you and my son soon.

I place the phone back into my pocket and toss the cigarette away just as Pete exits the balcony door.

“Was that…”

“Your father. Your real father.”

“So it’s true?” Pete says with a shaky breath.

“Very…” I replied.

“I’m one of you guys. I’m one of the bad guys.”

I step towards Pete and palm his face. He looks up at me with lost sad eyes.

“You couldn’t be bad even if I clipped your wings, stole your halo, and gave you my horns. Even then, you’d still be an angel.” I say gently wiping his tear away.

Pete bites down on his bottom lip as it trembles. “Can I talk to him?”

“There’s no need. He will be visiting soon.” I assure Pete rubbing his face with my thumb.

“I would like to be alone now.” Pete says stepping away from my touch. He turns around and enters the bedroom.

I sigh running a hand through my hair. Why does his sadness affect me so much? Why do I want to run to him right now and tell him everything will be okay? Maybe he is an angel indeed. Sent here from the heavens to torture and cleanse me of my sins.


A/N: Hi loves, not much happened but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Next chapter is almost done so I will post it as soon as I get it finished. As always, please leave your comments, votes and share. Thank you!

Chapter 11


Hi readers, let me apologize for lack of editing this chapter. It's 2am and I wanted to share before bed hehe. Anyways, happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


It’s been a few days since my real father called Vegas. We haven’t talked about it since. And every day after was spent like the last, with me alone locked in this room during the day and Cindy bringing me food, sometimes staying to chitchat for a bit. During the night, Vegas would return and touch me in ways only he can make me feel and then in the morning he would be gone again.

Today I woke early so I can catch Vegas before he leaves. I sit up on the bed and wait for him to exit the bathroom. I didn’t have to wait long as I hear the shower shut off and Vegas exits shortly after with only a towel wrapped dangerously low on his waist. My eyes latched onto a droplet of water sliding over his hard abs and disappearing into the towel. I swallow harshly and turn my head away so I don’t stare. Even now, I couldn’t look at him for too long without blushing. Why are the bad guys always sculpted to perfection?

I can feel his steely eyes on me before I hear him enter the closet. For a moment I thought he might come over here and touch me. I was almost expecting it. I quickly shake the thought away as Vegas returns dressed in his usual black suits. I watch as he walks over to the side of the bed he sleeps on and grab his watch from the nightstand before putting it on. Just when I think he’s going to leave without acknowledging me, he stops and turns to look at me.

“What do you want Pete?” He asks.

“Good morning.” I greeted him first so he can’t say I didn’t later.

Vegas’s brow arch as he gives me an interesting gaze. He starts to slowly makes his way around the bed towards me before sitting down in front of me. Without uttering a word, he wraps a hand behind my neck and pulls me to him, placing a kiss on my lips. He smell nice and of mint. Suddenly, I was self conscious since I just woke and haven’t even cleaned up yet. I pull away and turn my head away knowing that my face was tinge from embarrassment. I hear Vegas chuckle lightly before I feel his nose on the nape of my neck, tracing my skin.

“Don’t worry. You still smell nice.” He breathes sending a shiver down my spine. He always knows what I am thinking. Am I that easy to read?

My eyes closes as I feel his lips on my sensitive skin and then his tongue. He gently nibbles on my skin for a bit, although not hard, I know his mark will be left behind. I sigh softly when he finally lets me go.

“Now tell me what you want.” Vegas said.

“Can I… have my phone?” I asked. “I just want to call my family and let them know I’m okay. I haven’t talked to them since seeing them.”

“Also… can I leave the room? There’s nothing to do in here and I have nothing to keep me company. It’s not like I can run away anyways right?” I added another request hoping he would grant them since I’ve been obedient.

Vegas looks up as if deep in thought before looking back at me.

“No.” He answered.

I sigh disappointedly looking down.

“Okay…” I slowly nod my head. Already my heart pained at the rejection. I was really nothing more than an animal locked in a cage.

“Then… will you eat with me today?” I finally look back up at him.

Without taking his eyes off me, Vegas pulls his own phone out calling someone.

“Cindy, bring us breakfast.” Vegas said before hanging up and putting his phone away.

He reaches a hand out to cup the side of my face. “You can’t have your phone because we never took it out of the car and Arm has the car. Also, I will allow you to leave the room once your father visits. I don’t know when he will show and when he does, I don’t want you out there because who knows what can happen. For now, it’s safer in here. But if you’re bored, I’ll have Cindy come stay with you while I’m gone.”

“Okay.” I give him a small smile. Even though it wasn’t exactly what I wanted, this was better than nothing. And knowing that he didn’t outright denied me, made me feel a little better.

Cindy arrives with breakfast and Vegas and I ate our filled before he leaves for work. Soon after, Cindy comes back carrying a bag with her. She closes the door behind and skips over to me with a smile.

“How did you do it?” She sits next to me with a huge grin. “How did you get me out of household duties?”

“Uh… I didn’t?” I tilt my head but couldn’t help but return her silly grin.

“You are special indeed.” She squeals. “Khun Vegas said I can spend the days with you from now on and if you need anything just ask me.”

“Really!” My ears perk. “Can I use your phone?”

I watch as Cindy backs away straightening her back and perking up her chest. She clears her throat.

“Cindy, from now on your duty is to keep Pete company. Whatever he needs, get it for him. But, no phone, no internet, and no leaving the room.” She said in a low, rough tone trying to imitate Vegas.

“That greedy bastard.” I whisper under my breath. I snicker at her but couldn’t help and laugh at her silliness. Of course Vegas wouldn’t allow me those things. But just having Cindy here to keep me company for the time being, did make me feel lighter in the chest overall.

“So I brought a bunch of things! Books, cards, stationaries, and look…” Cindy pulls a small radio out of her bag. Something you don’t see often in the city anymore. But out here, a lot of people still use them. “We can listen to music!”

“Thank you Cindy.” I smile at her.

“No problem. If you want anything else, snacks, drinks, game boards, as long as it’s not those three things I listed, just let me know.”

“Can you get me a TV?” I joke with her.

“Hmm… I don’t see why not?” She said.

“Really?” I was just joking but if she can get a TV in here, I will kiss her. I miss just watching movies and shows and laughing at the screen. It’s crazy how you don’t see the importance in the little things until you’ve been deprived of it.

“I’ll work on it during lunch. For now, how’s your poker?” She grins at me. I already know this girl can make me broke if we ever gamble with real money but good thing we aren’t.

“Bring it on.” I said chuckling.


With Cindy here, the time went by swiftly. Before I know it, lunch time had already rolled around. I spent the morning getting my butt kicked in poker for a while before giving up. Then, I spent a good amount of time teaching Cindy simple school subjects. Cindy though literate, dropped out of school at a young age so she missed out on a lot of things.

“Did I do this right?” She shows me the math equation I had written down for her to solve. I look at her work and shake my head.


“Damn it! Give me another one.” She says making me laugh.

Suddenly the clearing of a throat interrupts us. We both look up to see Vegs standing there not realizing he had enter the room and was staring at us. Cindy immediately stands up and bows respectfully.



“Go and have lunch set out in the back patio today.” Vegas said.

“Ka.” Cindy bows again and exits the room.

Vegas comes up to me and sits on the table in front of me. He reaches out and brushes his hand on the side of my face before tilting my head up to look at him.

“How was your morning?” He asks.

“It was good…”

“Just good?”

“Well it could have been better if I had, a phone, internet and permission to leave the room.” I said in a joking matter so he didn’t think I was complaining. Even though I kind of am.

Vegas smirks and leans down towards me, getting closer and closer to my face. My eyes automatically close expecting his lips on mine. Instead I feel a callous finger on my forehead before my head is pushed back.

“Ahh!” I squeal opening my eyes and quickly rubbing at the spot he poked me. Vegas laughs as I pout at him.

“Smart mouth.” He said.

I stick my tongue out at him before turning away still rubbing my head. “What are you doing here anyways. Aren’t you supposed to be like, terrorizing the world?”

“Hmm… that was the plan. But… someone asked me to eat with him today.” Vegas looks down at me with a hint of humor in his eyes. Is he actually playing along with my jokes?

“But you already did.” I said.

“Yes, but you didn’t say which meal or meals. So I came back for lunch and will later for dinner too.” Is he kidding me? I look at him like he’s gone insane. He’s listening to me and even doing more than he have to just because I…ask? I only invited him for another meal because I was tired of being alone all day.

“Keep staring at me like that Pete and I will have you for lunch instead.” Vegas said. I quickly shifted my eyes away.

“Come on, let’s go.” Vegas said standing up.

“Where too?” I asked getting up after him.

“You wanted to leave the room right? We’re having lunch outside today.” Vegas said reminding me that he just told Cindy to set lunch outside in the back patio.

I smile up at him and quickly hop over to his side ready to leave this room. Vegas looks at me with a little sparkle in his gaze and a small smile on his lip.

Vegas takes me through the house to the back before exiting a set of French doors that leads out to the yard I can see from the room above. They sky was blue with little cloud and a bright sun. The yard was trimmed neatly and green overlooking the mountains. The smell of food and the mountain air tickled my senses and the light breeze felt nice on my skin. I stretch my arms and inhale a huge breath soaking in the scenery before me. If not for being here against my will, this place is paradise. And also if not for all the scary looking men now staring at me.

I quickly step back gluing myself onto Vegas’s side. Vegas doesn’t say anything but places a large hand to my back and usher me over to a table where food is already set out. He pulls me a chair before moving to the opposite side and sitting down himself. I try to ignore all the scary men and turn my head towards the view.

“You like it?” Vegas asks.

I turn to look at him and nod my head. “Mmm. It’s beautiful.”

“It’s only beautiful from afar. Up close and within the mountains lies nothing but danger.”

“Kind of like you.” I sneer at him before shutting my mouth and looking away. I wasn’t scare that I just talked back to him but… I just admitted he’s beautiful out loud.

“You think me beautiful?” Vegas asks with a grin.

“Nope.” I shake my head in denial making him chuckle.

“That’s right. You saw all those scars on my body. I’m nothing close to beautiful.” Vegas voiced.

“I didn’t mean that.” I quickly say looking at Vegas. “It has nothing to do with your scars. You look fine even with them.”

“Eat your food.” He said after a moment. He doesn’t push the subject and I’m thankful for it but I didn’t want him thinking I think he’s ugly because of his scars. If anything, he looks even more exotic with them. But I couldn’t tell him that so I decided to stuff my face with food instead.



“How’s it going? Are you successfully wooing your bride yet?” Tankhun asks stepping into my office. He helps himself to the couch in the middle of the room.

It had only been ten minutes after lunch ended and I took Pete back to the bedroom. I just returned to my office to work on the new trade routes and here Tankhun is, out to ruin my day.

“Oh don’t tell me he ran away already?” Tankhun said when I don’t reply to him.

“Get lost Khun. I’m busy these days.” I said not lifting my eyes from my work.

“Well I hope you’re busy wooing your bride. Word has it, Kim proposed marriage too.” Tankhun mentions. My fingers tighten around the pen I was holding.

“I’m aware.” I say loosening my grip.

“Oh and you’re still here instead of with Pete?”

“He’s fine and safe.”

“I mean you’re not spending more time with him and making sure he won’t leave you the first chance he gets?” Khun sighs exasperated.

“He won’t leave me. Not when his family’s life is in the palm of my hands.” I stated.

“See that’s your problem. Instead of convincing him to be on your side, you threaten him. And with his family? He will leave the first chance it gets.”

“And what do you proposed Khun? Shower him with flowers, chocolates and love?” I roll my eyes at him.

“Exactly.” Tankhun claps annoying me.

“Get out of here before I shoot you.” I threaten.

“You’re insufferable.” Tankhun huffs.

The office door suddenly opens and Arm walks in with a hurried step. “Three unrecognized cars were spotted coming up the mountain headed this way.”

“He’s here.” I mouth nonchalantly. “Prepared for our very special guest.”

Tankhun raise a questioning brow at me.

“My future father in law.” I smile.


I sit in the living room with Tankhun as we wait for our guest to arrive. Tankhun mentioned I should be out there in the foyer welcoming Arthee but I shrug him off and found my way in here instead. It doesn’t matter that Arthee was about to become family. I wait on no one.

I hear a little commotion at the entrance of the house before moments later Arm emerges with Arthee and two of his bodyguard following closely behind him. Arm motions for Arthee to enter and come my way. He makes eye contact with me and starts strutting towards me standing tall, even in his sickening state.

Arthee has indeed aged since the last time I’ve seen him. Or at least, he looks less healthy and proof of his terminal illness was apparent on his skin. Arthee sits himself down across from me and Tankhun, his bodyguards standing behind him. Arm does the same and moves behind me.

“Where’s my son?” He asks without a greeting.

“Ha…Like father, like son.” I chuckle a little remembering when Pete used to not greet me.

“Don’t f*ck with me Vegas. Show me my son now.” Arthee grinds through his teeth.

“Patience Arthee. How have you been? Would you like something to drink?” I said knowing I was playing with fire. There may be just two guards here, but I’m sure the rest is just outside this room. And I’m even more positive he has more men hidden in the mountain. No one walks into someone’s territory this deep in the woods without a bloody good plan.

“I’m sure you’re fully aware, patience is the last thing I have now with my clock ticking. Now bring me my son.” Arthee demands and he wasn’t lying. Time is not on his side.


“Right away boss.” Arm leaves without having to be told to go fetch Pete.

“Khun Arthee. Thanks for coming all the way here. We have a proposition for you.” Tankhun starts saying.

“So does the 100 other people who knows of my imminent death.” Arthee says. “I stand by what I said to you Vegas, only that who marries my son will get what I leave behind and only my son will be making that decision.”

“Well then you wont have to wait long. Your son has agreed to marry me.” I lied. At least he will agree.

“We will see about that.” Arthee says.

“You know damn well he’s better off with me than the East Gang. At least I don’t traffick humans.” I wipe away all humor from my face.

“Tell me something Vegas. When Kim is done using my son, he will most likely sell him off to the highest bidder. What about you? How I see it, when you are done using my son, you will probably put a bullet right through his heart.” Arthee smirks. “People like you, Kim, me. We are all the same. It doesn’t matter what business we dwell in compare to anyone else. At the end of the day, we are all evil.”

My jaws tighten but I try not to show a reaction to his words. He was right, at least before he would have been spot on. My plan was to marry his lost child and then rid of his child when I got what I wanted. But that was before the child became Pete. Now, even I’m not sure what I will do anymore after getting what I want.

Arm returns withdrawing me away from my thoughts and behind him, Pete walks slowly and timidly. Pete takes a quick scan around before his eyes landed on me. He looks both scare and nervous. His gaze shifts away and finally lands on Arthee who was staring back at him.

“Pete…” Arthee says.

“Vegas this is…” Pete looks at me unsure.

“Your father.” I confirmed. His eyes widened in a state of shock. He turns back to look at Arthee.

“Pa… are you really my father?” Pete breathes, his voice low.

“If you’re really my father, get me out of here.” A single tear slips his eyes as he said those words. Words that felt like betrayal piercing through my heart.

Before I can stop myself and think rationally, I jump up from the couch. “You’re not going anywhere!”

Guns from both side are drawn out with my sudden outburst pointed at each other. Pete shrinks back upon seeing the guns and his body begins to shake as he grips his pants tightly. He’s scare. He’s probably remembering the day I shot him. Before I can reach towards him, Arthee stops everyone.

“Put the damn guns away!” He shouts. His men immediately follow his order. Arm withdraw his gun only when the others put theirs back. Tankhun who had jumped out of his seat with his own gun, also settles back into the seat.

“I would like to talk to my son. Alone.” Arthee said.

“Not a chance.” I replied.

“I wasn’t asking.”

“Neither am I.” I all but growl. No way in hell am I allowing them to be alone. To concoct some plan for Pete to escape.

“I can guarantee that I won’t be taking him anywhere. And that he will even choose you.”

“What?” I look at Arthee confuse but suspicious. He only returns my gaze with a smirk. “So what do you say Vegas?”

f*ck. I really didn’t want to leave them alone. But if it will mean Pete agreeing to marry me then I have no choice. Sighing, I signal for everyone to leave the room, myself included.

“Are you sure this is the right thing to do?” Tankhun asks after ten minutes.

“They won’t be going anywhere anyways. Not without alerting everyone.” I replied yet my eyes stare in the direction of where we came from.

“But they can be planning a future escape.” Tankhun adds.

“Let them plan. I will tie Pete to my hips if I have to. He’s not going anywhere. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.”

“Hahaha.” Tankhun laughs. “You’re so whipped.”

“Huh?” I turn to look at Tankhun who only continues to chuckle and shake his head.

Suddenly, Arthee emerges without Pete following. He walks over stopping before me.

“I’ve talked to him and now the decision rest on him. And hear me now Vegas, just because I’m leaving my son here today, doesn’t mean I’m giving in to you. I myself, have loose ends to tie up before I leave this world. Like I mentioned, hurt him and I will kill you if it’s the last thing I do.” With those final words, Arthee and his men leaves my property.

I quickly make my way to the living room where Pete is sitting on the same couch I was before. His face was stained with tears and his hands are fisted, shaking slightly in his lap. I was still angry with his little betrayal earlier so I stomp up to him and yank him off the couch. Surprisingly, he doesn’t even react but follows.

When we make it back to the room, I leave him on the bed as I go out to smoke a cigarette. When I return, he is still in the same state as I left him. What the hell did they talk about?

“Pete.” I call out to him. I move to sit next to him. I grab him and pull him to look at me. His lips tremble and new tears threaten to fall.

“What the hell…” the words trail off my lips. Again, his sadness does something to me. Within me.

“Vegas, promise me one thing.” Pete finally speaks. “If you promise me this, I will marry you.”

My heart begins to race at the mention of marriage. I don’t know if this is a plan made by him and Arthee but it would seem Arthee stay true to his words about Pete choosing me after their conversation. Now I’m really curious about what was exchanged behind closed doors. But none of that matters, as long as he agrees to marry me, I’ll move the world for him.

“Name your price Pete. I will do whatever you want.” I say cupping his face and wiping his tear away.

“After you are done using me, after you get what you want… kill me.” Pete looks up at me like he’s given up and smile sadly. My hand drops from his face and for the first time, I swear I hear my heart cracking.


A/N: I wondered what Pete and his dad talked about? Hehe. Hope you all enjoyed and see you next chapter. As always please comment, share and vote. Thank you!

*Spoiler Alert* A certain East Gang boss will be entering next chapter =D

Chapter 12: SPECIAL CHAPTER - Valentine's Day


Hi loves, this is a special VP chapter. It's short and sweet and have nothing to do with Devil's Flaw, Angel's Sin plotline. It's just a little side story I wanted to write to celebrate this day of love, hugs and kisses. Enjoy and happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


"What are you doing?" Vegas asked as he walks into the bedroom. I quickly hide what I was working on behind me.

"Nothing..." I lie looking everywhere put him. "What are you doing back already? Shouldn't you be tantalizing the world?"

Vegas walks over before sitting down on the floor next to me. He reaches behind me grabbing my wrist as he leans dangerously close over me.

"I'm here to tantalize you. Now show me what you're hiding." He pulls my wrist from behind me revealing the cut out red heart shape paper. "What do we have here?"

"It's nothing!" I yell but Vegas snatched the artwork out of my hand. He opens it and begins scrutinizing it. His eyes slowly lighting up with humor.

I know it was childish to do but I was bored and Cindy was busy today so I was left alone.

"Vegas. Neither man or beast. But the Devil himself." Vegas read the words I wrote. "How cute. You wrote me a love letter and even drew a portrait of me with horns."

Vegas looks at me and smirk. "And on a heart too?"

I can feel my cheeks warming. Quickly I try snatching the heart back but Vegas holds it over his head away from my reach.

"Give it back!" I shout trying to grab it from him.

He hides the artwork behind him and without thinking, I climb on top of him trying to get it back. Vegas releases a guttural moan catching my attention. I stop trying to reach for the heart and look at him. His eyes are slanted almost close. Only then do I realize I'm basically sitting in his lap straddling him underneath me. And I can feel his dick extending against my bottom.

"You horny dog." I lift a leg to get off him, but he grabs my thigh, pulling me back before his arm snake around my waist pressing our bodies ever so closely.

"Now I'm a dog?" He half smiles. My heart skips a beat with how handsome he looks.

Vegas moves closer to me, tracing the tip of his nose on my face before whispering in my ear. "You know when dogs mate, they like their partner on all four. I like you on your back though, so I can see that pretty little face and the way your mouth shapes into a circle screaming my name as I thrust deeply in you. I like it when your body arches off the bed and your nails run down my back leaving your marks behind. I like it when you wrap these long legs around my back so I can f*ck you even harder and faster until we are both nothing but a withering mess."

I release a shaky breath as my dick extended to its full length. This man drives me mad with his words alone. Yes a dog he is not indeed nor the devil. He's an incubus in the form of a Greek God's body. Here to torture and destroy any sense of humanity I possess. My own personal sin. My gateway to hell. And by God do I want to follow him to the deepest depths of hell just to live out that fantasy he just described. My body shivers just thinking about it.

Vegas smiles knowing he got me all hot and bothered. It was obvious with how my hard dick laid against his stomach. He moves his hand, giving me back my silly artwork I made. I took it from him knowing I'm red as a tomato now. He shifts his other hand and out of nowhere, he presents me with a single red rose.

"Vegas this is..." my eyes widened as I look at the beautiful deep red flower before me.

"Happy Valentine's day Pete." He smiles.

"Uhhh... thank you?" I wasn't sure what to say or how to react. Never would I have expected anything from him, especially not a flower and on Valentine's Day too. I take the rose from him and smell it, smiling as the scent spread through my blood stream.

"Now..." Vegas begins saying. "I want your asshole as red as that flower when I'm done with you."

"Wha... ah!" I yelp as Vegas picks me off the floor and carries me over to the bed. He gently tosses me on the bed before removing his clothing.

I lick my lips and swallow as he reveals his large hard co*ck. Already the tip of his dick gleam with pre cum. Vegas grabs the waistband of my pants and pull it down along with my boxers revealing my own hard co*ck. He then straddles me and pulls me up to a sitting position before lifting my shirt off me. He gently pushes me back onto the bed when I'm fully naked. Grabbing the rose from me, he trace the bud over my skin making me shiver with the softest touch that burns every particle of my being.

"I imagine your skin is as soft as the inside of a rose." Vegas says before licking and tracing my skin with his tongue. "I'm wrong. You're definitely softer than even a rose."

Vegas swallow my nipple into his mouth and does wicked things with his tongue making me moan loudly. He looks up at me with his hooded gaze and smirks before planting a single kiss on my bud. He moves up my body and captures my mouth with his own. His tongue is like wet fire, burning yet soothing at the same time. I open my mouth wider to let him claim my tongue as much as he wants.

My arms wrap around his strong back pulling his heavy weight flat against me. I wanted to feel every part of him as he devour me whole. Vegas settles between my legs and wasting no time, he push two fingers into me making me groan in his mouth. My dick twitches already excited for what's to come. He f*cks my hole expertly with his fingers while his tongue is deep down my throat and my body wantonly shakes beneath him. The pleasure was building within me driving me insane yet I needed it so badly. I bite Vegas lips to let him know I need him to f*ck me faster. He growls into my throat but oblige as his fingers sped up. Within a few plunges, I'm a screaming mess and I cum all over us.

Finally removing his lips from mine, Vegas softly kisses around my face. "I don't know what's softer. Your body, your mouth, the inside of your hole, or this sweet, sweet voice of yours that caresses my ears so pleasantly."

With those words, he buries his whole massive co*ck inside me.

"Definitely the inside of you." He whispers with a grunt.

Vegas starts moving within me, a slow steady pace as first before his animalistic instincts takes over and he starts pounding into me like his life depended on it. Like my life depended on it. And at this very moment, my life really did. All I can think about was chasing the euphoria only he can grant me.

I watch as Vegas's face twisted with pleasure with every push of his strong rod, every time not missing my favorite spot inside of me that makes my toes curl sideways. A sweat rolls down his temple to his sharp jawline. I wipe away his sweat and he smiles down at me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down for another deep passionate kiss. At the same time, I wrap my legs tightly around his waist just as he described before running my nails down his back. Vegas grunts into my very mouth biting my lips for hurting him but smirking at the same time.

"You naughty boy. Don't you dare stop." A small laugh rolls off his lips before he kisses me once more.

Vegas continues to ravish my body as I leave new scars behind his back. We took both pain and pleasure from each other until I'm crying from another earth shattering org*sm and Vegas is creaming my hole with his thick, thick essence. I can feel him filling me up to the brim.

Vegas falls on top of me with his dick still bury inside of me. I can feel his heartbeat racing rapidly mirroring my own. After a moment's rest, Vegas traces a heart over the scar on my chest. The one he left behind. His permanent mark.

"Pete... will you be my Valentine?" He asks with a boyish grin.

I look down at him and couldn't help but smile.

"No." I replied. Vegas pouts and moves to bite my nipple in retribution.

"Ah! Stop it." I yelp swatting at him.

"Now will you be my Valentine?" He smirks.

"Mmmm...." I thought for a bit. "Only if you let me make your hole as red as mine."

"You're asking for a beating." He growls.

I lift a suggestive brow at him. "What are you waiting for then?"

Vegas smile before flipping us around with his dick still in me so I'm on top of him. Already I can feel his dick growing inside me.

"Ride me Pete." Vegas said grabbing my hip and moving my body. "Ride the f*ck out of me."

I lean down and grab the rose that's fallen on the side of the bed. I remove one petal and trace his face with it. Kissing his jawline, I move to whisper in his ear. "Round one over."

"You asked for it. Don't scream bloody murder later. I'm not stopping until the last petal falls." Vegas grabs the rose from me and toss it aside.

He smacks my ass cheeks harshly before palming them and spreading my cheeks wide apart. He thrust into me with a force and smile letting me know the challenge has started.

He f*cks me through the day and night right into the awakening of dawn. I laid tirelessly in his arms as I grab the rose that's missing half its petals now and place the rose on top of his chest. Vegas looks at the flower and smirks before grabbing my leg and putting it over him as we lay on our side facing each other.

"I need rest." I groan pushing at his chest.

"There's still petals left." Vegas said and finding my hole, he shoves his dick inside.

"I can't anymore." I whine but already, my stupid dick is already starting to react.

"No chance babe. Only when the last petal falls." Vegas says.

We go at it again and again and again. I don't know if we f*cked until the last petal fell or not before I blacked out. All I know was, Vegas is a damn insatiable incubus. The f*cking devil indeed.

When I finally woke up, the sun was shinning brightly through the large windows. The smell of flower was still very strong even though we probably plucked every last one of the petals. Vegas was no longer in bed and I was super thankful for that. That man is crazy by all means. I slowly stretch my body and my eyes land on what's left of the rose. Only the stalk remains laying on the pillow Vegas was sleeping on. I smile and reach for the stalk remembering every moment from last night. Finally, I push myself to a sitting position and fully open my eyes.What the f*ck...

The room is filled with roses covering every inch of the room, from the bed, the nightstands, the floor, all the way to the closet and even out to the balcony. Everywhere there were roses.

Vegas exits the bathroom with a single rose in his hand, a mischievous grin ran across his face.


"Until the last petal falls, you're mine Pete." He announces before dashing and jumping into bed with me.

Never. Never challenge the devil.


A/N: Moral of the story. Roses are meant to be look at and admire, not play sex games with lol. Also, never challenge the devil hahaha. Just kidding lol, hope you all enjoy this short special chapter. Hoping I can have the next chapter out by the end of this week. Remember this special chapter have nothing to do with the story line so next chapter will start with our sad Pete again *tears*. Happy Valentine's Day Luves!

*NOTE* Since on AO3 it automatically counts this chapter as ch 12. I will remove this special chapter when I actually update ch 12 and put it at the end of the story.

Chapter 13: Chapter 12


Hi readers! It's been a long time and omg how I missed writing and you all and your witty comments too! Broken Hate (yes if you haven't heard already, it's published now and available for purchase) and Biu had kept me busy, busy but now I'm back! While writing this chapter, I realized how much I enjoy and missed writing so I hope you do enjoy this chapter. Happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“What the hell are you spewing?” Vegas ground, sounding almost upset.

What the hell am I saying? Am I already ready to give up on life? To give my life to this person who cares nothing at all about me? No. But everything from the time I met Vegas until now has been nothing but chaos, confusion and pain. And immense pleasure. I quickly shake the thought away and instead, look at Vegas who still stared at me with his intense brown eyes.

“I mean…” I suck in a lung full of air. “I mean, there won’t be anything left of me anyways, right? After you use and abuse my body like I’m nothing but a lifeless doll. It’s best to just get rid of me rather than pass this broken doll to someone else once you’re done.”

Vegas’s eyes slants and the veins in his forehead seems ready to burst. “What did you and Arthee talked about?”



“Why does it even matter? I’m good as dead anyways whether I stay here with you or out there, seeing that everyone wants a piece of me!” I snapped.

“Why does it even matter…” I breathe, in a lower tone.

Surprisingly, Vegas gently caresses my cheeks. “No one is allowed to have you. Only me. You belong to me.”

“And what happens when you no longer need me?” I ask even though I already know the answer. He’ll toss me like trash.

Vegas’s hand falls to my neck and he thumbs my pulsing vein. He gives my neck a light squeeze, making me close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, he responds. “Then I’ll kill you. Just like you want.”

I nod my head lightly and he lets me go. “Tomorrow… we sign the paper works.”

After saying that, Vegas gets off the bed and walks out of the room, leaving me alone.


In the morning after breakfast, I’m visited by Cindy. She brings in a black tux and sets it on the bed.

“The marriage officiant will be here in an hour. Khun Vegas wants you dressed and ready by then.” She informs me.

“This is really happening, huh?” I asked without really asking.

Cindy sighs and walks up to me. “Pete, I don’t know the full story of what’s going on but words travel around fast. If half of the things I’ve heard is true and you’re going to marry anyways, then it’s best that it's Vegas.”

“How can you say that Cindy? After everything he’s done to you too.”

“He saved me.” She replies.

“He also had someone beat you with a belt.” I mumble.

“Khun Vegas is a strict person. And when he wants something done. He expects nothing but perfection and consequences are expected. But… for someone who dwells in the underworld, he’s a saint.”

I almost wanted to burst out laughing. Saint? If Vegas is a saint then I must be the holy Bible wrapped in rainbows and butterflies sent from God himself.

“I’m serious, Pete. You’re better off with him.” Cindy adds.

“That’s what my father, my real father said too.” I say, sighing. “He mentioned someone named Kim and that if he had to choose between the two, he would choose Vegas. Why Cindy? Who’s this Kim?”

Cindy swallows before replying. “He’s… the rival gang. Out in the east. They’re not very nice people. Remember I said I was going to be trafficked? It was him, his people that were going to sell me off. But during that time, we happened to run into Vegas and his people and well, as I told you, he saved me and gave me this new life.”

“Wow… I mean, I’m sorry that happened to you.” I say to her. “So it’s either Vegas or sold off to some stranger, huh?”

“Kim is only the beginning of it. This dark world of theirs have people so evil that calling them people is offensive.” She comments.

I couldn’t help the single tear that rolled down my face. “I hate this… all of this. If my father is also such a scary man, why can’t he just take me away?”

“I think he may be protecting you. Or at least, leaving you with the only person strong enough to protect you from the rest of the evil that wants to consume you after he dies. And that’s Vegas.”

“I hope that’s true…” I whisper.

“Come on. Let’s get you dressed and dolled up.” Cindy urges, changing the subject.

“I don’t know what for. He’s going to marry me regardless if I’m dressed in a suit or pajamas.” I rolled my eyes.

Cindy smiles and touches my face, wiping the tear away. “Trust me, you want him to see you at your best. I’ll make sure he falls head over heels for you if he already hasn’t. We’ll make it so he wants to do nothing but protect you from the world.”

“You have too much faith in him.” I chuckle lightly.

“I have faith in you.” She winks at me.

Cindy waits as I shower and shave. Afterwards, she helps trim my hair just enough so my hair is the same length as when I first arrived because it’s grown some since. She then does my hair, pushing most out of my face, leaving only a few loose strands. Finally, she even put some light makeup on me even though I tried to tell her it’s not necessary but there was no saying no to her. She was enjoying this way too much. But I must admit, as I stand in the middle of the closet staring at myself all glam up in an expensive tux, I look great. It’s been so long since I’ve dressed up. The last time was probably my graduation and even then I didn’t look this good.

I sigh looking at myself from head to toe one more time. Never would I have imagine getting married like this. I never thought of anything lavish but at least the event would be with someone I love and someone who loves me and we would be surrounded with our family and friends. But here I am, in the middle of nowhere about to marry a mob boss all alone.

“It’s either this or something worse…” I whisper to myself.

As I step out of the closet, Cindy looks at me and grins. She waited while I got dressed.

“You look absolutely handsome, Pete.” She gleefully say.

I smile shyly at her. “Thank you, Cindy.”

“Are you ready? It’s time.”

“Absolutely not.” I sigh. “But, let’s get it over with.”

Cindy gives me an encouraging smile and ushers me out the door. With each step, my heart starts hammering faster, louder. We make it to the top of the staircase and my steps falter. Standing on the bottom of the steps is Vegas looking up at us, looking up at me. He looks f*cking gorgeous, dressed in a suit similar to mine that clung onto his muscled body, his hair neatly done. And I can bet he smells just as good as he looks.

He eyes my whole body and a slow breathe leaves his lips before his deep dark eyes lands on mine. His stare is so intense as if he’s staring right straight to my soul. I swallow nervously before unconsciously licking my bottom lips. The corner of his mouth slowly lifts but disappears just as fast. I quickly look away, feeling a little embarrassed.

“Pete…” Cindy whispers my name.

“Krap…” I acknowledge and take the first step down. Down the steps of hell to greet the handsome devil himself.



Breathe, you damn fool.

But it was hard to. Not when an angel is staring down at me. My angel. Handsome, beautiful, perfect in every way. And currently stealing my very breath away. Am I actually this lucky? To gain not only the South but him too?

I try to keep my face as stoic as possible, to show no emotions. But I couldn’t help myself when he looked at me like that, while licking his lips nervously. If only he knows the desperate urge inside of me to do nothing more than throw myself at his feet. f*ck…

I always knew Pete was dangerous. My one and only flaw. And he’s confirming once again, the power he can very well hold over me if I’m not careful of my feelings. Already, my heart cries out to him, broke for him when he told me to just kill him when I’m done. The thing is, I want to do nothing else but keep him alive and mine forever, chained next to me so he can’t go anywhere ever again. And I’m about to do just that.

Pete takes the last step down and stands awkwardly next to me, still not looking at me. Up close he’s even more handsome. Not that he wasn’t before, but today he looks like the rainbow after a thunderstorm. Lighting up a gray sky and bringing color to life. My life.

“Pete…” his name slips my lips. He looks up at me through his long, thick lashes.

A euphoric chill runs through my veins and my body reacts on its own. I grab him, curling my arms around his thin waist and crush my lips to his.

I hear Pete gasp in shock and his body still. I expect him to push me away but his body slowly melts into mine, softening with every touch. He leans his body closer, resting his hands on my shoulders. My mind goes blank and I kiss him deeper. He smells f*cking amazing and taste even better.

Just as I desperately thrust a tongue down his throat, the clearing of a throat breaks us out of our trance. Pete quickly pulls back looking away, hiding his blushed face as he nibbles at his plump lips. Damn…

“The officiant is waiting in the living room.” Tankhun announces from the entrance.

I finally take my eyes off Pete and look around me. Cindy was looking away out of respect as Tankhun wiggles his stupid brows suggestively. Idiot.

I grab Pete’s hand in mine and slowly tug him to follow me. He does without a fight. We walk side by side, hand in hand, and enter the living room. In front of us, the marriage officiant we brought in from the city sat on a couch along with only Arm and Tankhun, our two witnesses to this matrimony, and two pieces of paper on the table.

Pete’s step falters and he clutches my hand tighter as he stares at the table. My bride is getting cold feet. I smile to myself. There’s nowhere to run, angel.

Everyone stands as I lightly drag Pete over to the table. We move to sit in the middle, right in front of the table that laid two marriage certificates and a single pen.

I motion for the officiant to begin. As he runs through the basic lines of life and love, Pete gets more nervous and jittery. His face sports a scowl and he unconsciously squeezes my hand harder and harder. Is marrying me that bad? I wanted to ask him but stop myself. It doesn’t matter as long as he does marry me.

My attention is so focused on Pete that I barely heard the officiant until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“Vegas…ring.” Tankhun whisper roughly.

Pete looks up for the first time hearing those words. He looks confused and even more shocked when I reach into my pants and pull out a black velvet box. I set it on the table and open the little box revealing two identical silver bands, adorn with a line of diamonds. Pete’s mouth slightly opens and I smirk. That’s right, your husband is prepared.

I take the smaller ring made for his slender finger and grab his hand. He stares at me and I keep my gaze on him as I slowly slide the ring onto this ring finger. Finally, I bring his hand to my mouth and place a soft kiss over the ring and his fingers. Pete exhales a shaky breath but doesn’t say anything.

I drop his hand and motion with my head for him to do the same. He sighs again and grabs the other ring from the box. Taking my hand he slowly slides it on my hand. I wait for him to kiss my hand like I did his, wiggling my brows at him but instead he pouts and drops my hand. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“Last thing to do is for the grooms to sign the marriage licenses and the two witnesses to sign as well.” The marriage officiant says.

Arm and Tankhun signs both paper as our witnesses before handing the pen over to me. I do the honors of signing both copies first and then hand the pen over to Pete. He doesn’t move to grab it and instead stares up at me with sad, frightening eyes, begging me with them. Begging for what?...

“Vegas…” He says barely audible.

“Pete…” I said his name lowly but in a definite, no nonsense tone. His lips wavers down but he takes the pen nonetheless.

What the f*ck… I can feel a little anger burning inside of me. I already told him, all he has to do is marry me and I can give him the f*cking world. What’s so f*cking bad about that? Is that a cause for f*cking crying or feeling hopeless? I exhale slowly to cure my anger.

Pete holds the pen a little longer before leaning forward and starts to sign the paper with trembling hands. He stops signing and takes a few breath to control his shaking before signing again. Once he signs both I take the pen from him and toss it on the table. The marriage officiate looks at us nervously but doesn’t say anything. I made sure Arm found someone who wouldn’t give a f*ck to question our marriage as long as I’m paying him.

“Congratulations, I now pronounce you, husband and husband.” He says taking the pen and sliding each of us the copy of the marriage certificate. “You may kiss your bri… um husband.”

I smirk. “My bride indeed.”

I grab Pete and turn him to me, without warning I connect out lips. Finally, he is officially mine. All mine.

This time Pete pushes against me but it only makes me wrap my hands around his neck and head and kiss him harder. My bride is already fighting his husband. How cute. The things I’m going to do to him right after this…

When I finally pull back, I still hold onto him. Pete looks at me angrily with tears threatening to fall. Good. He’s going to have to learn that there is no escaping me unless I let him go.


I turn to look at the officiant and he shuts his mouth right away. “You may leave. Your job here is done.”

“Krap…” He was too excited to get out of here and was gone in an instant.

“Let me be the first to congratulate the two grooms.” Tankhun says cheerily, trying to break the ice.

“Your job here is done too Khun, you can go.”

“As usual. Use me and toss me when you’re done.” He whines but doesn’t leave.

“Actually… you can stay for a moment longer.” I say and Tankhun looks at me confused.

I let Pete go and retrieve me phone from my pocket. I dial a number and place it on speaker before setting it down on the table.

After two rings it’s picked up. “I’ve already told you Vegas, you’re not getting anything from me until my son is married to you.” Arthee’s voice says through the phone.

Pete's body stiffen beside me and he looks over to the phone then to me. I smirk at the phone even though Arthee can’t see me.

“I just did. I married him just now. It’s official.” I say confidently. I smile and turn to look at Pete but my smile drops as I meet his gaze. He looks at me painfully, even more than before like I just betrayed him. What the hell?...

“Well aren’t you quick. I’ll talk to you again after confirming this is true. Until then… you better take damn good care of him.” Arthee says before hanging up but my attention is still on Pete.

“What’s wrong with you Pete?” I asked, already forgotten Arthee.

“This is all really just a transaction to you after all…” He breathes, sounding hurt.

“What do you mean?”

“The first thing you do after we are married is called to secure my inheritance.” He seethe through his teeth.

I begin to chuckle and the little weight on my shoulder lifts. “Is that it? My bride is mad that I didn’t give him attention first and called his Pa instead? Well, why didn’t you just say so, I’ll take you upstairs right now.”

I move towards Pete. Instead of backing away, his hand comes flying towards me and I feel a heavy sting on my face as my body jerks from the force of his smack.

“Holy f*ck…” I hear Tankhun gasp and even Arm too.

He just f*cking smack me… Ha, I don’t know whether to laugh or get angry. Though I am feeling a little bit of both. I shift my jaw, back and forth before turning back to look at Pete. He stares at me defiantly but cowers back a little when he sees the death glare on my face.

I feel the couch dip behind me as Tankhun come sits beside me. “Pete… I think you should run.” Tankhun says.

Petes eyes widen finally realizing the damage he’s done. Before he can jump up to run, I swing an elbow back hitting Tankhun right in the gut before lunging forward and grabbing Pete and pinning him beneath me. I knew damn well Tankhun came behind me so he can hold me back so Pete can escape.

Pete screams out and struggles against me. Tankhun coughs from the blow I just gave him but quickly shakes it off and jumps on my back to pull me off Pete. Before I know it, I’m no longer trying to grab Pete but hold my body above his so both my weight and Tankhun’s weight doesn’t crush him under us. Tankhun, the idiot was doing more damage than he thought.

“Arm get this bastard off me.” I shout.

Arm who listens only to me, jumps into action and try to pry Tankhun off. f*cking great, now I’m holding both their body weight so Pete doesn’t get crush. At some point, Pete realizes what I’m trying to do and stops struggling beneath me. My hands are place beside his head and I grit my teeth as I continue to hold back the two idiots weight pushing against me.

Pete looks up at me and I down at him but still, I grit my teeth. He looks at me with concern, surprising me. The space between our bodies is just enough that he slides a hand up and softly cups my cheek where he smacked.

“I’m sorry…” He silently mouthed. A rather calming sensation fills my heart, one that I can’t explain.

Just then Tankhun hits into my back harshly and my body drops lower almost crushing Pete. His eyes closes for a moment expecting to be crush before he opens them again. My face is now right above his and I continue to do my best to hold these idiots weight.

Pete looks at me, definitely concern now. “Hold on.” I whisper.

In one infuriating growl, I push back up with all my might and send those two idiots falling back. f*ck… I can breathe again.

My phone starts to ring on the table but I ignore it. Instead I look down at Pete who’s still laying on the couch. I grab his arm and pull him up.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“Yeah… you?” He asks back, his voice still laced with concern.

I hear shuffling behind me and another phone ringing as Arm and Tankhun straighten themselves out. Not giving them any attention, I smile at Pete.

“Yeah…” I reply to him.

“Hello?” Tankhun answers his phone.

I sit back down on the couch and relaxed only a little when Tankhun throws his phone on the table.

“Vegas…” He called out to me. I look at him and my relaxed body stiffens immediately. I know his serious face too well.

“Kim is on the phone.” He says.

I get up and lean towards the phone. The caller ID was an unknown number. Immediately I’m back to work mode.

“Kimhan.” I say.

“Finally… It’s so hard to get in touch with you these days, Khun Vegas.” Kim’s cold voice sounds through the phone.

“What? You didn’t like my gift I sent you?” I reply. Pete shifts next to me and I can tell he’s on edge as his hand grabs my arm.

“Those heads? I take them as early wedding gifts…” Kim say with humor in his voice.

“Ha… you’re a little late Kimhan.” I chuckle.

“Am I?” He asks, still with humor. “I’ll cut to the chase Vegas. You have something that belongs to me. My bride. What’s his name? Pete?”

Pete gasp besides me and grips me harder.

“Oh… is he there with you right now? Hi Pete. I’m Kimhan, your future husband.”

“Shut up Kim.” I grind through my teeth. “Pete is already mine. You lose this time. Now stay your ass in your place and don’t ever f*cking think to cross me again. You’ve been warned.”

For some reason my thoughts return to the time he sent those men here and I shot Pete. Damn I want to put a bullet through Kim’s heart too. I get ready to hang up but Kim speaks again.

“Pete… let’s do a trade shall we? You for your brother, Porchay.” Kim says making my fists clench.

“What have you done to Chay!” Pete shouts, speaking for the first time. He lets me go and moves closer to the phone.

“Ah… so you call him Chay? He’s cute… and feisty. Come get him Pete, before I send his head back to you as a wedding gift after I’m done with his body, of course.” With those final words, Kim laughs maniacally before hanging up.

Petes whole body starts shaking and before I can get to him, he turns to me and grabs my arm tightly with both of his hands.

“Vegas…” Pete whispers with trembling lips. This time really begging me with his eyes. “Please, help me…”

My heart pounded wildly in my chest and I knew then and there, I wanted to protect him from the world.


A/N: Finally, Kim and Chay are entering the story. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next. As always, please do comment, vote and share. Thank you so much.

And two things here. As I already mentioned, Broken Hate is now available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Kobo both print and ebook. Please do me the favor of leaving a review on any of these platforms even if you can't purchase. Show your love and appreciation for the book by leaving a simple review (it doesn't even have to be long lol) and I too will appreciate it so much. It really does help me as an author and motivates me to keep writing for free as well since I get to see all your support for me hehe. Writing takes a lot of time and this little favor can really help me. If you do leave a review, on two or more platforms and send me the ss on Twitter (maela_bale) or IG (maela.bale), I will gladly send you a pdf copy of Broken Hate VegasPete Version with all the extra scenes for you to keep as a small gift.

The second thing, people have asked why I changed character names from VegasPete to RomeCass. It all comes down to copyrights and plagiarism. I can't legally use the characters VP in my published work and sell it, otherwise I would be stealing and one can get in trouble if caught doing something like that hence the name change. I also changed name for Morning Glory as well. So for future reference, any vp fics that I choose to publish will have name change in the official version. Don't worry, I don't plan to publish this one. This one will be kept here for all. But if you do want the VP versions of Broken Hate or Morning Glory, just leave reviews as I said up there and I will email you a PDF copy of VP versions for free. Thank you readers.

Chapter 14: Chapter 13


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


He has Chay. That Kim monster everyone has been talking about has my little brother Chay. The hair on my body rises and a fear like no other before, one not even Vegas was able to make me feel, takes over all my senses. I do the only thing I can think of and seek shelter from Vegas.

“Vegas… please, help me…” I cry as I desperately dig my fingers into his arm.

Vegas looks down at me. There’s a shift in his gaze that I’ve never seen before. His orbs darken and looks menacing, yet a fire burns in them.

“Please…” I whimper when he doesn’t say anything.

“Pete… you’re my only concern. The only one I need to protect.” Vegas finally speaks.

My hands drop from his arm and a short heavy breath leaves my lips. I’m so bad at judging him. Always.

I turn away and quickly grab the phone on the table. I’ll get my brother back myself if I have to. Strong fingers wrap around my wrist and pry the phone away from me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Vegas’s growl in my ear.

“Give me the phone back! I’ll call this Kim and get my brother back myself!” I shout and reach for the phone. Vegas quickly tosses the phone back to Tankhun. I throw my body over his to try and get to the phone but Vegas puts me in a tight bear hug and hold me still in his lap.

“Have you gone f*cking insane?” Vegas shouts.

“You would too if it was your brother! Oh I forgot, you have no heart so you probably wouldn’t care! Let me go!” I try moving but can’t budge an inch.

“Think first idiot–” Before Vegas can finish, I head butt him right in the nose.

“Argh!” Vegas's arms around me loosen and I take my chance, getting to my feet only to be instantly toss over his shoulder. I turn my head back and see Vegas holding me with one arm while his other, touching his nose. I can’t see his face put when he pulls his hand back, it’s stained with blood. I stop my struggling for a moment realizing what I have done. But none of it matters. All that matters is getting to my brother.

Before I can start struggling again, he speaks. “Khun, find out if it’s true.”

“Yeah… I’m on it.” Tankhun says and then Vegas’s words register. This can all be a big fat lie just to get to me. f*ck. I may have just overreacted without finding out the truth first. I wouldn’t put it past these people to come up with such a sickening lie.

I look up and my eyes meet Tankhun’s. He slowly shakes his head at me without a word, signaling me to stop and also signaling me that I was in deep, deep sh*t. Not only did I smack Vegas today but now I’ve made him bleed too. I might just die before finding out the truth.

All the fight leaves me, and my body goes slump over Vegas’s shoulder. As much as I hate to admit this, I need Vegas on my side. I don’t know the first thing about this criminal world and don’t have a single clue of where to begin. I need to tread lightly and smartly.

I feel Vegas start moving and without struggling, allow him to carry me over his shoulder, up the stairs and back to his room. Vegas sets me down on the bed and I get the first look of his face, his very angry face that sported a bloody nose.

I gulp nervously, trying to figure out how I’m going to get out of this one. Earlier, Tankhun had thankfully intervened. Now, it’s just us alone. He takes a step towards me but I jump up to my feet. I grab his wrist and his step falters but he doesn’t say anything. Holding onto him, I lead him to the bathroom and plant his bottom onto the edge of the tub.

“Stay.” I say and Vegas’s eyes slants at my command.

I ignore his cold stare, even though I’m shaking inside, and walk over to the sink. I wet a towel with warm water before returning to where Vegas surprisingly stayed. Grabbing his chin, I tilt his head up to look at me and press the warm towel on his nose. The tinniest grunt escapes his throat.

“Softer.” The word drags out of his mouth. I sigh and roll my eyes but dab gentler at his nose.

“I didn’t know even the devil can bleed and feel pain.” I mumble before I can stop myself.

Vegas grabs my wrist stopping my hand movement. “What did you say?”

“Nothing. That this is the first time I realize you’re only human too, just like me.” My voice raised and I know I shouldn’t be getting on his nerves when I need him, but my emotions are still running high as well.

I pull my wrist out of his grasp but before I can continue tending to his wound, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him so I’m standing between his legs.

“You’re getting very daring now that we’re married.” He says, sliding his hand up my back.

“I’m just taking responsibility for my actions. Something you can do well learning.”

He smirks for the first time since I headbutted him and slides his hand to my front stopping before my heart. “Didn’t I take responsibility? I shot you and nursed you back to health. I bedded you and…” his eyes roam my body. “…I made you my wife.”

My body involuntarily shiver in his arms making him smile again but I’m not happy about it. “You still have to take responsibility for one more thing.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

“Saving my brother,” I whisper.

His smile drops and his grim expression returns. “I already told you, my only responsibility is you.”

“And my brother is mine. Unless you want to lose me… lose the inheritance of the South, you have to help me.”

“It’s mine already. The only condition was to marry you.” Vegas says.

A dull pain forms in my chest and I turn my head away from him. “I know I’m useless to you without my inheritance but for now, I am legally yours. Until you’re done using me, can you pretend to be a good husband? I promise I’ll be the perfect husband, wife, whatever you want to call me. Just until you let me go, care about me just a little bit.”

I hear Vegas sighing and then feel his touch on my face. He turns me back to face him as I try to hold back tears.

“I’ll get your brother back. As soon as I hear from Khun, I’ll get him back.” Vegas says in all seriousness, surprising me.

“Thank you. That’s all I ask.” I whisper. Without thinking, I bend down and place a soft, thankful kiss on his forehead. When I pull back, he is staring up at me with those unreadable eyes once more. I can feel my cheeks starting to warm but kept my composure.

I quickly clear my throat, grab his face and start dabbing the now cool towel on his nose again. “And I’m sorry about your nose. I kind of lost it when I heard about my brother. But you’re right, we can very well be walking into a trap.”

“We?...” He arches a brow.

“Well… yeah I guess.”

“That’s right. You’re right. There’s no more you or me. Just us, we.” He says.

Vegas’s hand curls behind my nape and he pulls me down to him, mending our lips to one. As he gently kisses me, the dull pain in my chest slowly dissipates.


“Hey, how are you feeling Pete?” Cindy asks me as she comes out to the patio with lunch.

Now that I’m married to Vegas, he’s allowed me a little leeway. I’m allowed to roam the property as long as I don’t go beyond the fences and there’s always a bodyguard nearby. He doesn’t need to worry about either though. I’m not going anywhere until I know Chay is safe, and within these walls, there’s always a man in suit at every corner so I can’t run even if I wanted to.

“Anxious.” I reply to Cindy. She sets the food down in front of me and takes a seat across from me.

“Well, you need to eat. You haven’t been eating well since the news of your brother.” She pushes a plate towards me.

“I don’t have an appetite. How can I possibly when my brother can very well be in the hands of human traffickers.” I stare into the mountains, hoping what I just said is all false.

“I’ll get belted if you keep refusing to eat.” Cindy mumbles making my head snap back to her.

“Cindy, don’t tell me he…”

She quickly shakes her head and I sigh a little. “Nothing happened… yet. But it can.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let it happen again.” I assure her.

“The only way you can prevent it from happening is if you eat. C’mon. You need your strength. Who knows what the future holds.” She smiles at me.

I sigh but take the plate and start gnawing at the food. This morning Vegas had left after getting a call. He didn’t say anything to me and that only made me more nervous. But for now, I have to trust him. Trust that he will do whatever to get my brother back.

As I ate, Cindy returns inside to continue her duties and I’m left alone to my lunch. Though the food taste like nothing, I ate almost everything before giving up. I can’t risk Cindy getting into trouble because of me again. Just as I set the spoon down, one of the body guard walks up to me and stop right beside me. He looks around us and my eyes naturally follow his gaze only to realize we are alone. Warning bells begins to go off in my head and I prepare myself to fight when an old flip phone is placed on the table in front of me. I look up at the body guard suspiciously and he just nudges his head for me to pick up the phone.

Carefully I pick up the phone while keeping my gaze on the man.

“Hello?” I speak into the phone.

“Ah, hello Pete.” I hear back and the hair on my skin rises. I’ve only heard his voice once but it was enough for me to recognize it.

“Where’s my brother? Where’s Chay?” I asked, trying to steady my voice.

“He’s safe… for now.” Kim replies.

“What do you want?”

“You know what I want.”

“You know that’s not possible.” I breathe.

“A divorce can be easily done these days.” Kim chuckles into the phone.

“Even if I agree, Vegas will never allow it.”

“True. That man can be very stubborn. But I’ll let you in on a secret. I’ve spoke to your father. He told me he doesn’t care about paper works and all that extra nonsense. He said the only thing that matters is who you choose to be with. Who is beside you when he's on his deathbed.” Kim tells me.

“You’re lying…”

“Am I? If I was, I wouldn’t be wasting time playing these little games. I would have brought war to Vegas before you signed that silly paper.” I can hear the humor gone from Kim’s voice as he said the last sentence. “Now I’ll tell you what’s going to happen, Pete. That man standing before you, he works for me. Tomorrow, just like today, I’m going to draw Vegas away from the property. That’s when, you’ll voluntarily hop into his car and come to me. Only when you’re in front of me will I let your brother go.”

“And if I refuse?”

“Then your brother’s head will be delivered to you the following day.” He said.

“What makes you think I won’t tell Vegas.” I snap back.

“You have too much faith in him. He’s dressed nicely today. His black suit with red undershirt.” Kim says.

“What?... how do you know?” I can feel my heartbeat increase.

“I’m pointing a gun at him.” Kim laughs and I had to hold the phone tightly so it doesn’t drop out of my grip. A fear, similar to the one for my brother, starts boiling inside me. I don’t want Vegas hurt either.

When I can’t conjure up any words, Kim speaks again. “Why don’t we do this trade with as little bloodshed as possible, huh Pete? You come to me, I let your brother go, and everyone gets to live, even your husband.”

“Tomorrow?” I hear myself asking.

“Yes, tomorrow.” He replies.

“And how will I know you won’t go back on your word and sell my brother off once you get to me?”

At this Kim starts laughing. “Is that what they have been feeding you? Oh you innocent one. Haven’t you realize you’ve been living with the devil himself? I’m a Saint compared to him.”

I internally rolled my eyes. That’s what they all say.

“My goal is you. I’ll let your brother go. I have no need for an annoying child who complains about every little thing.” Kim sounded irritated talking about Chay.

I swallow the lump in my throat. “Fine, tomorrow.”



In the morning, I woke up with Pete lying in my arms and sleeping soundly. I palm his face and gently rub his skin with my thumb. After finding out about his brother’s possible kidnapped, he stayed restless all night and finally fell asleep at dawn.

We had just gotten married and already, we are faced with our first major problem. Last not, if not for Kim interrupting us, I would have wanted nothing more than to make love to him all night. To celebrate our union. But because of that bastard, Pete and myself included, were in a gloomy state. Another reason to kill that bastard once and for all.

My phone begins to ring loudly in the silent bedroom and Pete stirs besides me. I curse for not silencing my phone last night but then stop at the thought. I never silenced my phone in case of emergency. But to not wake Pete, I think about doing just that. Actually, with Pete, for Pete, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. And like I realized earlier, one of those things goes against everything I’ve ever known. I want to protect him from the world. And doing so can only bring me trouble as it already has. He has become my weakness and already my enemies are using him against me.

I reach for my phone and pick it up.

“Are you up yet?” Tankhun asks.

“Yeah. What’s the news?” My voice is still gravelly from sleep.

“It’s true. They have him.” He says the one thing I hope he wouldn’t.

I sigh. “I understand. I’ll be there soon.”

I hang up the phone and turn back meeting a set of big brown eyes staring up at me.

“Morning…” I say.

“Morning…” He breathes. I wait for him to ask me but he doesn’t.

“Get more sleep. I have some work to attend to today.” I say before bending down and placing a kiss on his forehead.

I roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom before Pete starts asking me questions. I’m not lying to him when I said I will help get his brother back. But I’ll do it on my own terms without involving him. I don’t want him anywhere close to Kim. I quickly showered and dressed before exiting the closet. Pete is rested against the headboard staring at me.

“I’ll be back later so you’ll have to dine alone today.” I tell him and he nods. I start to walk away but stop and turn back to him. “You’re free to leave the room Pete. The property is at your disposal, just don’t go past the fence.”

Pete nods once more. “Okay…”

I leave after making sure everyone knows to keep watch on Pete and make my way to Tankhun’s.

He informed me that, Lom’s inside man confirmed Chay had been held captive for about three weeks now. Three freaken weeks and Kim is just now letting us know? Who knows what shape that boy is in or if he is even alive. Even though he doesn’t have any blood relation to Pete, if he’s anything like his brother, for his sake, I hope he is, that he was smart enough to keep himself alive in Kim's clutches. Just like Pete kept himself alive in mine.

Me, Tankhun, Arm and Lom along with a few other bodyguards make it to a warehouse where we were told Chay is being hold just on the border where the North and East meets. We survey the property for awhile to watch for any movement but there was none. I was beginning to think we were drawn into a trap. And just as I suspected, Lom receives a text message that Chay was moved just this morning before we arrived.

“They knew we were coming.” Tankhun spoke first.

“It would seem that way.” Lom adds.

“We have another mole.” I say the only logical explanation for this missed encounter. Otherwise, Lom’s inside man has flipped sides.

“What do we do now?” Arm asks.

A thought hits me then. If there is another mole then Pete can be in danger. My heart begins racing.

“We need to get back.” I say getting up from my position behind the tree I was crouched under.

“Shouldn’t we go inside just to check it out?” Tankhun asks.

“No one’s here.” I replied already turning towards where we ditched our cars.

“Vegas, I think–”

Tankhun’s words are cut short as a loud blast erupts from the warehouse. The force of the blast throws me backward into another tree and debris rain all over us. My ears begin to ring and I can feel pain shooting behind my shoulder but I slowly force myself up holding my gun, readying myself for an attack.

I quickly scan my surroundings and realize the warehouse has gone up in flames. The rest of my men are slowly getting to their feet too, weapons drawn. It seems everyone was far enough from the blast and only suffer minor injuries.

“f*ck…” Tankhun mouths once he’s on his feet with his head bleeding.

“Shush, eyes open.” I calmly say.

We scan our surroundings and no other attack came. Someone was watching us out there and purposely set off this blast as a warning to us.

“Let’s go.” I ordered. I wasn’t running away out of fear or cowardice. I know when the odds are against me and I won’t let my men be sitting ducks for whoever is out there. And I also wanted nothing more than to return to Pete and make sure he’s safe.


It was evening when I arrived back to my house. To my surprise, everything here was calm and nothing is out of place. Even more surprising is when I hear Pete’s laughter coming from the living room across the foyer. Immediately, I make my way over there. I stop when I see Pete sitting with Cindy across from him, both playing card games. My heart that hasn’t stop racing comes to a slow run when I see Pete jump out of his seat and smile shouting.

“I won! I finally won!” Pete squeals with laughter.

“You got lucky! Let’s go again!” Cindy yells back in giggles.

The corner of my mouth lifts. He’s safe. Pete’s gaze lands on me and his smile instantly drops, his face replaced with concern.

“Vegas…” He takes a step towards me. “Vegas! What happened to you.”

Pete starts dashing towards me. I must admit the concern on his face, makes me feel a little warm inside.

“Vegas…” Pete stops in front of me and reaches his arms to grab me. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

I don’t even know how I look like right now after that blast but shake my head. “I’m fine. Just a minor mishap.”

“Oh God… your bleeding.” Pete looks at his hand now covered with my blood. “Cindy call the doctor!”

“Uhh… ka…” Cindy gets up from where she was sitting.

“Don’t bother Cindy. I’m fine.” I say.

“Vegas! You’re hurt. You need help!” Pete cries.

“Are you worried about me?” I smile down at him.

“Yes you idiot! What the hell happened?” He shouts making me chuckle.

“That’s good then. All I need is you to take care of me.” I pull Pete into a hug and rest my head on his shoulder.

Pete breathes heavily, seemingly still trying to comprehend everything. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I lift up my head to look at him. “I’ve had worst.”

Pete finally sighs, his shoulders dropping. “Fine. Let’s go to our room so I can bandage your wounds.”

My lips stretch across my face. I like it when he lets these little words slip. We. Us. Our. He might not even be aware of it himself when he says these things but I am. Every single word he speaks, I’m aware of.

Pete helps me to our room and had me strip down to nothing but my boxer before we find ourselves in the bathroom again. He help cleans the little cuts and bruises on my body probably made from the flying debris. He gasp when he saw my back shoulder, what I’m guessing is the biggest wound I sustained from hitting the tree. I’m sure the bark tore into my skin but this was nothing compared to my past injuries. Just another scar added to my already deformed body.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Pete finally speaks as he finishes wrapping my shoulder like a mummy.

“No.” I simply reply.

“Was it Kim?” Pete ask, sounding more urgent and a little angry.

“I don’t know. We were blindsided.” I watch as Pete puts the first aid kit away. His hand balls into little fists at his side, surprising me and making me curious. “Does it upset you more if it is Kim?”

“Well, yeah. Now he’s hurt both my brother and my husband!” Pete growls. I smirk as I watch his eyes pop as he realizes what he just said. His face begins to turn that pretty pink I’ve grown to love.

“Come here…” I say in a low voice.

Pete nibbles on the corner of his lips and slowly makes his way back to me. When he’s within arms reach, I grab him and pull him into my lap.

“You weren’t lying when you said you’ll be the perfect husband.” I caress his cheek before grabbing his chin and tilting his face towards me. I bend my head down and stop just and inch from his lips. “Don’t be too perfect, Pete. Or else I’ll never want to let you go.”

I close my lips over his and kiss him. It takes only seconds before Pete wraps his arms around my neck, open his mouth, and melts into my touch. Our tongues immediately find each other and a hot, slow, passionate dance begins. My hand roams his soft curves as he rubs his body on mine with a moan escaping his lips. I’ll never get over how sweet he tastes, how his little body purr against my body, how his sultry voice caresses my ears.

Without breaking the kiss, I hook my arms under his back and legs and carry him to the bed. I finally break the kiss when I set him down and crawl to the foot of the bed, staring over him. My already hard co*ck strained in my boxer begging to be set free.

Pete stares up at me with his lustful gaze and ruby red lips. He gives my almost naked body a once-over, staring longer at my crotch before licking his lips. His gaze meets mine again and I ponder if he will willingly undress himself and give himself to me without any coaxing from me. He quickly answer my thoughts as his hands reach for the bottom of his shirt and lifts it over his head. He then remove his pants and boxer and let his dick sprang free.

Completely naked before me, Pete crawls over to me and gets up so we are both standing on our knees facing each other. He reaches for my boxer and slides it down my legs. Just the warm touch of his fingertips alone is enough to make the hair on my skin rise.

We are both completely nude, facing each other and silently staring intently into each other’s eyes. Something is different about Pete tonight. I can’t pinpoint what, but I know something is. A determination burned in his orbs I’ve never seen before. The emotions hidden behind his orbs created a spark within my own heart. I must be misinterpreting those emotions. For one, I know nothing about the emotion called love and two, there’s no way this angel would ever love me.

Pete moves first and shift his body closer to mine until every part of us are aligned. He places a palm over my chest and with his other hand, he grabs my hand and place it over his own chest. I don’t move and allow him to do as he pleases. After a few silent minutes, he looks at me and smiles, showing off his deep dimples. I don’t know what he discovered at this moment but whatever it was, it made him smile before he threw his arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss.

I wasn’t going to question him and begin to kiss him back as I run my hands all over his body. Pete takes my tongue between his lips and starts sucking me into his warm, wet hole. I groan into his mouth loving the feel of his hot tongue. I lean back a little and grab the back of his thighs. Spreading his legs, I shift him over me so his ass is resting on my own thighs. Not wasting anymore time, I part his ass cheeks and start playing with his hole before inserting the first finger in. Pete moans approvingly and I take this chance to capture his own tongue and return the favor of sucking him into my mouth.

I f*ck him with one finger for awhile before inserting another finger and then one more. By this time, he is desperately rubbing his body against mine and grinding his our dicks together.

“Vegas, I’m going to cum.” Pete breathily cries into my mouth. His cries makes me finger f*ck him even faster. His body starts shaking and I feel his hot cum coating my dick and stomach.

Pete breaks the kiss and lays his forehead on my shoulder, breathing heavily. Even though his body already released, I shove my fingers a few more times before removing them. I lift Pete up a little so I can position my dick, now wet with his own cum, at his tight little hole.

“Hold on tight angel. I don’t think I can be gentle tonight.” I whispered in his ears.

Pete didn’t have to be told twice and wrapped his arms around me tightly. With my hands on his hips, I shove his body down as I thrust my hips up at the same time, entering him deep, hard and fast. Pete cries loudly and bites into my shoulder, my good shoulder. But even if he bit into my injured one, I wouldn’t care. All that I can think about is how warm and tight he is around me. How this little human being can extract such strong but foreign emotions from a person like me.

I lift Pete up almost all the way before slamming his little body down onto my dick again.

My eyes closes and I growl lowly. “f*ck…”

My fingers dig into his side and I’m sure it’ll leave bruises behind but I couldn’t help myself. This man drives me insane.

Without stopping this time, I continually thrust into Pete over and over with the same speed and power. Pete’s voice got louder and louder and I got hungrier and hungrier for him. If I could, I would merge our bodies into one. Maybe then this hunger for Pete will sate.

My balls begin to tighten and I’m positive this angel is about to drag me to heaven. Just a few more thrust and I see white. I can hear my own animalistic growl as streams of cum shoot from my dick deep into Pete. My eyes flutter close and my mouth automatically find his nape, sinking my teeth into his skin. I can hear Pete cry out but I was too blinded by pleasure to stop myself.

Once I open my eyes and return to earth again, I release Pete’s skin. A small sigh escapes his lips but his arms are still wrapped tightly around me. I stare tiredly at the perfect bite mark I left on his skin. This one is going to last for awhile. I lift my head from his shoulder and stare down between us. Pete had cum again. Good.

“Pete…” I whisper his name.

“Hmm?” Pete tiredly replies.

I lift my head up and stare at Pete whose eyes are half closed. I smile and grab his face, planting two quick pecks on his lips.

“Tired already?” I chuckle lightly.

“Mmm.” His head lulled to the side before he falls forward and places his head on my shoulder. “Let me rest just five minutes before we go again.”

There it is again… we. I shift Pete off me and bring him down onto the bed so he’s laying on top of me.

“It’s okay love. Rest now.” I say petting his hair.

My hand comes to halt as my words registered. I swallow the lump in my throat and exhale slowly. I stare at the blank ceiling as my hand start petting his hair again.


A/N: Who's fell first? Who's falling harder? Recently while writing this, I've been listening to the song called "I Fell In Love With The Devil" by Avril Lavigne. It fits them (well Pete) so perfectly. I would love to know everyone's thoughts! Please comment, vote and share! Thank you!

Chapter 15: Chapter 14


Hi readers, first sorry I just finished this chapter and didn't do any editing because I wanted to quickly share haha. I will edit it tomorrow again so if you get "new update" from me it's just this chapter being edited.

This chapter is on the shorter side compared to last chapter but I still had trouble writing it these last two days because I couldn't decide whether to have Pete leave or stay. Depending on the option, events in the story would have changed so I hope I picked the right route but we will see. But anything major that was planned for this story will still be included, somehow into the story. And sorry but major dick wad Vegas will be reentering the story. Anyways, happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


I tighten my fist to stop it from shaking in my lap as I’m sitting on the patio after lunch. Once again, I’m alone with a few bodyguards. One of them, the one closest to me, is the one who works for Kim.

Like yesterday, this morning Vegas was called away. I still remember the moment clear as the sky. How I wish it would thunderstorm right now and flood the roads so I have an excuse to not go through what I have decided. But no, since I’ve been here, God always worked against me.

This morning, I woke up before Vegas. Like usual, I found myself bundled in his warmth with our legs entangled. Our naked bodies molded together perfectly like it was custom made for each other. And if I do have to say so myself, I like this feeling. I like it a lot. But unlike other mornings, there was a void feeling in my chest as I stared at his sleeping form. Maybe because I knew our time together was finally coming to an end. I was finally going to escape this hell. But for what, only to crawl into purgatory.

I had thought about telling Vegas what happened but decided against it. To save my brother, to save Vegas, my parents, everyone I hold dear, it’s best I just go and get this over with. I smile a little to myself. I just grouped Vegas with the people I love and care about the most in this world. This devil of a bastard really grew on me, huh?

One would think me crazy for feeling this way but… I do have feelings for him. Whether it’s unhealthy Stockholm syndrome or my own insanity, he somehow found a little corner in my heart and claimed it as his.

I pulled a hand from under the blanket and slowly traced his face features. His jawline up to his forehead, then his eyes and nose and finally, his plump lips. I wanted to remember all of it. Suddenly, Vegas opened his mouth and gently bit my fingers before running his tongue all over it. A shiver ran down my back and I exhaled a slow breath. Vegas slowly opened his eyes to meet mine. I removed my finger from his mouth but he grabbed my wrist and held my hand there. He gave the tip of my fingers a few kisses before letting my hand go.

“Hi…” I breathed.

“Hi…” Vegas returned.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Because you’re crying.” Vegas answered. He removed his own hand from under the blanket and cupped my cheek, wiping my tear I wasn’t aware of away.

“Oh…” I cleared my throat and moved to rub my eyes. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”


I quickly wiped the rest of my tears away and smiled at Vegas. “Sorry, I was lost in thoughts…”

“Thoughts of?...”

“Umm, my brother.”

Vegas sighed and pulled me into a hug. “I’ll get him back. I promise.”

“Promise to protect him just as you do me?” I look up at him.

“Yes, just as I protect you.” He confirmed.

I nodded and smiled. Vegas leaned down for a kiss but before our lips touched, his phone rang. Vegas let me go and picked up his phone. His soft morning face quickly changed into his usual expression. He said all but a few yes and no words before hanging up.

Vegas turns back to me. “I have to go.”

I nodded for him to leave. He walked out of bed and like yesterday, showered than changed. But this time unlike yesterday, after changing his eyes landed on me. He looked at me for a few seconds before strolling over, grabbing me and kissing me silly. I’m going to miss this…

“I’ll see you later.” He breathed when we were both out of breath from the kiss.

“Be careful, please.” I say. Vegas only nodded and then he was gone.

“Khun Pete.” I’m force out of my thoughts and back to the patio where I’m sitting. The bodyguard is standing beside me once more.

“It’s time to go.” He says.

“Okay, I understand.”

“Follow me.” He orders. I feel myself standing, aimlessly following him to the front of the house. Once we reached, I noticed everyone was basically gone.

“Where’s everyone?” I asked.

“Lunch break. I’m ordered to watch you.” He replied.

He opened the side door to a tinted van, one like you’ll see celebrities coming out of, and nudge his head for me to get in.

“Stay low and cover yourself with this blanket until we pass through the gates.” He tosses a blanket to me. I nod and does as he says, curling under the seat before placing the blanket over me. I can hear the door shut and then hear him get into the driver’s seat. Then the car starts and we are on the move. We make it to what I assume is the gate when the car slows and I hear the window open.

“Heading out?” Someone asks from outside. I hold my breath as my heart starts hammering and I fear we are about to get caught.

“Yeah. Boss wanted me to run an errand for him.” The bodyguard replies.

“Okay.” The man outside says and then I hear the window close and soon the gate opening. He didn’t even bother to check…

After driving for a few minutes. The driver speaks again. “Khun Pete you can come out now.”

I sigh a breath a of relief and remove the cover from me before getting into the seat. Naturally, I look around me and we’re surrounded by nothing but trees and moving down the mountain. I turn my head back, looking up the road. Vegas’s face flashed before me and my heart thump painfully. I’m sorry, Vegas.

We drive for awhile and I soon recognize the road since I’ve been on it a few times. We pass the turn that would have taken us to the village I volunteered at. That time seems like so long ago. It’s been so long since Vegas had taken me. I wonder how all little children are doing? Did they get a new teacher by now?

We continue down the mountain and I try my best not to think about Vegas. I’m on my way to rescue my brother. This needed to be done. Suddenly the car swerves sharply and my idiot self didn’t put on my seat belt so I’m tossed to the side. I grab onto the seat in front of my and hold on for dear life but the car comes to a completely stop without hitting anything.

I sigh in relief though my heart still pounded wildly. “What happened?” I barely got the words out as I look out the front window.

The harsh break, had caused the car to release some smoke but I can still see clear as day. Two cars are in front blocking out path out of the mountain. The door to one of them open, and a very menacing looking Vegas steps out and looks directly at me. I gasp and back into my seat. I can feel my hands starting to tremble as Vegas moves towards us.

Some of his bodyguards run to the driver’s side door and drag the man out but I don’t paid them any mind. Vegas walks right to the side door where I’m at and flings the door open making me jump.

“You think you can run from me?” His voice was brutal and threatening. “Huh!”

I flinch back into the seat with a little squeak. Vegas grabs my arm and harshly pulls me out of the car. I couldn’t do anything but follow him as he drags me along. I was too scare, too frighten to even speak.

Vegas drags me over to one of the car and throws me into the passenger seat. He then gets into the driver’s seat and drives off without another word.



I grip the steering wheel tightly and try to reel in my anger so I don’t turn around and snap his pretty little neck in two. So everything was f*cking true and this little f*cker planned to run away from me all along.

The tender touches and kisses this morning, the tears. The heartfelt sex last night… Pete was saying his goodbyes. I fist the steering wheel tighter. I half growl, half shout loudly making Pete jump with a squeal. His fear makes me feel a little better. I turn to look at him and he cowers back making me smirk sinisterly. I’ll make him fear me so much he won’t dare move an inch from me ever again. Or else, I’ll just break his f*cking legs.

I drive deep into the woods on uncharted dirt roads not returning to my house in the mountain. Even there, I have too many enemies. Until Tankhun and Arm fish out all the moles, Pete will be staying right next to me, secluded and alone. But I guess if there’s anyone to keep, it’d be Cindy. It was her who hinted to me Pete’s escape after all.

This morning after kissing Pete goodbye, I was on my way to meet Tankhun to check out another warehouse we thought Chay was being held at but before I can make it out the door, Cindy stopped me.

She told me about Pete’s lunch yesterday on the patio. How she was on her way to collect Pete’s empty plates but saw that bodyguard handed Pete a phone and he talked in it for a few minutes before handing the phone back. She couldn’t hear what they were saying but the whole interchange seemed a little suspicious. So instead of following up on Tankhun’s new lead. I positioned myself down the mountain and waited to see if it’s true. If he will come down. I had my men allow him and the bodyguard to leave so I can witness it for myself that he did actually plan to leave me. And then now here he is, trembling like a mouse caught by a cat. Good!

I pulled into a dirt road hidden around trees and bushes and drive for a little more before stopping in front of a little wooden cabin. My secret little hideout that no one knows about, not even Tankhun.

I turn off the car and turn to look at Pete who was still curled up into himself. Tears now stain his face. He’s already crying and I haven’t even touch him yet. I’ll give him a sure reason to cry real soon.

“Get out!” I snapped at him.

He once again flinch and start fumbling with the door handle. Ignoring him, I jump out of the car and stalk to the trunk, pulling out a bag I prepared for just this when I found out about his little plan. There were also some supplies and food for survival while we are out here but I’ll grab that later. I hear the car door open and figure Pete finally found the nerves to walk out. I shut the trunk and as soon as I look up, I drop the bag and start running. The little f*cker was running away from me, again.

He had a head start and is fast, but I’m faster. As I close in the gap between us, Pete turns his head back to look and gasp loudly. A mistake on his part. Like the perfect moment in a scary movie when the heroine is being chased by a crazy knife wielding killer, Pete trips and falls flat and hard onto the ground. I smirk and stop running. Instead I slowly make my way over to where he fell.

Pete turns around just as I stop before him. He bites on his trembling lips and looks up at me with fear and teary eyes. I bend down on my knees and grab his chin and smile. Pete doesn’t even try to fight my touch away.

“Run from me again and I’ll break your legs.” I say through my teeth even though I’m still grinning at him.

“Vegas, I can explain everything! I wasn’t trying to run from you!” He begin to say.

“Shhhh…” I cover his mouth with my hand. “As much as I love your tongue, speak again and I’ll cut it out.”

Pete swallows nervously and nods his head once. The tears in his eyes chose this moment to fall, landing on my hand. I remove my hand from his face like they just burned me.

“Get up! Let’s go.” I say standing up. Pete doesn’t move and it angered me more. I bend down and grab his collar bringing him close to me. “Trust me Pete. You don’t want to anger me anymore than I already am. Now get up!”

I drag Pete to his feet and he cries out in pain. “I can’t! I hurt my ankle!”

I turn back to look at him removing my hand from his collar. I look down his body. I can’t see his feet but his pants are ripped at the knee on one leg and I can see the red scrape behind the ripped cloth.

“Huh… how fortunate of me. I didn’t even have to break anything. God is already doing the work for me. See Pete, even God is on my side.” I chuckle before wiping the humor off my face. “Now walk.”

I step aside and wait for Pete to move. He looks at me like he wanted to say something but turns away and start moving, well wobbling slowly as he grits his teeth. I let him walk pass me and stare into his back as he limps. I sigh as my hands fist. f*ck me…

I jog right behind Pete and lift him up into my arms. He gasps but hold onto me tightly. I start walking towards the cabin, neither one of us saying another word.

We make it to the cabin and I kick the door open and bring Pete inside. The cabin is small, only one room with no furniture but a fireplace, a small round table, a single chair and a twin size bed in the corner. I carry Pete to the bed and toss him on it.

“Don’t move.” I point a finger at him before turning around to grab the rest of the supplies I brought .

After two trips to the car and back, I got everything inside. Digging through one of the bag, I pull out a bottle of water and start drinking it. I turn my head and see Pete eyeing me. Removing the bottle, I wipe my lips.

“Want some water?” I ask. He slowly nods his head. I walk over to him and grab his chin, tipping the bottle to his mouth and then stop before he can taste the water. “Beg me for it.”

Pete’s eyes slants and he turns his head away. I laugh and shove him away. I drink the rest of the water before tossing the empty bottle. I go through the first bag I was originally going to bring in before running after Pete. I pull out two ropes and stalk towards Pete. His eyes widen and backs away on the little bed, but he has nowhere to run here. Not that he can even run. I sit next to Pete and turn him around, pushing his front onto the bed. I grab his wrists and start tying them together.

“I’m not going to run away!” Pete shouts.

After I’m done tying his hands behind him I pull him up to face me. “Didn’t I say if you speak, I’ll slice your tongue?”

Pete closes his mouth and I push him back. I grab the other rope and lift up his pants. His injured ankle is already red and beginning to swell. I drop the rope and lift up his leg so I can inspect it. Pete yelps in pain but I ignore him. It doesn’t seem broken, maybe just a sprain. But for now, he won’t be going anywhere. I let go of his leg and toss the second rope aside.

Leaving Pete alone, I exit the cabin in search of some firewood. The cabin has no working electricity or water. Only the small fireplace and a stream nearby. I brought my own water but depending how long we stay here, I’ll need to use the stream. If possible, I’d keep Pete lock in there forever.


I return to the cabin just as the sun is setting. I’ve gather enough wood to last us awhile and had stacked them all on the side of the house. As I enter the house, I stop in my track. Pete his sprawl on the floor between the bed and the fireplace. He looks up at me and struggle to sit himself upright but eventually does. I had to force the corner of my lips still. He looks silly but cute.

“Trying to run away again?” I say closing the door behind me and locking it. Pete looks up at me but doesn’t say anything. “You can speak now Pete.”

He opens his mouth and everything pours out at once. “Vegas I wasn’t running away! I mean I was leaving yes but only to save my brother! We need to leave now! If I don’t make it to Kim’s today he said he’ll send me my brother’s head tomorrow! Please let me go!”

Pete breathes heavily once he’s done. I let his words sink in. He wasn’t running away yet to me he was. I told him I’ll get his brother back, I promised him. I even agreed to protect his brother too. But he didn’t trust me enough and decided to take matters into his own hands.

“Why are you crawling on the floor?” I asked instead of replying to what he just said.

“I… I wanted some water.” He huffs looking at the bags on the table.

I walk over to the table, grab a new bottle and bring it over to him. I lift his head back and this time, allow him to drink his fill. He drinks half the bottle before moving away. I set the bottle back and then pick Pete off the floor and bring him back to the bed.

“Vegas please! I need to save my brother. If anything happens to him, I won’t be able to live with myself.” Pete begs me.

“It angers me that you didn’t trust me enough to get your brother back. And it angers me even more that you stupidly thought to go there all alone to offer yourself to Kim. What do you think he would be doing to you right now?” I seethe.

“Same thing you’re doing. Holding me captive.” Pete says, his eyes on me.

“You think that’s all he would be doing?” I push Pete down on the bed and get on top of him. I lower my head to his ears. “He would have you pinned down on the bed with his dick shoved inside you. Just so he can claim you as his. Just so he can piss me the f*ck off. And you were walking right into that without another thought.” I all but growl.

Pete turns his head to look at me. Tears gleam in his eyes as he speaks. “I thought if I go, I can save you too.”

His words throw me back and my breath hitch. His tears slide down the side of his face but he continues. “I don’t want you or my brother or anyone else to get hurt because of me. Yesterday when you walked in bloody and bruised, my heart almost stopped. I don’t like seeing you hurt, Vegas. I don’t want to see you hurt ever again.”

“Pete…” Suddenly I’m feeling like the biggest asshole ever. Save me? He thinks to save me before saving himself. My heart begins to ache for him again.

“Please let me go Vegas. It’s for the best.” Pete says.

“How can letting you go to him be the best?” I asked.

“You want the South right? Then let me go. Let me go save Chay.”


“I’m not Arthee’s son, Vegas. I’m just a stand in. A distraction. Chay is the real heir. And Kim has him.” Pete admits and I feel like I just got kicked in the gut.


A/N: And so another dilemma begins and plot twist and cliffhanger lol. So since I went this route, it was revealed earlier than later that Pete is not the real son and instead Chay is. If I had went the other route, where Pete actually left and made it to Kim's, the truth would have been withheld for a while yet. Hope you still enjoyed and like i said, asshole dick wad Vegas is back. And... he doesn't get any better next chapter. You'll probably wanna choke me instead for writing him hahah. Thank you! Please remember to vote, share and comment!

Chapter 16: Chapter 15


I'm spoiling yall again lol. But I'm in a writing mood lately. Happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Vegas looks at me like I just told the most ridiculous lie ever. But I’m not lying. I’m really not Arthee’s son. He told me so himself that day when he visited Vegas’s home.

“What are you saying Pete? Spout more nonsense and I’ll really cut your tongue.” Vegas grabs my chin to face him.

“I’m not lying, Vegas. I’m really not Arthee’s son. Chay is.” I repeat again.

Vegas stares into my eyes as if looking for any sign of deceit but he will find none. “So you’re telling me, you lie to me this whole time. Made me believe that you were Arthee’s son… Had me married you and all for what? For nothing!”

I flinch back at his words. All for nothing? Why did those words sting so much. I guess it was all for nothing. It’s not like he really wanted me to begin with.

“I’m sorry…” I apologize.

Vegas exhale angrily. “Have you always known?”

“No… when you told me I was his son. I truly believed you. It wasn’t until Arthee came to visit that I found out the truth when he wanted to speak with me alone. Arthee was just as shocked when he walked through those doors and saw me and not his real son, Chay. When you told him you had his son, he automatically assumed that it was Chay. But when he saw me, he quickly understood what was going on.” I explain to Vegas.

“And so you two started scheming against me.” Vegas says, his eyes burning a hole through me.

“No… not really. Arthee is a smart man and had been scheming for a very long time, since Chay was born. He gave Chay to my parents to take care of him and keep him safe. And to do so, he spread the word that his son was named Pete to his closest accomplices. To the rest of the world, he even went as far to tell them he had a daughter just to throw his enemies off. All so he can protect Chay, his real son. My parents owe him a debt of gratitude for saving my mother’s life back then and willingly took Chay in and raised him as their own, as my younger brother and even allowed Arthee to borrow name. But I had absolutely no clue until Arthee told me that day. He told me that to protect Chay, I have to continue pretending to be his real son. Otherwise, whatever that was happening to me, would happen to Chay too. How can I let that happen? He’s still the little brother I grew up with and I need protect him. And now he’s in danger because I failed.” I revealed everything I know to Vegas without lying. My tears return but I hold them back.

Vegas starts laughing and push himself off me. He runs a hand through his hair and continues to chuckle. “Damn, I was played like a fool. How loving of you to sacrifice yourself for your brother. I assume Kim has been tricked just like me?”

I nod my head in agreement. Otherwise, Kim wouldn’t be trying to get to me. And I doubt Chay knows the truth either. He’s only ever known my family. He must be so confused why someone would just kidnap him and turn his life inside out. I look at Vegas and he stands up and reach into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He calls a number and puts it to his ear.

“I sure hope this call goes through.” As soon as he says that, it seems whoever he called picked up.

“Kimhan, you want Pete so bad? Meet me tomorrow and bring Chay.” Vegas looks right at me before speaking again. “I’ll trade you Pete for Chay.”

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach as a searing pain tears through me. I can feel my hands behind me start to shake. I turn my head down to hide my tears and trembling lips. I shouldn’t be feeling this way because I was going to do the same today anyways. But to hear Vegas so easily willing to give me away, hurts.

Vegas hangs up the phone and I hear him walking away, then the door unlocking and closing behind him. No sooner after the door closes, the first cry rip through my throat.


I’m jerk awake after some time having fallen asleep. The room is dark aside for the embers burning out in the fireplace. And looming over me is Vegas. His eyes are hazy and he smell of alcohol.

“Vegas, did you drink?” I asked. I shift my position a little and realize I’m no longer tied up.

“Why did you cry after I left, Pete? Tell me.” Vegas asks, ignoring my question.

“Uh… I…I…” What am I supposed to say?

“You cried because of me right? Because I’m going to give you away and you don’t want to leave me, right?” He slurs.

“Vegas… you’re drunk.” I say. I move a hand to touch his face but he grabs my wrist before I can. He pins my wrist beside me and leans down closer to my face.

“Tell me to not let you go. Tell me you want to stay with me.” He whispers.

My heart hurt for him but I know that it’s just his drunkenness state talking. Even if it wasn’t, I can’t.

“Let me go, Vegas.” I whisper back to him. “Let me go.”

Vegas makes a sound like he can’t believe I just said that. He grabs my other wrist and pins it over my head. He then bends down and capture my lips with his.

“Vegas what are you doing?” I turn my head away breaking the kiss. He ignores me and starts kissing along my neck.

“Vegas, stop you’re drunk.” I tried to twist my body out of his grasp to no avail. Instead I’m rewarded with his teeth sinking into my skin before he starts sucking harshly.

“Vegas…” My breathing becomes heavy as he continues his assault on my skin. I can feel my dick already starting to harden. I close my eyes and try to regain my senses. Not this way. Not when he’s delusional.

“Vegas stop!” I shout, jerking my shoulder to shove him off me.

Vegas lets my arms go and I think he's finally came too but instead he grabs the top of my shirt and rips it cleanly down the middle. Then he is back to pinning me down again and attacking my chest this time with his lips.

“Vegas!” I scream.

“Shut up, Pete!” He yells back. “I’m going to enjoy my wife one last time before I give you away to another man!”

My breath catch in my throat and I can feel the fight leaving my body as my eyes start to burn. I resign to my own thoughts and let Vegas have his way with me.



I wake up with a pounding headache and the stench of alcohol surrounding me. f*ck… how much did I drink last night?

I rub my temple for a minute before opening my eyes. I’m greeted with an empty cabin and Pete gone. Instantly I jump up, and am greeted with dizziness. sh*t…

My eyes land on the table and I see the empty bottle of rum I brought with the other groceries. Damn me for losing myself like that yesterday. I look down for my shoes only to realize I'm completely naked. What the f*ck…

An image of Pete pin beneath me flashes through my head and I groan but don’t have time to dwell about my lost memories. I need to find Pete. I run over to the duffle bag and pull out a pair of pants and a t-shirt. As soon I get them on, I open the door and run out. I stop as my eyes land on Pete, sitting down just outside of the cabin. He turns his head back and looks up at me.

“What? Thought I ran away again?” He sneers and turns away. “The room smelled too much of alcohol so I wanted fresh air.”

“Last night, did I…” My words trail off as snippets of what happened last night before I blacked out start returning. Did I force myself on him?

Pete sighs and turns to look at me again. “Did we have sex? No. You threw up all over yourself and then passed out. I stripped you naked and toss your clothes into a plastic bag along with my clothes since your puke got on me too. The bag is inside. Oh and I borrowed your clothes since I have none.”

I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Before, I would have without a doubt done anything to Pete and not blink twice or feel guilty about it. Now, the thought of hurting him that way is just unimaginable to me.

“Doesn’t your ankle hurt? How did you get out here?” I decided to ask.

Pete nods his little head. “It does, but it feels much better than yesterday.”

I’m still in a little haze and the way Pete was so nonchalantly acting was confusing me. So I stood behind him, stumped for the first time.

“Alrighty then.” Pete stands up and turns to face me. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

He smiles at me confusing me more. My gaze lands on his neck and the top of his chest. My bigger shirt sags lowly on his smaller frame revealing fresh red bite marks all over.

“I’ll be inside.” Pete smile again and then start to limp past me. Before he can make it inside, my hand shoots out to grab his wrist, stopping him. His body stiffens for just a second before relaxing again.

“You’re really not going to ask to stay?” I hear myself saying without turning back to look at him.

I hear Pete slowly exhale and a part of me wish he would. If there’s one thing I remember from last night it was me asking him the same thing. And again, like last night, Pete rejects me.

“Please take good care of my brother. Remember you promise to protect him.” He says.

I exhale an unsteady breath as I feel a shooting pain in my chest. I let his hand drop from mine and close my eyes tightly to reign in my emotions. “We leave in thirty minutes.”

I walk away from the cabin not daring to look back at him.


After packing everything, we drove silently the whole time to the meet up spot I texted Kim last night. The air in the car was thick but neither one of us uttered a single sound. Pete looked calm the whole time but as my car comes to a slow pace, his demeanor changes and I can tell he’s nervous. Ahead of us, are a bunch of cars and men standing by already, both Kim's and mine. I pull up right next to Tankhun’s car and park the car right outside the now burned down warehouse from the other day’s explosion.

Pete looks up from his seat and scan the area, his mouth slightly opens at the sight before him.

“Changed your mind yet?” I ask before I can stop myself. f*ck… what the hell is wrong with me. I’m about to get the South handed over to me and all I have to do is give Kim Pete. But all I can think about is turning the car around and driving straight back to the cabin and locking Pete away.

“No…” Pete replies. “Let’s do this.”

Yeah… even he doesn’t want to stay. So why should I f*cking care.

“Stay in the car for now.” I tell him. I don’t wait for an answer and exit the car.

Tankhun is already outside waiting for me along with Arm, Lom and other bodyguards. Kim stands the opposite of us with his own bodyguards matching our numbers. Our eyes meet and he smirks at me but I return no such reaction.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Tankhun asks as I joined them.

“Mmm. It has to be done.” I reply.

“But Pete is your husband now.” Tankhun adds.

“And I blame you for that.” I simply say as we make a move towards Kim and he us. We meet halfway and Kim still continues to smirk.

“Hello, Khun Vegas.” Kim speaks first, sticking out his hand for a handshake but I ignore him. He pulls back but doesn’t seem the least bit offended. He looks at the burnt down warehouse and then back at me. “Gee, yall did a number on this place looking for Chay.”

My brows scrunch in confusion but only for a little bit before I mask my face again. “Where’s Chay?”

“He’s here.” Kim nudges his head back. I look past him but don’t see anyone who might be this boy name Chay, just a bunch of men in black suit.

“Tell me something, Vegas.” Kim begins, dropping the honorifics. “Why the hell are you trading your wife for Chay when the South is just an arms reach from you now?”

“Don’t worry about it.” I replied.

“But I should. Don’t play me for dumb.” He drops all pretense and reveals his true color. “Why the f*ck… are you giving away the South so willingly?”

This time, it was my turn to smirk. I step closer to Kim, and his men including my own, all stiffen up on high alert, waiting for chaos to just break out. “I’m not giving you the South, Kim. I’m letting you borrow it for the time being… because I know I’ll get it back.”

“You have too much confidence in yourself. You’re reckless. Just like the other day here, I could have put a bullet right through your head and you wouldn’t even have known what hit you.” Kim says. “And I can promise you now, once he’s mine, you won’t ever laid eyes on him again.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” I step back from Kim. “Arm, bring Pete.”

“Krap.” Arm says and I hear his footstep walking away.

Arm returns shortly with Pete in tow, stopping right beside me. Kim takes his eyes off me and his gaze falls on Pete. A disgusting smile crosses his face and I wanted to do nothing more than punch that look right off. Pete steps closer to me as if trying to hide himself from Kim. Why be scare now? This is what you wanted.

“Pete…” Kim lowly says his name. “We finally meet.”

Though Pete was scared, he doesn’t back away completely. “Where’s my brother?”

“Pol!” Kim yells over his shoulder. A tall, lanky bodyguard starts moving towards the trunk of a black SUV. He opens the trunk and pulls out a much shorter man who’s bound by the wrist behind his back with his mouth duct tape. Pete steps away from me, his eyes wide open.

“Chay… Chay!” Pete shouts and tries to dash for the young man I’m assuming is his brother. I grab Pete’s arm and pull him back towards me. “Vegas let me go! What did you do to my brother!”

Chay looks at us and his eyes widen when he recognizes Pete. He does the exact same thing and tries to run towards us, but the Pol bodyguard holds him back. Instead, they slowly make their way towards us until they are standing next to Kim. Chay tries to lunge forward but fails. When he finally stops struggling, Kim speaks.

“Take off the tape.” Kim says, sounding annoyed with the little man.

As soon as the tape is ripped from Chay’s mouth, he turns to Kim and kicks him in the shin. “That’s for tying me up you bastard!”

My jaw almost drop and I almost laugh. This little man just daringly did that to the boss of the East gang.

Kim grunts in pain and his eyes turn deadly as he stares at Chay. But the boy doesn’t back down and stares at him right back.

“Chay…” Pete says, bringing everyone’s attention back. Chay turns to look at his brother and any anger he had in his eyes is gone.

“Phi Pete!” Chay shouts. He tries moving forward but Kim grabs him and pulls him back. “Let go of me you long hair orangutan!”

“Don’t make me shoot you before letting you go.” Kim growls into his ear.

“Please! Like you already didn’t try!” Chay snaps.

A single chuckle leaves my lips. These two are arguing like… husband and wife. I lift an eyebrow as a thought settles in.

“You tried to shoot my brother? I’ll kill you!” Pete suddenly snaps and lunge for Kim.

Kim with his fast reflex draws a gun and points it directly at Pete’s face. Suddenly, everything is forgotten and I see red. I draw my own gun creating a chain reaction from everyone. This was supposed to be a peaceful trade but the f*cker dares point a gun at Pete. I’ll blow his head off before he can even think to press the trigger.

“If you don’t remove that filthy hand away–”

I don’t get to finish my sentence. Chay leans over and sinks his fangs into Kim’s arm. Kim screams out in pain and his gun drops to the ground.

“Point that gun at my brother again and I'll–”

“STOP! Just… everyone stop.” Pete shouts cutting his brother off. “Let’s just do this. Let’s get it over with.”

Pete sounded tired, defeated suddenly. A single tear rolls down his face as he turns to look at me. I lower my gun but keep my finger on the trigger. Pete removes his arm from me and step towards his brother.

“Chay, come here.” This time Kim doesn’t stop Chay from moving. Pete limps the few step towards his brother and pulls him in for a hug.

“Phi Pete… what’s wrong with your leg?” Chay ask. He couldn’t hug Pete back but set his head on Pete’s shoulder.

“Chay listen to me. I came to take you back. You have to go with Vegas. Don’t ask any questions and listen to him. He will protect you.” Chay doesn’t seem to have heard anything Pete said. Instead he breaks down, all the toughness he had before is gone too.

“Phi Pete, I missed you so much. Mom and dad said you went missing but then said you were found and everything was okay. But when I asked to see you, they wouldn’t tell me where you were. They just kept telling me to focus on my classes. But I didn’t listen to them and went looking for you and that’s when these bastards kidnapped me. I thought I’ll never see you again!” Chay cries into his big brother’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry Chay, I should have contacted you sooner. I’m so sorry. But everything is okay now. Just go with Vegas.” Pete pats his brother’s back.

“Vegas?” Chay looks in my direction.

Pete turns and points at me. “That’s Vegas. He’s going to protect you from now on.”

His eyes land on mine, as if reminding me of the promise I made him. I remember the promise very well. But I wanted to break that promise so badly at this very moment and protect Pete instead.

“Come on.” Pete grabs Chay by the arm and leads him to me, the whole time his gaze still on me. He stops in front of me and let’s Chay go. “Don’t forget your promise Vegas.”

I don’t say anything because I can’t. For the first time ever, I was fighting my own demons. Pete gives me a little smile and the next thing he says almost breaks me. “I love you… Chay.”

He removes his gaze from me and looks at Chay who now looks a little confused. A sharp breath leaves me and I grip my gun so hard it can pulverize any second.

“Let’s go Kim…” Pete says.

“Wait… what?” Chay looks at Pete with a concern expression. “You’re not coming with? You’re going with Kim? Why?”

I look up to see Kim who still hasn’t move. His gaze is glued onto Chay. And if I do say so myself, he doesn't look that much better than what I’m probably looking like right now. A mess.

“Don’t worry, Chay. I’ll see you later.” Pete says, trying to calm his brother.

“No. You won’t.” Kim finally snaps out of it and grabs Pete’s arm. “Let’s go Pete.”

Kim turns and starts to drag Pete off. Right away, Chay still tied up, tries to sprint for them.

“Arm!” I shout. Arm knew exactly what to do and grab onto Chay.

“Kim you bastard! Let my brother go! Take me instead!” Chay shouts and Kim’s steps falter. He turns half of his body just enough to peek a glance at Chay but he doesn’t say anything. Then he starts walking again.

“Pete!” I shout. This time Pete stops and turns back to look at me. His eyes are sadden and scared but yet he smiles at me. The pain in my chest feels like someone is gripping it so tightly.

“Tell me to not let you go.” I stupidly say one last time. Tell me Pete…

He keeps his smile and without a word, he turns his back to me. “Let’s go, Kim.”

A sound escapes my throat, almost sounding like a cry. And that hand that was gripping my heart so tightly, tears my heart out of my chest.


A/N: Okay so I wanted to make Vegas a jerk again but at the end he's not that big of a jerk I had envision and I kind of feel bad for him lol. And yes, it seems I've once again made Pete fall "first/harder" but so not true, he's just always more honest with his feelings lol. Anyways, hope you all enjoy. Next chapter we will have opposite couples living with each other! And yay finally found our giant teddy bear Pol. Hmm.. I wonder when Macau will enter and what role he will be playing? Hahaha. I don't know when I will be updating again. Maybe if I get good reactions to this chapter I might be motivated to continue writing hehehe. Remember to vote, comment and share! Thank you!

Chapter 17: Chapter 16


It's one of those Chapter where not much will happen. But maybe I always feel this way when VP are seperated (our poor hearts lol). Anyways, happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


As soon as I get into one of the cars, I’m blindfolded and my hands are bound behind me. Just as I thought. This bastard is no different from Vegas. But unlike the time when Vegas first kidnapped me, I’m no longer scared or weak. Well… maybe still scare because I have no f*cking clue who this person is. And according to everyone in that household, Kim is worst than the devil himself. But thinking about my brother’s condition, aside from being tied and gagged, he didn’t seem to have any visible mark on him. But who knows, if Kim’s anything like Vegas, Chay might have been…. I exhale a slow breath. I don’t even want to think about what could have been done to him.

“Already regretting your decision?” Kim says from somewhere next to me. I feel his breathe close and then his cold hand on me. Immediately I toss myself back against the door and lift up my legs to separate me from him.

“Don’t even think about touching me.” I growl through my teeth. My voice sounded pretty tough and I’m glad it did, because like I said, there is still definitely fear boiling inside me.

A part of me still wish Vegas will come bursting through these car doors and take me back. But no, I saw that last look on his face. I made my final decision and hurt him. But for now, this is my only option if I want to get my brother as far away as possible from Kim and to keep a war from breaking out. To keep Vegas from getting hurt. I only hope Vegas will still keep his promise after my rejection. He has too if he wants the South. And to really seal my fate, I hear the car starting and then moving.

I hear Kim chuckle beside me before I feel his hand on both of my ankles. He grabs both and pulls me towards him. I howl in pain from the pressure he’s putting on my injure ankle but bite the pain back and start kicking my legs to try and hit him. Instead of trying to struggle with my legs, I feel Kim get on top of me and shove me back against the door, pinning me down.

“Well aren’t you a wild one. Just like your little brother. This should be fun.” He breathes down my face.

I stop struggling and although I can’t see him, I turn my head up to where his breath is coming from. “What have you done to Chay?”

“Oh you know…” I feel his fingers trace along my neck. “Exactly what Vegas has been doing to you.”

I felt repulse inside but I don’t show it. Instead I smirk. “Then that must mean you’ve fallen for him.”

Kim doesn’t reply but his breathing seems to slow as he goes silent. I can only imagine his face right now. I was only taking a wild guess but it seems I may have struck a nerve.

I chuckle, “So it’s true…”

Kim finally finds his voice. “What makes you think so? Did Vegas fall for you? I doubt it since he so easily gave you up.”

Damn the f*cker. He struck a nerve with me but unlike him, I’m not going to let it show. “Well it’s either that, or my little brother kicked you ass.”

“Hmm. I was wrong. You and Chay are nothing alike. At least he was nice to look at. You… look nothing more than a used whor*.” Kim says.

“Yeah, okay you long hair orangutan.” I said reminding him of what Chay had called him earlier. If I’m being honest, Kim actually looks handsome. Yes his hair is longer but he’s not bad looking, proving once again these devils are all blessed with good looks.

Suddenly I feel a hard smack to my face. My head wobble to the side and I can taste the metallic in my mouth. Before I can react, I hear the ripping of tape and then the sticky layer covering my mouth. To say I’m surprise is false. I expected some form of retaliation when I decided to poke his ego. Definitely, good looks but evil indeed.

“You talk to damn much.” Kim growls.

I wait for him to try something else and prepare to head butt him but I feel his weight lift off me and his presence distancing. I relax my shoulder a little but not too much as I still need to be on high alert if I want to stay alive long enough… long enough for what? It’s not like anyone is coming to rescue me.

I try to relax and steady my breathing and beating heart. For now, I just need to stay alive I tell myself. My thoughts wander to my brother. I hope Chay is fairing better than me right now. He has to be. Vegas promise to protect him.

We’re on the road for what seems to be a very long time before finally, the car rolls to a complete stop. I hear car doors opening and some talking before the door next to me open. A set of large hand grabs my body and drags me out of the car.

“Walk.” Someone commands me and then shoves my shoulder forward. I stumble a little since my ankle is still sprained. The same person grabs my arms and starts dragging me along. I grit my teeth as I hobble trying to keep up with his pace. We walk for a moment before I hear a door opening. We take a few more steps before I’m suddenly shoved down onto a mattress of sort on the ground. The steps starts to retreat, a door closes, a lock sounds and then, silence.

I’m still blindfolded, my arms are still tied behind my back, and my mouth taped shut. Not to mention my ankle is now burning but, I sigh in relief. I’m alone but thankful for it. I start to wiggle my hands to see if I can loosen the knot on my wrist but it was bound on pretty tightly. I give up half way and strain my ears to see if I can hear anything. The room was silent and no other noise can be heard. Either no one outside is making any noise or this room is soundproof. Sighing, I lay down on the mattress beneath me.

Conserve your energy Pete. You don’t know what will happen the next time that door opens.


Some time later, as I lay silently on the mattress, the door creaks open. My body stiffens for a second but I force myself to relax. I need to feign sleep. I hear footsteps near me and I steady my breathing. Whoever it is sits beside me in silence for a few minutes before I feel a pair of hands on me. I ready myself to fight when the pair of hands starts untying the blindfold. After the blindfold is removed, the tape on my mouth is next. I try to hold in the pain from the tape as the adhesive pulled at my skin.

“You can stop faking it now. Your brother tried to pull the same stunt on me.” Kim says beside me.

I sigh and my eyes open seeing the room I’m in for the first time. It was dark but not completely. The sun was setting outside but still emitted light through the window. I turn my head around to scan the area and the room was actually pretty normal. Desk, bookshelf, chair. Aside from the mattress being on the ground, everything was pretty normal. I thought they had thrown me into some dungeon of sorts. My gaze finally lands on Kim who’s still sitting on the mattress next to me, looking down like he’s studying me.

“What? Nothing to say now that you can speak?” Kim smirks.

“Why are you in here?” I finally ask after a moment of more silence.

“To claim what’s mine.” Kim’s eyes turn cold.

“Don’t touch me.” I ground through my teeth.”

“Pete, you must be misunderstanding something.” Kim grabs the front of my shirt and pulls my body up to him. “You’re mine now. You don’t get to decide on anything.”

“Remember what you said on the phone Kim. My father doesn’t care about paperwork or anything of sorts. All that matter is who I choose. Touch me and I’ll have my father know I want absolutely nothing to do with you. I’ll make sure you can’t even show your face in his territories. Now I suggest you start treating me with a little respect if you even want a chance at gaining the South.” I spit in his face. “Ah and I’m pretty sure my father probably warned you to not harm a hair on me. Which you already failed at.” I rub my tongue on the inside of my cheek where he smacked me earlier.

Kim’s jaws tighten before he shoves me down away from him. I quickly back myself up against the wall. He gets up and looks at me with disgust. “Not like I wanted to touch a whor* anyways.”

I bite the inside of my cheek from saying something slick back to him. His words are nothing but that, words. I’m no whor* and I know it. Only Vegas… I shut my eyes and shake the thought away. He’s no longer here.

There’s a knock at the door before a bodyguard, the same tall bodyguard that was holding Chay earlier walks in with a tray of food. I think his name was Pol.

“Untie him so he can eat then immediately tie him up afterwards.” Kim orders.

“Yes boss.” Pol says and then Kim walks out of the room.

Pol comes down next to me and sets the tray on the floor by to the mattress. “I’m going to untie you now. Please don’t do anything stupid. Like your brother.”

This made me smirk. “I see Chay gave yall a run for your money.”

“Tell me about it.” Pol says as he begins to untie me. Once untied, I bring my sore arms to my front and rub at my wrist that are now red. “Feels better?”

I look at Pol suspiciously. I know I just met him but he doesn’t give me the “bad boy” vibe like the rest of the bodyguards I’ve meet since entering this mafia world. But I guess you can’t really judge a book by it’s cover. It’s always the nice and quiet ones you really have to look out for.

“Eat.” He grabs the tray and set it in my lap. I stare at the food suspiciously too. What if it’s laced with drugs? Kim might not kill me but I wouldn’t put it past him to drug me so he can have his way with me.

“It’s safe to eat. It’s just food.” Pol says answering my thoughts. I ponder for a bit before finally giving in. I’m fairly hungry and if I’m going to survive this, I need all the substance I can get.

Pol stand and watch as I eat. Once I finish, I drink out of the bottle of water that he brought in with the food before setting it aside. Pol takes action right away as soon as I’m done, he’s behind me and tying my hands up again. I don’t resist him as I know it’s stupid to do so. Kim doesn’t seem to like me very much and I don’t want to give him another reason to want to kill me already.

Once my wrist is bound behind my back, Pol starts collecting the empty tray off the ground. He stands to leave but I stop him.

“Hey Pol, can I…” I bout of dizziness hits me suddenly and I can feel my body start to feel numb. Pol turns to look at me but doesn’t say anything, his expression blank. The f*cker lied. They drugged me.

I can feel my anger rising but only just for a little bit as black dots appear and my eyes become heavy. I feel myself falling back and hitting the mattress and then, nothing.



“Why didn’t Phi Pete come with us?”

“Where are we going?”

“What the hell is going on?”

“Who are you people?”

I rub my temple as the little brat continues to ask questions after questions since he’s gotten in the car. My mind and heart, is still in shambles and I can’t take this pestering at the moment.

“Chay! Shut up.” I all but growl. He looks over to me angrily, his eyes burning holes through me.

“Why did you let Phi Pete go with Kim? You know how evil he is.” Chay ignores me and continues. “Why must I trust you?”

“Because your brother said so!” I raised my voice as the thought of Pete returns. No, it never left. “Now listen to your brother, don’t ask questions and just do as I say.”

Chay huffs but shuts his mouth for a moment. “Well at least untie me.”

I look over to him. He and Pete really look nothing alike. I guess they really aren’t blood brothers.

“Helloooo?” Chay says.

“I’ll untie you once we get there. I don’t trust you won’t do something idiotic.” I say turning away to look out the window. I hear Chay huff again but he doesn’t say anything else.

We make it back to my house in the mountain and I finally turn Chay’s back to me and untie his hands. Immediately he sighs in relief as he brings his hands in front of him rubbing at his wrist.

“Why did you bring me here? Shouldn’t you be taking me home or something?” Chay starts again.

“Again with the questions. Get out and follow me.” I don’t wait for his answer and exit the car. I know Chay is following me because I can hear his steps mirroring mine. I lead him to my office and wait for him to enter before shutting the door.

I move to sit on the couch and Chay follows sitting opposite of me. “How much do you know?”

“What do you mean?” Chay tilts his head in question.

“Did Kim tell you anything while you were with him?”

“Aside from telling me every other minute he’s going to shoot me? No.” Chay says.

“And yet he didn’t…” I stare hard at Chay trying to read him.

It’s obvious as hell there’s something going on between Kim and Chay other than a captor and his captee. For Kim to have him for three weeks and not shoot him, there’s definitely something there. Just having met Chay, even I kind of wanted to shoot him when he kept asking so many questions. Chay leans forward towards me and my brows lift seeing the red marks on his chest. He sees me staring into his shirt and backs up covering himself and looking away. Yes, definitely something there.

“Did you even wanted to leave him?” I hear myself asking before I can stop myself.

“What?...” He looks back at me.

“Kim. Did you wanted to leave… or did he give you up?” I feel another sharp pain in my chest. I shouldn’t be asking him these dumb questions. I should be focusing on what to do next now that I have the real son. Yet… No, he wanted to leave. I asked him again and again and still, he didn’t ask to stay.

“Why?” Chay asks, bringing my attention back to him. “Because you gave up on my Phi?”


“Yes, I wanted to leave. Nobody wants to be kidnapped and locked up like an animal. To be threatened everyday only to be used at night and shower with fake words of affection. So yes, I wanted to leave.” Chay vents. “But… that doesn’t mean that person didn’t give up either. He gave up the moment he decided something else is more important than me. Who would want to stay after that?”

I inhale slowly as my jaws clench. Whether he’s talking about himself or me and Pete, his words hit home.

“Now you tell me, when are we going to go back there and get my brother back?” Chay stares hard at me.

“We’re not.” I reply.

“Then I have no reason to be here. I’ll go get him myself.” Chay stands to leave.

“If you don’t want to be tied up and locked in a cage like an animal again, then I suggest you don’t move another inch.” I say, not even getting up to stop him.

Chay huffs. “I see you and Kim are of the same breed. What the hell do you two want with me and Phi Pete?”

“Sit.” I ordered. Chay stands for a few seconds before sitting.

He watches as I pull out my phone and call Arthee. I put it on speaker and set the phone on the table.

“Vegas.” Arthee picks up with a greeting. “I’ve confirmed it. You married Pete.”

Chay’s eyes widen at the news but I ignore him. “I have your son. Your real son. I have Chay.”

The line stays silent for a moment before Arthee speaks again. “Well played, Vegas. Very well played.”

“Now keep your end of the deal.” I say.

“Let me speak to my son.” Arthee says instead.

“You’re on speaker.” I tell him.

“Chay, son.” Arthee says.

If it’s even possible, Chay’s eyes widen even more. He looks shocked but there’s something else masking his face. Recognition. He knows about his real father.

“Is this what this is all about? All the kidnapping and putting mine and my Phi’s life in danger! Because of you!” Chay shouts angrily at the phone.

“I never thought anyone would find out about you. At least, not so soon. Vegas definitely lives up to his name. Or… did your wife spill the beans?” Arthee says.

“Phi Pete knows?” Chay asks in a low voice. He looks up at me for an answer and I nod my head.

“Regardless, I’m a man of my word. And since Vegas was capable of finding you, I see no one better to take care of you once I’m gone.” Arthee added.

“Once you’re gone?” Again, Chay looks like his world is crashing down on him all at once.

“It’s time son. I have but months left to live. It’s time you take your rightful place as my heir.” For the first time ever, I can hear some sort of emotion in Arthee’s voice. I should have known back then, he never once spoke to Pete or of Pete with such emotion.

Chay doesn’t reply, instead he tries to hold back the stifle sounds threatening to escape his throat and his eyes begin to run.

I hear Arthee sigh into the phone. “I have to go now. Vegas, take care of him with your life and the South is yours. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

Arthee ends the call and the room is engulf in silence aside from Chay’s sniffles.

“How long have you known?” I ask.

“Two years ago. Right after I graduated from high-school. He found me and told me everything. Then he told me he was sick and dying and wanted me back. I told him to go to hell and to leave me and my family alone. I haven’t seen him since. And now he’s really dying?” Chay say through tears. I guess the old man has been sick for awhile and it finally caught up to him.

“He is.” I say.

“I barely know him.” Chay whispers.

“Well, if he told you everything then that’s enough to know that you’re in danger. Your father is a very powerful man and since he’s dying, everyone wants a piece of the pot he’s leaving behind and that includes you.”

“Even you?” He looks at me.

Pete’s face flashes through my mind as I look at Chay. “Even me.”

“Tell me everything that’s been happening.” Chay wipes his face and his prior demeanor returns. He may be in touch with his emotions but he definitely has some of his father in him.

I begin to explain to Chay everything. Well almost everything. From his father’s health, to his father’s wishes for him and his territory once he’s gone, to Pete being mistaken as the real heir, up until how he got here now. I left out everything else personal between me and Pete. When I’m done, Chay looks at me like he’s ready to kill me.

“So you did give up on Phi Pete? You gave up on him as soon as you found out he wasn’t the real son. You gave him to Kim when you know he’s a monster just like you! He’s your husband now God damn it! Don’t you care for him a little at all?” Chay shouts in anger.

“Just until you let me go, care about me just a little bit.” Pete’s words come back to haunt me. But he is gone now so I don’t have to care anymore. Ha… who am I kidding. Even when he was here, I failed to care about him at all.

I angrily shake the thought away. “No, none of that matters now. What matters is keeping you here and safe.”

“Wow, you’re worst than Kim. Did Phi ever mean anything to you?” Chay says in disgust.

“Yes… a flaw. A flaw I finally got rid of.” I stand to leave, being done with the conversation.

“I assume you’re smart enough to not try and run or do anything stupid. I’ll have Cindy come show you to your room.”

“You’re not worried Kim will hurt him? I’ve been there! He’s not a good person.” Chay stops me.

“Like you said, Chay. I’m worst than Kim. I’m the real devil. And if you’re worried about your brother, don’t be. Kim won’t harm him as long as he still thinks Pete is the real son.” I say no more and walk out of the room.

I retreat to my own room after telling Cindy where to put Chay. She had looked at me like she wanted to ask about Pete but knew better not to. He’s gone. It’s best everyone starts forgetting about him. As I think this, my eyes land on the duffle bag I had brought to the cabin. Someone had brought it to my room.

I go over and opened the bag up. In there are a few articles of clothes I had pack with some toiletries. To the side there was also a plastic bag. The one Pete said he toss our clothes in. I grab the bag and opened it, pulling out the clothes one by one. My heart sinks as I pull out Pete’s shirt, torn right through the middle down. What the hell…

Realization hits me as I grab my own shirt again. There was no puke. Not on my clothes nor his. Only his ripped up shirt. I bunch the clothes in my fist as my eyes close and I try to control my shaky breath. No wonder he didn’t ask to stay. I’m a f*cking monster.


A/N: Not much happen right? lol. I hope you all still enjoyed even though Kim and Vegas are dicks who don't know how to think with their heads. Next chapter is almost done and I will post it soon, hopefully later today! Please don't forget to comment, vote and share. Thanks!

Chapter 18: Chapter 17


Surprise! Finished it faster than I thought lol. But I didn't edit because I'm excited to share and get your reactions, so please leave your thoughts behind hahaha. Happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


I groan as I come to, my head feeling heavy. What the hell happened? I try to stretch my numb arms but realize it’s still tied behind me. f*ck.

Memories from yesterday begins to replay in my head. That’s right, I’m no longer with Vegas. I’m at Kim’s now. But how come I don’t remember falling asleep? Pol gave me dinner and then I…

Instantly, I open my eyes and lurch up from the mattress. I look down and scan my body as I move around to see if I can feel any type of pain back there. Nothing…

I sigh in relief. All my clothes are still intact and my body seems to be in good condition besides the throb in my ankle. Why the hell drug me then?

“You’re awake! Good morning!”

I jump a little shock and snap my head towards the voice at the door and see Pol standing there smiling down at me. Immediately, I give him an evil frown but it doesn’t seem to phase him as he keeps smiling.

“Would you like to use the bathroom? And some breakfast?” He asks.

“Bathroom.” I grunt.

“Got it.” Pol comes over and unties my hands and then points to one of the two doors in the room. “Right through there.”

I get up and stretch my sore body before slowly making my way to the door all the while Pol doesn’t take his eyes off me. Creep.

I enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me before looking around. It was an ordinary bathroom with all the necessities. Everything but a window. Not that I’m planning to escape or something, yet. I’m well aware in my state I won’t get far.

I quickly do my business and exit the bathroom. I wanted to badly shower and wash away the memories of the cabin. I’ve yet to clean myself since I haven’t had a chance, but I also don’t have any clothes here to do so.

Pol is still standing by the door eyeing me as I exit the bathroom. I say nothing and return to the mattress on the ground. I puff as I turn my back to him, placing my arms behind me. This isn’t my first rodeo anymore.

“Would you like some breakfast?” Pol ask instead of tying me up.

I turn to face him. “From you. No.”

He chuckles a little while scratching his head. “Sorry about last night. But it was necessary. Couldn’t risk you running in the middle of the night.”

“I’m not going anywhere so you don’t need to drug me.” I bite back. He laughs and scratch his head again.

“I’ll just go get you breakfast now. And I promise, no drugs this time.” He hurries out the room and I hear the door lock before his footsteps disappearing.

He didn’t tie me up again but I’m not about to complain. I get back up on my feet and wobble my way to the window. I know I’m probably on the first floor since I don’t remember climbing or going down any stairs yesterday. Confident of them to leave me on the first floor. I make it to the window and peer out and I was right, the ground is just a few feet below. But there are also two men standing on each side of the window. That’s why they’re so confident.

I move back and close the shade so they can’t peer in. I start looking around the room for anything I can use as a weapon later. I hit the jackpot when I rummage through the desk and find a pair of scissors. I smile victoriously and quickly make my way back to the mattress and hide the scissors beneath it by my head. Just then, Pol returns with a tray.

He sets the tray down close to where I hid the scissors. My heart speeds in fear he might find it already but he just returns to his corner by the door. I debate whether to eat the food or not and didn’t have to decide long. My stomach was loudly crying for food.

After eating, I wait to see if I start to feel dizzy of any kind but the feeling never came. Thank goodness. Pol collects the empty tray and leaves me alone once more. When the door begins to open again, I assume it will be him but Kim walks in.

“Morning sunshine.” Kim says with a smile on his face. I don’t return his enthusiasm and just stares at him on alert. “What’s wrong? Didn’t sleep well last night?”

He gets on the mattress and crawls over to me as I back into the wall. “Missing a man’s touch already?” He smirks.

“No, but you’ll be missing an eye very soon if you don’t get out of my face.” I hiss.

Kim’s smirk drops and he roughly grabs my chin. “As soon as I get my hand on your inheritance, I’m going to cut your tongue out and let you choke on your own blood.”

I tsk and it was definitely not the reaction he expected as his eyes slants. “Keep dreaming. I can bet all my savings you won’t see within 100 miles of the South.”

“Ah is this about what Vegas said?” Kim starts and this time my brows draw together. “Letting me borrow it? I got news for you honey, Vegas isn’t coming to save you so you can give up on the thought.”

I was never thinking that, you idiot. I thought. Instead I just smile. “You’re going to be looking real stupid soon.”

“You know. Your daddy said I can’t hurt you but he never said anything about shutting your mouth… with my dick.” My eyes widen and I can feel the goosebumps begin to rise on my skin.

“You wouldn’t dare.” I ground through my teeth but already my hand is slowly inching towards the scissors.

“Won’t I?” He grins.

Within a flash, he grabs my hand before I can reach the scissors and pinned it down. I swing at him with my other but he catches my arm and pins that too.

“I want to see what Vegas saw in you too.” He whispers by my ear.

I’m in fear and want to fight but I know it will be fruitless with people like him. Instead, I follow my gut and go on a whim.

“And hurt Chay?” I say.

“What?” I see the shift in Kim’s eyes and knew I hit a mark.

“If you do this to me. You’ll be betraying Chay. And I promise you it’s a path you won’t be able to walk back from.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kim grunts but he lets me go like I’m the one who was forcing him. He gets up thankfully and starts pacing the room.

“You like my brother, don’t you?” I asked, taking my chances. A part of me hopes he will say yes, then I can use that against him but another part of me hopes he’s says no, because I don’t want Chay to have to suffer the same fate as me.

Kim stops pacing and turns to me. “Like that annoying little brat? Never.”

“Then you love him.”

Kim let’s out a shaky breath and his hands curl into fists by his side. “Criminals don’t love.”

“They aren’t so smart either.” I mumble under my breath.


“Nothing.” I quickly shut my mouth but only for a few seconds. “Did it hurt to let him go?”

Kim eyes me but keeps his mouth shut. He and Vegas are more similar than they know. If the two weren’t archenemy, they’d be best friends.

“I don’t know how you feel but if it did hurt to let him go then… you probably shouldn’t try anything with me. It will only hurt you and Chay more at the end.” I finish.

After a moment of silence, Kim looks at me. “You talk too damn much.”

He stumps out of the room and I hear him yelling at someone to tie me up. Still, I release a sigh of relief. So it’s true then… Kim and Chay.


I’m left alone unbothered for the rest of the day. Give it, I was tied up, but I’ll take that over being harassed or assaulted. I was even able to finally shower when Pol pointed out that the other door is a closet and have clothes I can use. A lot of clothes. Before I know it, night has fallen and Pol has brought me dinner once more.

I eye the food suspiciously as Pol smiles at me. There’s drug in the food, I just know it. I’m about to tell him off when a couple loud bang goes off outside and loud shouts breaks out. I drop the food and snap my head towards the window. My first thought is Vegas. Has he come for me?

Pol’s smile drops and he pulls out a gun. “Stay here. I’m going to check it out.”

He runs out of the room, shutting the door and not forgetting to lock it. My heart is beating a thousand beats per minute as I wait and strain my ears to hear whatever the commotion is going on outside. I look towards the window and my curiosity gets the best of me. Just as I get up to my knee, I hear the window slide open and in pops a man dressed in all black tumbling through the blinds. My body freezes.

A young man about Chay’s age. He has a huge mischievous grin on his face. He stands on up from the floor and sees me for the first time, his smile instantly disappearing.

“Who the hell are you?” He tilts his head to the side, eyeing me as I’m still in a state of shock.

“Uhh…” Though he’s young, I haven’t a clue who he is or if he’s dangerous.

“Uhh? That’s your name?”

“Uhh… no. I’m Pete. Who are you and what are you doing here?” I finally find my voice, snapping out of it.

“Me, I’m Macau. And this is my room.” He twirls a finger around pointing at the room. His room? “Are you wearing my clothes?”

Before I can say anything more, we are interrupted by voices outside the bedroom door.

“sh*t.” Macau says looking at the door. “If my brother comes looking for me, you haven’t seen me. Got it?”

“Your brother?”

“Kim. You know him right? Never mind. Just you haven’t seen me!” Macau whisper shouts before dashing into the closet.

The bedroom door opens then and a very angry Kim comes barging through with a gun in hand.

“Macau you little brat! Where are you!” Kim shouts. He turns around scanning the room before finally looking at me.

“What’s going on?” I ask, pretending to be none the wiser.

“Did you see Macau?” Kim asks ignoring me.

“Macau? Oh um if you mean a boy dressed in all black, he just barged through the window. But when he saw me, he jumped right back out.” I say, trying to sound convincing. I don’t even know why I’m lying for a stranger, no less Kim’s very own brother.

Kim just grunts and goes over to the window. He pulls the blinds back and stick his head out, looks back and forth before shutting the window and closing the blinds again. Without another word, he stumps out of the bedroom and close the door behind him.

I pay him no mind as my eyes is now focused on the closet door. I reach for the scissors, and prepare myself for what’s to come.



I hate this feeling. This feeling of emptiness. This feeling of lost. Like I’ve lost something important. I had to drown myself in alcohol just so I could fall asleep last night in the bed alone. It’s been so long since I’ve slept alone. I even thought about getting a random person to bed but then a strong feeling of betrayal gnawed at me. I would be betraying him if I did so. f*ck, what have you done to me, Pete?

“Thinking about your wife?” Tankhun interrupts me.

I look at him across from me in my office. He came over early so we can plan our next move once Arthee hands everything over to me. I want to send Tankhun down there to take care of the South while I stay and watch the North but my uncle, his father isn’t having it. He wants to go and do it himself.

“I’m not.” I lie.

Tankhun sighs and backs into his seat. “I don’t see why you just don’t go get him back. Why can’t you just have both? You’re Vegas after all. Whatever you want, you get.”

“Leave it, Khun.” I growl.

“You’re smart when it comes to business dealing but a dumbass when it comes to your heart. But I guess I can’t blame you since it’s the first time you’ve ever been in love.” Tankhun sighs looking away.

“Love? I’m not in love.” I quickly denied. I can’t love…

“Says the person who drank himself blind last night. You still reek of alcohol.” Tankhun smirks. “Anyways, I’ll do as you ordered. Once the South is ours, I’ll go down to takeover. But you can bet your ass we will have bad blood with my father.”

“Your father isn’t fit for the job.” I say.

“I know. But just so you know, I’m not staying down there forever. I’ll miss you too much.” Tankhun jokes and laugh.

I roll my eyes at him. “You’re dismiss. Go away.”

“How is your new pet fairing?” He asks not leaving.

“He’s subdue, for now. But I know it’s only time until he starts acting up. He’s been hit with a lot of negative news all at once.” I sigh. “And he wants his brother back.”

“At least you both agree on one thing.” Tankhun stands up and start walking away but turns back. “Don’t wait too long Vegas. I can only keep him alive for so long. You know the minute Kim finds out the truth, he’s dead.”

Tankhun leaves me alone with those words. Words that aim directly at my heart. If Pete dies, will I be okay with it? I try to convince myself yes but I know deep down, I won’t survive that fact. I need to get him back.

I'm about to call for Arm so we can start planning but he comes through the door himself.

“Boss, Arthee called. He’s coming to see his son today.” Arm informs me.

“Got it.” I acknowledge with a nod. Just a little longer Pete. Survive a little longer.


In the evening, a few cars pull into the property. I had Chay come outside with me to wait for his father. He looks nervous, but seems determine for this confrontation. That is until the black van opens its door and all his determination dissipates.

“Mom, Dad!” Chay runs over to a familiar couple.

“Son!” Pete’s mom, Cay, calls out and hugs Chay. “You’re okay now, you’re okay.”

Chay starts crying as Pete’s dad, Pat, hugs both of them. They may be Pete’s real parents but are also the ones who raised Chay this whole time. And also… my in laws.

Arthee steps out of the car after them, his eyes on his son. I can see the little sadness in his eyes as he stares as Chay, seemingly wishing to get that same affection from him. I walk over to join the group.

“Arthee.” I nod at him.

He looks up at me and nods back. “Vegas.”

By this point the hugging has stop. And both Pat and Cay stares at me.

“Vegas, it’s nice to see you again. Where’s Pete?” Cay asks.

“Let’s go talk inside.” I offer avoiding her question.

I lead everyone to the living room. Chay sits between his adopted parents but his eyes are on Arthee now.

“Chay, my son.” Arthee is the first to speak.

“Ma… am I not really your son?” Chay turns to ask Cay.

“Of course you are. Maybe not by blood but you are most definitely my son.” Cay says with a sad smile.

“We’re sorry you had to find out this way, son.” Pat adds.

Chay quickly shakes his head. “I’ve known for two years now. I just didn’t want to believe it.”

Pat and Cay looks at Arthee for answers.

“That was my fault. Once I found out I had a terminal illness, I wanted to see him. I wanted to finally be a proper father to him until my death. But I guess…” his gaze lands on Chay. “I just made you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you… it’s just my family is all I’ve ever known. And you’re a bad man. I wanted nothing to do with the life you live after you told me. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were sick.” Chay says in sadness. “But I guess there’s no escaping this life.”

“Your father Pat and I are old pals, and he used to work alongside me, my right-hand man running business in the South. Then he fell in love with Cay your mother. Once she became pregnant and got kidnapped, I saved her and her baby’s life, taking a bullet for her. After Cay gave birth to your brother Pete, Pat wanted out of the gang and never wanted to put his family in danger ever again. I allowed him to walk away from this life. But like a fool, after your real mother died giving birth to you, I seek Pat out again and gave you to him, told him to raise you and protect you like his own. He couldn’t deny my request because I saved his wife and child’s life. I wanted you to grow up normal, it was your mother’s last wish before dying. But we always knew one day, this day would come. I’m sorry son, but it’s time. For you to claim your rightful place.” Arthee explain more about how this came to be.

“Why? Why can’t I continue to live this normal life?” Chay asks with tears.

“It’s already too late for that. Bad people know who you are now and will come looking for you because of me, your father didn’t live a just life. You need to take control of this new life before it claims you. And…” Arthee turns to look at me now. “I see no one better to guide you and protect you than Vegas who found you.”

“But he’s not a good person either.” Chay says turning to glare at me. “He gave away my Phi Pete.”

“Huh?” Cay also turns to look at me. “Vegas, where’s my son Pete?”

“What did you do to my son!” Pat stands up and shouts. “You said you will protect him!”

“You should have told me then that he was your real son and Chay wasn’t. I would have left him there that day with you.” I say looking up at him. I know I’m being an asshole especially now that I plan to get Pete back but I don’t like anyone shouting at me. I can see Pat turning red as his hands fist.

“Calm down, hun.” Cay says, grabbing her husband’s hand. “Vegas, please tell us where Pete is? I trusted you to care for him. Please tell us.”

“He gave Phi away! He let that monster take him! He traded Phi Pete for me once he knew Pete isn’t the real son!” Chay stands and points an accusing finger at me.

“Who? Who took Pete away? You were supposed to protect him!” Pat yells.

“If I didn’t, Chay wouldn’t be here today.” I said.

“I’m going to kill you, then I’ll go find my son myself.” Pat declares then turns to look at Arthee. “I know we had an agreement but it’s over now. I took in your son and raised him as my own. And you couldn’t even help me protect mine when I came to you.”

“I’m sorry pal. I really thought it was best for him to stay with Vegas too. I didn’t think Vegas would trade him for mine.” Arthee says regretfully.

“Phi Pete was protecting me.” Chay adds in. “He already knew I wasn’t his real brother but still he protected me.”

“Where is he?” Arthee asks, turning to me.

“Kimhan, East Gang.” I say.

“You gave him to the f*cking East Gang!” Pat shouts, no longer able to hold himself back, he lunges for me and lands a good punch to my jaw. “I’ll f*cking kill you bastard!”

Before we know it, my men are pulling him off me and someone points a gun at his face.

“Let go of my dad!” Chay shouts, jumping between the gun and Pat.

“Pat, son.” Cay cries, grabbing Chay but he doesn’t move away.

Arthee pulls out his own gun and points it at the bodyguard aiming a gun at his own son creating a chain reaction from all his men he brought with him. Everyone had their guns out drawn at each other but me and Pete’s family.

“Get your dirty hands out of my son’s face or I’ll blow your f*cking head off.” Arthee threatens in a deadly tone.

I shift my jaws back and forth to make sure it’s not broken or anything. I’m reminded that Pat, though older now, used to be a part of this world and I’m sure he’s beaten, even killed a man or two in his prime. I get up from the couch and walk towards them. My men see me and I signal for them to stand down. The bodyguard aiming the gun, puts his hand down and backs away. Everyone else releases Pat and he jerks his body away grabbing his wife and kids protectively.

“Arthee.” I say when he still has his gun raised, pointed at the bodyguard.

“I should just blow your head off.” He seethe, still looking at the bodyguard. I can understand his anger. If it was my child, the man would be dead too. But, no one gets to walk onto my property and threaten my people.

“Pa…” before I can say something, Chay speaks. “Pa, please put the gun away. I’m scare.”

Arthee finally takes his eyes off the man and looks at Chay, his arm tremble slightly. “You call me Pa…”

Chay gives him a little smile. “You are my Pa, right?”

Arthee drops the gun and smiles. “Yes, son. I am.”

A choke cry leaves Chay’s lips and he runs and hugs Arthee. Arthee returns the hug and both embrace for the first time as father and son.

“Arthee… you promise to protect our son if we let you borrow his name…” Cay says sadly.

“I will. I didn’t forget.” He nods his head.

“Vegas. Does Kim know?” Arthee asks.

“No… he still thinks Pete is the real son.” I sat and he nods.

“I’ll contact him, tell him to bring me Pete. In exchange I’ll give him the South.” Arthee says. My eyes widen at that but before I can speak he does again. “Don’t worry, it’s still yours. I’m just using it to bring Pete back safely. Whatever war breaks out after, I’ll handle it.”

I nod. “You have my full support. But I only ask one thing. Once he’s back, he comes to me.”

“In your f*cking dreams!” Pat shouts. “I’m taking both of my sons back with me! Chay you’re leaving this house today!”

“Actually dad, I want to stay here.” Chay says.

“What! Why?” Pat looks at his son confused.

“You heard my Pa. It’s not safe for me out there anymore. That means it won’t be safe for you and mom too if I come with you. It’s time I learn to protect myself.” Chay explains.

“But son…” Cay cuts in.

“Mom, please. I can take care of myself. I must. I want to stay here.” Chay confirms.

Cay nods sadly but smiles understanding. “You know, you will always be my son. A part of this family. We will always be here for you no matter what.”

“I know mom. I know.” He gives his mother a hug before looking at Pat. “Dad, please understand me on this.”

“Pat…” Arthee voices, when Pat still have doubts. “It’s time to let our son grow.”

“I understand.” Pat finally sighs and his shoulder droops. “But hear me now Vegas, Pete will not be returning to you.”

Every part of me wanted to threaten him, better yet, just shoot him and take Pete as my own again. But I hold back because I know for a fact Pete will be mines again.

“Let’s go now. I need to work on that phone call as soon as possible.” Arthee says.

Pat sullenly agrees, and Chay hugs all three of his parents goodbye. Before Arthee left, he informed me he would keep in touch and then they were all gone. Leaving me and Chay behind.

“What do we do now?” Chay asks, turning to look at me after his parents’ departure.

“What do you mean?” I look at him with a questioning gaze.

“Teach me how to become a monster like you.” Chay says.

“Chay, monsters aren’t made. They are born.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I was born from a monster. That qualifies me enough.”

I smirk. “Yeah… it does.”

I remember Pete thinking he was a monster too the moment he found out he was Arthee’s son. How wrong we both were back then. Well, if there was one thing I got right, it was that he’s truly an angel. One with sins.

Not a minute after returning inside, my phone rings. I stop in the foyer with Chay next to me. Pulling it out, I recognize it as Kim’s number. He wasn’t calling, but wanted a video chat. I look over to Chay who’s staring at my phone.

“First lesson. It’s Kim. Want me to ignore it?” I ask.

“No. Pick it up.” Chay says. “People like him doesn’t call for no reason.”

“You’re already learning.” I smile and hit the green answer button. Immediately, my smile drops.

Pete’s face pops up on the screen, his head is held back by the hair, and a gun is pointed at his temple. Kim’s face falls into the screen and he looks directly at Chay.

“Come back to me Chay, or I’m blowing your brother’s head right off.” Kim threatens.


A/N: Yes another cliffhanger. And sorry this time will take longer to update since I haven't started next chapter yet so please be patient. And OMG Macau entered and he's Kim's brother! It took me awhile where to factor his character into the story and I finally did haha. But it seems he's already trouble lol. A lot of things happened in this chapter but I hope you still enjoyed it! I smell a VP reunion very soon! Until then, take care. Please vote, comment and share! Thank you!

Chapter 19: Chapter 18


I must be really into my own story because I just can't stop writing haha. I love yall! Dont mind the lack of editing. Happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


I stare hard at the door, watching and waiting for that man to come back out. A minute after Kim leaves, the closet door opens and he tiptoes out.

“Phew… for a second there I thought you were going to rat me out.” He chuckles.

“I still can if you don’t hurry and tell me what’s going on.” I say, gripping the scissor in my hand behind my back.

“Yeah about that. I’m Macau, Kim’s younger brother. He’s a little angry with me right now but he will get over it soon enough. What about you? Who are you, and why are you in my room dressed in my clothing?” Macau asks walking to the window, quickly peeking out then going over to his desk to sit on the chair. He turns towards me, waiting for an answer.

“Uhhh… I’m….” I didn’t know what to say. Tell him his psycho brother kidnapped me? Will he even care or help? Or is he a part of all this? It would make more sense if he’s a part of all this since he is Kim’s brother.

“There you go with the uhhs again.” He shows a boyish grin. “You said your name is Pete right? Funny I know a guy name Pete. Well I don’t really know him but he’s my best friend’s Phi.”

“Your best friend?” I glare at him as he smiles.

“Yeah, Chay. He has a older brother name Pete. We go to college together.” Macau continues.

“Chay is your best friend?” I almost shout.

Macau’s smile slowly disappears. “Wait don’t tell me, your that Pete? Really? You’re Chay’s brother? What are you doing here at my house?”

This young man goes to college with Chay and they are best friends? Of all people in the world, those two becomes acquainted? Does Chay know his brother is Kim? What the hell is going on here? I’m drowning myself in questions then a thought hits me.

“You say you go to college with Chay right? That means you live on campus? Does that mean you know what your brother’s been doing? Or anything he does actually?” I ask him, hoping he’s nothing like his brother.

“Well, yes to all your questions? Chay and I are pretty close, we talk about everything. Even our family matters. And yes, I’ve been away but I know very well the kind of business my family is involved in.” Macau confirms but reveals nothing more of the matter about family.

“Then you know he kidnapped Chay.” I finished.

“Wait what!” This time his voice raises and he jumps out of his chair but quickly covers his mouth and sits back down. “What do you mean? Where’s Chay?”

I sigh. “I guess you didn’t know.”

“I… I just left college unannounced because Chay went missing and he wasn’t returning any of my calls and texts. By the way which is why Phi Kim is upset with me, and I kind of lighted up some fireworks for distraction so I can climb into my room, but I missed and lit up his favorite car instead. So now I’m hiding but… what my brother kidnapped Chay? For what? I was going to ask Phi Kim to help me find Chay with his people.”

So that was what the banging sounds were. Not gunshots or anything. I study Macau’s expression for awhile. He seems genuinely concern for Chay’s well being and he doesn’t seem to know what his brother has done.

“So where is he? And why are you here?” Macau asks again. When I don’t reply, he speaks again. “I’ll go confront my brother instead. How dare he kidnap my friend.”

Macau stands to leave but I stop him. “Wait! How much do you really know about Chay?”

Macau turns to look at me with a serious face. “I know that he’s not your real brother and the son of some mafia boss down South. Does that makes us close enough?”

“He told you?” My jaw drops. That means Chay knew all along and has been keeping it to himself. How come he never said anything to me?

Macau gives me a hard nod. “Like I said, we know a lot about each other. He told me you didn’t know but I guess we’re way past that part now.”

A part of me is relieved that Macau knows. That must mean Chay found a very good friend he can trust to confide in. That must also mean, maybe he can help me escape from here.

“Macau listen to me… I was kidnapped to replace Chay. You must–”

The door is kicked open and a very, outraged Kim walks in. He ignores his brother and comes directly after me. He grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me to him.

“You’re telling me, you’re not the real son of the South but Chay is?” he growls in my face.

f*ck… he must have heard us.

“Answered me!” He shouts angrily.

“Phi Kim what are you doing?” Macau starts to say.

“Stay out of this Macau!” He shouts without looking at his younger brother.

His steely eyes return to me and instead of backing down I just smile. “I told you, you were going to look real stupid soon.”

Kim’s jaw clench and I swear the veins are about to pop out of his head just about now, he doesn’t say anything else but throws his fist in my face instead. I fall back onto the bed groaning in pain. I guess I shouldn’t have poke the beast when he’s already fuming with anger but I did. I don’t care anymore what he does to me. All I know is, my brother should be safe now and Kim can go to hell.

Kim raises his fist again to hit me but his arm is held back by Macau.

“Phi Kim! Calm down! What the f*ck are you doing? Don’t you know that’s Chay’s brother? My best friend! Why the hell are you going around kidnapping them?” Macau shouts. “And somebody tell me, where the f*ck is Chay?”

I look at Macau and can see the rage also burning in his eyes. But that wasn’t the only thing there. He was very worried and a look I’ve come to known is there. Because it’s probably one I’ve given Vegas before. This wasn’t just friendship to him. He’s in love with Chay… and he doesn’t even have the first clue what his brother has done to Chay.

“He’s safe now.” I tell him. “But…” I turn to look at Kim. “Not before your dear brother here raped and held him captive for who knows how long.”

“What?...” Macau’s eyes goes wide and so does Kim’s. I actually feel bad for the boy and sorry I had to reveal it this way but I need him to get out of here. I need him on my side.

I watch as Macau’s hands drop from his brother’s arm. He takes a swing back and punch his brother right in the face.

“You knew I like him! I told you I like him! I even tried to introduce you to him!” Macau snaps with tears in his eyes. “How can you just… betray your own brother like this?”

Kim looks angry but hurt at the same time. “It wasn’t supposed to happen. Between Chay and I. I was just going to use him as a bargaining chip to get Pete who I thought was Arthee’s son. I was going to let him go anyways since I knew how important he is to you. If I knew he was the real son, I would have never let him go. I’m sorry Macau, but what’s done is done already.”

“Do you like him?” Macau ask through tears.

Kim stays silent, whether it’s to not hurt his brother any further or admit the truth to himself, he doesn’t reply.

“I don’t care if you’ve slept with him. I still like him and I’ll make him mine.” Macau states matter of factly.

“That’s not possible anymore, Macau. He’s the son of the South. I’m going to get him back here and then, I’m going to marry him.” Kim says. Both mine and Macau’s eyes widen.

“You will do no such thing. Over my dead body.” I snarl.

Kim turns his gaze back to me. “You will be dead very soon. When I’m done with you, I’ll go after Vegas too. For lying and cheating me.”

“Pol!” Kim shouts and Pol comes running in. “Get Macau out of here. I got sh*t to do.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you explain yourself!” Macau shouts but already Pol is dragging him out of the room. The door shuts behind them and I’m left alone with this still angry monster.

Without saying anything, Kim pulls out a gun and fires it. I don’t even have time to think as the bullet lands right next to head on the wall. I can feel my heart start to race and fear creeping up my skin.

“The next bullet will be your head. Now tell me everything.” Kim threatens and I know he’s very serious.

“Just as you heard. Chay is the real son of the South. I was just a stand in to throw assholes like you off and it worked.” I smirked. “How unfortunate for you. You had Chay here and so easily let him go. Vegas win, you lose.”

“Have I now? Let’s test how much Chay loves his brother. And how much your Vegas loves you.”

Kim grabs my hair and yanks me to the end of the mattress. He puts the gun to my temple and leaves it there while he pulls out his phone. He calls someone and puts the phone on the chair across from us so it’s facing us. I notice my face pops up on the screen and then the phone beeps and both Vegas and Chay’s face pops onscreen. I can’t even get a word out when Kim yanks my head back.

“Come back to me Chay or I’m blowing your brother’s head right off.” Kim says and press the barrel harder against my temple.

I can see both their eyes go wide with panic. And stupidly, I smile. He’s worried about me… it’s only been a little over a day and already it seems an eternity since seeing his face.

“What the hell are you doing to my bother Kim! Let him go now! Don’t you dare hurt him!” Chay screams at the phone.

“Just come back to me and I’ll let him go.” Kim says. “Otherwise…”

Kim jerks my head back and bites into my neck emitting a loud scream from me.

“Let him go you jerk!” Chay shouts.

“I’ll do exactly what I did to you to him. I’ll record it, and then send it to you with his splatter brain.” Kim releases his teeth and finishes his threat.

“Where! Where do you want me to meet you?” Chay says in a panic and Kim smiles.

“Don’t Chay!” I yell back. “Vegas don’t let him come!”

I’m rewarded with the gun hitting my head making me feel dizzy. Vegas’s nostril flares and his jaws clench.

“Chay won’t be coming to you. But I will be. I’m coming for you Kimhan. If you know what’s best for you. LET. PETE. GO.” Vegas finally speaks and it makes me smile again.

“Fine. Then I have no reason to keep Pete alive anymore. Say your goodbyes.” Kim digs the gun into my head and I can hear him co*ck it.

“KIM STOP RIGHT NOW!” Chay screams so loudly I swear the house shook.

Finally, finally I’m going to die, I thought. My eyes naturally finds Vegas’s and I smile one last time. He was a monster indeed. The devil but yet somehow, I’ve come to love him. And I didn’t want to die before letting him know. So with my lips, I silently mouth the words ‘I love you’. If possible, his eyes widen even more. I close my eyes and let my tears fall, accepting my fate.

I hear the trigger go off loudly and a scream in the background as my ears begin ringing and I’m shoved to the floor. It takes me a minute to come to and realize I’m still alive. In fact, I wasn’t feeling any pain at all. Instead, I hear Macau.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” It seems he found his way back in the room and knocked his brother over and along with it, the gun. Both are tussling around on the floor, not paying any attention to me.

Though my head hurts from the gunbutt and my ankle isn’t fully healed, I take my chance. I grab the gun from the floor and run out the door. I make it down one end of a long hall and peek out to see if there’s anyone around. A couple bodyguards stand by but no one is moving even from the sound of the gun going off. I guess they were aware that Kim was going to kill me so no one blinks an eye when the gun went off. I tried to steady my breathing as I ponder what to do next and ignore the burning in my ankle. Someone grabs me from behind and I’m about to scream when a hand covers my mouth.

I turn around to see Pol standing behind me. “Shh. Come with me.”

Not having any other option, I follow him as he leads me through a dark path of the house. We make it though the house and venture outside. For the first time, I get to see where I am. Although it’s night time, I’m able to make out the landscape. Unlike Vegas’s mountain home, here is all flat land with tall grass. And you can see city lights off in the distance. It seems Kim’s place isn’t so hidden like Vegas’s.

Pol leads me over to where the grass is the tallest before making us duck. We crouch the rest of the way until we make it to a road. Only then does Pol gets up. I turn back to look at the house I just escape from in the distance and all the lights in the house is turn on now and I can hear faint shouting.

Before we go any further, I point the gun I’m still holding at Pol. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Pol.” He says putting his hands in the air.

“Don’t f*ck with me.”

“My name is really Pol. I’m Lom’s inside man. I was instructed by Tankhun to watch out for you. Whether you believe it or not, it’s up to you. But I think it’s best we get out of here now before we get caught. My cover is blown. They won’t hesitate to kill me and then you.” Pol said.

I think for a minute knowing I don’t have much time to make a choice. I’m well aware of having “inside man” in your enemies own home. But I don’t understand why Tankhun will look out for me. I barely speak to the dude.

“Fine.” I set the gun down. “How do we get out of here?”

“Follow me.” He said before turning around and walking away. And I do just that, praying that I’m not walking into another trap.



I wanted to do nothing more than reach into the phone and choke the life out of Kim when he hits Pete with the gun. My heart dropped and it felt like I was the one being hit. But then, Pete does the last thing I would ever imagine and it broke me. I just know I’ll never be the same again. Not without him. He smiles, and silently mouth those three little words while looking at me. “I love you.”

He loves me… someone actually loves me. I should be happy but all I can think about is how I’ve treated him. How I allowed this angel who loves me walk out of my life because I was too greedy for some sh*t piece of land. How he’s about to die right now because of me.

When I see Kim co*cking the gun, my brain goes on overdrive. Chay is shouting and crying next to me and I’m readied to offer Kim the South just so he won’t harm Pete, but it seems the phone is knocked down and become black before I hear the trigger going off and sounds of struggle and the call ends.

Chay is crying hysterically at this point and still shouting at the phone. “Phi Pete! Phi Pete! PHI!”

My mind goes blank and I drop my hand that’s holding the phone. He’s dead… no… He can’t be. We didn’t see it. He can’t be dead. My angel can’t be dead.

Chay grabs my collar and starts shaking me furiously. “We need to go save Phi Pete. We need to save him! Please Vegas, go save him.”

Chays head falls on my shoulder and he start pounding hard at my chest crying uncontrollably. “You said Kim won’t hurt him. You need to go save him.”

My fist shakes at my side and I feel something wet on my face. I wipe my face and bring my hand in front of me. I’m crying. I’m crying for another person. I never cry, not even when my parents died. But for Pete, I’m crying. I smirk a little. Tankhun was right. I’m in love.

I grab Chay off me and he falls to the floor still wailing. I take my phone and call Tankhun.

“Hello, Vegas?” He picks up.

“Prepare everyone. We’re going to war tonight.” I say through the phone and then hang up.

“Okay Chay. Let’s go get your brother.” I say looking down at him.

Chay looks up at me still with tears but nod in determination. He gets back to his feet and wipe the tears from his face. “I’ll be the one to kill Kim.”

“Not if I get to him first.”

I leave Chay, and order Arm to have everyone in the house ready to go in five minutes. I go into my office and press a button opening the bookshelf and walk in. My personal armory. I start filling every part of my body with a weapon. My phone starts ringing but I ignore it. I wanted to be on the road as soon as possible and don’t need the distraction. When I’m well equipped, I turn to leave but my eyes lands on the bulletproof vest. I grab it and take it with me.

I return to the foyer where all my men are already gather and Chay is standing in the middle of them.

“Put this on.” I hand him the bulletproof vest. He looks at me in question but takes it and wears it. God knows if anything happens to Chay, Pete will never forgive me. I had thought about leaving him behind, but I know he will fight me to the end about it. It’s better to keep him close and have an eye on him than him doing something reckless after I leave.

“Kill anyone who isn’t Pete.” I instructed the men before me. “As for Kimhan, leave him to me.”

Chay looks at me with my last words but remains silent.

“Let’s go!” I shout.

We head out and cars after cars are already lined up. Arm is next to me and we head for the first car.

“Arm. I’ll drive.” He nods understanding and hands me the key. He jumps into the passenger seat as Chay hops in the back. I get in the car and turn to Chay. I hand him a pistol and he stares at me dumbfounded. “You know how to use one of these?”

He shakes his head. “Well it’s time to learn. Press this button to shoot. Aim for the head.”

Chay takes the gun from me with shaky hands and nods.

I start the car and press on the gas pedal. Like a domino effect, all the cars behind us roars to life and follows after me. My phone rings again and this time I pull it out, put it on speaker and set it on the dashboard. It was Tankhun.

“FINALLY!” Tankhun shouts into the phone. “Lom and I have been calling and texting you! Don’t you and Arm check your phones anymore?”

“Are yall ready? We're already on the road.” I say ignoring him.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to call you about! Call off the attack! Go back home! Pete escaped!” Tankhun shouts.

I press on the brake pedal so hard, everyone lurches forward and I can hear harsh breaking behind us. It would be a miracle if the cars behind me don’t run each other.

“What did you say?” I grab the phone and bring it to my fast.

“Pete got away! Pol, Lom’s inside man got him out. We are on the way to meet them now.” Tankhun says.

He’s alive… Suddenly the adrenaline I’ve been feeling leaves my body and I just know everything will be okay now.

“Phi Pete is alive?” Chay asks mirroring my own thoughts. I can hear the relief in his voice.

“Where?” I ask.

“Just outside of town by Basit Farm. They should be entering the North territory just about now.” Tankhun informs me.

“I’ll be right there.” I say and hang up.

Arm, take Chay with you and call off the attack.

“No way in hell! I’m coming with you!” Chay begins to decline.

“Boss?...” Arm says.

“Nevermind. Let’s go.” I don’t have time to argue with a kid right now. I need to go get my angel back.


We drive for a good two hours before making it the city and then outside of town where Basit Farm sits. The ride was silent surprisingly without Chay uttering a single sound. Aside from Arm calling off the attack, not another word was spoken. My mind was filled of only thoughts of Pete. I’m going to get him back and never let him go ever again. Not when I know now how he feels and exactly how I feel about him.

We arrived just as Tankhun and Lom arrives too. We park outside the gates of the farm and scan our surrounding. I’m the first to step out of the car and try to adjust my eyes to the darkness lit only by the moon and stars and our headlights. I keep looking when movements come in from my right. A bush shakes and then a little head pops out.

“Vegas?...” His timid voice calls out to me.

“Vegas?” He says more clearly now as Pete jumps out of the bush. “Vegas!”

Pete comes running with a limp towards me. I exhale with relief as I see him in the flesh. He’s really okay. My heart still pains as I see him limp. I did that to him…

Before I know it, I’m dashing towards him and meeting him halfway. He jumps right into my arms and hugs me tightly. My eyes close at the familiar feeling and I hug him right back.

“I thought I’ll never see you again.” He cries into my shoulder.

“Impossible. I wasn’t going to let that happen.” I say hugging him even tighter.

“Phi Pete!” Chay calls over our shoulders. Pete lets me go and looks beyond me. I turn to see Chay running towards us. He rams right into his brother almost knocking them both over. “Pete I thought you were dead! I was so scared!”

“Chay…” Pete hugs his brother. “I’m alive, I’m okay. I’m here now.”

“Thank goodness. I would have never forgave myself.” Chay continues to bawl.

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault. How are you? Are you okay? Have you been taken good care of?” Pete ask backing away to scan brother’s body. Chay nods his head a few times. “Why are you wearing a bulletproof vest?”

“I was gonna come to get you! Vegas gave it to me for protection.”

At these words, Pete turns to me angrily. “You were going to allow him to go back to that house?”

“I… I was going to go with him…” I hear myself stutter for the first time. Pete’s eyes slants and he turns his body away from me.

“Chay let’s get out of here.” Pete begins to say as movement comes from where Pete was hiding before. Instantly I pull my gun out and point over there. The same tall man I’ve seen before comes out with his hands up.

“Who are you?” I asked and move my body to cover Pete and Chay.

“I’m Pol. I come in peace.” He says.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my wrist. “He’s my inside man.” Lom says appearing next to me.

“You helped Pete escape.” I say dropping the gun and he nods. “Thank you.”

I hear Pete gasping behind me and he silently whispering under his breath. “He knows how to say thank you.”

The corner of my lips lift. I missed this.

Tankhun also appears and put an arm around Pol. “Thanks for your help. You saved all our lives. We were about to go to war.”

“Go to war?” Pete repeats and we turn to look at him.

“Yeah. Your crazy husband here collected the whole brigade and we were just seconds from coming to you. But then, Pol called.” Tankhun tells Pete.

“And you were going to bring my brother?” Pete looks at me angry again.

“Well… he insisted.” I say.

“That’s right Phi. I wouldn’t stay back even if they tied me down.”

“Chay…” Pete starts saying.

“Umm. You guys. This is nice and all but I think we should get going. We’re still not completely out of danger just yet. Kim will come looking.” Tankhun cuts in. “And we didn’t bring the army this time.”

I nod agreeing. Any more talk can be saved for home.

Lom turns to Pol and asks him, “What are you planning to do now?”

“Go into hiding. Kim and his people will be looking me.” Pol says.

“You’re welcome to come with us. Anyone who saves mine is welcome in my home.” I offer him. Pol smiles and nod.

I turn back to Pete whose face is already blushed even in the night and grab his hand interlocking it with mine. “Let’s go home.”


A/N: Don't be upset yet. I won't make Pete forgive him easily. For now, he just wants and needs to get somewhere safe again. Vegas's home over Kim's. And yay! Macau and Pol to the rescue. I feel like I'm writing a lot more about Chay and Kim these past chapters but hope you still enjoyed. Please remember to vote, comment and share. You might just get another update soon hehe.

Chapter 20: Chapter 19


This chapter may come as a surprise to some but I decided to take this route. Hope you can still enjoy and happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


I’m finally safe again. Well… not exactly I guess. I turn my head to glance at Vegas as he drives. Then my eyes land on our hands. He’s still holding me. As soon as he got in the car, he grabbed my hand and hasn’t let go. There’s something off about him. He still carries his aura of danger but something is definitely different.

We are sitting in the front seat as Chay and Arm sits in the back. Lom, Tankhun and Pol are following us from behind as I assume we are making our way back to the mountain house.

“Phi Pete, is it true?” I turn my head to look at Chay in the back. He had his eyes trained on our hands. “Did you really get married?”

I try to release Vegas’s hand but he grabs my hand and clasp it tighter. I turn to look at him then back at Chay.

“Umm. Yes. But it was only because Vegas thought I was you. Now that everyone knows I’m not. I’m sure we can get a divorce now.” I feel Vegas grip me even tighter. “Ah, Vegas you’re hurting me.”

Vegas releases his pressure but still doesn’t let me go. “We’re not divorcing.”

“But you already have everything you want don’t you?” I say looking at him.

“Do you want me to marry your brother instead? Because I can bet your ass the moment you leave me, Arthee will have me marry Chay to protect him.”

“Ew no.” Chay says from the back seat.

This time it was me who gripped Vegas too hard but he didn’t seem to mind.

“Just like this Pete.” Vegas brings our hands up. “Hold onto me tightly just like this.”

I sigh and turn my body away, staring out into the night. I don’t want to say something wrong and a fight breaks out in front of Chay so I stay silent.

“Phi Pete. What happened? How did you get away? We saw Kim… that bastard shoot you.” Chay talks again.

I rather not talk about it but I know it will bother Chay until the end if I don’t say. And I guess it’s best to get it out of the way and all at once while both Chay and Vegas are here so I don’t have to explain twice.

“He didn’t… well he tried but Macau came in and stopped him in time.” I answered.

“Macau came back from university?” Chay perks up and scoot over to the middle of the seat, leaning in.

“So it’s true you know him too.” I sigh. “I’d really start going through your friend list if I were you.”

“Did he hurt you?” Chay asks.

“No he saved me but… that still makes him Kim’s brother and someone potentially dangerous to hang around with.”

“I trust him. He’s my best friend.” Chay comments with a lower tone.

“I know he’s a good friend to you. The reason why he even came home from university was to look for you. He was going to ask his Phi for help. Imagine his reaction when he found out his brother was the one to kidnap you.”

“He knows?” Chay asks, his voice urgent now.

“He knows…” I turn to look at Chay. “He knows everything.”

Chay sighs heavily and backs into his seat understanding. “Was he hurt? I know Macau likes me though I only see him as a friend. But I never want to hurt him this way.”

“He is… you just have to explain to him that your were forced and make sure he understand your feelings well.” I advise him. I can feel Vegas's pressure return when I mention the word forced.

“There’s only one problem with that… I wasn’t forced Phi Pete. I… was actively involved.” Chay admits. I turn to look at Chay and his eyes are a little teary.

“Chay… do you like this man?” I ask feeling bad for my brother. If this was any time back then before all this craziness had happen, I would think he’s out of his f*cking mind but now… as I stare at my hands in Vegas’s, I can understand him if he somehow fell for that monster.

“I… I don’t know.” Chay looks at me with trembling lips.

“It’s okay… don’t feel bad about it. Phi understands.” I try to console him.

“While you were with him… did he do anything to you?” Chay ask but his eyes fear the answer.

I smile and shake my head to reassure him. “No, aside from being rude and hitting me, he was a Saint.” I said jokingly to make him feel better.

“I’ll kill him for laying his hands on you.” Chay grumbles.

“I know you will.” I smile. “How about you Chay? How are you doing? You didn’t tell me you knew about Arthee.”

“I’m sorry. I never thought things would come to this. I just wanted to peacefully live with you, Phi Pete and your parents.” Chay looks down at his fingers.

“Chay, they are your parents too. And I will always be your brother.” Chay looks up and smile with a nod.

“I met him. My real dad along with mom and dad.” Chay says.

“You did? How’s mom and dad?” I quickly ask.

“Good…except. Oh sh*t! We need to call my pa and tell him you’re safe. He might end up going to retrieve Pete and Kim might hurt him. Or even worse mom and dad. Dad was really angry and kept saying he’ll go get you himself.” Chay suddenly shouts.

“Arm.” Vegas says.

“On it boss.” Arm immediately takes out his phone.

“Mom and dad knows?” I ask in a hush tone.

“Everything.” Chay confirms.

We stay silent as Arm speak into the phone for a bit. He hangs up with a serious face. “That was a bodyguard at his household that picked up. He said Khun Arthee has left for a couple hours now to meet up with Kim. And… Arthee is no longer picking up his personal phone.”

Chay gasps. “We must go back. That’s my dad.”

My grip on Vegas’s hand tightened. “Vegas…”

“I’m not putting you in danger again Pete.” Vegas says.

“But… my pa.” Chay chokes.

“Vegas, please.” I shake his hand a little.

“If we go back, it will be just us. Too dangerous.” Vegas says.

“I know but…”

“But… we’ll go back. Only if you promise to not get out of the car no matter what happens. You and Chay stay here. Arm and I will go in.”


“No buts Pete. I’m not risking your life again. Either you do as I say or I’m taking you and Chay home first.” Vegas stays firm on his decision.

“Okay!” Chay quickly says. “Turn the car around!”

“Okay Vegas. I promise.” I say.

Vegas nods and does a sharp U-turn and stops. Tankhun who is driving behind us beeps loudly and stop also rolling down his window.

“What the hell!” Tankhun shouts.

“We’re going back. Arthee is there.” Vegas simply says.

“Oh…” Tankhun lifts a brow. “Do we really have to? It’s just Arthee.”

“Bastard that’s my pa!” Chay shouts from the back.

“Ah yes, I forgot.” Tankhun chuckles.

Pol rolls down his window in the back and looks over to us. “If we must go back, we can take the back road Pete and I used to escape.”

“Lead the way.” Vegas says and they do after making a U-Turn themselves.

My heart begins hammering as I say a silent prayer for all of us.



Damn it all. How can I forget to inform Arthee first. I was so focused on going to save Pete, I had forgotten he said he will call Kim and set up something. Now here I am, dragging him right back into danger. And I know this can get very dangerous. I know Arthee is smart enough to bring a good number of bodyguards with him, but if they are meeting at Kim’s house then he will be at a disadvantage no matter what. I rather not take Pete at all, but I can’t stand to see the begging look on his face, and I don’t want him sad if anything happens to Arthee. He won’t be sad about Arthee, but definitely for Chay if he loses his newly found father already.

I can only hope the two will keep their promises and stay in the car. But knowing them, I just know they won’t. Which is why when we arrived at the back road Pol was talking about, we park pretty far away and will walk or better yet, run he rest of the distance.

“Khun.” I say as Arm and I walk over to him, Lom and Pol. “Stay with them. Make sure they don’t get into any trouble. And protect him.”

“You’re going to go in there without me?” Tankhun looks a little worried.

“I won’t be able to work if I don’t know Pete is here and safe.” I replied.

“Understood. But the minute I think you are all are in deep sh*t, even they won’t stop me.” Tankhun says.

“Aren’t you sweet.” I smile.

I watch as Tankhun turn away and enter the driver’s side of my car. Chay doesn’t look too please and to be honest neither does Pete, but it was either this, or no one goes in.

I turn to the rest of the men. “Ready?”

Everyone nods their head and we let Pol lead the way as we follow him through a field of tall grasses.

As we make it closer and closer, the voices gets louder and louder. And it becomes clear when we arrive at the back of the house whose voice is whose. In front of us, are some men in suit on their knees with their hands on their head surrounded by some dead bodies already. The only one standing in the bunch is Arthee and Kim has a gun pointed directly at him.

“Last chance old man, you either sign over everything and let me run the South or you can go to your grave earlier than expected. I’m done with your trickery.” Kim growls.

“Phi Kim, stop this. That’s Chay’s father!” Macau, Kim’s younger brother said from the sideline. He’s being held back by two guards. Kim ignores him and keeps his eyes on Arthee.

“Do you think even if you kill me, you will take over?” Arthee says. “It’s too late. I’ve already signed everything over to Vegas and informed everyone in the South, Vegas and my son will be taking over after my death. So go ahead, kill me.”

“Fine.” Kim says co*cking the gun.

“Kimhan! I’m here damn it! I’m here.” Chay walks into view and I wanted to smack my head and then smack Tankhun too. I gave him one job. “Let my father go now.”

I quickly look around and see Pete on the other side sneaking around with Tankhun. I’m so killing them once we get out of here.

“Chay…” Both Kim and Macau say simultaneously.

“Son…” Arthee says and that tough exterior he was showing Kim disappears.

“Why did you come back you f*cking dumbass!” Macau shouts at Chay and this time really struggle with the guards.

Kim looks around and we duck back into the tall grass. “Find who he came with.”

I can hear some men leave the group and know it’s only a matter of time before we are found. And Pete too. f*cking A!

“I came alone!” Chay shouts.

“Come to me Chay.” I hear Kim say.

“You know even if I come to you, you won’t get the South right?” Chay says.

“Come to me now.” He all but growls.

“Kim! I swear to God even if you’re my brother if you hurt Chay, I’ll f*cking kill you!” Macau threatens.

“Son. Just why?” Arthee says.

“Because you’re my Pa.” Chay sniffles.

I poke my head back up and see Chay walking towards them. He stops short of Kim. “Let me say goodbye first.”

Kim doesn’t say anything and Chay turns to hug his father. I couldn’t hear it, but Chay definitely whispered something in his ears. What the hell are they planning?

“We found him!” A guard shouts from behind them. My eyes goes wide as he’s dragging Pete by gunpoint. “This one was at the side of the house sneaking around.”

I have no time left I need to act. “Spread out. Keep low, use the grass to your advantage and shoot every single last one of them who isn’t one of us. Lom find a tree and go high. Do what you’re best at. Go at my signal.” I whisper.

Lom, Arm and Pol all nods their head and we separate. I move to a spot where Kim is in front of me. How I f*cking wish to just shoot him in the f*cking head right now, but for someone like Kim, he deserves a worst death than just a bullet. Also, Chay was in the way. Chay looks around and it was almost as if... he’s blocking him?

“How did I ever get so lucky? Two brothers in one go and the father too? All walking up into my home voluntarily?”

I see Kim signal for the guard to bring Pete over. He removes his aim at Arthee and directs it at Pete. “Come f*cking out Vegas! Your game is over!”

f*ck this sh*t. It’s gone long enough. I aim and take the first shot. I shoot the guard that dragged Pete over dead in the head. That was my go signal and bullets start flying as bodies starts dropping.

“We’re taking fire!” Someone shouts! As Kim’s guards starts looking around frantically for where the bullets are coming from.

“No! The house is on fire!” Macau shouts.

I get distracted for just a second as I turn to look at the house and indeed it was going up in flames. In the background I see Tankhun running away with a gas canister into the tall brush. Crazy bastard.

I turn my attention back to the ongoing chaos of flying bullets. Pete is crouched down on the ground next to Arthee, who surprisingly is using his body to cover Pete. And even crazier, well maybe not so crazy when you think about me and Pete, was Kim, holding Chay protectively behind a house beam. But that doesn’t f*cking matter. I want the bastard dead.

I can’t get a good critical shot in since the beam is blocking most of his body but I take a shot anyways. The bullet hits its mark, and pierce right through the back of Kim’s shoulder. He falls forwards lightly but is still standing. Chay gasps loudly and looks in my direction eyes wide open. I aim my gun again and he quickly twist him and Kim’s body around. The little brat.

Well then… if I can’t get to Kim, his brother will do. I aim my gun at Macau ready to shoot when the bloody young man whacks one of his own guys over the head that was pointing a gun at Pete. My arm drops as I stare at him help Pete and Arthee to their feet. Signaling them to go before running towards the burning house. Well f*ck… either everyone besides me and Kim are f*cking angels with wings or I’ve gone f*cking soft because I decide not to kill the boy.

I keep my eyes out as I make my way to Pete, shooting anyone who gets in my way that my own man isn’t already shooting down from their hiding spot.

I grab Pete’s shoulder from behind and he turns around and throws a right hook at me right in the eye.

“sh*t! Vegas!” Pete looks at me in shock. “I thought you were someone else!”

“No time for that. We need to leave now!” I say even though my eye stings like hell.

Half of Kim’s guards are dead while the other half has left to fight the fire or standing guard around Kim and Chay.

“Chay…” Pete begins to say.

“He’s made his decision.” I say seeing Chay still holding Kim protectively with his body.

“I know…” Pete says looking in their direction too.

“Chay is staying. He told me so.” Arthee says cutting in. “I trust my son. You two should too. We must go now.”

I nod at Arthee and he takes one last look at his son before backing away with whatever men he has left alive.

“Come on Pete. It’s only time until they bring backup. We need to leave now.” I start pulling Pete’s hand.

“Do you think he will be okay?” Pete ask still looking at his brother.

“Yeah… he will be just fine.” I say as my eyes land on Macau, staring sadly at his brother and Chay from the burning house. He has two men here who loves him.

Pete reluctantly turns around and I grab his hand in mine and we start running away together. When we make it back to the safety of the tall grass, the firing of guns stops. My men were making sure we were safe first before they decide to retreat themselves. Pete and I run through the field of grass never letting go of each other’s hand. After making it half way, Pete’s run slow down.

I stop and turn to look at him. He breathes heavily and looks up at me. “Sorry my ankle is killing me now.”

I turn back to look at the mess we left behind. No one is following us now or paying us any mind. Everyone is focused on the fire Tankhun started.

I bend down before Pete and give him my back. “Hop on.”

“Hurry Pete.” I turn my head back to look at him when he doesn’t move.

“Okay…” He says before I feel his weight on my back. I hoist him up and continue to run as fast as I can with him on my back.

When we make it to the car, everyone was already there.

“Finally! I thought we were going to have to go back to get you two.” Tankhun complains. “And here you two are strolling around on each others back like a date or something.”

I set Pete on the ground and go right up to Tankhun and punch him in the face.

“Vegas!” Pete shouts and grabs me instantly.

“Ah you f*cker! That hurts!” Tankhun shouts but wasn’t angry that I just socked him. He knows very well why I did.

“You’re lucky to just be getting a punch for defying my order.” I say.

“It’s not him. It was me and Chay! We forced Khun to listen to us.” Pete steps in between us. “Chay couldn’t stand the possibility of losing two people he loves tonight. Or three if Macau was there which he was. And knowing you, you would have killed everyone.”

He's right. I would have made sure Kim and his brother were dead.

“You know I’m all about love.” Tankhun grins. “Plus I just happened to remember I had some very flammable gas in my car. If you would have just waited only a little longer before shooting, we would have gotten the house up in flames with everyone distracted and walked away without anyone batting an eyelid. Now shouldn’t we get out of here?”

I glare at Tankhun for a moment longer before backing away. “Yeah. You four ride together. We’ll meet tomorrow after everyone’s got some rest.”

I take Pete’s hand and lead him to my car. As we drive away, an array of cars are seen from a distance speeding down pass us. Back up is here. It’s a good thing we left when we did. If these cars are coming from the back road. I can only imagine the main road being full of Kim’s army.


As we enter back into my territory, Tankhun’s car makes a turn the opposite direction of us. If he’s heading that way then he’s going home instead of back to my house in the mountain. My house in the mountain is still another two hours drive from here. Instead of going towards my house, I decided to make a turn and head towards the cabin which is much closer. Pete doesn’t seem to notice, especially in this darken time. Not until we get onto the unmarked road anyways.

Pete lifts up his head and looks around. “Vegas… why aren’t we going back home?”

“This is home too. And much closer. You look beyond exhausted Pete. Let’s rest first and then return tomorrow.” I reply to him.

Pete nods his head just accepting what I say now. I want to talk to him about everything that’s happened. I need to but I know after everything he’s been through, talking about the past is probably the last thing he wants to do. After we both get some good rest first, I’ll talk to him. Make everything right.

In thirty minutes, we are parked outside the cabin once more.

“Come on, let’s get some sleep.” I say already opening the car door. I jog over to Pete’s side as he’s getting out. “Can you walk?”

“I’ll be fine.” Pete says pushing past me. I watch as he limps his way over to the door. I sigh and follow him, unlocking the door and letting us in.

The cabin was completely dark but I knew my way around this little shack. I make my way over to the fire place and quickly light a fire, emitting light into the room. I stand and brush my pants off. As I turn to look at Pete, he’s staring at the small twin size bed, his eyes cover in a sheen of wet tears.

“Pete…” I take a step towards him and he takes one back. Already an unsettling feeling is sinking in and my heart begins to ache.

“I’ll sleep on the floor…” Pete says and quickly finds a place on the ground, lays down and turns his back to me.

You reap what you sow, Vegas. You reap what you sow.


A/N: And now the real fun begins. The begging lol. I know many probably didn't expect Chay to make the decision that he did and I wasn't too sure either but I can't just keep my good boys from my bad boys for long lol. Maybe those two do need a special chapter or two of their own. And seriously, this will be the last update for a while! Sorry loves hehe but it will take me some time to write next chapter which I haven't started yet. I need to come up with a genius way to make Vegas suffer in the pits of hell and drown in his own misery without Pete just up and leaving. So it will take some time for my brain to plan. But until then, please comment, vote and share! Thanks loves and take care!

Chapter 21: Chapter 20


Hi readers, as those that follows me on Twitter already know, I've been extremely busy with my Blue's bday. I finally found the time to write this today so enjoy and happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


The floor was hard, cold and utterly uncomfortable, but it beats the feeling of pain in my chest when I stared at the bed and Vegas. Now that everything is somewhat finally over and we’re back here where we started again, the feelings of lost, love, pain and regret returns tenfold. Here is how I got my ankle injury. Here is where he had his way with me in a drunken state. But that doesn’t even hurt me as much as him, completely giving up on me. Here is where he abandoned me. The moment he found out who I really was, he called Kim and abandoned me.

I pull my knees to my chest and hug myself while biting back the memories and tears. Everything has just been too much. And to think I so stupidly allowed my brother to go back to that other monster and to suffer what I’m sure will be a similar fate to mine, what does that make me? A monster too?

But Chay was very clear when we were talking in the car. He said he can’t stand to lose his father nor did he want Kim dead. Even if Kim is a monster. Just from the look in his eyes, I knew he and Kim were Vegas and I. The decision was his alone to make. And he chose Kim. But not before saying he’ll make sure the “asshole” doesn’t get the South.

I sigh heavily. Why wasn’t I born with Chay’s confidence and boldness. Why can’t I decide what I really want? Because, Chay isn’t the same blood as me.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a warm chest pressed against my back and then a strong arm encircling me. I can feel my heart start racing and the goosebumps already spreading, even if I wish to be stronger.

“You’re mad at me…” Vegas whisper from behind me, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

“No.” I whisper back.

“Then… you’re hurt because of me.” He says as I try to control my breathing.

When I don’t reply, he hugs me tighter and pulls me towards him.

“I’m sorry, Pete. I’m so sorry.” Vegas whispers and my breath hitches. “I’m so sorry for hurting you, everything I did to you. I know it’s late now but I’m still so f*cking sorry.”

I let his words sink in as I shut my eyes tightly.

“Vegas…” I open my eyes again.


“I’m tire.” I whisper.

“Okay love, go to sleep.” Vegas says still holding me.

I stare silently at the wall, my mind and heart playing a battle of their own against each other.

“Pete…” Vegas calls out to me again after a moment of silence but I don’t reply.

“I love you, Pete.” He breathes and set his chin on my shoulder. “I’m sorry but I love you.”

I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes and letting the tears fall.


I must have been really exhausted from the events. Once I fell asleep, even an earthquake wouldn’t have woken me. Which probably explains why I didn’t wake when Vegas moved me onto the bed. I woke up on the bed with a blanket covering me and with Vegas gone.

I remove the blanket and sit up to stretch my aching limbs. My eyes land on my ankle and my head tilts a little in confusion. My ankle was wrapped with a white clothe. I turn and scan the little cabin for Vegas but he isn’t inside. I get up and limp over to the small round table feeling the pain more today, probably due to all the running, and grab the bottle of water I see there and start drinking it. After I have my fill, I make for the door.

The first thing that hits me as I pull the door open is the hot sun beaming down on me. I cover my eyes and adjust my sight to the light when my jaws nearly drop. Vegas is front of me, shirtless with only his jeans on and sweat dripping down his hard muscles, swinging an ax down and splitting a wood piece in two. I unintentionally swallow as I stare at every inch of his wet body.

Vegas suddenly turns to look at me and the biggest boyish smile crosses his face. “Pete…”

“I… I need to use the bathroom.” I say quickly diverting my gaze not because he looks f*cking sexy as hell but because he sported a black eye from where I punched him last night. It ruined his whole, sexy vibe and I almost wanted to laugh.

Vegas sets the ax down and start walking towards me. Oh God, please don’t come closer.

“There’s a little outhouse right behind the cabin.” He stops in front of me and lifts a hand to caress my jaw. I feel a light pain there and realize I probably look as silly as he does. Kim did punch me pretty hard yesterday too. “Yeah… a bullet would have been too merciful for him…”

I know he was talking about Kim but decide not to touch upon the topic. I move my head away from his touch. His brows draws together but he drops his hand.

“Can you walk? Need my help?”

“I got it.” I walk as fast as I can pass him and round the corner.

As soon as I’m out of sight, I lean back against the cabin and exhale a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Why is he… acting so gently all of a sudden? I gasp remembering what he said before I fell asleep. He loves me… I groan and smack my head also remembering that I mouthed to him I love him too when I thought I was about to die.

Why did I do that? Why did he do that? Maybe he just said it because I did? I groan again.

“Are you hurt?” Vegas appears beside me and jump in fright almost falling over. He quickly reaches out a hand and grab me, pulling me to his sweaty chest.

“No… I’m fine.” I pull out of his grasp and once again his brows draws together.

I turn my back to him but he stops me. “Does my touch disgust you?”

“What makes you think that?” I ask without look back at him.

“Because I did that God awful thing to you.” He replies in a low tone.

“At least you know…” I say before walking away towards the back of the cabin forcing my heart not to flutter or cry out to him.


At around noon we are back at the house in the mountain. Right away Vegas calls a meeting with his circle of goons leaving me to entertain myself with three bodyguards following my every step if I leave the bedroom. Because of that, I lock myself up in the bedroom. I rather be alone than with prying eyes on me every second. But being alone is just a punishment to myself because my thoughts only fill with that man and that man alone.

I wonder constantly what will happen to me now. Will he let me go since this is all technically over? Or will he hold onto me still until he gets the South for sure? If he loves me, will I be a free man once more? Or will I continue to be his prisoner because I can’t ever imagine someone like him ever letting someone he loves go. He loves me…

Suddenly there’s a knock at the door before it slowly opens. Cindy walks in timidly and looks at me almost apologetically. As soon as the door closes behind her, she runs over to me.

“Pete I’m so sorry!” She drops to her knees in front of me. “It was all my fault! I couldn’t keep my big mouth shut and told Vegas that you were leaving. But I promise I was only thinking about you. I thought you would be in trouble if you leave alone. I’m sorry and because of me, your face. I never thought Vegas will strike you after all the feelings you two have shared.”

I watch dumbfounded as Cindy cries on her knees begging for forgiveness.

“Cindy, what are you talking about? And strike me? Vegas didn’t strike me. And get off your knees.” I pull the girl up to sit next to me.

“What? He didn’t hit you? Then how did you get that nasty bruise?” She sniffles, looking at my jaw.

“From Kim…”

“You met Kimhan?” She perks up at the mention of him and her eyes fill with fear.

I nod at her. “Unfortunately. But it wasn’t as bad as you think. For the most part I was fed and locked up in a room, kinda like here.”

I chuckle lightly to ease her worry. “So Vegas found out about me leaving because you told him? You knew?”

She confirms with a quick nod. “I overheard you and that bodyguard talking. And I was worried for you so I told Vegas.”

“So that’s what happened…” I breathe.

“What happened Pete?...” She asks, her expression now curious.

I give her a quick rundown of what happened these last few days, leaving out some details such as the first night at the cabin. She nods slowly as I speak as if understanding every word I said.

When I’m done, she speaks again. “So you’re really not the son? That is… wild. And the real son is now in cahoots with Kim. That’s wild too. But what’s really wild but undeniably kind of cute is, you and Vegas love each other!” She squeals with a cheesy grin.

“Cindy… did you hear anything I said? He abandoned me.” I sigh.

“And yet you’re still here and he also confessed to you.” She squeals again like all her childhood imaginations are coming alive right in front of her eyes. Fujoshi perhaps?

“I have no choice…” I find myself pouting, mirroring her childish energy.

“Pete you’re wrong… you have all the choice in the world now.” She grabs my hand in hers and smile genuinely. “The power is in your hands. Whatever your heart desires, I’m positive you can make it happen now. Although I wish nothing more for you to stay since you’ve become a dear friend of mine but if you choose to leave, the power is yours.”

Cindy sounds a little sad at the end mentioning me leaving. And if I do have to say so myself, she has become a good friend of mine too. My only friend here. And I will for sure miss her once I’m gone. But for now, I know I won’t be going anywhere. Not if Vegas has something to say about it.

Before I can reply to her, the door opens and Vegas walks in. Immediately his eyes find me and his gaze fall onto my hand in Cindy’s. Cindy gasps and release my hand, jumping away like I just burned her.

“I… I was just…” Cindy looks nervously at Vegas before the floor. “I…”

“She was comforting me. Being my friend.” I finish for her.

Vegas’s jaw shifts lightly and I fear for a second he might just hurt Cindy but he nods, never taking his eyes off me.

“Leave us.” He orders. Cindy doesn’t need to be told twice and quickly shuffles out of the room.

Right when she’s gone, the air becomes thick, quickly filling with tension. I watch as Vegas reach for the top buttons of his shirt and start to undo them. My eyes widen and I look away. He can’t possibly be thinking of doing that right now, is he?

I hear his footsteps as he slowly approaches me. I lean back into the chair as his body starts leaning into me. I close my eyes not daring to look at him. I can feel his warm breath gently caressing my ears.

“I’m quite the jealous lover, Pete. Friends or family, I can be quite possessive.” He whispers in my ear and my body involuntarily shivers. I feel his nose tracing my cheek and my breath hitch. “Don’t allow someone to touch what’s mine so easily.”

I feel his tongue dart out to lick my skin and my eyes pop open.

“Vegas!” I finally find the strength in me to push him away and jump out of the chair. I back away from him until my back hits the wall. He eyes me closely with that steely gaze as I do so.

“Don’t touch me.” I finally say.

Vegas’s face hardens and he looks kind of hurt by my words. And of course, instead of listening to me, he does the exact opposite and stride over to me. Power in my hands my ass, Cindy.

Vegas stops right in front of me, grabs me and pulls me for a hug. His arms curl tightly around my waist like his life depended on it and his head falls to my shoulder. My eyes closes as I try to control my beating heart. Why does this feel so right but wrong? I can’t be weak, I can’t.

I release a slow breath. “What do you want, Vegas?”

“For you to keep loving me, Pete.” He says. “Please keep loving me.”

A little strangle cry release from my lips. Why are you doing this to me God? Why is this man doing this to me? And why do I want to do nothing more than what he asked of me. I can feel my eyes starting to burn.

“Vegas… I don’t love you.” I finally say.

“You’re lying.” He whispers.

“You don’t love me.” I reply.

“I do, Pete. I love you so much.” He hugs me tighter. “I’m sorry I realized so late. I’m sorry that I’m a horrible person. But please, love me.”

My lips tremble as my heart breaks for this man for the hundredth time. I close my eyes and let the tears fall.

“You don’t do this to someone you love.” I say with a shaky breath. “You don’t abandon someone you love.”

“Then teach me, Pete. Teach me how to love you. Teach me what I can do to make you forgive me and love me again.”

“Then let me go…” I whisper though the words somehow pained me to say out loud.

Vegas’s body still against mine and it felt like he stopped breathing completely. Slowly he lifts his head from my shoulder and looks down at me. I almost gasp seeing the pain and desperation in his eyes. With one hand he gently cups my cheek and wipe at my tears.

“You know I can’t do that.” He finally says after a moment of silence.

I step back away from Vegas’s touch. “Then you don’t love me.”

I don’t wait for an answer and push past him. But before I can get away his hand darts out and grabs my wrist.

“Where are you going?” He asks without looking at me.

“Outside. I need some fresh air. Or am I not allow to do that either?”

Vegas sullenly drops my hand. As soon as he release me, I make it for the door not looking back.



I watch from the balcony as Pete sits under a tree staring into the distance. He has his knees pulled to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. Every so often, he would move a hand to wipe face. He's crying… And I did that to him.

The ache in my chest was bothersome to say the least. A pain I’ve never felt before but I know exactly what the pain means. I love him. I love him so f*cking much. My heart is crying for him. I wanted nothing more than to go down there and comfort him. Kiss his pain away. But I know he doesn’t want to see my face right now. Will he ever want to see my face again?

This morning when we returned I immediately called a meeting with everyone, my uncle included. He wasn’t too happy about how things turned out and is convinced we lost the South. He blamed everything on Pete and I almost murdered him in my office. Tankhun had to drag his own father away so I didn’t kill him. He thinks too little of me. Even if I don’t have the real son, I’ll still get the South. And Pete, I’m never letting him go again. He’s mine.

As I stare at Pete, a loud commotion sounded at the gate almost sounding like gunshots. My instinct immediately kicks in and I rush out the door. My heart starts hammering in my ears but now for a whole different reason. I need to get to Pete.

Just as I make it out to the patio with my gun drawn, Pete is running towards me with his three bodyguards following closely behind him guns out as well.

“Vegas!” He shouts with fear in his voice.

He runs right into my arms like he did last night when I finally found him at the farm. A thought crosses my mind as I hold him closely and protectively. I always want him to run to me, just like this. But I don’t have time to dwell for long, I move Pete behind me and shield him with my body.

“Take Pete inside! Protect him no matter what!” I ordered the guards.

“Yes boss!” They say simultaneously.

“I’m not leaving you out here to die! Are you crazy!” Pete shouts at me and grabs my arm tightly. I couldn’t help but smile down at him.

“Go Pete. I’ll be right behind you.” I tell him. He furiously shakes his head and my smile drops. My angel can be so stubborn.

Before I can argue with him, my men calls out to me.

“Boss!” I turn my attention in their direction and once again shield Pete from any possible harm but then my arm holding the gun drops.

Two of my guards are dragging a young men towards me.

“We caught the culprit.” One of them says.

“Macau…” I voice in a low tone. “What the hell are you doing in my territory, on my property?”

“What? Macau?” I can hear Pete say from behind me before stepping aside.

Macau’s eyes widen and he smiles. “Phi Pete!”

He tries to come towards us but is held back. I look at Pete who looks just as confused as I am.

“I asked what the hell are you doing sneaking around on my property?” I raised the gun at him again. Though he helped Pete, he’s still Kim’s brother. Plus I don’t like the way he is staring at Pete. I realized that I’m jealous. Very jealous.

“Calm down Vegas and put your gun away. All of you.” Pete looks at everyone menacingly. The corner of my lips lift a little. My wife is fierce.

“He set off fireworks at the front gate.” One of the bodyguards holding Macau says.

“Check to see if there’s anyone else.” I commanded.

“I came alone!” Macau mentions.

“Sure you did.”

“I’m serious.”

“Then why the fireworks?”

“Distraction so I can sneak in.” Macau admits.

“More reasons to shoot you.” I raise my gun again but Pete pushes my arm back down.

“Hey you can’t kill me. I saved Phi Pete’s life…twice!” Macau yells.

“I never said I was going to kill you. Just shoot you is enough.” I say.

“Oh stop it!” Pete shouts. “Put all the damn guns away already! And let Macau go!”

Pete push pass me and shoos the bodyguards away. They look at me for confirmation and I give a little nod before they let go. Right away, Macau jumps on Pete and hugs him. My anger begins to rise as my jealousy spikes again. If I wasn’t going to kill him just a second ago, I am now.

“Get your dirty paws off…” Pete snaps his head back and hisses at me and for some reason, I bite my tongue.

“Macau, why are you here.” Pete asks, getting the boy off him.

“Well…” He looks away for a bit then back. “Can I stay here for the time being?”

“Why?” “Absolutely not!” Pete and I say at the same time.

Macau turns to look at Vegas. “I didn’t ask you. I asked Phi Pete.”

This brat…

“Macau!” Pete raises his voice. “If you want to stay alive. Start talking.”

Macau sighs heavily. “Fine. I don’t want to stay at home anymore because Chay and my stupid brother are all lovely dovey all over the house. I didn’t want to return to campus either so, Chay might have slipped somewhere this morning for me to come here and stay with you.”

“It’s only been a day Macau…” Pete begins to say but I can see the understanding look he gives Macau. It only makes since he would want to get away since he’s in love with Chay too.

“A day is too long. No even just a minute with those two is long enough already.” Macau mumbles angrily. He grabs Pete’s hand and start to shake it. “Please Phi let me stay here with you. I won’t cause any trouble.”

Pete looks back at me not sure what to say. Hell no! He could have set my house on fire with those fireworks. I start to shake my head but Pete turns back to Macau.

“Fine.” Pete says.

“Really?” “What!” Macau and I shout simultaneously.

“Thank you so much Phi!” Macau shouts and hugs Pete as I stand there dumbfounded. What the hell just happened?

Whatever. What’s more important is getting that little brat off Pete. I trudge over to them and grab Macau by the back of his shirt and pull him off Pete before shoving him away. I then grab Pete and curl a possessive arm around his waist, tugging him to my side.

“You really think I’ll let my enemies live under the same roof as me?” I growl.

“Enemies? We’re practically family! You’re married to Pete and my idiot brother will probably marry Chay and then we are all in-laws.” Macau shrugs.

All of a sudden I wanted to gag. He is absolutely right. f*ck, Kimhan is about to become my family. The thought is absolutely nonsense. Not if I kill him first.

“It settle then! Where is my room?” Macau says when I take too long with my own thoughts.

“Just let him stay… he did save my life. Twice.” Pete whispers next to me.

I exhale slowly then bring Pete closer to me. I bend down to his face until I’m almost kissing him. “You owe me for this.”

“Show him the basem*nt.” I yell.

“What?” Macau shouts.

“Vegas…” Pete growls.

“Fine. Get him an empty room, any room.” I say. “And Macau I promise you, if this is any tricks of yours and your brother’s. I won’t hesitate to cut you up and send your head to him.”

“Duly noted.” Macau says.


For the rest of the day, I return to my office after putting some guards to keep a close watch on Macau. I don’t trust him even if he is “family”. And just for extra measure I have Arm check out his story if it holds truth. For the most part, he stayed inside the room provided for him, probably downing in his own misery. Now that I’m in touch with my own feelings more, I almost feel bad for the little brat. Almost.

Once night has fallen, we have a quick dinner together in which Macau yapped about himself while trying to avoid topics of Chay and his brother. Pete was happy to hear though that his brother seem to be doing just fine. I guess I should thank the little brat since Pete seems to be in a better mood compared to earlier.

After dinner, I’m ready to take Pete back upstairs and woo him but Tankhun walks in interrupting us.

“Drinks?” He asks carrying a bag of what looks to be alcohol.

“Is my house just a damn daycare now?” I grunt.

“What the heck is that little bugger doing here?” Tankhun says ignoring me and looking at Macau.

“I live here now Khun Tankhun.” Macau says.

“I guess it is a daycare.” Tankhun shrugs not seemingly bothered. He knows if I’m not worried about it then he won’t be too. “So drinks?”

“Khun go have your drinks outside. Off my property.” I say.

“C’mon. It’s been awhile. And we haven’t celebrated your marriage. Nong Pete do you like to drink?” Tankhun switches his attention to Pete.

“No, he doesn’t.” I answered for Pete. Pete looks at me irritably.

“Yes. I would love to drink.” Pete turns to Tankhun and smile.

“Yay!” Tankhun cheers.

“I like to drink.” Macau chimes in.

“Are you even old enough to drink alcohol? I think I brought some soda.” Tankhun begins to look through his bag.

“Of course I am!” Macau huffs. “I’m 22!”

“Ooohh. A young blood. Okay. Follow me!” Tankhun shouts and starts walking through my house like he owns it. “Vegas you’re welcome to join us once you take that stick out of your ass.”

Macau chuckles and follows him. Pete doesn’t give me a second look and follows him too. f*ck… I begin to begrudgingly follow Pete.


A whole bottle of whiskey later and Macau is drunk crying. Great, just great.

“I love… I love Chay so much but he doesn’t even take a second look at me when me brother is there.” Macau cries. “What’s so good about Phi Kim. He’s a bastard. All these stupid gangsters are!”

“Hey hey hey! I’m not a bastard and I’m not stupid!” Tankhun shouts.

“Then why are you a gangster?” Macau points a finger at him.

“We’re the mafia honey.” Tankhun corrects him.

“Even more stupid.” Macau says. “Guess it’s true what they say. The good ones always fall for the bad ones.”

“You’re not good. You’re part of the mafia too!” Tankhun yell.

“Because I was born into it! I don’t have a choice!” Macau shouts back.

“Yeah…” Tankhun leans back into the couch. “Aren’t we all…”

He looks trouble for a moment thinking about something. I can only imagine it has to do with his father. Maybe that’s why he wanted to drink tonight. He was never made for this life either. I turn to look at Pete who’s sipping on his beer listening to the two go at it. He’s definitely not made for this life. But I don’t want to let him go…

“Stop crying, there’s many fish in the sea! You’re so young. I’ll introduce you to someone.”

I look back at those two and Tankhun is now patting Macau on the back. I’m so done with this. I stand up and move towards Pete who purposely sat away from me.

“Let’s go.” I say grabbing his arm.

Pete looks up at me first confused then his eyes slants. He jerks himself away from me. “Don’t touch me!”

“Pete… you’re drunk.” I say calmly and try to reach for him again.

“No I’m not! I’m hanging out with my friends! If you don’t want to be here you can leave.” He defies angrily.

“I’m taking you with me.” I try to grab him but he scoots away from me.

“I swear Vegas, if you touch me again, I’ll hate you!” Pete shouts and my hands pause. My jaws clench as my heart begins to speed. Slowly I back away from him.

“Fine. Have it your way.” I turn to leave the room without looking back.

“Ohh trouble in paradise already?” I hear Tankhun say as I walked away.

Really, I don’t want to leave Pete alone with these two at all. I want to grab him, toss him over my shoulder and bring him to bed. Which was what I was about to do. But I can’t have Pete hate me, not more than he probably already does. And to prevent myself from doing something stupid that may hurt him, it’s best to walk away. Let him have his fun and I’ll come collect him later when I’m sure all three will be passed out. And at the rate they are drinking, it shouldn’t take long.

I ended up showering and just dwelling in the room for the time being, smoking cigarette after cigarette. I really don’t know what to do. All of this is so new to me. These feelings that I’m experiencing for the first time because of Pete. Pain, jealousy, love… All foreign feelings yet… I don’t hate them. Because he’s the one that’s making me feel this way. I just wish I know how to make him forgive me.

I exhale the last of the cigarette in my hand before tossing it. As I enter back into my room, the bedroom door also opens and a very drunken Pete wobbles in.

“You!” He points a finger at me after slamming the door behind him.

“Pete, you’re drunk as sh*t.” I mouthed.

“Shut up! I’m not drunk!” He basically stumbles over to me.

Pete grabs me by the collar of my shirt and drags me over to the bed before tossing me on it.

“Pete!” I turn to look at him while laying on my back. Pete crawls on top of me and grabs the top of my shirt again. I had to hold back my laughter as he struggle to do what I think he is. Rip my shirt apart.

“Stupid shirt! Come off!” Pete yells.

“Pete what are you doing?” I grab his wrist to stop him so he can look at me.

“What do you think I’m doing? I’m gonna force you!” He drunkenly shouts. “Now let go of my wrists.”

“Pete, stop. You’re drunk.” I say as he tries to pry his wrists out of my grasp.

“And? Did that stop you? Now just lay there like I did for you!” His words pierce right through to my heart.

I release his wrists and he once more struggle with my shirt. I reach a hand to palm his face and keep it there until he looks back at me.

“I must have really hurt you, huh?” I say in a quiet gentle tone. “I’m so sorry Pete. I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.”

“Good.” Pete said through his teeth but I can tell he’s holding back tears.

“But as much as I want you to do this. I can’t. You’re drunk and tomorrow you’ll be even more angry with me if I let you go through with it.” I say and the angry look is back in his eyes.

“I don’t care. I want what I want when I want it.” Pete takes my wrists this time and pin it on the bed. And before I can defy him, he leans down and kiss my mouth shut.


A/N: Get him Pete! LOL joking! And Macau moves in hahaha. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! If so, please don't forget to comment, vote and share. Thank you!

And another announcement, for my readers again that follows me on my social medias, were made aware and voted for which story to bring back on here for a VERY LIMITED TIME. Either Broken Hate or Morning Glory. I decided I will post both after the voting ended. So very soon now, like right after this update, I will be adding both back onto Wattpad ONLY (if you're an AO3 reader, you can find them under the same name author name as here: mmiintyy. That being said, both will be available ONLY until JUNE 15th 2024. After that it will be remove immediately once more and won't be kept on here. So read it while you can! Please don't ask for extra time because I can't do that. Both are published books now. If you like, you can always support by purchasing them. And if you want to know updated news about my fics you can follow me on X: mmiintyy and for my official publish work X: maela_bale

Chapter 22: Chapter 21


Hi, I wasn't too sure what route I wanted to go this chapter but I decided on this. Hopefully it's the right one. And FYI I kind of cried for Vegas writing this chapter. I'm too soft for him which none of us should be lol. Anyways, happy reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


His lips are so soft… the inside of his mouth is even softer. I never do this, praying. But dear God, please give me the strength to hold back tonight. Otherwise, I will succumb to his sweet, sweet touch. My now achingly hard dick is proof of it.

“Pete… stop it…” I say between kisses. “f*ck…”

Pete pulls back breaking the kiss but keeps his face close. “Shut up Vegas. I going to f*ck you one last time before abandoning you too.”

My eyes slant as I try to control both the pain and rising anger. I’m not angry with him or anything but myself because I don’t remember all I did that night to him for him to be reacting like this now. All I know is I hurt him deeply.

“You’re not allowed to abandon me Pete. I’ve fallen in love with you. You have to take responsibility.” I say looking directly in his eyes.

Pete looks at me longingly for a minute before tsking. Without a word and unknown strength, he rips my shirt right open. He bends down and bite me right on the shoulder. I inhale a sharp breath and close my eyes, not stopping him.

“Tomorrow when you wake, you’ll probably give me another black eye.” I say as he continues to sink his teeth into my skin.

Pete ignores me and suckle on my skin as I force my hands at my side and try not to grab him and outright pounce on him. The feeling of his tongue lapping at me is intense and feels so damn good. It is overtaking any pain or anger I was feeling just a second ago.

“Pete…” His name breathily rolls off my tongue. “If you don’t stop, I won’t be able to control myself much longer…”

Pete’s tongue stops moving and I almost regret saying that. He release my skin from between his teeth and slowly raise himself up. He eyes my shoulder where I’m sure he left a mark behind. His eyes slowly scan down my now naked chest before he finds my own gaze. In a quick motion, he lifts his shirt off and toss it aside revealing his smooth porcelain skin. My eyes land on his hard pink nipples and I begin to salivate.

Pete places his palms over my abs as he grinds his ass on my hard dick. I suck in a harsh breath as my eyes roll back for a split second before looking at him again. He smirks down at me.

“You better be able to control yourself. Don’t you dare touch me with those hands or you’ll really get another black eye.” He grinds his hips again.

How can the little angel, no the little devil, expect me not to touch him when he is seducing my very soul with that luscious body of his? He’s asking the impossible.

Pete lifts himself off me and pulls his pants off before grabbing mine and sliding my own pants away. My dick happily springs out right in front of his face. He licks his lips then bends down and flick the tip of my dick with his tongue. I hiss at his touch.

f*ck. I need to stop him. I need to stop him now.

“Pete…” I reach for him and he slaps my hand away.

“No touching!” He all but growls. “Try touching me or stopping me again when I don’t allow you and I’ll really give you another black eye.”

I sigh. “Alcohol has really made you brave, huh?”

Pete doesn’t reply but grabs my dick and shoves it into his mouth.

“Very… ah… f*cking brave.” I grunt. I grab the sheet beneath me so I don’t reach for Pete again.

I look down just to see Pete start bobbing his head up and down on my length and I clench the sheet even tighter. He looks f*cking sexy as hell and the inside of his mouth feels like heaven.

“f*ck…” How is he so good at this? My thoughts are interrupted as he takes my full length down his throat and starts choking on it. My eyes rolls back once more with my head going blank and all I can do is moan loudly. I’m about to cum already.

“Pete if you don’t stop, I’m going to cum in your mouth.” I look down at him and his eyes meet mine with his lips still wrapped tightly around my dick. I swallow as he slowly slide his mouth up and releases my dick with a loud pop. A trail of saliva follows before he wipes it away.

“We wouldn’t want that now, would we?” He says. Yes, yes we do! I wanted to scream at him.

Pete crawls back onto of me until he’s straddling me. He reaches back and grabs my wet dick and position it at his hole.

“Peeete…” If he puts it in than it’s a damn guarantee I’ll be at a lost of control.

Pete gives me a sly smile and pushes back slowly inch by inch, until I’m completely buried inside him and his ass is sitting on me. We both let out a loud sigh and I watch as his eyes close and his mouth opens slightly. What a f*cking sight to behold. If only he wasn’t so damn drunk and I wasn’t taking advantage of him again. I could have easily stopped him.

Pete starts moving his body painfully slow, rocking back and forth on top of me. You’ll really be the death of me…

Damn it all. f*ck this sh*t. He’s going to give me a black eye regardless. I release the bedsheet and grab his waist, lift him up and slam him down on my co*ck.

“Ahhh…” Pete moans loudly before opening his eyes. He looks down at me angrily but I find it quite cute.

“Vegas…” Pete growls. “I told you not to touch me.”

“Sorry love, even I have my limits. You can give me another black eye tomorrow. For now, let me love you.”

I pull him down so his body is flush against mine. Grabbing his ass, I spread his cheeks and start thrusting into him faster than his earlier torturous pace. If his mouth is heaven then the inside of him must be where angels go if dying was a possibility for them. But even that doesn’t beat the feel of just his body and mine touching, skin on skin. He feels like home. The thought brought a welcome ache to my chest because I know now that I love him and I can no longer survive without him. If he really does leave me one day, I’ll happily welcome death.

Pete pants heavily but he looks down at me angrily.

“Kiss me love… Don’t be so angry. If you’re going to abandon me anyways, then kiss me…” I whisper.

I feel tears rolling down the side of my face as Pete inhales a shaky breath. Ha… I’m crying. I guess I am human after all. Pete was never a flaw but a blessing. A beautiful, delicate present from the heavens given to me to remind me that I too, have a heart. That I too, am human. And instead of treasuring this God sent gift, I battered and bruised it, neglected it and almost broke it. I really am the worst of them all.

“Vegas…” Pete says, his eyes softening. “You’re crying…”

I smile at him. “I just realize I truly am in love with you.”

“I hate you…” Pete whispers back.

“I know.” I say with another sad smile. “Now kiss me. Show me how much you hate me.”

Pete sniffles and connects his lips to mine. I open my mouth and his tongue enters connecting with my own, twirling slowly, softly. He kisses me deeply and passionately. Expressing all his hate into this kiss and I accept it all as I continue to plunge into him from behind.

I feel drops of wetness touching my face and open my eyes, realizing he’s crying now too. I break the kiss and twist our body around so he’s laying beneath me. He looks up at me, eyes wet and lusty and lips red and plump. I kiss each of his eyes and then reconnect our lips. We desperately kiss each other without my hips stopping for a second from thrusting deeply into him. Only when we frantically needed air did the kiss break. Still I kept my face close to him, nose touching as we share one breath.

I’m getting so close and I know he is too with the quickening of his breath and moans.

“I love you Pete. I love you.” I whisper over and over again.

He digs his nails into my back and cry out as I feel his warm cum hitting my skin. I push into him two more times before my own org*sm hits. I groan loudly as I release everything I have into him and press down hard on his lips until my balls empty.

After a moment, I feel Pete’s nail release my skin and his hand dropping to the side of the bed. I remove my lips from his and his eyes is shut tightly. I wouldn’t be surprise if he fell asleep right away. He's still intoxicated after all and I so shameless took advantage of him again.

“No wonder you hate me. I’m the devil in human form.” I whisper.

I remove myself from Pete and fall to his side only to pull him into my embrace.

Just as my heart begins to slow Pete moves a little then speak. “I do hate you, but I also love you.”

“Pete, promise me something. When you do abandon me, kill me.” I whisper.

I wait for a reply but instead I’m greeted with his steady breathing. He’s fallen asleep. I sigh and pull him closer to me before closing my eyes.


As soon as I come to, without even opening my eyes, I know he’s no longer next to me. Immediately I panic and my eyes fly open as shoot up into a sitting position. Before I can even begin to see properly, I’m socked in the eye and fall back onto the bed.

“Ahhh… f*ck!” I shout covering my eye.

“You bastard!” Pete shouts at me. I should have known better, I knew this was coming.

“Damn it, Pete! You couldn’t punch the other eye?” I groan still clutching my eye. He punched me in the same eye as before so it hurts even more.

“You really want two black eyes? Come here!” Pete yells.

I turn to look at him and he’s on his knees with his fists clench beside him. But like a jackass my gaze falls to his lap. His dick is out and he’s still complete naked. I guess he just woke up too. Pete notices me and grabs the blanket to cover himself up.

“I can’t believe you will take advantage of a drunk person! Doing it when you’re drunk I can see an excuse for it but doing it when I’m drunk! You’re a bastard!” Pete shouts angrily.

I sigh and sit back up. Pete shifts a little back creating some distance between us.


I grab my torn shirt that still lay beside the bed and toss it at him. He catches it and looks at it dumbfounded before looking back at me. I then angle my neck and show him my shoulder positive of the mark he left behind after sinking his teeth into me.

“Do you want to see my back too?” I ask him.

His jaws drop before he quickly closes his mouth and his brows scrunch. “You’re saying… I took advantage of you?”

I raise a brow and give him a tiny smile.

“Impossible! You’re stronger than me. You could have stopped me.” Pete says more to himself but his cheeks are already beginning to tint.

“No Pete. You’re stronger than I’ll ever be.” I say.

Pete’s brows draw together again and he looks at me confused. I’m sure he doesn’t remember anything said between us.

“Whatever! My bad I won’t touch you again.” He moves to leave put I reach over and grab his wrist. Pete turns back to look at me.

“You can touch me Pete. You can touch me whenever you want. In fact you can do whatever you want to me.” I tell him.

Pete looks at me but doesn’t reply then he jerks his arm away. He gets up and run for the bathroom. After he showers I tell him to wait for me so we can go down to have breakfast together. A part of me didn’t expect him to but he surprises me when I exit the bathroom and still see him there. I smile to myself, happy with the little fact.

“Let’s go. I’m hungry.” He says, already making it for the door.

I follow him through the hallway but we are stopped when one of the spare bedroom doors, Macau’s current room, flies open almost hitting Pete and Tankhun comes running out.

“Get out you old bastard!” Macau can be heard shouting. “I hate you!”

Tankhun slams the door shut after him. Still holding the doorknob, he turns to us. “Oh, hi Pete. Hi Vegas.”

“Can you believe this…” Tankhun let’s go of the doorknob and straighten out his body. “He’s the one that came onto me and f*cked me last night and now he’s the angry one? Ridiculous if you ask me.”

“Oh I believe you.” I say turning to look at Pete. His cheeks begins to flare again as he bites the insides of his cheek. “But what the hell are you doing with Kim’s younger brother anyways?”

Tankhun smirks and shrugs. “He’s cute… and a stallion in bed.”

“Oh lord… I’m out of here.” Pete quickly walks away.

Tankhun chuckles. “He must still be embarrassed witnessing me and hot stallion in there making out on the couch. He dipped out so fast. How about your night? Got any action when once he returned?”

Is that why Pete came onto me so strong? Was he perhaps turned on after witnessing others making out? My dick twitch in my pants just at the thought.

“I got way more than just action.” I replied to him as I stare at Pete descending down the stairs. So much more.



My last memories of last night were drinking with Tankhun and Macau and also crying as I told them how big of a jerk Vegas is. I also remember Macau crying about Chay and I remember even Tankhun crying too but not what about. We comforted each other through drinks and conversation but at some point those two started making out. And then… I don’t remember much after that. But now that I’m sitting out here under this tree, staring into the mountains again, splotchy memories of Vegas’s naked body keeps popping up in my head. His moans and hands on my hips. My nails digging into his back. Damn it all… I quickly shake the thought away.

But Macau and Tankhun… just how? I know Macau loves my brother so he was probably too drunk to realize what he was doing yesterday. Just like me with Vegas. This is all so insane. But somehow, the pairing makes sense to me. Even though Vegas calls Kim and Macau the enemies, Macau is right when he says they are more like family now. That is if Chay and Kim really gets together. That is if Vegas and I stay together.

I don’t know what to do anymore. Vegas seems to have realized that he has feelings of love for me. He’s nicer now though I’m still trapped here. Yet, that doesn’t make me any happier, even though I know my feelings for him are so much deeper too. He still hurt me so much since the beginning until now. I can’t find it in myself to forgive him. It doesn’t seem fair to me. And yet, every time he looks at me with those sad eyes, my heart screams for him. How did things get so complicated?

I can hear light footsteps coming from behind me and then Vegas appears at my side. He sits down next to me but doesn’t say anything for a moment and neither do I.

“Pete…” Vegas begins to say. “Will leaving make you happy?”

I inhale a shaky breath before slowly releasing it. Already my heart starts to speed. Will it?

“I miss my parents.” I reply. “I miss teaching. I miss hanging out with friends. I miss not having to worry if I’ll die tomorrow.”

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Vegas slowly nodding his head. “What about me? Will you miss me when I’m gone?”

I smirk. “Maybe. Maybe not. I just know I don’t want to be a prisoner here for the rest of my life.”

“Pete, how did you manage to love someone like me.” Vegas asks.

“I don’t know. Stockholm syndrome maybe. Just, being close to you, spending time with you everyday, sex with you. I think I just kind of gotten used to it all and emotionally inserted myself when I shouldn’t have. Slowly but surely, you somehow became important to me.” I honestly tell him.

“I feel the same.” Vegas admits. “From the moment I first saw you, I developed an unhealthy obsession and just knew I had to have you. Somehow, that obsession turned into these new emotions you introduced me too. Pain, jealousy, love, regret, fear. Especially when I thought I was going to lose you. It’s a shame it had to come to that before I realize my feelings for you. It’s quite amusing how just being close with someone everyday can create such a bond.”

Vegas sighs and stretch his arms forward. I turn to look at him as a sad smile crosses his face. He looks so normal right now. Not like the devil I know him to be. And for some reason, my heart aches seeing him like this. It’s not who he is. He’s confident and cool, not this normal and almost broken look.

“But I guess that bond isn’t enough for you to want to stay by my side.”

Vegas reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone and hands it over. My phone.

“You can call your parents. Let them know I’ll be taking you home at the end of the week.” Vegas had that same sad smile on his face and it broke my heart all over again. He’s really letting me go.

I try to control my shaky hand as I grab the phone from him. “Why?”

“I want to see you genuinely smile again.” Vegas says. “Just like the first time I laid my eyes on you. The smile and laugh that captured my heart from the beginning.”

“Why couldn’t you be this Vegas from the beginning?...” I hear myself asking.

Vegas sighs and grin. “Because I didn’t have a heart until I met you.”

I turn my attention back to the mountains so he can’t see the hurt on my face if he looks at me.

“What about the South?” I inquired.

“None of that matters anymore.” He simply says.

How can he simply not care anymore? He wanted the South so bad, that’s how most of this craziness started. If Chay is gone and I am gone too, there’s no way he will get the South anymore.

“Vegas… what are you planning?” I asked suddenly very suspicious and look back at him.

“Nothing, I promise. Just let me know when you’re done calling them, then I’ll take you home this weekend.” Vegas stands up and takes one last look at me before walking away.

As soon as he’s gone, I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. My hand begins to shake and I had to clutch the phone to not drop it. He’s abandoning me again… No, he’s giving me the choice to abandon him. Why am I hesitating? I should be happy, jumping for joy. I wanted this for so long. But why does it sounds like he’s just given up, on everything?

Shaking my thoughts away, I unlock my phone with trembling hands before finding my mom’s number and pressing call.

“Hello? Pete?” My mom’s voice comes through the line.


“Oh my gosh, it is you!” My mom sounded so relief. “Your father and I were so worried about you. Where are you? Are you okay?”

I smile just hearing my mother’s voice. I missed her so much.

“Ma… I’m coming home.” I breathe into the phone.


After speaking to my parents and confirming that I’m okay and back with Vegas, and that I will be coming home this weekend to my own home in Bangkok, I finally hung up. My father had wanted to come pick me up right away but after a little back and forth, I was able to convince him not to. Instead they will meet me at my home in Bangkok.

I didn’t want to go all the way to phu*ket and needed to get back to my own home. I’ve been away far too long. Who knows if the apartment is still mine. And if I’m really going home then I need to get my life situated and back in order.

I return to the house and find Vegas in his office. He looks up at me from his paper work at the desk and set them down right away. He smiles at me as I enter. I make my way to his desk and stop before it.

“Umm… I finished talking to my parents.” I say not making eye contact with him.

“Okay…” Vegas says.

“I told them I’ll be home this weekend. My home in Bangkok. They will meet me there. Will that be okay?”

After a moment of excruciating silence, Vegas exhale a shaky breath.

“Anything you want, Pete.” Vegas says calmly. I finally muster up the courage to look at him and almost cry out loud. He’s smiling at me with tears shining in his eyes.

“Why Vegas? Just why?” I couldn’t help but ask. Why the hell did the bastard fall in love with me? Why the hell do I feel like the bad guy now? And why the f*ck is my stupid heart still aching so much for him.

Vegas stands from his chair and walks around the desk, stopping in front of me. He reach out a hand and caresses my face gently with his big, warm palm.

“You’re not telling me to not touch you.” He smiles. He brings his face close to me and stop just before our lips touch. “Because Pete, I love you.”

His tears fall as he closes his eyes and kisses me.


A/N: My baby Pete is going to leave Vegas *cries*. I'm soft so like I said, I did cry a little writing this lol. Or maybe it's always just hits me harder when seeing a strong man cry. Idk. Anyways Vegas is finally realizing that his actions hurts Pete more and to make Pete happy again, he has to let him go. I hope yall enjoy this chapter and I'll see you soon in the next. Please don't forget to comment, vote and share. Thank you!

Chapter 23: Chapter 22


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


A day has gone by since I’ve called my parents and since notifying Vegas. A day closer to me going home. I’m happy and excited but at the same time I keep thinking back to his kiss. That moment we shared. He kissed me softly and gently, like I was the most fragile thing in the world. He didn’t use his tongue but just allowed his lips to linger on mine, moving ever so slowly. And then he pulled away, and without giving me a second look, he had walked out of his office leaving me alone.

I didn’t see him for the rest of the day. Even at night I thought he wouldn’t return. But some time in the middle of the night, he came back, smelling of alcohol but this time he didn’t try to wake me even though I was awake. All he did was hug me from behind and bury his head into my back. I felt as his shoulder trembled but I feigned sleep.

Now he’s gone again and I’m left in this house alone. Well not alone but with bodyguards , Cindy and Macau. During lunch, Cindy didn’t missed the chance of bothering me.

“Pete are you sure this is what you really want? Pete can’t you just stay a little longer, you just came back? Pete won’t you miss me?” Cindy threw questions after questions to me.

I answered all her questions as neutrally as possible until she was somewhat satisfied even though my answers weren’t what she was seeking. At the end, she just hopes I listen to my heart. She quickly leaves when Macau enters the dining room since she’s still not comfortable with the fact that Kim, the one who was going to sell her off, is his brother.

Macau comes sit across from me and he doesn’t look too good either. In fact, this is the first time I’m seeing him after that night of drinking. I guess he finally got hungry. I watch as the young men ate a few bites before setting his fork down and looking at me.

“Do you remember that other night?” Macau asks me.

“Bits and pieces.” I replied.

“Did I… did I initiated it? With Tankhun?” He asks looking away.

“Do you want the truth?” I say and he nods. “Yes… I think you mistook him as Chay.”

Macau sighs. “And no one thought to stop me?”

“We were all drunk Macau.”

“I know which is why I can’t blame anyone but myself.”

“How are you feeling?” I ask.

“Just confused. I don’t remember much but I do remember him. His body. I even dreamt about it. And it wasn’t Chay in my dreams but him, Tankhun.” Macau confesses, his cheeks turning a light pink.

“So you liked it?” I smile and try to joke with him. Hopefully it’s not too soon.

“I guess… I didn’t hate it. Surprised the next morning but, I don’t hate it.”

“Well that’s good. What’s done is done. We can only move forward.” I comment.

“Yeah.” He agrees. “It’s just hard. I liked Chay for so long but never told him. Now I’ll never get the chance to. And I entangled myself with the North gang even more.”

“He knows. Chay knows how you feel. He appreciates your feelings but we can’t control who our heart chooses to love. We should be happy that the ones we love are happy.” Except I’m about to destroy Vegas’s heart.

“Also, I’m sure Tankhun isn’t thinking too deeply about what happened. And like you said, you’re practically family with the North gang. You can’t get any closer than that.” I tell him.

“Except we won’t be family anymore. I heard that you’re leaving?” Macau looks at me and this time it’s my turn to look away.

“Yes, I am.” I admit to my heart’s dismay.

“Why? When you both love each other?”

“Because… he’s hurt me one too many times.”

“So hurting him back will make it better? Because if you leave, that’s basically what will happen. He will hurt and suffer. Why not just fix it?” Macau says.

“It’s complicated, Macau.” I look at him again who is once more picking at his plate of food. “Besides, I need to get my life back. Before you can begin to fix something, you must fix yourself first.”

Macau nods. “I understand. Thanks for the little pep talk.”

He gets up and walks away from the table. I finish my lunch and get ready to return to the bedroom. I still have my phone so I figure I can start calling around and straightening out things back at home before my return. As I make it to the stairs, Vegas enters through the front door and stops when he sees me. He’s carrying a bouquet of red roses in his arm. He smiles and slowly walks up to me.

“Hi…” He says just above a whisper. “I picked these up for you on my way back.”

Vegas hands me the bouquet. The smell of roses hits me right away and my heart melts a little. They’re beautiful.

“Umm, thank you.” I say and take the flowers from him. “Where’d you get these?” I asks bringing them to my nose and sniffing them. A smile crosses my face.

“I wish I can make you smile like that always.” Vegas says and I look back up at him. Again, where was this Vegas before?

“I was doing some business in that little village you used to teach at. A little boy and his mother were selling these so I bought them for you.” He continues.

At the mention of the village, my ears perk. “You went back there? How’s everyone doing? How are the children?”

“Would you like to go see? I can take you there tomorrow, or the day after.” Vegas offers with a smile.

“Really? Yes. I would love to.” I smile back at him.

“Then it’s a date.” Vegas says and my smile wavers. A date?

“Did you have lunch yet?” Vegas interrupts my thought.

“Mmm.” I nodded.

“That’s good. I’m going to have lunch now and then do some work in office if you need me.” He informs me.

“Okay.” I say. Vegas looks at me for a little longer before turning around towards the dining room I just came from.

“Vegas…” I stop him. He turns back to look at me. “Thank you. These flowers are beautiful.”

Vegas smiles. “Not as beautiful as you.”

My breath hitches and I take a gulp. I can feel the warmth in my face. It’s not like this is the first time he’s called me beautiful but for some reason this hits differently. My heart is racing and I can feel the flutters in my belly. Vegas finally walks away as I stare at his back. I just know it’s going to hurt come this weekend.


The next day after Vegas's meeting with his usual crowd, he keeps his word and drives me to the little village. Where we first met, where everything started. He parks at the same spot he first took me from. Memories of that day returns and I smile a little. It seem so long ago yet like it just happened. I was so scared back then. Who would have known that today, our feelings would have changed so drastically.

I get out of the car with Vegas following closely behind. Arm and a few other men steps out of another vehicle but keeps their distance from us. Without a word, Vegas grabs my hand, linking our fingers and lead the way through the trees. I stare at our intertwined hands and then at Vegas’s strong back. Yeah… who would have ever thought today we are in love with each other.

As we come to the same clearing by the river that I was first approached by Vegas and Arm, some kids are kicking a ball back and forth turn their attention to us.

“Teacher?” The little boy name Kao, who was the only witness that day I was taken looks at me and tilts his little head. A smile spreads across his face as recognition hits him. “Teacher!”

He dashes towards me. I let go of Vegas’s hand and smile. Bending down to his height, I open my arms just in time to catch him. He hugs me tightly. The other children also comes running with smile on their faces.

“We miss you! Where did you go?” One of the elder girl, who’s better in English, says.

“I miss everyone too!” I tell them.

Vegas appears in my vision and I smile up at him. He smiles back at me.

Kao looks at Vegas and exchanges some words with Vegas in their mother tongue. I had almost forgotten, Vegas speaks their language too. In fact, in the beginning I didn’t even think Vegas can speak Thai. Oh how very wrong I was. Now I’m thoroughly impressed by his skills. Vegas says something and the little boy grins before whispering to the other kids.

“What are you two talking about?” I asked Vegas standing up.

Vegas smirks. “I told him, I’m your husband.”

I look away and the children are all grinning at me now. I can feel my cheeks starting to warm.

Kao runs back to me and grabs my hand in his. In broken English, he speaks. “Let’s go, I have to tell everyone you’re back.”

I’m drag away by the group of kids. As I turn back, Vegas is smiling and staring at me before following us. For the rest of the day, I am greeted by the villagers again and a small feast was held. No one asked any questions about my whereabouts and Vegas continued to communicate with the villagers in their native tongue. I don’t know what was said but I’m sure it was along the lines of him being my husband. Many villagers congratulated me and some of the women blushed and squealed after speaking with Vegas.

I stare as Vegas speaks with the village chief after the feast. The children had invited me into a game of kickball but my attention kept focusing back on him. He was smiling for the most part today which was very surprising. I didn’t know he was capable of smiling at others like this. He does indeed have a heart and I’ll be the first person to probably break it.

As if sensing me staring at him, Vegas looks over to me and his smile widens. For some reason, that makes me feel even more guilty. Would he lose that smile once I’m gone?

“Teacher!” One of the kids shout for me. “Your turn!”

“Coming!” I turn away and return to the game.

We run around and play until the sun begin to set.

“Pete…” Vegas calls out to me. “It’s time to go.”

I look at him and nod.

“Awww already?” Kao ask. “Will you come back tomorrow?”

“Uhhh…” I look at Vegas who is waiting, staring at me. “I’m not sure, Kao. If not tomorrow, one day for sure.”

“Okay. I hope to see you again, teacher.” He sighs but grins.

“You too buddy.” I make my way back to Vegas just as a lady hands Vegas a bunch of more roses.

“I’m ready.” I tell him, stopping beside him.

Vegas turns to me and hands me the new bouquet. “For you.”

A few of the women squeals as I blush and take the flowers.

“Thank you.” I whisper and smile as my heart does flips inside my chest.

Vegas takes my hand and we head off back towards our car. As soon as we enter the forest, Arm and the bodyguards appear again. This time with flashlights to help us navigate the darkening forest. I almost forgot that they tagged along.

By the time we make it back to the car the sun is gone and night has fallen. I hug the flowers close to my chest as Vegas begin the drive back up the mountain.

“Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun.” I say breaking the silence.

Vegas takes my hand and intertwine our fingers. He brings the back of my palm to his lips, placing a soft kiss on it.

“It suits you. Teaching and… children.”

I blush a little at the mention of children. Maybe he meant nothing by the way he said it, but somehow the thought of having my own crosses my mind.

“Would you like to come back tomorrow?” Vegas asks.

“Really?” I turn to look at him shocked. Tomorrow is already the last day before the weekend and he’s okay with spending the day with the villagers again? “I mean… yes. If that’s okay with you.”

Vegas nods. “I quite enjoy seeing your smile. I want to remember it forever.”

“Vegas…” I breathe. He takes his eyes off the road for a second and looks at me. Won’t you ask me to tell you to not let me go?

“I quite enjoy your smile too. Please never lose it.” I say. Vegas smiles but I can see the sadness hidden beneath that smile. For sure the moment I leave, both of our smiles will disappear with the departure.



Last night after we had returned, with Pete’s permission, I made love to him all night long. I took the time to treasure his body from head to toe. I felt every part of him and listen to his every moan and cry. I wanted to imprint the moment forever in my heart. And by God did he delivered. Pete is perfect in every single way.

I can tell from last night that the thought of him leaving was hurting him too. But I guess the thought of staying with me hurts even more and I totally understand him. I’ve done him wrong on so many levels and no amount of apologizing will ever make it better. It only makes sense he wouldn’t want to stay.

The thought of being greedy crossed my mind numerous of times over the last few days but I can’t hurt him anymore than I already did. Especially not after seeing him out there with the village kids and smiling the way he did. He belongs out there where he can be free and not here with me where he would have to live a strict lifestyle because of who I am. He’d be nothing but a prisoner here even if I allowed him his freedom. He wouldn’t be able to be so carefree knowing his life would constantly be in danger.

I hear a light knock at the office door and sigh. Now there’s even something more dreadful that I must do.

“Come in.” I say as I stare at the divorce paper in my hand.

Pete enters the office and I set the divorce paper down. I had Arm prepared them for me and finally got them today.

Pete stands by the open door and smiles lightly. “Arm said you are looking for me? Are we leaving now?”

That’s right. I told him I’ll take him back to the village again today. I stare at the document on my desk and then back at Pete. I return his smile and nod.

“Yeah. Go get ready and we will leave in twenty minutes.” I tell him.

Pete grins and nods. I watch as he leaves back out the door before closing it behind him. I shouldn’t ruin his mood now. After we return tonight, I’ll present him with the divorce paper. Then tomorrow, he will be completely free of me.


I once again ordered Arm and a few bodyguards to follow us as we make our way back to the village. In the car, Pete whistles happily to the radio as he stares out the window. Today is much cloudier than yesterday and you can tell a storm is approaching. If it rains later, I’ll have to cut our trip short.

“Vegas. How do you know the tribal language?” Pete’s asks breaking my train of thought.

“I’ve worked these mountains for a very long time. I just picked it up along the way.” I tell him.

“That’s very cool. Do you know any other language?” Pete asks.

“Yes, English.” I say not taking my eyes off the road.

“How impressive.” Pete smirks. “I feel like I’ve learned so much more about you these last few days than this whole time.”

“Impressive enough for you to want to stay beside me?” I couldn’t help but ask.

I hear Pete’s breathing hitch and the car becomes silent again aside from the radio.

“I can’t stay…” Pete finally say.

“But do you want to?”


I smile. “I’m just kidding Pete. Don’t worry. Tomorrow, I’m taking you home.”

Pete becomes silent once more. I take his hand in mine and bring it to my lips. “Let’s have fun today. For the last time.”

“Yeah…” Pete says.

We make it to the village around noon and once again, a fest is being prepare. Today, Pete helps the women and men prepare lunch as I sit near the children and listen to them tell stories and goof around. Every now and again, I would look over to Pete. He’s not speaking much since he doesn’t speak the language but joins here and there. The whole time with a smile on his face.

I take out my phone and text Arm to go into town and buy as much groceries as he can fit into the car and bring it back for the villagers. They pretty much hunt and forage their own food so it might hit them hard that they are cooking two feasts in a row.

“Hey mister.” The little boy name Kao comes and sits next to me.

“Yes?” I look down at him.

“You’re the same guy that took teacher away right?” He asks with a curious gaze.

“Yes I am.” I admit.

“Did you take him to marry then since you’re his husband?”

I chuckle. “You can say that.”

“So that means it’s okay for a boy to like another boy?” Kao asks nervously.

My eyes widen at his question. It’s okay indeed but is it my place to tell him so if his parents didn’t?

“What do you think Kao?” I ask instead of answering him.

“Well… I like my best friend and he’s a boy like me.” Kao admits.

I smirk. The little boy can’t be no more than ten years old. Maybe a first crush?

“Just listen to your heart. Your heart will tell you if it’s okay or not.” I answered.

Kao smiles and nod. “My mom told me before that you’re a scary man but you’re not so scary.”

To this I laugh loudly. I guess my reputation would be just that, scary. I’ve used these woods as my playground for a very long time. My presence is known to all tribes around here. It’s obvious their mothers and fathers would warn them to stay out of my way.

Kao stands up and joins the other kids. I look to Pete who is now staring at me. He smiles a little before nibbling on his bottom lip and looking away.

After we have lunch, the kids settle around Pete as he obtains some paper and crayon from somewhere. All the kids listen as Pete teaches them the English word for family and instruct them to draw a portrait of their family.

I leave them alone for a moment as I find the lady who sells flowers and ask her to make me another bouquet. As I return, Pete is looking for me. He smiles when he sees me and pauses when he sees the new bundle of roses in my hand. His cheeks tint that pretty pink I love so much.

I walk over to him and hand him the flowers.

“I won’t have anywhere to put all these flowers soon.” He says but accepts the roses. “Thank you. And here, I have something for you too.”

Pete hands me a piece of paper and I chuckle. He made a poor portrait of me, I’m guessing, with horns sticking out of my head. Under the drawing is the word, family. I guess we are family still. At least until tomorrow.

“I can’t wait to frame it.” I laugh. His last gift to me. I’ll cherish it as long as I live. I fold up the little paper and put it inside my from pocket. Pete rejoins the children and I take out my phone again and text Arm to also grab school supplies for the children too.

About an hour later, the first crack of thunder is heard across the sky. As much as I want Pete to keep enjoying his time, that was our cue to leave soon as everyone is gathered outside since there’s not a building big enough for everyone inside. Arm should be back any minute now with the supplies, if not, I’ll just have him drop it off before returning.

“Pete!” I called out to him.

The children are already packing up their things and so are the rest of the villagers, bringing clothings inside and such. Pete looks up at me with a knowing look that we are leaving. He smiles sadly but understood. But that smile quickly fades as his eyes widen and a look of terror masks his face.

“Vegas!” Pete shouts and before I know it, he’s sprinting towards me. Before I can even react, Pete jumps on me almost knocking both of us down. Instead, he grabs me and twists our body around.

“Pete…” My words are caught in my throat as I see a mask man hiding behind a tree aiming a gun right at us. Fear consumes me like that time Kim had a gun pointed at Pete. I don’t think and just act. I twist our bodies back around just as the loud sound of a gun goes off.

For a second, it seems like everything went silent and all I can feel is a sharp pain piercing right through my skin. And then, I hear the first shout of terror follow by more gunshots. My eyes close as I fall to my knees.

“Vegas! Vegaaas!” I hear Pete shout as he catches me in his arms. “Vegas! No!”

My eyes open slightly to see Pete crying over me. I guess this means he’s okay. That’s good. I feel drops of water hit my face as the rain starts to pour. Or was it his tears? My eyes roll back and then, nothing.


A/N: Now yall know I wasn't going to have Pete leave that easy lol (I mean not funny because Vegas still might die but you know what I mean haha). I hope you enjoyed this sweet little chapter, until its ending hehe. Until next chapter, take care! Don't forget to leave your thoughts, vote and share. Thank you!

Also, for those who follow my socials, know that I've decided to start another fic. I usually never do this, writing two fics at once but I figure I can since it won't be a VP fic. The new fic will be about Infinity Miniseries and star Jake alongside a whole new character I created to partner up with him. Prologue should be out in a day or two on Wattpad for those who are interested! It will be a fun one (I hope lol).

Chapter 24: Chapter 23


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


“Khun Pete, we must get out of here now! There could be more shooters hiding.” Arm drops down next to me.

“We… we… we need to go to a hospital!” I cry desperately. There’s so much blood. All Vegas’s blood.

“Put boss on my back! Now!” Arm shouts turning his back to me.

I go into autopilot as my arms hoist an unconscious and bleeding Vegas onto Arm’s back. I can hear one of the other bodyguards shouting for everyone to go inside but my focus is on Vegas only. There’s a bullet hole through his back on the side of his heart. A choke cry leaves my throat. He can’t die. He can’t. Why the hell did you do that?!

“Press down on his wound to stop the bleeding!” Arm orders and I do as he says. Vegas’s shirt is soaked with both blood and the rain pouring now.

I keep my hands on Vegas’s back as we start moving and making it through the forest. One bodyguard is in front of us and two are behind us. Please be okay, Vegas. You must be okay.

As we make it to the car, my body shakes uncontrollably from crying and fear of losing Vegas. The bodyguard before us opens Vegas’s car door and Arm puts Vegas in the backseat. I follow behind him and continue to put pressure on his wound as Arm gets into the driver’s seat. We speed back up the mountain.

“Arm! We need to go to a hospital!” I shout noticing he’s only taking us back home.

“We can’t.” Arm replies already taking out his phone.

What does he mean we can’t? Vegas needs a doctor!

“Doctor. Meet us back at Vegas’s home. It’s serious, a gunshot wound and lots of blood loss.” Arm says into the phone and then hangs up.

“Arm! He needs a hospital not some random doctor!” I cried again.

“This is the best doctor around.” Arm says keeping his calm as I’m about to have a heart attack.

“He better be… if Vegas dies, I’m having his and your head.” I seethe through tears.

We make it back home in record time. I help Arm get Vegas out of the car as everyone starts surrounding us from all the commotion we are creating.

“Nobody in or out of the property except the doctor when he arrives!” Arm shouts.

I catch a glimpse of Cindy who looks petrified. As we make it to the second floor, Macau exits his bedroom.

“What the hell happened?” He asks in shock.

I let Vegas go long enough to grab Macau’s collar with my bloody hands. “I swear if this is you or your brother’s doing, family or not, I’m killing you both with my own hands.”

I shove him away and follow Arm into Vegas and my room. Arm lays Vegas on the bed before flipping him over so his back is exposed. He takes Vegas’s shirt in his grip and rips the cloth off him. I gasp and try to control the cry threatening to leave my throat. The bullet wound is a nasty one.

Just then, the doctor comes bursting through the door with a medical bag.

“Out.” He commands.

“Let’s go Pete.” Arm says and I can feel his hand on my shoulder.

As much as I don’t want to leave him, I know I must.

“Please save my husband’s life. You must. I love him.” I say as a tear slip my eyes. I take one last look at Vegas before turning around and heading out the door.


I wait outside the bedroom door for who knows how long. Every minute seems like an excruciating long hour but I’m not going anywhere. Arm disappeared for random moments before returning again and again. I didn’t have the heart to ask or speak with anyone in general. My mind was too busy praying to God to save Vegas’s life.

Cindy came by and tried offering me food and drinks but I declined her. Macau also came out of his room a few times but didn’t say anything. I really hope to God, for his sake, it’s not his brother who ordered this hit.

“Pete?...” I lift my head from between my knees and see Tankhun coming towards me. He sits down next to me and wraps an arm around me. “Still nothing?”

I shake my head and he holds me close. “He will be okay. This is Vegas after all.”

From the corner, Macau emerges again. Tankhun lets me go and stand, marching right over to Macau.

“You, come with me now!” Tankhun drags Macau away and both disappears down the hall, probably to see if he had anything to do with this.

After some shouting, Tankhun emerges and returns by my side but I was too exhausted to ask what happened. Finally, the door opens and the doctor walks out. I immediately jump to my feet along with Arm and Tankhun.

“How is he?” I asked with a shaky voice.

The doctor sigh and shakes his head. “Every time you guys call me for these emergencies, it gets worse and worse. He needs a hospital but I know you all won’t listen to me. I’ve removed the bullet from him and closed up his wound. I swear just a centimeter over and his heart would have been punctured. He’ll live but lost a lot of blood. I got an iv going for him right now to give him blood but I don’t have enough.”

“Take mine! I’m O!” I shout.

“Any of ours!” Tankhun said. “Vegas is AB, a universal recipient.”

The doctor shakes his head. “It’s fine. I have more just not with me. I’ll go retrieve more and return before his current one is out. Also, I don’t know exactly when he will wake again. That is up to his own will now.”

Tankhun sighs. “Thank you Doctor.”

The doctor leaves and I enter the bedroom immediately going to Vegas. He’s lying on the bed now, shirtless and cleaned of any blood with the blanket pulled to his waist. Bandages wraps around his body and an iv drip is inserted into his arm where blood flows. I sit down next to him and touch his face ever so lightly, afraid I might hurt him. My eyes begin to swell again.

“You idiot… why did you do that?” I cry softly, even though I already know why he did. He loves me.

I feel Tankhun’s hand squeeze my shoulder. “He won’t leave, not when he still have you here.”

“That’s right. Because I’m not going anywhere.” I say.


I wake up the next day after barely any sleep. I think it was exhaustion itself that just forced me to sleep after the doctor came back and watch over Vegas’s condition for the next few hours until all the blood was given him. I fell asleep in a chair next to the bed, holding Vegas’s hand.

Even though I don’t want to leave his side, not even for a minute, I have to clean myself up since I haven’t changed at all from yesterday. My clothes are covered in Vegas’s blood. I close my eyes and exhale slowly, trying to not think about him bleeding to death in my arms.

After washing up, Arm and Tankhun enters the bedroom along with the doctor, both of them still dressed in the same outfits letting me know neither one went home either.

“Pete, you should go eat something while the doctor checks him out again.” Tankhun suggests but I shake my head. I don’t have an appetite for food now.

“Khun Pete. Please follow me, I need to speak with you.” Arm says, sounding serious. I nod and follow him out of the room and into Vegas’s office.

He walks over to the desk, pick up some papers and then walk back, handing them to me. I look at him questionably before taking the paper and begin to read them. My eyes widen and I look back up at Arm.

“I know this isn’t a good time at all but I also know you were expecting to go back home today. If you still wish to do so, I’ll take you home. Just sign those papers and set them on the desk when you’re done going through them. Then, I’ll personally make sure you get back home safely.” Arm says to me.


“You don’t have to explain anything to me. The decision is yours to make and yours alone. That’s what Boss wanted. For whatever you want.” Arm concludes. “I’ll wait for you back in Boss’s room.”

Arm leaves me alone in the office with these divorce paper agreement. When did he even get the time to get these papers, not only that, the conditions or “alimony” if you can even call it that, along with the divorce are all outlined on these papers. Vegas is giving me everything although we’ve only been married for a short time. Enough money to last me ten life times, a house I don’t even know exists back in Bangkok and a brand new car. I scoff not believing the audacity of the idiot yet my heart pains immeasurably. I take out my phone and dial my parents.

My mother picks up and I explain to her I’m not returning home after all. Not because I’m being forced to or anything but because I want to. And I definitely left out the whole ordeal because that would only worry them and then my father would definitely come drag me back home. I told them I’m staying for a little longer just to appease their minds a bit. After I hung out, both of my parents weren’t happy with my decision especially my father but what can they do? It’s my life after all.

I look at the divorce paper still in my hands after I hung up the phone. Yeah… it’s my life. I take the divorce paper and rip them to shreds. After I return to the bedroom, the doctor is just getting ready to leave again.

“I’ll be back to check on him again later.” He says and makes his exit. As soon as he does, Arm’s attention is on me.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I confirm with him. He nods understanding.

We are interrupted with Lom and Tankhun’s father at the door.

“Arm.” Tankhun says already standing up.

“What’s going on?” I ask feeling a little nervous.

“Just a meeting to find out who did this.” Tankhun replies.

“Can I join?” I asks. I wanted to know which bastard did this too.

“This isn’t child’s play.” Tankhun’s father bark. “This is my nephew’s life!”

“Better if you don’t, Pete. Besides, someone should be watching Vegas at all times.” Tankhun replies. Then he whispers to my ear only. “I’ll share everything with you.”

I can only nod as the four makes their way out of the room. I return to Vegas’s bedside and take his large hand in mine, giving it the lightest squeeze before bringing it to my lips and kissing it.

“You did this on purpose so I wouldn’t leave, didn’t you?” I whisper and smile lightly. “I swear if you don’t wake up soon though, I’ll leave for real.”

Vegas doesn’t reply or react and just lay there lifelessly. I sigh setting his hand back on the bed. I leave to retrieve a bowl filled with water and a towel and start to wipe his body down. It’s the least I can do while he’s fighting for his life. Once I’m done, a loud commotion and more shouts happens out in the hallway. I quickly run out of the room to see what’s happening.

My run comes to a halt as I see two men, one of them Pol, dragging a handcuffed Macau out of his room with Arm, Lom, Tankhun and his father nearby.

“I said it wasn’t me! It wasn’t the East Gang! Pol you should know us better than that!” Macau shouts. Pol looks a little troubled but doesn’t say anything.

“What’s going on?” I asked stopping before them.

“Phi Pete! It wasn’t me or Phi Kim! I swear!” Macau yells. He attempts to struggle again but fails to escape from the men’s hold.

“Tankhun?” I look at him for answers.

“The masked man. Yesterday Arm was able to shoot him and killed him. After bringing his body back to assess, he bears the mark of the East Gang, tattooed on his body.” Tankhun explains.

My eyes widen and my fists clenches as my focus is returned to Macau. Macau looks at me with anger in his eyes but that fury doesn’t seem directed at me. In fact, he looks mad but beneath the anger lies a little boy pleading for help.

“Enough with the talking. I say we put a bullet through him too and send him back to Kim.” Tankhun’s father said. “You two, take him outside so we don’t dirty the house.”

“Phi!” Macau looks at me again, now panicking and then at Tankhun. “Tankhun…”

Pol and another guard starts dragging Macau away but Tankhun stops them. “Stop. Give him to me. I’ll take care of him.

Pol looks questionably at Tankhun and the other guard looks at his father.

“Son are you defying my order?” Tankhun’s father growls.

“Bring him to me now.” Tankhun repeats, his usual carefree demeanor gone.


“Everyone knows I’m second in command! And when Vegas isn’t here to make decisions, my words are final!” Tankhun shouts.

I’ve never seen this side of Tankhun before. He’s domineering, serious and all business. Everyone stares at him including his father who seethes silently. Then Pol moves first and take Macau over to Tankhun who grabs him by the arm.

“I’ll interrogate him and we can discuss again tomorrow what to do next if Vegas isn’t up by then.” Tankhun says. He drags Macau away down the stairs and they disappear out of sight.

Tankhun’s father shakes his head disapprovingly before his attention is set on me.

“You…” He slowly walks up to me. I take a fearful step back as he nears. Arm has his eyes train on us but doesn’t interfere. “All of this is your fault. Vegas has gone soft since meeting you. Even inviting the enemy into his home. And now look where that got him, a bullet right through the chest. If you know what’s best for him, you should get out of here before he ends up dead.”

“Khun Chan.” Arm finally steps in.

So Tankhun’s father’s name is Chan.

Chan takes one last disgusting look at me before turning around and walking away.

“Are you okay?” Arm asks me once he’s gone.

“Yeah…” I nodded. “Arm, did he really bear the mark?”

Arm nods his head. “Yes. After I returned from the task Vegas gave me, I heard the gunshot and ran back as fast as I could. By that time Vegas was already on the ground. So I shot the guy before he could get away. But because we were in such a rush, there was no time to check then until now when we retrieved the body. It makes sense that it’s the East Gang. Not only does he bear the mark, but who else would have known you and Vegas left the house if not for Macau telling them?”

It all does makes sense but for some reason, there’s doubt forming my gut.

“I just… don’t think Macau is capable of such atrocity.” I admit.

“One thing about the kind of life we live is, anything is possible. And no one should be trusted. Not between friends, not between family, not between lovers.” Arm explains.

“But you trust Vegas?” I ask.

“I trust my gut.” Arm says.

Trust my gut… Well, my gut is telling me that Macau didn’t do it. As much as I want to find who is at fault, I don’t want to accuse the wrong person.

“Where did Tankhun take Macau?”

“Probably to the basem*nt. That’s where we… get our answers.” Arm sugar coated it for me but I know exactly what he meant.

“Tankhun wouldn’t…”

“If he has to, he will, yes.” Arm confirms. “You should go back to Vegas’s side now. He can wake up any moment.”

I sigh and nod my head. I make my way back to Vegas’s bedside. I grab his large palm and put it to my face. His warmth slowly calms my nerves.

“Wake up love. It’s a mess without you here. Please wake up.” I whisper.

I think for a moment trying to figure out what Vegas would do in this situation and a thought dawns on me. I drop his hand and take out my phone. I hope to God I’m doing the right thing. I unlock my phone and dial Chay’s number.



f*ck me… That’s my first thought as I come to consciousness and feel a sharp pain throbbing through my body especially my back. I try opening my eyes but my lids feels like they are glued together. What the f*ck happened?

I lay still for a moment letting my body wake up from its slumber as I rack my brain for answers. Pete and I were at the village. He ran towards me with fear in his eyes and then… My lids snap open as the memories come crashing down on me. Where the f*ck is Pete!

I try to get up but groan as a sharp pain shoots through me. Damn it all. I attempt to move my hand but realize it’s stuck with weight on it. I turn my head to the side and sigh as a smile spread across my face. Laying in bed right next to me sleeping soundly is my angel, Pete. He has my hand in his, snuggle right under his cheek.

He’s safe and he’s here.

I agonizingly turn my body to face him, trying my best to hold in my grunts so I don’t wake him. The pain was excruciating but I wanted to touch my angel so much more. I stretch out my arm and caress his sleeping face. You must have been so worried.

Pete’s face scrunch a little before his eyes flutter open. He smiles at me before closing his eyes again. I chuckle knowing what’s about to happen.

Pete’s eyes snaps open and he looks at me with shock. “Vegas…”

“Hi love.” I whisper.

A choke relieved cry leaves his lips and his eyes close as he leans into my touch.

“Come here.” I try stretching out my arms for him as best as I can.

Pete moves closer to me until I have him pressed against my chest. I’m in pain but nothing beats the warmth of him. He cries softly in my arms, his body trembling slightly.

“I thought you were going to die.” He whispers in my chest.

“Nonsense. Only you can kill me.” I say, rubbing his back.

“Don’t say that.” He cries.

“Okay, I won’t.” I place a kiss on his forehead.

When Pete calms down from his shock, he gets out of bed even though that’s the last thing I wanted him to do. He feeds me some water and then have Arm call the doctor right away before returning to me.

“Are you hurt? Do you feel any pain?” He asks me as he settles in a chair next to me.

“Mmm.” I slightly nod my head. “But it isn’t so bad seeing how much you’re worry about me.”

“Don’t joke. I was seriously scare for a moment that I’ve lost you.” Pete says sadly.

My heart skips a beat but then I remember he was going to leave me anyways.

“Pete what day is it? How long was I out for?”

“It’s Sunday.” He answers.

I try to get up but Pete stops me, placing his palms over me. “What are you doing?”

“Home. I promise to take you home.” I mutter.

Pete quickly shakes his head. “No, don’t worry about it. I’m staying. Until you get better, I’m not going anywhere.”

Until I get better? I’ll just have to get shot again once I heal then.

“What’s wrong?” Pete ask as I become silent.

“Nothing love.” I say and Pete blushes a little, warming my heart. “What about you? Did you get hurt? What happened?”

Pete becomes silent for a moment before he begins to explain all the details after I blacked out. I’m grateful that Arm and the others came back just in time before the shooter could have hurt Pete too but then my anger spikes when he mentions the East Gang.

“I knew I should have killed him that night…” I say. I’m not angry that they targeted me, we’ve long had a rivalry between us but I’m livid that Pete was there and could have gotten seriously hurt… again. Which reminds me, I turn to look at Pete.

“Don’t you ever dare jump in front of a bullet for me again. Or put yourself in any dangerous situation.” I said sternly.

Pete’s eyes widen before slanting. “Don’t tell me to do something you can’t do yourself.”

I smirk. “This is the only thing I will demand of you. If you don’t listen to me, I’ll punish you.”

Pete gasps but I can see the slight change in his expression as he understand what I meant by punish.

“You dog…” He whispers, now blushing fully.

Pete shakes his head and speaks again. “Anyways… I don’t think it was them. And now who knows what Tankhun is doing to torture Macau.”

“Pete, I have many enemies but they have always been my greatest. The facts aligned. What makes you think it’s not them?” I asked him.

Pete stays silent for a bit before speaking. “My gut, Vegas. My gut.”

I sigh and nod understanding. That’s the one thing we can trust in this dark world, our own gut. But Pete didn’t grow up or belong in this world of ours. His world was filled with rainbows and butterflies, not blood and death.

“So are you going to do something about it?” Pete asks looking at me expectantly. “Or I can go tell Tankhun to let Macau go! Since you shouldn’t be out of bed and all.”

“Pete… Tankhun knows what he’s doing. Let’s not jump to any conclusions. Let him work.”


“No buts.”

Pete gets ready to say something else but Arm enters with the doctor following him.

“Fine…” Pete says giving up. He steps back as the doctor does his job.

I keep my gaze on Pete the whole time as he avoids eye contact with me. Something in my gut tells me, everything is not fine, and my little angel is up to something.


A/N: Hiiiii, what is Pete planning and what did he tell Chay? And what is Tankhun doing to Macau? We shall find out next chapter maybe. Lol. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment, vote and share. Thank you!

And for those who haven't heard, I started another fic called Infinity: Fall In Love With Me. It's not VP but it will be just as sweet, crazy, wild, smutty and exciting. Check it out if you feel like venturing out of the VP universe for awhile. For now, its only available on Wattpad.

Devil's Flaw, Angel's Sin - mmiintyy (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.