The Sims™ 4: Cheats Guide - KosGames (2024)

Need to know how to resurrect a sim, gain money fast without grinding or perhaps you just want to have more fun while building? Then this guide is for you! I’ve written down every single cheat I could find in this guide!

˖⁺. –Introduction– ⋆˙⊹

As you may know, it can be quite a hassle to find the specific cheats for your desires. That’s why I added every possible cheat I could find, all in one guide.
Every expansion pack comes with it’s own specialised cheats, here you can find those and the base game cheats.

˖⁺. –Disclaimer– ⋆˙⊹

It is possible that some of the cheat codes listed down here aren’t working, I apologise for that. I found plenty cheat codes on several sites and decided to fill them all in one guide so it’s easier for people to find, however there was no guarantee given of them still functioning.

˖⁺. –Enabling cheats– ⋆˙⊹

In order to fill in cheat codes, you first need to enable the cheat text field.
You can enable that by pressing these keys
Ctrl”, “Shift” and “C“.
Make sure to press the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys at the same time. Hold it and then press “C“Once you did that, a white text field should appear. In that text field, you can fill in your desired cheats.
For certain cheats, you must first enable this specific command in the text field:
testingcheats true
Type in the command and hit enter. Now you’re all set!

Disabling cheats is also an important thing to know, in case you want to play manually again.
To disable the “testing cheats” command, you should use this command:
testingCheats false
To remove the cheat text field, press “Ctrl” and ”Shift” at the same time. Hold it and then press “C

˖⁺. –General cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛get_sim_id_by_name [First Name] [Last Name]
Get your sim’s ID (necessary for certain cheats).

(Do not type the brackets [] )

: ̗̀➛headlineeffects on
Enables headlines (for eg. Speechbubbles)

: ̗̀➛headlineeffects off
Disables headlines (for eg. Speechbubbles)

: ̗̀➛fullscreenToggle
makes the game fullscreen or windowed

: ̗̀➛hovereffects on
enables hover effect

: ̗̀➛hovereffects off
disables hover effect

: ̗̀➛fps on
Shows fps on screen

: ̗̀➛fps off
Stops showing fps on screen

: ̗̀➛caslockspeed [1-10]
Adjusts how quickly a Sim moves in CAS.
(Fill in a number between 1 – 10. Don’t add the [] )

: ̗̀➛cas.fulleditmode
Unlocks full CAS edit abilities.
(Click on a Sim and choose to Plan Outfit after enabling. Otherwise you can adjust your sims at “edit household”)

˖⁺. –Live mode cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛resetsim [firstname lastname]
Resets a bugged / stuck Sim
(Fill in their firstname and lastname in place of the [box]): ̗̀➛fillmotive motive_[motive]
Fills a specified motive for your sim
(Fill in their motive in place of the [box])

–All available motives:–
• hunger
• hygiene
• bladder
• fun
• social
• energy

:̗̀➛sims.give_satisfaction_points [insert amount]
Gives your sim a specific number of satisfaction points.
(Fill in a number in place of the [box])

: ̗̀➛sims.fill_all_commodities
Fills all your sims motives.

Completes your sim’s current goal

˖⁺. –Building cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛bb.moveobjects
Move objects freely.: ̗̀➛bb.enablefreebuild
Build freely, locked lots included.

: ̗̀➛bb.showhiddenobjects
Buy and place hidden objects.

Items locked by careers can be bought

: ̗̀➛press Shift + [ to decrease the size of an object
: ̗̀➛ pressShift + ]to increase the size of an object
: ̗̀➛ pressCtrl + 9to move an object upwards
: ̗̀➛ pressCtrl + 0to move an object downwards
: ̗̀➛ pressAltto move objects freely (no grind!)

press Ctrl+Shift+Tab to turn on the sims 3 camera (or change it into settings)
When you turned that on, you can press Alt to rotate your object in any desired direction.

˖⁺. –Simoleons cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛rosebud
Receive 1.000 Simoleons.: ̗̀➛kaching
Receive 1.000 Simoleons.

: ̗̀➛motherlode
Receive 50.000 Simoleons.

: ̗̀➛money [insert amount]
Household Simoleons gets changed to a specific amount.
(Fill in a number in place of the [box])

: ̗̀➛household.autopay_bills true
Turns household bills on.

: ̗̀➛household.autopay_bills false
Turns household bills off.

: ̗̀➛FreeRealEstate on
Makes all estate lots free.

: ̗̀➛FreeRealEstate off
Gives back all estate lots’ prices.

˖⁺. –Relationship cheats– ⋆˙⊹

Introduces your selected sim to random sims in your neighbourhood:̗̀➛relationships.create_friends_for_sim
Spawns a new sim on the lot that’s automatically become friends with your sim

: ̗̀➛modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
This will increase the friendship level between two specific sims.

: ̗̀➛modifyRelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] -100 LTR_Friendship_Main
This will decrease the friendship level between two specific sims.

: ̗̀➛modifyRelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR_Romance_Main
This will increase the romance level between two specific sims.

: ̗̀➛modifyRelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] -100 LTR_Romance_Main
This will decrease the romance level between two specific sims.

: ̗̀➛modifyRelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetPetFirstName] [TargetPetLastName] 100 LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main
This will increase the friendship level between your selected sim and your selected pet

: ̗̀➛modifyRelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetPetFirstName] [TargetPetLastName] -100 LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main
This will decrease the friendship level between your selected sim and your selected pet

Note: you can change the amount of points. (For example, insert 50 points to add 50 points. Insert -100 points to decrease your relationship with 100 points)

˖⁺. –Skill cheats– ⋆˙⊹

Replace the [boxes] with a number and a skill name
: ̗̀➛stats.set_skill_level [skill code] [insert number]
Sets your sim’s skill level to any level you want.
(Example: stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10)

: ̗̀➛stats.set_skill_level skill_child_[skill code] [insert number]
Levels up skills for your child to a level of your choice.

: ̗̀➛stats.set_skill_level_toddler_[skill code] [insert number]
Levels up skills for your toddler to a level of your choice.

● Skillcodes (Base game)

: ̗̀➛ Major_HomestyleCooking (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Major_GourmetCooking (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Bartending (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Charisma (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Comedy (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Fishing (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Skill_Fitness (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Gardening (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Guitar (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Piano (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Violin (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Handiness (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Mischief (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Painting (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Photography (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Programming (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_RocketScience (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_VideoGaming (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Major_Writing (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ skill_hidden_treadmill (0-5)

● Skill codes Child (base game)

: ̗̀➛ Creativity (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ mental (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ motor (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ social (0-10)

● Skill codes toddler (base game)

: ̗̀➛ communication (0-5)

: ̗̀➛ imagination (0-5)

: ̗̀➛ movement (0-5)

: ̗̀➛ thinking (0-5)

: ̗̀➛ potty (0-3)

● Skill codes (Cats & dogs)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Vet (0-!0)

: ̗̀➛skill_dogtraining (0-5)

● Skill codes (Seasons)

: ̗̀➛ statistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging (0-10)

: ̗̀➛Hidden_Skating (0-5)

● Skill codes (Get famous)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Acting (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Minor_Media (0-5)

● Skill codes (Discover university)

: ̗̀➛ Major_ResearchDebate (0-?)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Robotics (0-?)

● Skill codes (Eco lifestyle)

: ̗̀➛ AdultMajor_Fabrication (0-?)

: ̗̀➛ AdultMinor_JuiceFizzing (0-?)

● Skill codes ( Snowy escape )

: ̗̀➛ Major_RockClimbing (0-?)

: ̗̀➛Major_Skiing(0-?)

: ̗̀➛Major_Snowboarding (0-?)

● Skill codes ( Paranormal )
: ̗̀➛ Minor_Medium (0-?)

● Skill codes ( cottage living )

: ̗̀➛ Skill_CrossStitch (0-?)

● Skill codes ( Jungle adventure )

: ̗̀➛ Major_archaeology (0-10)

● Skill codes (Get to work)

: ̗̀➛ Major_Baking (0-10)

: ̗̀➛ Minor_Photography (0-5)

● Skill codes ( outdoor retreat )

: ̗̀➛ Major_herbalism (0-10)

● Skill codes ( Parenthood )

: ̗̀➛ Major_parenting (0-10)

● Skill codes ( Nifty knitting )

: ̗̀➛ Major_knitting (0-10)

˖⁺. –Career Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

!! Replace the [boxes] with career codes !!

: ̗̀➛careers.add_career [career code]
Use this cheat to add a certain career to your sim

: ̗̀➛careers.promote [career code]
Give your sim a promotion in their career

: ̗̀➛careers.remove [career code]
Remove a selected sim’s career

: ̗̀➛careers.retire [career]
Retire from your career and obtain a weekly career pension for your selected sim

Career codes (Cats & dogs)

: ̗̀➛Vet

Career codes (seasons)

: ̗̀➛Adult_Gardener

: ̗̀➛scout
Scout for teenagers

Career codes ( Get famous)

: ̗̀➛actor

: ̗̀➛Drama Club
Drama club for children

Career codes ( island living )

: ̗̀➛Conservationist

: ̗̀➛PartTime_Diver

: ̗̀➛PartTime_Fisherman

: ̗̀➛PartTime_Lifeguard

: ̗̀➛Teen_Lifeguard
Teen lifeguarding

Career codes ( Discover university)

: ̗̀➛Education
Teacher/ professor

: ̗̀➛Engineering

: ̗̀➛Law
Judge/Private Attorney

Career codes ( Eco lifestyle )

: ̗̀➛careers_Adult_CivilDesigner
Civil designer

: ̗̀➛careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
Freelance maker

Career codes ( Paranormal )

: ̗̀➛trait_Freelancer_Career_ParanormalInvestigator_License
Become a Paranormal activity investigator

: ̗̀➛Paranormalinvestigator
Promote your Paranormal activity investigator

Skill codes (Dream home decorator)

: ̗̀➛Interior
Interior decoration

: ̗̀➛deco
Interior decoration

˖⁺. –Traits Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

!! Replace the [boxes] with trait codes !!

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait [trait code]
Equips your desired trait to your sim

: ̗̀➛traits.remove_trait [trait code]
Removes your chosen trait from your sim

Trait codes ( Cats & dogs )

: ̗̀➛Attraction
Relationships with animals begin higher

trait codes (seasons)

: ̗̀➛Stormchaser
Your sim loves thunder and all sorts of terrifying weather

: ̗̀➛Waterproof
Your sim won’t get wet

: ̗̀➛IceMan
Your sim won’t get any negative effects from the cold

: ̗̀➛BurningMan
Your sim won’t get any negative effects from the heat

: ̗̀➛HeatAcclimation
Your sim is less affected by hot conditions

: ̗̀➛ColdAcclimation
Your sim is less affected by cold conditions

: ̗̀➛ScoutingAptitude
Scouting experience will get a boost, making your exp increase faster

: ̗̀➛FatherWinterBaby
Your sim is the baby from father winter

Trait codes ( Get famous )

: ̗̀➛WorldRenownedActor
No failure in acting

: ̗̀➛UnstoppableFame
You won’t experience fame decay ever!

Trait codes (island living)
: ̗̀➛trait_BeachBum_LaidBack
Never become tense

: ̗̀➛trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_Elemental
Increase the quality of plants and summon volcanic bombs

: ̗̀➛trait_NaturalSpeaker
Great at enthusing other Sims

: ̗̀➛trait_FriendOfTheSea
Become friends with mersims and dolphins much faster and easier!

: ̗̀➛trait_OccultMermaid
Become a mersim

: ̗̀➛trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm
Toggle a mertail on land

Trait codes (Eco lifestyle)

: ̗̀➛trait_ChampionOfThePeople
Gain Satisfaction when you gain Influence

: ̗̀➛trait_EcoEngineer
Create eco updates faster

: ̗̀➛trait_MasterMaker
Fabricate items at reduced cost

: ̗̀➛trait_Nature_InfluentialIndividual
Other Sims will be more Influenced by this Sim

: ̗̀➛trait_eco_master
Inspire other Sims to become Eco-conscious

: ̗̀➛trait_entrepreneur
These Sims like taking chaces on investments

: ̗̀➛trait_Fizzyhead
Become focused while using the juice Fizzer

: ̗̀➛trait_makerNPC
Inspire fabrication recipes for other Sims

Trait cheats (Snowy escape)

: ̗̀➛Trait_Adventurous
Gain the adventurous trait

: ̗̀➛Trait_Proper
Gain the proper trait

: ̗̀➛Trait_CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner

: ̗̀➛Trait_Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank[1/2/3]
Insert number 1, 2 or 3 and remove the [box]

: ̗̀➛Trait_WorldlyKnowledge
Your sim has more knowledge about nature than other sims (?)

: ̗̀➛Trait_SurvivalInstinct
Your sim is better at surviving (?)

: ̗̀➛Trait_CorporateWorker_LegendaryStamina
Your sim has a huge amount of stamina (?)

: ̗̀➛Trait_TownMascot
Your sim becomes the town’s mascot(?)

: ̗̀➛Trait_Hidden_RockClimbingGear_HasGear
Your sim receives hidden rock climbing gear(?)

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_AdrenalineSeeker
Searches for exciting and thrilling things to do, avoiding being bored doing so.

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_CloseKnit
Is great with good and close friends, but struggles with other sims they have a lower relationship level with

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Networker
Your sim has trouble maintaining high friendships but has an easier time maintaining low friendship levels

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_CoffeeFanatic
Drinking coffee now gains extra benefits

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Energetic
Actitivities, acts and careers that require lots of energy arouses your sim the most

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_FrequentTraveler
Gets bored when not traveling frequently enough and extra skill gain while being on a vacation

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_HealthFoodNut
Your sim loves eating healthy, which will make them more toned, skinnier and fitter

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_HungryForLove
Romance is important for your sim, a romantic relationship keeps them satisfied

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Indoorsy
Your sim loves staying indoors!

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_JunkFoodDevourer
Your sim is obsessed with sweet treats and all kinds of junk food

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_NoNeedForRomance
Your sim prefers being single and being in relationships with tension

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Outdoorsy
Your sim loves doing activities outdoors

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Sedentary
Your sim is somewhat lazy, they prefer low energy activities

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Techie
Your sim is obsessed with technology! They benefit in tech careers, skills and action

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Technophobe
Your sim doesn’t like technology so much, hence why they barely use it

: ̗̀➛Trait_Lifestyles_Workaholic
Your sim feels themselves when they have a job, not having a job makes them feel very tense.

Trait codes ( Cottage living)

: ̗̀➛trait_Nature_Country
Your sim is a Nature Conservationist. The nature feels like their home

: ̗̀➛trait_AnimalEnthusiast
Your sim is an animal Enthusiast, they love being around animals

: ̗̀➛trait_LactoseIntolerant
Your sim is lactose intolerant, be aware for certain consumables

˖⁺. –Death Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛Death.toggle
Turns death on or off: ̗̀➛Sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified
After a few hours of enabling this cheat, embarrassment shall kill your sim

: ̗̀➛Sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving
After 24 hours of enabling this cheat, hunger shall kill your sim

: ̗̀➛Sims.add_buff Buff_Enraged
After a few hours of enabling this cheat, anger shall kill your sim

: ̗̀➛Sims.add_buff Buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning
After enabling this cheat, your sim shall die when repairing an electronic object.

: ̗̀➛Sims.add_buff Buff_Hysterical
After enabling this cheat and preforming a funny interaction, your sim shall die of laughter

: ̗̀➛Sims.add_buff Buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
Causes your Sim to die by overexertion.

: ̗̀➛Stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100
After enabling this cheat, your vampire sim shall die by being exposed to sunlight.

˖⁺. –Ghost Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛sims.add_buff Ghostly
Turns your sim into a ghost for 4 hours
: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait Ghost_Lightning
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by lightning
(Seasons pack required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by freezing
(Seasons pack required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by overheating
(Seasons pack required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait poison
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by poison
(Jungle Adventure pack required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by sunlight
(Vampire pack required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_MurphyBed
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by a murphybed
(Tiny living pack required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Beetle
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by a bugdrink
(Eco lifestyle required)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Flies
Turns your sim into a ghost that has died by a swarm of flies
(Eco lifestyle required)

: ̗̀➛sims.get_sim_id_by_name [Pet name]
Gives you the selected pet’s ID.
(Fill in your pet name in place of the box)

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID]
Kills your pet and turns it into a ghost pet.
(Fill in your pet ID in place of the box)

Become Temperance the ghost
(Paranormal Stuff pack required!)

: ̗̀➛trait_Ghost_SeanceTable
Become a ghost summoned by Seance
(Paranormal Stuff pack required!)

: ̗̀➛trait_Guidry
Become Guidry the ghost
(Paranormal stuff pack required!)

˖⁺. –Vampire Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

!!-(Replace the [boxes] with your Sim’s ID)-!!

Basic cheats

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire
Turns your selected normal sim into a vampire sim

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160
Turns your selected normal sim into a vampire sim over some days

: ̗̀➛traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire
Turns your selected vampire sim to a normal sim

Vampire rank cheats

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat
rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202

Ranks up your selected vampire sim to “minor vampire”

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat
rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630

Ranks up your selected vampire sim to “prime vampire”

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat
rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058

Ranks up your selected vampire sim to “master vampire”

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat
rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486

Ranks up your selected vampire sim to “grand master vampire”

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat
rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593

Caps your selected vampire sim’s vampire rank

weakness/power removal cheats

: ̗̀➛Vampire power cheats
bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 [Sim ID] true

Resets your selected vampire sim’s weaknesses and powers

:̗̀➛bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 [Sim ID] true
Removes your selected vampire sim’s weaknesses.

Skill cheats (fledling rank)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
DetectPersonality true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks the power: “personality detection”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
BatForm true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks the power: “bat form”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
Hallucinate true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “hallucination”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
AlwaysWelcome true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “eternally welcome”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
PotentPower_3 true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “occult master”

Skills cheats ( minor rank )

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “vampiric fascination”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks the power: “vampiric might”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
Command true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks the power: “command”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
GarlicImmunity true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks the power: “garlic immunity”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
VampireCreation true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks the power: “vampire creation”

Skill cheats ( Prime rank )

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
Mesmerize true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “mesmerise”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “vampiric trance”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “manipulate life spirit”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “irresistible slumber”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “master of darkness”

Skill cheats ( Master rank )

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “deadened emotions”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
VampireRun true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “supernatural speed”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks perk:” deprive needs ”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “perfect sun resistance”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “odorless”

Skill cheats ( Grand master rank)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “emotion control”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
MistForm true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “mist form”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
TameTheThirst true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “tamed thirst”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
LoseHumanity_Social true 40961
[Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “beyond the herd”

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 [Sim ID]

Unlocks power: “immortal pleasures”

˖⁺. –Seasons Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛seasons.set_season [insert number]
Changes your game to a certain season.

• Summer = 0
• Fall = 1
• Winter = 2
• Spring = 3

(Fill in a number in place of the [box]): ̗̀➛seasons.advance_season
Skip to the next season

Causes a random lighting strike on the surface

Causes a random lightning strike on an object

Enter coordinates to strike a certain location on your current terain with lightning.

: ̗̀➛weather.request_forecast 1-28
Turns on being able to see the weather forecast for 1-28 days. I believe that the amount of days can be changed

˖⁺. –Vet Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_1 true
Additional vet 1 perk: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_2 true
Additional vet 2 perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
Vetperks_InspirationalSpeechSocial true

Inspirational speech perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
vetperks_LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true

Lowers training for employees

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
vetperks_LengthenImpatienceTimeout true

Patient patients

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk ReducePetStress true
Reduces your pet’s stress level

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk SupplyQuality true
Unlocks vet supply quality

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
vetperks_MoreCustomers true

Vet rush

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk UnlockCASItem true
Unlocks the item : the vet coat in CAS

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
vetperks_LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true

Lowers the chance for bad events to happen

The Sims™ 4: Cheats Guide - KosGames (1)

˖⁺. –Dine-out Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef true
Adds an additional chef: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 true
Adds an additional waiter

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 true
additional waiter 2

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RecommendedDishSocial true
Adds curious customers

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RecommendedDishFrequency

Adds curiouser customers

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk EatFaster true
Fast eaters perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_1 true
Adds a small discount for ingredients perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
CheaperIngredients_2 true

Adds a large discount for ingredients perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk LowerEmployeeTrainingCost

Lower employee training costs perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions true
Options for ingredients quality perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk InspirationalSpeechSocial true
Inspirational speech perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk MoreCustomers true
Gives a meal rush perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk LengthenImpatienceTimeout

Gives patient patrons

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk IngredientCostDiscount true
Surplus harvest perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup true
Tidy tippers perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat true
The chefs’s hat perk

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk ExpensiveOrders true
Unlocks expensive orders

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk LowerChangeBadEvents_Small

Lowers the chance for bad events to happens

˖⁺. –Island Living Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid
This cheat turns your sim into a mermaid: ̗̀➛traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid
This cheat turns your mermaid sim back to a normal sim

˖⁺. –Parenthood Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution [-100 to 100]
Adjusts the level of “Conflict Resolution”
(Replace the [box] with a certain number between -100 and 100): ̗̀➛stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy []
Adjust the level of “empathy”
(Replace the [box] with a certain number between -100 and 100)

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl []Adjusts the level of “emotional control”
(Replace the [box] with a certain number between -100 and 100)

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners [-100 to 100]
Adjusts the level of “manners”
(Replace the [box] with a certain number between -100 and 100)

: ̗̀➛stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility
Adjusts the level of “responsibility”
(Replace the [box] with a certain number between -100 and 100)

˖⁺. –Get to work Cheats– ⋆˙⊹

: ̗̀➛stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic [1-5]
Adjusts Work Ethic skill.
(Replace the [box] with a number from 1-5): ̗̀➛stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance [1-5]
Adjusts Maintenance skill.
(Replace the [box] with a number from 1-5)

: ̗̀➛stats.set_skill_level retail_sales [1-5]
Adjust sales skill
(Replace the [box] with a number from 1-5)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true
Additional Employee 1

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true
Additional Employee 2

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true
Makes restocking cheaper

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true
Spawns a curious shopper

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true
Gives you a faster restocking speed (small)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true
Gives a faster restocking speed (large)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true
Gives you a faster checkout speed (small)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true
CheckoutSpeed_Small true
Gives you a faster checkout speed (large)

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true
Instant restocking

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true
Placard: My First Simoleon

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true
Placard: Fobbs 500

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true
Provocative Pedestal

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
ImprovementManagementSocials true
Mega manager

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true
Register of tomorrow

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true
Adds serious shopper

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true
Slick salesman

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true
Unlocks snazzy shirt

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true
Unlocks stunning sign

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk
For superfluous

: ̗̀➛DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true
For Surplus

: ̗̀➛bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true
For certain sales

More Guides:

  • The Sims™ 4: Doctor Career Guide (Illness Diagnosing)
  • The Sims™ 4: Seasons Cheats
  • The Sims™ 4: Cow Plant Guide
  • The Sims™ 4: Beginners’ Guide (Gameplay, Cheats, and Mods)
The Sims™ 4: Cheats Guide - KosGames (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6168

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.