The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

I I language, accordeon, bundle clothing, map U. S. German 173 Russet trunk, name inside, W. H. Austin, on account books, contains clothing, mechanic's tools, charges fare $3 45.

174 Black trunk, marked N. Clark, Conneaut, 0. 115 Carpet bag, no marks, contains clothing, Col. Clev check 699, charges, 10. 176 Carnet bag, contains clothing, Cin.

Cleve. check, 864. 175 Unpainted chest, marked Mary Ashby, Battle Creek, Mich. 179 Red bonnet box, marked Sirs. M.

A. Chepline, Va. 180 Black trunk, marked Elizabeth Jane Foulk, Newport, Pa. 151 Unpainted wood trunk, no mark, contains clothing, tin ware, looking vlass, 152 Black trunk, name inside, Charles Nottingham, Incheckered dianapolis, coat, striped summer coats, letters, contains black coat, black pants, 153 Yellow trunk, marked Erhard Stroebel, Iowa city, lowa, name on bottom, black paint. 181 Lead colored chest, marked Erhard Stroebel, Iowa 185 Hair City, truuk, Iowa, name in black inside, on books, Thomas Kelley, paint on top, new cover.

contents blue bonnet, woolen shawl, velvet cap, Catholic praver book, 3 white shirts, 1SG Black Dutch chest, marked on top, Katharena llaus. 157 Black ermann, leather iron trunk, name inside Williard W. Elliott, bound, inside lock and padlock. Youngstown, contains woman's clothing, papers of roots, rice, ginger, 1SS Russet leather trunk, marked R. Thomas, on card, contents woman's clothing, 190 Small lead colored chest, marked Francis lIall, Mt.

Vernon, 0., name on card on lil. 193 Box, marked Barney Casidy, Waterioo, Seneca N. Y. 194 Box, marked Joseph Rice, Leitersboro, Md. 195 Box, marked W.

P'. Anderson, (lambier, 0. 194 Box, marked Mrs. M. A.

Mason, Owensboro, Ky. 197 Dutch chest, marked Konrad Vella n. 19- Black walnut chest, marked Mrs. DicCarty, Terre llaute, nd. 199 Red clouded Dutch chest, marked Phillip Vahl.

200 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked Augustus Buretorf, and A. L. 201 Old shoe box, marked S. red paint. Rough board box, marked Joseph Bovle.

204 Black trunk, green ends, marked M. M. on ends. 206 Russet valise, no marks, contains ciothing, tc. 207 Black trunk, marked A.

B. less on the end. 209 Bac, trun no mar 8, name inside, on letters, Thomas S. Weenis, Charlott Hill, 211 Carpet bag, mar ed W. N.S.

Kellogg, Cleveland, 0. 212 Box, inar ed Mrs. Underwood, Milwau ee, Wis. 213 Can brandy, inar ed u. F.

Hunt, Jac son, Tenn. 214 Red bureau, mar. Daniel Goodman, Massillon 215 Barrel whiny, marked J. D. Boston.

216 Two boxes garden seed, G. W. Allen, Cleveland, 0. 217 Box glass ware, M. S.

Shure, Chesterville, 0. 218 Three bundles shovels, mar ed Allen Danels Toledo. 219 Dox, mar- ed W. P. Nichols.

Columbus, 0. 221) Barrel whis marked I'. 221 Bundle scythes, mar- -ed John ed Clars, Brand Berea, 0. Sallembilen, Tiro bundle scythes, mare Fran lin, Ind. 223 Cas hardward, marked B.

Cin. 2-1 BoX, tuar Norton, Winslow New York. 223 mar Joshua M. Jen ins, Upper 220 Box glass, mar. ed I.

HI. Willians, Avon, 0. 227 5 boxes glass, marcel iliram A. Buck, St. Maria, Wis.

225 Box books, marled John A. C. Foot, Montreal, Cleveland. C. E.

229 10 boxes tobacco, mar ed 23) Box boo J. W. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa. 231 Box, mar ed r. K.

Wilcox, Olean, N. Y. 2:2 Barrel, Kingsley Marion, 0. Box, marked A. C.

Durgee, Schenectady, N. Y. 231 Box bonnets, J. grants Cardington, 0. 235 Box glass, Nye Mathews, Cardington, 0.

236 Box, mar- ed, B. L. Hill, Berlin Heigths, 0. Box boo 8, John Everett, Galion, 0. Box glass, Martin Nankin, Michigan.

239 Russet valis. James Medlarran, Waverly, N. Y. Box books, John A. Foot, Cleveland, 0.

211 Barrel clothing, J. K. Plummer, Oaklong, Ind. B3 Barrel beeswax, Kent, Lawber New York. Box, marked luxon, Toledo, 0.

215 lialf barrel, J. Du emineer, Fletcher, 0. 216 Barrel, marked C. C. Thompson, Greenwich, 0.

247 Large box, T. Downing and T. W. W. 245 Red chest, marked C.

P'. Warren, Bulfalo. 219 Coil rope, J. F. Peck, Troy, 0.

25) Bundle wash boards, C. A.D. Halsey, Florence, 0. 251 Half barrel tobacco, Slough Evans, Ontario, 0. Box, marked B.

Cin. Small box, no marks, clothing. 274 Lead colored chest, John Kellogg, Habana, 0. 230 Nest tubs, Williams Cleveland. 250 Box books, marked G.

Jones, Brunkswick, 0. Box tobacco, marked J. W. Seymour, Hartford, 0. Box, marked J.

Gundry, Simeco, C. W. 239 Box, marked Plank Witmer, Pleasant Ridge, 0. 240 Win. Kingsley, 1 box, Cleveland, 0.

24:1 Tool chest, marked A. Rule, Louisville, Ky. Tool chest, I'. Dumpley. 203 1 box cultivator points, marked L.

M. Hubby, Cleveland, O. 261 1 bale oakum, marred Munger Willard, Buffalo. 205 1 large box bedding, marked Mrs. Haith.

1 red chest, marked If. Nelson, New Baltimore, Mich. 207 1 large box budding, marked Samuel Stevens. 265 1 box laminway Cleveland, 0. 249 1 red chest, marked F.

R. Reed, Buffalo, N. Y. 270 2 sign and 1 box glass ware, marked J. R.

Vanatt, New Lisbon, 0. 271 1 Stove pattern, marked Warner Peter, New Lisbon, 0. 272 1 bale sheeting, marked Bailey Meyers, Water100, 0. 273 1 be goods, marked II. C.

Cole, Cole's Mill, Ill. 271 2 rolls carpet, J. Sidoey, Jones, Philadelphia. The above Baggage and Freight is now the Depot of the C. C.

and will be sold for charges 'OR the 1st day of May next, if not previously claimed. E. S. FLINT, Sup't. N.

B. Baggage Agent. feb4. C. E.

It. it. CO. 1 Blue chest, marked on back, Jefferson Ellis. 2 Yellow Dutch chest, marked Nathburger Schilling.

3 Russet trunk, no marks, contents old brown coat, black pants, overhauls, 4 shifts, and satin vest. 4 Hair trunr, name inside, T. J. Thorton, in bunks. 5 Frenchhair truno, name on Passport, Monsleur Justine.

9 Wood box; contents tin pail, part of harness, clothing, 10 Black leather bag; marked S. Pease, Beloit, Wisconsin. 11 bag; warked Lender DI. Baker, Monroe N. 12 Small red chest; name inside, Samuel Smith, in books.

13 Long red chest; name inside on books, Lester Bradway; crockery, clothing, 15 black trunk; no marls; contents women's clothing, feather bed, little Jegus Christ in bottle. 16 Black bed, packing bed trun clothing contents marked bed A. M. clothing, feather 17 Black round top crane; name inside in bible James W. Acterson, contents women's, children's and men's clothing, 13 Black bag; name inside J.

A. Rice on receipts; contents pants, coat, vest, shirts, socks, liquor bottle, 19 Black bag; name on regard of merit A. Graham; contents old shoes, pants, paper 20 Russet valise, black bag tied to handle; name inside Michael Reaget; contains pair striped pants, plush cap, Sanders' Spelling Book. 21 Russet valise; name inside; contains 2 shirts, 4 neck handkerchiefs. green dress coat, woolen socks, 22 Black tag; name inside Geo.

W. Carhart, Binghampton, contalda pair tweed pants, tweed vest, woolen shirt, white st.irt, 23 leather bonnet box; name inside Mad Blanche chek Vest, black cloth Vest, pair white pants, 4 white name of Henderson on letter, lithograph of Mart. Blancho; charges, fare $7 30. 21 Large sole leather valise; name inste D. P.

Hoage, brass nails; contents losmor's Poetical Works, clothing, satchel, fare 80 59. 25 Small hair trunk; name on bottom in red chalk, H. W. Hubbard; contains fleece wool, pair pants, pair wool socks, hickory shirts. 26 Carpet bag; name inside Darwin Stevens, Weatdeld, contents pair cloth pants, linen pants, 3 cotton and one woolen shirts, woolen drawers, 4 pair socks.

27 Small pine box; marked S. L. Thatcher, Janesville Wiz. 25 Dry goods box; no marks; contains a a a 'lot of raftsman's ropes, sheep's grey pants, rod vest, black satinet cont, two check shirts, over check cotton pants. 29 Shoe hos; no marks; contains saws, planes, chissels, shirts, pants, coat, woolen overhals and Fhirts; shirts marked red thread D.

F. 30 German sack; name in bowka Elizabeth Graubner; contains books, men's, women's and children's clothing, 31 Large dry goods box; marked 8. Garwood, Union, 111 82 and 33 Large box; marked John Green, Cleveland, Ohio. 35 Long green chest; name inside on books Harrey W. Hubbard; contains women's and children's clothIng, paper curtains, clock, bed surpenter's planes, 36 Red Dutch chest; marked Ann Joanna Freutelaar, 37 Black Dutch chest; round top; name inside Johan Sheboygan, Wis.

Weilman on music book, clothing, 3S Black French trunk; hog's hair on top; contains shirts marked with thread; leather apron, coat, pants. 39 Black oak chest; marked W'm. Williams, Terre Haute, Ind. 40 Red clouded chest; name Inside Wm. II.

Daw, New Sharon, Me. 41. Unpainted French chest; marked David Claude; contains clothing, guns, saws, 42 Green cheat; marked Finley, Indianapolis, name in front, tied with rope. 43 Unpainted chest; marked B. K.

Noblesville, Ind. 44 Bundle bedding; marked D. Gorman, Chicago. U'npainted Dutch bos; marked J. Wisconsin.

47 Unpainted chest; no name; contains basket, boots, shoes, chain, bundle shirts, 45 Brown chest; marked Ira Barr, Wabash, one brokenleg. 49 Black trunk; marked (. W. Walker, Dunkirk, N. Y.

50 Black trunk; marked Valentine lars: Louls. bI Green trunk; marked John Hunger. 52 Black trunk; marked Miss Mary Quinn, St. Louls. 58 Box glass, marked J.

Wood, Cleveland, 0. Small box; marked Rausher Inrriugton, Adrian, Mich. 55 Yellow Dutch chest; co passport BlathiA8 Windern. 56 Carpet bay: contains black cont and pants, shirt, boots, id cord, 57 Carpetbag; mate on collars C. B.

Underwood. The above Baggage le now in the Baggage Room of the C. E. R. and will be sold for charges on the 1st day of May beat, if not previously claimed.

L. TILTON, Sup't. N. B. Baggage Agent.

feb4 PEAS ARE IMPORTING MANY VARIETIES OF PEAS FROM EUROPE, and shall have for sale th spring of the tollow ing: 'FDO NULLI-The curliest Pea known; it grows only ch ut 10 to 18 inches Dish. and produces abundantly. The true brt is scarve, and we Anon this to he true. EARLY well known market variety, having large capital for market purposes, and carly. l'ANCE little carlier than the foregoing, And in other a rival that is not to be despised.

LARI.Y small pea, but very carly and proEx TEA A variety that has no riyal for car. ductive; well known and liners, and producing abundantly. Boston luen co2-id. or it the pen of all others for profit. CHAMPION OF ENGLAND tall growing sort, producing abundantly, and of a quality as yet unequaled.

old tall marrowfat, Like the only it does not grow as tall. lie productive, and its quality as an eating pen surpassed only by of England, In addition to the foregoing, we shall oder, in smaller quantities, of the following sorts: Extra Early Emperor, Irish Marrowfut, 'True Mav. Tall Marrowfat, Early Frame; Fleck's Victory, Early Nimble, Sugar-Enable Pods, Early C'hariton. Knight's treen Marrow, Early Warwick. Blue Eclipse, Early tsue surprise, Br tish Que Marrow, Dwarf Knight's Tall Marrow, do new do Long pod Burridge's Eclipse, Queen of Dwarfs Forex Champion, Blue Imperial, room's Superb, For sale br Pr CO.

BuP P'ruasian, Shelling WARRENTED CORRECT, at Manufacturers prices. N. E. CRITTENDEN. RAILROAD CARDS.

PITTSBURGH R. Shortest and l'leasantent Ioute to l'ittsburgh, P'hiladel. de pma, Baltimore, Washington City New York, THREE DAILY TRAINS. after January 8th. trains will run dally untays excepted, according to the followiug TIME TABLE.

RAVE. GOING SoUTH! ARRIVE. ul: Fret Ac'm; Ac'm Crain Train STATIONS. Trun Train. Train Tr'u 3: 10 4:131 Cleveland 10: 9:10 2:00 5:15 M.

41 MI P'. MAP.MI 30 8:100 Machine Shop 9:033 2:00 6:03 8:15 4:15 Newburgh. 9:141 8:55 1:45 6:10 6:15 25 5:151 Belford. 8:29 1:16 1:30 4:00 5:40 Macudonia. 9:11 8:121 10:35 03 6:10 Hudson.

8:15 4:03 0:35 Enriville. 8:36 12:44 3:20 11:40 7:20 Ravanna. 6:20 2:50 PM. 12:15 Rootstown. 8:06 7:05 2:25 1:00 Atwater.

7:00 6:47 12: 1:55 1:30 l.ina. 7:42 6:39 1:30 5:00 Alliance. 6:25 11:401 1:05 2:35 AR'E. Winchester. 12:25 Moultrie.

10:58 12:05 8:10 Bavard. 10:50 11:50 Rochester. 10:36 11:80 Hanoverr. 4:20 Summitville. 9:55 9:15 Salineville.

Steuben'e Rd 9:10 8:10 5:35 Hammondville 9:20 9:30 8:90 8:00 5:50 Yellow Creck. Wellsville. 9:09 7:10 8: P'ITTSBURGH. 2:30 8:00 8:00 J. A.M.


11:30 Philadelpm; 1:45 3 11:40 nal 8:10 11:55 neral 1::05 9:351 10:00 Mineral 1:10 10:20 Canal 1:50 trive at Bayard. Ar. it N. Phila. 2:00 87- All Truing stop at Way Stations except the 3:10 I'.

M. rain from Cleveland, which stops at Hudson and Ravenna ly. All trains connect at Alliance with Ohio and Pennsylvania tallroad for Salem, Columbiana, Enon Valley, and Pittsburgb, The 7:50 A. M. and 3:10 L'.

M. trains connect atat Alliance Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. trai for Canton, Massilon, Wooster; at liudwon with rains for Cuyahoga Falls, Akron and Millersburgh; and et savenna with Coaches for Warren. The Trains connect at Cleveland with trains for Columbus, incinnati, Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, also for Butlalo, and New York.

KY- Fare to New York, D. $18. or Tickets apply to HORTON, General Ticket Agent Wed tell House; 1. D. Rucker, corner of St.

Glair and Water' cets, the Company's Ticket office at the station. Supt's Ofice, C. I'. Railroad, J. DURAND.

Jan. 1355. Superintendent. ARRANGEMENT NEW YORK Railroad Route, to New York, Boston and niladelphia, by the Lake Shore and New York and Erie Nix eet Gauge Railroad. No change of Cars or connections to make from Dunkirk or to New York.

Three Passenger Trains leave Cleveland for New York, daily, Sundays excepted) as follows: 1st. Train, at 8:20 1. connecting at Dunkirk with 11P 8:30 P. M. Night Express Tan on the New York and Erie ailroad, Cincinnati which arrives Lightning in New Express York at Train, 9:45 at next 3:20 morning.

P.M., conpecting at Dunkirk with York 9:00 P.M. Erie Cincinnati Railroad, which Lightning arrives Ex. in press ew York at 1:40 P. M. next day.

Train ou the New Time on this Train from Cleveland to New York 22 hours and 3) minutes. -Night Express Train, at 10:00 P. connecting Buttalo at N. Buf. Y.

alo with 6:00 A.M. Day Express Train on the City arid N. Y. E. P.

which arrives in New York at 9:33 ale evening. FARE. c'rom Cleveland to New York, First 9 00 do do do Second Class, do do Boston via. New York, 1st 15 50 Passengers taking the 3:20 P. M.

M. Train next on dav. Saturday arrive in New Boston York by Passengers leaving on the 8:20 P. this route at 1:40 l'. M.

Train, arrive in new York at 1:40 P.M., next day, remain three hours and urrive in Boston carly next morning. This is the only route running wide cars through to New York City. Baggage checked to Dunkirk and Lutilo, and thence to New ork without change. Through Tickets can be procured at the Ticket Offce of Lake Shore Railroad; at the Company's Office foot of Tickets River for Street, sale and of D. HORTON, Weddell House.

Local by Contracts to transport property Eastward can be made with D. HORTON. the Cleveland Agent, and Westward with M. B. Spaulding, Agent, 210.

Broadway, New York. D. General Sux rintendent, New York. U. B.

F. General Western Agent. N. PEASE, E. R.

R. SHELDON Jans Agout, office foot of River Cleveland. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE, RAILROAD. connecting the Atlantic THE cities with Western, Northwestern and Southwestern States, l'itts by burgh continuous with daily line of Steamers to all ports on the Western Railway direct. This road also connects at.

Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sundusky with Steamers most to DIRECT, all ports CHEAPEAT AND RELIABLE ROUTE, by which FREIGHT can be on the Northwestern Lakes; making the orwarded to and from the Great West. RATES BETWEEN PHILADEPIIHIA PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS Boots, Shoes, Dry 90 C. per 100. lb8.

(IN BOXES.) Furs, Featners, SECOND CLASS Books and Stationery, Dry Goods (in bales,) Hardware, Len 75 C. per 100 Ibe. ther, Wool, Drugs and Medicines, THIRD CLASS- Lagging, Bath, i and Pork, (in bulk.) Cast Steel, Sole 65 c. per 100 Ibe. Leather (in bundles,) Ocre, FOURTH CLASS Fish, Bacon, and P'ork (packed,) Lard A Lard Oil, 55 c.

per 100 Its. Hemp, Iron, Lead. Nails, Soda, further note. per bbl. until GRAIN cta per 100 lbs, until further notice.

COTTON- per bale not exculing ibs. weight, until rurther hollic. la shipping goods from any east of Philadelphia, All he Particular to mark packages via consigned to the A gonts of this Hond at Philadelphia or P'ittsbury, will be forwarded without detention. FREIGHT Wormly Co. Memphis, R.

F. SuS St. Louis, S. Mitchell Son, Evans ville, Dumesnil, Bell Murdock, and Carter Springman Jewett, Louisville, I. C.

Meldrum, Madison, Brown, and Irwin Cincinnati; No. N. bi W. Kilby. Graham Boston; No.

2 Astor House, New York; No. William unevilly, Ohio; street And No. 8 York; F. Snorter, Philadelphia; Magraw CoonA, Baltimore Geo. U.

Francs cus, l'ittsburg. H. 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, P'hiladelphia. H.

J. LOMBAERT, Sup't, Altona, l'a. November 1815. AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION COMA The Merchants' Trausportation Company. Incorporated in under the laws fine Shue of Now York.

The Clinton Line. The Western States Line. The New American York and Transportation Line, Conmany. any. The New York and Western Line.

The Western Lake Bout Line. The Troy aud Eric Line. The above named Lines have sold their property to this Com pany, which will be prepared, on the opening of navigation, to otter the facilities of united Interest of these Lines for the purpose of transporting property. either East or West. The Company has abundant means both in steam propellers and boats, tu give any Cutruct.d to them the dispatch, and it shall be their care to transport all property and In good order, The President and Directors, believing that their present orga nization will enable them to do the business entrusted to them as cheap, and nilly equal, if rot better, than it has heretofore been done, solicit from the customers of the Lesore mentioned Lincs a continuance of their patronage.

RUFUS PALMER, President. HIRAM NILES, Vice President. L. WALBRIDGE, Suretary. JOIN WHEELER, Treasurer.

DIRECTORA. Hiram Niles, Rufus C. Palmer, N. Chamberlin, Win. Montenth, Wells D.

R. Wheeler. Jas. C. Evans, Franklin lee, Ansel R.

Cobb, Horatio N. Holt, A. H. White, M. M.

Caleb. W'm. I. All, The Company have a line of Steam P'ropellers running direct to Cleveland, and all claims for damaged or lost goods, A vrill he settled with the Agents at Cleveland. The Company's P'ropellers will land at the Dock of HUBBY, HIGHES Cu.

For freight or contracta, apply at the following ofilces Company's Marine Block, Butfalo. H. N. HOLT. No.

64 P'earl Street, Now York. M. M. CALEB. N.


DEN Tory. OATMAF, No. 10 Su Su Boston. O. N.


('leveland. T.N. BOND, General Agent. in Warehouse of HuB BY, Cu, march21415 DR. L.

TAYLOR. (LATE OF who has been in the medical tield for several years, and performed n.any wonderful cures, would most respectfully Inform the citizens of Cleveland and country generally, that he has removed his oilice to PARSON'S BLOCK, (UP STAIRS) SUPERIOR Where he will receive the addicted. examine their cases, pro scribe and relieve them of their sutlerings, it desired. Those who have given up ad by other Paysicians, are PARTICULARLY requested to call. Patients can be examined by a lock of hair cut from the right side of their head, over the ear, or in person, 119 they chouse.

None need doubt a correct examination by this metlical, as we are now treating over a hundred received by mail, from Now York, Venmont, Canada and Massachusetts. Hours for examining Patients, 10 A. and 2 1'. M. 4 Those wishing I'rivate Examination, will be Ir modated.

TERMS, CASII, INVARIABLY. Charge for $2 00 8 00 Every subsequent 1 00 Modicinee furnished on reasonable ternie. L. P. TAYLOR.

C. W. BANNON. Scril. land at Carpets: Carpots: Carpets THOSE ten days WANTING or during the CARPETS coming Spring, DURING per haps better look at HIV stock before purchasing, and at the same time learn what is to take place in the Carpet Line in the spring.

BECKWITH. other 11005 111 City, and in the Spring as CARPETS! CARPETS. THE large as any in the State of Ohio. feb13-1y2s T. S.

BECK WITH. st SEEDS! SEEDS: WE ARE NOIr to receiving our Stock of Field and Garden Seeds, for the coming Spring's use. We obtain our Seeds only from the reliable sources, and cau WARRANT all to De FRESIT, GOOD, GENUINE. Dealers can be supplied in large or sinall quantities and upon ral terms. ELLIOTT CO.


Club, Black Sea, Zimmerman, ELLIOTT cO. CATALOGUES. OUR wholesale priced Catalogues of Soods, and also of Trees, Shrubs are ready', and will bu sent free on application by A Uniform HISTORY Dickens' OFTHE of UNITED Eng land." 2 vols. 41 00. J.

B. COBE C'O. LEACHED COTTONS. TWO CASES P. Cations this day, making our assortment of these gouls complete.

KENDALL DEWTTT. GRASS COUNTRY TO THE facilities for FARMERS selling of Grass Seeds are that we are to of recelve Grass and Seeds, sell as on Timothy, commission, Clover, either Red largo do. We or your attention, and if you favor, will try and work ELLIOTT for Vour CO. interest, n3 well as our own. E.

COHEN, Before E. IM EN Justice of VA. the l'eace of Cleveland Township, Cuy STANTON. ahoga C'ounty. Ohio.

'THE 94TI DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 1856, said Justice Issued an Order of Attachmeut In the above action, for the sum of Twenty Five Dollars. COHEN, E. RAIL ROAD CARDS. YORK CENTRAL RAIL ROAD NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA.

LAKE SHORE RAIL ROAD. In connection with New York Central Rail Road vin. Buffalo or Niagara Falls. The only route running cars into New York City. Trains Express leave Maul Train, 8:20 A.

connects at Buffalo with Cleveland as follows (Sunday a excepted) 5:00 P. Boston and New York Express Tralu; arrives in New York at 9:40. A.M. 20. Lightning Express Train, P.

M. connects at Buffalo with 10:30 1'. Lightning Express Train; arrives at 31st street New York at 8:50 P. M. 3d.

Night Express Train, 10 connects at Buffalo with 6:00 A.M.. Telegraph Express Train; arrives In New York at 9:05 P'. M. The 8:20 P. M.

Train leaving Cleveland on Saturday arrives in New York at 9:00 P. M. on Sunday. The Cary of the Lake Shore Railroad run into the Depot of the N. Baggage Y.

Central checked to Railroad Butto at and Buttalo. from there to N. Y. and Isus ton. Boston Passenger: leaving on the 8:20 A.M.

Train arrive in Boston, tia. Albauy and Westeru Rallroad, at 2:00 P.M., next day. Passengers leaving on the 8:20 P.M. Train arrive in Bostou vin. Allany and Western Railruad at 5:00 I'.

M. Passengers leaving on the 10 I'. M. Train arrive in Boston via. Albany and Westeru Railroad at 1:00 A.M.

Through and Local Tickets can be procured at the offce of the Lake Shore Railroad, or at the New York Central kailroad 221 River strect, and General Ticket Oilice and of v. HORTON, Weddell House. FARE. From Cleveland to New York, via. New York Central $13 00 To New York via New York Central Railroad by 10 P.

M. Train from Cleveland, and 6:00 A. M. Lightning Express Train from Budalo, (arrives in New York .3:50 A.M. Fare from Cleveland to Boston, Western from Albany 15 50 Cleveland to Albany.

10 50 attention given to Live Stuck, Produce and Merchandize generally, which will be forwardediwith promptness and dispatch. Full information can be had by calling as the Office 221 River Street, where prices and contracts will be given. For Freights from New York apply to IT. MOORE Agent, 207 Broadway, or at the Freight of the Hudson River Rail Road 12th Street. VIPPARD, General Superintendent, Albany.

IC. V. Western Agent. Vitice 221 River Cleveland. ALLEN BUTLER, General Passenger Agent.

Springteld, Bellefontaine, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleveland, Columbar, Zonesville, and Wooster, Olio al with the Stern Packet Boats from aid to New Orleaus, St. Louis Louis ville and Cincinnati. Through Tickets can be had to or from either of the above For further handbills at the different starting poiut3. Passengers from the Went will And this the shortest and most expeditious route to I'hiladelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston. THOS.


To take effect MONDAY, Nov. 10, 7452. Dally Ex. press Truing. via.

Cleveland Toledo, 313d River Lake Erie, an I Dayion Railionis. Passingere will take the Cloveland Toledo Rall Road Cars. 1st A.M.. Fast Express, from Station West Side, Reaching Saunskey 10:15 Bell fountain 1:29 1'. Spring.

field 2:50 I'. Dayton 8:45 I'. Clucinnati 5:80 P.M.; and Indianapolis the same evening. A. Mail Accomnodation, from U.

C.N (. R. k. vir. Clyde and Graftoa, councting as Clyde with Mail Train M.

K. L. 8. R. K.

reaching Bellefontamne 5:00 I'. 6:20 P. and Dayton and Cincinnati same evening. P.M., Night Express, from Station C. C.

C. R. 1. via. Grafton and Clyde, reaching Belletontaine 1:10 A.

M. Springdeld 2:00 A.M.; Dayton 4:30 A.M; and Cincinnati at 6:50 A. M. Baggage Checked through to Cincinnati and d. Tickets can be procured at Statialia, or at Western Ticket and Freight Office, curter Water and St.

Clair streets, A novid E. B. PILLLII'S, Superintendent. LEVELAND AND TOLEDO RAILJ ticketed to Toledo, Chicago, St. Louls Rock Island, Cincinnati.

Indianapolis, Dayton, Springtield, Fort Wavne, Bellefontaine. Titlu, Findlay, Sandusky, doc. Winter Arrangement, to take effect Monday, Now. 19th, 1835. Four Daily Trains from Cleveland.

8:00 A. M. N. Y. Express Train from Station West Side for Toledo, Chicago, Cincinnati and Fort Wayne, stopping at Elvia, Huron, Sandusky and Port Clinton.

Passengers by this train reach Toledo at 12:20 P.M.; Fort Warn 8:30 P. Cincinnati 5:00 I'. and Chicago at 10:10 P. in season to take the trains of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad for Alton, from which place they take the steamier, reaching St. Louts at 2:45 P'.

M. on the followin Also, connecting at Chicago with Chicago Rock Isle d. Gaeena Chicago Union, Ill. an 1 Wisconsin, Ill. Central Chicago and Milwaukie, and Chicago Burlington Railroads.

2d, 9:15 A. Mail, from station of C. C. C. R.

For Toledo and way stations. 8d, 3:15 I'. M. Mail Express from station West Side, for To ledo, stopping at all stations. onnecting at.

Toledo with 9:00 P.M. Train of M. S. 1. 1: reaching Chicago at 8:10 next morning.

connecting as alove with train of Chicago, Alton and St. Louis R. reaching St. Louis at 11:20 I'. M.

4th, 6:09 l'. Night Express from Station of C. C. C. R.

reaches Toledo 11:00 P. Chicago 8:10 A.M., and connecting there with the morning trains for Rock Island, St. Louis, Galena. 'Trains arrive from Chicago and Toledo, via Sandusky, 7:20 A. and 9:00 I.

Cincinnati 7:20 A. 2: 15 and 9:15 P. M. Chicago and Toledo, vis Norwalk, 2:13 I'. and 9:15 I'.

M. TICKETS can be procured for all of the above places, and contracts wunde for Freight. at the Company's Western and South- Western 'Ticket and Freight corner of Water and St. Clair streets, in Rail Road Building, or for Toledo, Fort Wayne and Chicago aud Dayton and Cincinnati, via Clyde, at the station of C. C.

C. R. and Toledo, Chicago, Sandusky, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and stations on the Mad River and Lake Erie R. at the Ticket Oflice in the Western Warehouse of EDDY CO.

font of Bath street. The Ferry Boat leaves Eddy Dock, foot of Lath street, 15 minutes in advance of the above the. E. S. PILLLIPS, Sup't C.


-TAKE LOUIS. PASSENGERS FOR THE WEST, SOUTH AND SOUTH- BY THE CLEVELAND, BELLEFONTAINE AND INDIANAPO. LIS RAILROAD. This is the shortest and most comfortable route from New York, Boston and all New England, Albany, Troy and Buttalo, to Marion, Bellerontaine, Payton, Sidney, Piqua and Greenville, Ohio; Union, Muncie, Indianapolis, ru. Lafayette, Logansport, Terre ilaute, Vincennes and Evang ville, Louisvillo, and St, Louis.

0:20 A. Express Train, connects at Gallion with B. I. Train. Three Trains leave Cleveland daily, (Sundays excepted.) l1 A.

connecting at Bellefontaine with the M. R. L. S. Train for Urbana and spaingtield, and arrive at Dayton gun afternoon; arrive at Indianapolis at 8:00 sale evening.

Trains leave the same evening 9:20 for Lafayette, l'eru. Lozansport and Chicago. P'assengers for Terra Haute, Vincennes and Evansville leave Indianapolis at 9:15 A. arrive at Terre Haute at 12:10 I'. Vincennes at 8:13 P.

Evan ville at 7:00 same evening. and St. Lous same afternoon, making the entire route by daylight, through three of the finest States, including Olio, Indiana and Illinois. 2 85 miles shorter by this route than via Toledo and Chicapo ty Saint Louis 1:15 J'. Express Train from ('leveland, makes connections with all places named by above Trains; arrive at Indianapolis at next morning; connect with Express I rain for Fincannes, Evansville and St.

Louis, arriving at St. Louts the same atteruoon, only about 24 hours from Cleveland to St Louis, This is the quickest route to the Missssippi River than via Chicago, and 85 miles shorter. FARE FIST CLASS. From Clevelaud to Louis, 30 13 25 11 Perre Monte, 8 25 Latayetie, 00 9 00 Madison, Ind 00 Louisville. Indianapolis, 00 Dayton, l'iqua, via 85 montaine, 50 SECOND CLASS.

From Cleveland to St. 40 Madison 40 4 4 Local Fares given by D. C. BALDWIN, at the C. C.

R. R. villee, Cleveland. Baggage checked from Cleveland to Bellefontaina and Indianapolis, and from thence to Louisville, Madison, 'Terre Haute, Lafavette, Evansville and St. Louis.

Procure Tickets at the Luke Shore Railroad Ofice in Cleveland, of D. C. BALDWIN, General Agent, or of TON. at the Weddell House Merchants wi. ship Goods, can make contracts in New hours from York, Boston, Albany or Troy, with the General Freight Agents of the Railroad or Erie Canal Lines, to whom through Freight Tarids have been sent.

Goods addsessed to his care of A. Agent C'. C. C. Railroad, Cleveland, will he forwarded with dispatch.

MI, Sup't. relaure to the nhove routes, apply to HORTON, General Ticket Agent, Weddell House, or C. I. BROOKS, Passenger Agcut, at the C. C.

C. R. R. julv7 A RAILROAD. THREE DAILY TRAINS between Philadelphia and P'ittsburgh.

The MORNING TRAIN leaves P'hiladelphia tor Pittsburg at and Pittsburg for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. The HAST LINE leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburg at 1 1'. and Pittsburg for Phitadelphia at I P. M.

The NIGIIT EXPRESS TR.A leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburg 11 7. aud P'ittsburg for l'hiladciphis at 10 1'. Ml. The above hues connect at with the Railroads to and fret St. Louis, Mo; Alton, Galena and Chicago.

Ill; isi. Frankford, Infarette Lexington and and Indianapolis, Louisville, Ind; Ky; Terre Cincinnati Haute, COLUMBUS AND OINJ CINNATI with RAIL Little Miami and Oleyeland to and Columbus Xenia Railroads, from Columbus to WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Nov. 19th, l'assenger Trains leave as follows: 1st. 7:20 A.

M. Cincinnati Express, stopping at Grafton, New London, Shelby, Crestline. Galion, Cardington aud Delaware, arriving at Columbus at 12 A. and Cincinnati at 4 P. connecting at Shelby with the Sandusky and Newark LaUres Crestline with the Ohio and Pennsylvania the Ohio and no far Wayne, at with the and ludlumapolls Ralland' for Indianapolis Terre Haute, Vincennes, At.

Louis, Evansville; aud at Columbus the ohio Ceutral Railroad for Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling. at Xenia with the Xenia and Dayton Railroad, for Dayton and points ou the Indiana Central Railroad. End. 2:40 1'. M.

Cincinnati Mail stopping at all Way Stations between Cleveland and Columbus except Hockport and (stopping at the latter on signal to take passenEr and arriving at Columbus counections at as 8:20 above. 1'. and Cincinnati at 1:20 34. Night dt 0:00 P. If.

Leaves ail Way bit ween Clerelind and Columbus. Stops take at all Stations between Cleveland and Galion also at Cardington and Delaware; arrives at Columbus at 2 A. M. and Cincinnati at 7 A. making connections as above.

For Tickets apply as the 'Ticket Outice of the C. C. C. K. in the P'assenger Station Kuildings.


On and after Mouday, Nov. 19, 184 Passelger Tralua will run as followa, viz: EASTWARD. Leave Cleveland for Erie at 8:20 A. 8:20 P. and 10:00 P.M.

The 8:20 A.M. Train will stop at all Way Stations except Wicklide, Mentor, Perry, Unionville, and The 8:20 P. J. 'I rain will stop at Painesville, Ashtabula, and itirard only. The 10:00 P.

Train will top at Ash. Train leave Cleveland at 4:15 I'. M. anti Guess stop at all Way Stationa. or ou arrival of train from Bufalo.

The 2:50 A.M. wraiu Leave Erie for Cleveland EN at 2:50 A A. 10:80 A.M. and 1:40 WESTWARD. and 1:40 P.

M. train will stop at Girard, C'onnonut, Achiabunt and Fainesville only, The 10:00 A. Mi. train will at all way except Say brook, Perry, Aleutor and icklife. The Conneaut Train will leave Conneaut at 7:00 A.

aud stop at all Way Stations. All of the through trains gains at ('levelAnu with for Columbus, Cincinnati, to. And all the through trains going Eastward connect at Dunkirk with the trains of the New York and Erie Railroad, and at Buffalo with those of the New York C'entral and Buttalo aud New York City Railroads. L. TILTON, nov19h21tf Superintendent.

-THOSE PERSONS WHO wish to be supplial with sand fur masonry, cau be supplied by WANT EARTH hauled to All up lots. cr Masons tiho application to N. MILER, now engaged in grading Long street, and excavation of Waddell House Cellar. MEDICINES. R.

R. CO. R. the TO Inventors, THE Manufacturers, and Proprietors of the justly celebrated R. R.

were the first to cover a Reddy possessing the Marvellous Power of stopping the most Eacrutiating Pains in an instant, allaying the cramps and Spasma, either internal or external in a few minutes and soothing the most severe l'arox vams of Rheumatism, ralgia, Tie Doloreux, as soon an applied. The R. R. R. dies consist three Remedies, each possessing quick and derful powers over certain complaints and diseases, and will stantlv RELIEVE The Human System from Pain.

REGULATE Fuch Organ to Irathy Action. RESOLVE A way al Discused Deposits. RENOVATE The Body from all Corrupt Ilumors. REBUILD The Weak and Broken Inn Constitution. RESTORE To Health, Strength and Vigor all unsound and worn out parts.

R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF FOR ALL ACUTE PLAINTS. INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL. The moment it 14 applied externally or taken into the syatem, it will atop the most excrutiating pain and quickly remove cause. RHEUMATISM.

Mr. Granger, a mason, well known in Brooklyn, was a pie for nine years. Radway's Ready Relief Relieved hun Pain in diteen minutes, enabled him to walk two miles without the alt of crutches in three days, and cured hir entirely week. Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as the have have been cured by 1. R.

Relief. CHOLERA MORBUL. Radway's Ready Relief will relieve the sufferer from all in fifteen minutes. It will cure the most desperate cases in a hours, NEURALGIA. The moment R.

K. Relief is applied it allays the most l'aroxysms. It will always cure. SICK HEAD ACHE. will relieve the must destressing pains la feen minutes.

will likewise prevent renewed attacks, AGUE. In ten minutes a tea spoonful of R. R. Relief will stop ('hills and break the Fever. Aches of all kinda, l'aing of all kinda, Bruises, Burns, Strains, Sprains, Stit Joints, Lameness.

One application Radway's Ready Relief, will, in a few moments, ENTIRELY THE PAIN. It reduces swellings, heals aores, cuts and wouuds, removes bruises, allays the funst violent irritations, For all pains use R. Relief. Look for the siguature of RADWAY wich bottle. R.


IT CURES Scrofula, Tumors, Bleeding of the Syphilis, Consumption, St. Vitus Dance, Sores, Rickets, Salt Rbeum, Ascina, Nodes, Canker, Bronchitis, Fever Sores, Rash, Cicera, Erysipelas, letters. The above eighteen complaints R. R. Resolvents will tively cure.

It renovates the system completely, resolving away from solids all impure poisonous and diseased deposits, freeing blood and nuids of life, from all corrupt humors, restoring gy baly. vigor. health and strength, to every organ and member the LETTERS FROM ITIGA AUTHORITY. Ion. J.

J. MIDDLETON, of Waccamaw, S. C- Writes us date of May 20. 1803 That Haulway's Renovating Resolvent cured one of his negroes, on his plantation at Beaufort, Scrofulous complaint, of many years standing. 'The proor low was diszusting object of pity, he wits a mooving sores.

'The other negroes would not remain in the sue with him. None of the Doctors could do anything with him. He entirely cured by Radway's Renovating Resolvent, and is at work on the plantation." To the people of S. Middletou is weil known and to the political worid Mr. Middleton is stranger.

S('OFTLA. Mr. Ir. B. OLIVER, of Drayton, Dooly under of May 30, 1850, writes, "that a servant girl was so reduced that no one would give a thrip for her she was so covered with sores, that there was not a spot of pure flesh of the size silrer dollar on her whole body, was entirely cured by way's Renovating Resolvent.

NINETEEN YEARS. MRI. HENDERSOF, of Westford, has been covered sores for nineteen years, has boon cured by 1. R. Resolvent.

SALT RHEUM. The most obstinate cases of Salt 1theum will quickly yield the RENOVATING RESOLVENT. (me gentleman supposed that this complaint was hereditary in his family, had been atlicted with Salt Rheum since his birth, was by the use of a few bottles of the Renovating Resolvent, the POISONOCS RHEUM ENTIRELY ERADICATED FROM HIS SYSTEM. IT REGENERATES Every organ and member of the body it makes sound, healthy and strong, all weak, diseased and unsound parts. WEAKNESS, In Male or Female, is quickly cured, and the debilitated emaciated made strong.

vigorous and healthy: Impotence Nocturnal Emissions in men, or diseases of either one or of the generative organs, is quickly removed, and the body stored to a beclthy and sound condition. LOW SPIRITS NERVOUSNESS. In WOMEN, the numerous complaints and ailments which cast such gloom over the spirits. a tew doses of the Renovating Resolvent will quickly remove, and the most NERVOUS. GLOOMY and DEPRESSED feel HEALPHY, STRONG AAPPY.

Persons wishing this lemoly, will please ask for Radawar's Renovating Resolvent. 118 price is Que Dollar per Bottle. small bottles, nor is the genuine ever sold for less. Each bottle bears the fac simile suniture of RADAWAY 162 Fulton New York. K.

R. NO. 2. A RELIABLE CHALLENGE -TO THE GRAEFENBERG WORLD.MEDICINES are widely and justly celebrated as the most sate, valuable and reliable Family medicines ever offered to the putr lic. They are endorsed by the first l'hysicians of the day those who have used them guarantee their benefcial action.

This unrivaled series of Family Medicines consist of: THE GRAEFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLS. Price cents per box. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT P'rice 25 per box. THE GRAEFENBERG CHILDREN'S PANACEA. Price cents per bottle.


Price her puckage. DE. LIBBY'S PILE OINTMENT. Price $1 per bettle. MARSHALL'S UTERINE CAHOLICON.


Price 20 cents. ach prominent in the dis mentioned, and all standing This is a book of 300 pages, written by eeveral physicians, be front of the medical It is the most reliable buck ever published, and it it divested of professional terms and written so tout every one can understand it. No family should be without a copy. All the Medicines nave complete directions accompanying every article, so as to enable any one to administer the medicine and to dispense with the services of a physician all ordinary and mild cases of disease, The greatest to woman, is 01 CATHOLICON. It 13 prepared only for the c'ompany, is the discovery of Dr.

THEODORE POMEROY, all old and justly celebrated physician, who has devoted titty years, with the greatest success to the treatment of diseases of women and chil. dren. In brief, to use the words of a who closed a splendid lecture to his class with a glowing and well-deserved tribute to this medicine, we would USE MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATIOLICON When there is a falling of the womb; when there are white When the are Inerulur. or the kidneys are affected. When there is trouble with the urine.

a from ul. of the connected with preg. nancy. GRAFFENBERG DYSENTARY SYRUP. This and unrivalled medicine is of eff.

cany in the most violent and obstinate cares of Dysentery, Diur. rhea, Bloody Flux, Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbua, Cholera infantum. Looseness of the Bowels, Gripings, and all other irregularities of the Intestines. causes uf the above complaints Suinctimes they are atmospheric; whey arise fro: eating unripe or unwholesome food from the use of river water BODicelines from a natural predi-position of the system: times from teething- Children are frequently without any noticeable cause. But no what the origin, this Syr.

up is sovereign. in ti3 sickly Tropical countries as well as in more tainterate cimes. The following diructions should be carefully observed. L'uike oll other off red Or similar complaints, this Syrup acts specitically upon the socretons, restoring them at ouce to balth. Dysentary medicines merely Lue more violent symptoms; THIS In protracted cases of Dysentery and Bloody Flux, although the disease may be perfectly cured, yet the intestines are often luft so iodamed and painful that the patient.

is in danger of in Camation of the bowels. In such cases, injections should be given. The following is the best we know, and it has been wel. tested. Take half of' a sinall box of Green Mountain Ointment melt it in a pint of fresh milk, add some molasma a little salt, and two teaspoonsful of the Syrup, mix thorouguly and inject Repeat it if large plaster of the Uint ment may be awl.

.0 the abdoman Trite swelled. These are valuable auxiliarie, and may be used if thought proper while taking the syrup. If the skin is dry and feverish. promote gentle, not violent perspiration, by taking drinks, bathing the nudy or eel fu ley water. A dose of the l'ills or Castor Oil will be valua ble to cease the towels; but no violent cathartic, such as Calomel, should be taken.

For sale by Druggists in this city, alid by Ageuts throughout he State. CHERRY PECTORAL. FOR THE RAP. id cure COUGHR, COLTE, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, au0 CONSUMPTION. This remedy is oftered to the com with the condence we feel in an article which seldom tails to realize the happiest effects that can be desired.

so wide is the deld of its usefulness, and so numerous the ewes of its cures, that almost every section ot country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other niedicine of its kind, is too apparent to escape ol-ervation, and where its virtues are known, the public no lesitate what antidote to employ for the and dangerous attections of the Organs, which are Incident to our climate. Hollang has called louder for the earnest enquiry of medical mew, than the alarming prevalence and fatality of consumptive complaints, nor has any one class of diseases had more of their investigations and care. But as yet no adequate remedy las been provided, on which the pub'ic could depend fur protection from attacks upon the respiratory organ the introduciloo of the Cherry Pectoral. Thia the product a luborious, aud holier nuts ful endeavor to furnish the com.

munity rid Of this last statement the Ameri cia peor le are now the prepared to judge, and I appeal with to their decision. If there is any dovendence to he placed in what men of every class and station that it has done them, if we can trust cur own senses, when we see dangerous affectiona or the throat and Inngs yield to it, if we can depend on the assurance of intelligent physicians, who make it their business to know, -in short, it there is any reliance to be placed upon any thing, then it is irrefutably proven that this medicine does relieve and doca curs the of discuses it is designed for, beyond any and ail others that are known to mankind, Irthis pa us, cannot be too freely published, no too La0 The attleted should know it. A remedy that curs is pricel.os them. P'arents should know It their children ale priceless to them. All should know it, for health con be priced to no one.

Not only should it he circulated here, but everywhere, not ouly in this country, but in. all countries. How faltitully we have acted on this conviction, is clown in the fact that already the article has made the the globe. The Run cover set on its limits. without it and but few nacal.

not in' so gencral use in other as this, it Is employed by the most intelligent in almost all civilized countries. It is extensively employed in both Ainer. ican, -in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the tar oil lelands of the Sea. Lite is as dear to its inere as here, and they at a valuable remedy wish even more avidity. Unlie at of its kind.

it is an expensive composition of costly material. and what Still it of de afforded to the public at a reasonably low price, is vastly more importance to them, its quality is never suitered to decline from its original standard of excellence. Every bottle of this medicine, now manufactured is as good as ever has been inade heretotore, or as we are capable of taking. No toil or cost is spared, in maintaining it in the bust tient perfection which it is possible to produce. the pa who procures the genuine CHEERY L.

(Ah rely on titv having as good an article as up everteen lad by those who ten 10 its this I have the hope of doing sore good in the world, as well as the satisfaction of believing that much har been done already, Chemist, Prepared Lowell, by J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Sold ENZIE, by WM. FISHE, GAYLORD Dr. C.

8. MACK. WOOD and all do in and New Carpet Warehouse, BAOADWAY, NEW RE. Marble Buildings, opri the St. Nicholas ITotel.1 WE Dealers in THOS.

CARPETS, LEWIS. OIL IMPORTERS beg most respectfully to their friends and customers, that they lave removed from l'earl Street, to their new and spacious store 522, Where they will be pleased to extith to them their recent im. mense purchascs, of all that 1s new la Design, Fabric, and style and winch have been splected, both from the Foreign and Home on forms the most advantageous that Cash could comand which they are determined to sell at prices that will dety competition. c'omprising NEW CHOICE STOCK. Of Foreign and Domestic Carpeting, Oil Rugs, Drug.

guts, Table and Piano Covers, Cot: and Mats, Adelaide and Sheep Skin, P'lain ani r'uncy' Angora Goat Skins, together have with de every termined Antici to sell at connected with their business, which they THE LOWEST CASIT PRICES. They hare set aside a distinct departiuent for Coir Matting and Stock in being which large, their well celebrity is well established. Their present assorted, and imported direct, they an euahled to offer, on the most favorable turma, to city or country buyere, at wholwale or rotall. taw MEDICINES. DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE.




I was weak and feeble- sick unto death, ann never expected to have unlugled among men again. a My complaint ww Nervousness, and complete prostration, brought on by mental anx. tety, close application to study, and the duties of iny profession gloom and melancholy hung over my troubled spirits, and quickened my imaxination with the most painful fancies. I became weak and feeble, wid was rapidly wasting away. My limba became shriveled and shrunken, my muscles powerless.

Life became a burthen. Yet well I knew, I had duties to perform to my family. I made another odort, and succeeded in compoun- within ding a medicine that GAVE ME MY STRENGTH. SKELETON Infused FRAME me NEW WITH SOUND AND HEALTHY UP MY NERVES.AND RESTORED me to my family, a new born, pound, healthy and CHEERFUL MAN. This reinedy I now odor to the world.

It gave me strength when I was weak- dersons who have become habituated to the use of Liquors, tind a sure cure of this degrading habit, in my strengthening the Cordial. Since its discovery, I have cured this city, by giving Scalda, away through my friunds and acquaintances, the following STOP of her of persons Yo. of Complaints. By the Bottles use 100 l'ersons of Nervousness, to 210 Weakness and Lasitude, to 8 R. 25 46 Females of Weakness, on Chronic Dyspepsia, 5 to 00 8 16 Fainting Felines during the day ladies mostly 1 to 8 Melancholy.

bad spirits, Heart Burn, to 1 200 Invalids just recovering from 8 Lungs 80 Nervous Headache, 8 to sick bed, 1 to 8 3: Sick Headaches, and weak StomStomachs. 1 dose to And a great many who have been afflicted with a bad tite, or rather no appetite at all, have by A slugle dose blessed with a good and uatural appetite. post- In the above 100 cases of Nervousness, for which I never ticularly recommend its use, were the 10 Clergymen, 5 Editors, the 10 Lawyers, 5 Artists, ener. 40 Merchants, 2 Bank Presidents, 10 Lock Keepers, 10 8 Students of the University. WEAK AND SICKLY FEMALES.

under Who are wasting away. and who feel weak and of sured who that a from new the doses of dilatorynes my of Strengthening nature, are Cordial. sudering. wilt are arouse of the slugrish organs to their natural aud strengtu place health will reward you. LY ALL CASES, was Where there i3 weakness, it will give strength; where there now Melancholy and to Depression sick, of it Spirits, will it shuttle will ol' give the care cheerfulness.

of It will give Health the DO firmities of the Invalid, and restore you back to Health again. For sale by WN. FISK E. Cleveland. date WOOD'S call the attention of all, old and young, to this wonder ful preparation, which turns buck to its original color gray hair: of a covers the head of the bald with a luxurient growth: removes Kada.

itching, and all cutaneous eruptions; causes a tinual dow of natural and hence, is used as a regular dressing to the hair, will preserve its odour and keep it with falling to extreme old age, in all natural beauty. We call upon the bud. the gray, or diseased scalp, to list it and surely the young will not, as they, value the flowing locks, or the witchto lug curl, ever be without it. Iis praise is upon the tongue who thousands. and cured CARLYLE, June 27, 1853.

and I have used PROF. O. J. WOODS Hair Restorative, have admired the wonderful effect. My hair was becoming.

thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his Restorative, it las resumed its origiual color, and, I have no doubt, maneutly so. June 16, 1SU3. and PROF. C. J.

WOOD-Dear Sir: you are about to and facture extensively and vend your recently discovored Hair more storative, I will -tate, for whomsoever it may concern, that re- have used it, and known others to use it; that I have for several vears been in the habit of using other Hair Restoratives that I tind yours vastly superior to any other I know. It tirely cleanses the head from and with one montli's proper use wiil restore any person's hair to the original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appear. and ance, and all this without discoloring the hands that apply it, the dress upon which it drops. 1 would, therefore, recommend lis use to every one desirous of having a tine color and texture No to hair. Respectfully yours, KLYG.

The undersigned, REV. J. K. BRAGG. is a Minister regular standing, and l'astor of the Orthodox Church at Brookdeld.

lle is a gentleman of considerable intueuce, and universally beloved. WI. BANK. Vall. 12, 1855.

PROF. WOOD--Dear Sir: nade trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives the pleasure to say, that its effect has been and excellent in removing mation, dandruti, and a constant tendency to itching, with which I have been troubled from childhood: and ins also restored my hair, which was becoming gray, 25 to like its original color. I have used no other article with nuything the pleasure and profit. J. K.

BRAGG. Sold at 114 Market St. Loula, 315 Broadway, N. Y. also by C.

S. MACKENZIE, wholesale and retail agent, 60 Cleveland. all J. R. CURE STAFFORD'S OF THE THROAT OLIVE AND LUNGS, TAR.

Olive TO Tur per is applied and intuued. 50 To CURE DISEASES OF THE NERVE, and JOINTS, Olive Tar is applied. OLIVE TAR MIXED WITH MUTTON TALLOW FORMS AN VINTMENT, which speedily and cures every disease of LEe shin. OLIVE TAR can be applied to the most feeble parson, to the tenderest infant, without danger. THE MAGICAL CURATIVE CF OLIVE TAR IS DrE ELECTRICITY, THE ELM ERICAL EFFECT OF OLIVE TAR is to errel disease, and rud to drive it in, to relieve in all cases, and to cure all who are not beyond hope.

PAIN CANNOT EXIST WHERE OLIVE TAL or OLIVE TAR it OINTMENT ARE APPLIED. OLIVE TAR does not irritate nor discolor the skin. OLIVE TaR contoing neither a mineral rue a poison. The principal ingredients in Olive Tar are extracted from Pitch Pine, Tur und olive ini. OLIVE Cu.

in oily unid, but slightly volntic. in the THE perject OF disinfect OLIVE out TAR known. 13 OZONE, (Electrified Urygen,) OLIVE TAR IN AROMATIC, combining the agreeable otors of the OLIVE and PINE. FoR INHALING THE ODOR OF 'TAR, or for preventing CONTAGION OF INFECTION, cither of the following methods (SCcording to may be adopted. 1st.

Olive me neat to the cody en cried Sit Plaster medicated with Tar. 8d. Wearing (tr oiled Sux Open Bag, in which is placed piece of wit with Olive Tar. Placing a small quantity of Olive Tar in a squat over heated writer. 4h.

Wetting a sponge vith Olive Tar and suspending it in a THE ODOR OF OLIVE TAR needs but to be PERCEPTIBLE de EFFECTIVE, cither for INHALATION, or AS A DISINFECTANT. DISEASES OF THE THROAT, LUNGS, NERVES E9 and JOINTS will be much scout reliered and cured, the Oiled Sux Plaster used in connection with Vive Tar. I'rice of Olive .50 cents a bottle. Tar 25 Oiled Silk c*nty each. A Pamphlet, with full explanations, will be seut, free of post.

age, on receipt of six cents or stamps, OLIVE TAR CO. Nos. 22 and 24 New New York. Sold in Cleveland br GAYLORD WM. FISKE MACKENZIE, and PARSONS BISHOP, West Side.

oct 15f44 HODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, For the P'revention and ('ure of INTERMITTENT and REMITTENT FEVERS, FEVER AND AGUE, CHILLS FEVER, DUMB AGUE GENERAL DEBILITY. NIGHT and all other forms of disease which hara a common origin in MALARIA or MIASMA. This is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE entirely tect localities, any from resident or traveler even in the most sickly or swawpy any Ague diseases whatever, or ADv injury from constantly Malaria or Misama. It will in of check the Ague in persons who have surfereo for say length thine, from one day to twenty year, so that they need never have ANOTHER CHILL, by continuing its ac petite cording and to strength, directions. and The patient at once begins to recover ap.

contin until a permanent and radical cure is elucted. require One or two bottles will answor for onlinary cases, some may more. pany Directions each bottle. printed in German, French and Spanish, accomPrice One Hollar. Liberal discounta made to the trade.


June 11, 1855. I have made a chemical examination of RHODEs' FEVER AND AGUE CURE' or ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA," aud have tes ted it for Arsenie, Mercury, Quinine, aud Strychnine, but have no: toand a particle of either in it, nor have I found any aut. stance in its composition that would prove to the eL. stitution." JAMES K. CHILTON, M.

D. Chemist. EVIDENCE OF MERIT. Union May. 2, 1855.

MB. A. Sir: The box of medicine you gen mo was duly received on the 11th of April. I have ad about one -half of it, and so far the people who have used it are satisfel that It has cured them. has certainty stupped the Ague in every one who has used is and of the cases were of long standing.

My sister, who tas Lari it ave or six years back, and could never get it except by Quinine and that only as long as she would take it, la now, I think entirely cured by your remedv. C. R. McGINLEY, CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. Take Strychnine, no or more Arsenic.

Anti-P'eriodica Tonics, of any Mercury, kind. The Quinine, Fetrifuges walknown itefficiency of these noxious poisons proves them to be the of. The spring only either of false medical, principles, or piercury quacks. in existance that is hoth sure and harmless is RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE. M.

For sale at by CO. Retail by Dr dealer FISKE, ULU RUHILL, south side Public Square and' nettrally. jult79 FEW REMEDIES--QUICK CURES.No. 67 Smithfeld Pittsburgh, Pa. -DRS.

OLIVER SToNE proclaim to the atticted that they have the most. vertain, AND speedy, and safe remedies for the cure of GONORRHEA ever presented to the afflicted portion the community. By their treatment a cure is permanently in from 3 to days, if applied to carly. A CERTAIN tho votary of It too pleasure often ands he happers has imbibed au the of this painful disease, Ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters aim from applying to those who, from education and respectability can alone Lefriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of the horrid diseases make their appearauce, attlicting the head, throat, nose, skin, ecd. ing in decay and death, "Vice 13 4 monster of such hideous mien, to he hasted, needs but to he seen.

TAKE PARTICULAR who have infured themselves by private and improper indulgence, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, unfitting them for either business or society. These are some of the Eid and melancholy effects by carly habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs: P'ain in the lead Dimness of Sight I os of Stuscular Power: Palpitation of the Heart: Nervousness: Irritabili. ty Derangement w' Digestive Functions, General Debility, etc. Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be drendeal, lose of memory. confusion of ideas, depression of spirevil forebodings, aversion to society, self diet rust, love of society, timidity these are some of the evils produced.

Sach persons before contemplating MARRIAGE, sult DRS. OLIVER STONE, and be at once restored. Let not delicacy you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from the arcadful and awful our seQuences of this terrimalady WEAKNESS immediately cured, and full vigor restored. THE FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS is a certain reme dy for Suppressions, Lenchorrea or Whites, in No bottles, female with should full be without directions it. for The medicine is neatly put up Letters addressed to using.

I'rice 25 per containing a No. 67 Smithfeld street, Pittsburgh, fie. promutly to. The moat strict secreav WASHINGTON Orce Rouse's Block, INSURANCE Cleveland, 0. Chartered in Resources $200,000.

Tats well known Home Company, contiunes to insure the 63- fer classes Property, against' Loss and Damage means are other ample, sound and their rates are as reasouabia as those of any office. OFFICERS: GEO. MEGATT. Pres. Treas, O.


SENTER Gen. Agent. DIRECTORS: co. My Sanford, gatt, F. T.

Tacan Perking, A. K. O. N. skeela, Geo.

B. Senter, Benj. Lane. W. Cook, W.

M. Powell. fob20.1v DISEASES OF JOINTS THE immediately NERVES, gad MUS. nontly cured, by applying plied. Pain cannot exist where due Great 'Electrical Remedy is Ap J.


U. R. February 1, 1556. Russett leather trunks, marked Peter Quwellon. brass nails, tied with rope; marked A.

M. L. 6 weather trunk, contents quilta, band box, cake pan, crockery, clothing, tc. Bellows top black trunk, name inside on letters Damick Turner. Black truak, name Inside, on letters, F.

M. Lauerhass. 9 Black trunk, marked Aaron Dennis, care Capt. Bar. rows, Cleveland.

10 Hair trunk, name inside, on books and letters, Ruth King. 11 Red trunk, round top, marked on top 18 Ked Dutch chest, marked Katharina Mackh. 14 Unpainted wood chest, marked Oren Laupear. 15 Red chest, name inside, in books, N. Liebermann.

17 Black leather trunk, no marks, contents blue cloth overcoat, red lining, 6 cotton shirte, 2 linen coats, 2 pairs shoes, 2 pair pants, 2 vests, 18 Russet leather trunk, name in books, Eugene Le BaFort Hill. 20 Unpainted round top wood trunk, straps around It; contents woman's clothing, spinning wheel head 21 Russet leather valise, marked Michael Clenden and G. C. Welch, Buffalo, C. E.

way, 308, 22 Russet valise, name inside, on books, Joel Tolman, Farmington, Mich. 28 Red leather trunk, name inside, on Reward of Merit, Elmira Eastman. 24 Black trunk, marked on bottom N. Burd. 25 Black trunk, name inside, Jacob Stoner.

20 Russet trunk, marked on book, John Wallace. 27 Black trunk. on card, M. Delong, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 23 Black trunk, marked on end.

pasted on. 20 Unpainted wood box, marked Thomas Quigley, Montreal, L. Canada. SO llow trunk, name inside, on John Conner. 61 Black trunk, inside, cu letters, Reuben Snyder, San Francisco.

82 Candle box, marked Deschapelles, contains books. 83 3 Unpainted 1 box, contains feather bed, iron pots, straw tc. 84 Box glass ware, marked C. W. Toledo, 0.

83 shoe box, marked on end M. Falmer, Warren, 0. 87 Black trunk, name W. Warden, Dayton, (). 89 Black trunk, unme Mrs.

Rebecca land, Stastedon, Tuscarawas 0. 40 Brown wood chest. name A. brass nails in front. 42 Band boxes in white cloth sack, name C.

Woodruff, 43 Band box, name inside Miss Mariah Dougherty, St Johns, Canada. 41 Band box, contains woman's clothing, picture of Louis XII, shoes, 4.5 Shoe box, contains pieces rag carpet, red flannel clothing, iron ware, 40 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked Henry Krause, Gil. inn, DiS Green chest, marked L. Ipson, Warren, Davis Iowa. 49 Iron hound Dutch trunk, name Inside Mary Ann Semon.

52 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked Anton Rebmann. 53 log skin trunk, name inside Durhacker." 54 Brown Dutch trunk, name inside, Mrs. Sophia Long, contenta, men and woman's clothing, letters, tc. 56 Unpainted Dutch chest, name inside, on letters and George finer. 55 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked Ludwick Body, paint on top.

59 Red Dutch chest, marked George Weisel, paint on top. 60 I'npainted Dutch chest, marked on card Antonio Ad was, Zanesville, Ohio, and J. P. cut on top. 61 Dutch chest, marked Frederick Glockler, Louisville, Kv.

60 Black packing trunk, no name, contains woman'g clothing, shoes and socks in apron. 67 Cominted white chest, 110 name, letters inside to Mrs. Gready, London. 65 Tea chest, name, contains old shoes, blankets, carded wool, quilts, a 70 Dutch bay, name inside, on books, Theodore Brown, and bag marked T. B.

HI. G. L. No. 55.

71 Carpet bay, marked on card Miss C. Metcalf, Gowandia, N. 76 Shoe box, no marks, contains feather bed, straw tick, Dannel blankets, checked flannel drey and petticoat, 2 patch work quilts, linen blankets, pair shoes, pair grey pants, piece new sheeting, Ac. 77 Black bellows trunk, marked A. E.

Vinton, Indianapolis. 79 Black packing trunk, marked M. Brash, Indian. 80 Red Dutch chest, marked Yahnn Mehlheimer on card. S2 Round halr trunk, marked Miss Eliza Caldwell, Erie, l'a.

S3 Black truuk, name inside, I. L. Goodin, on books, contents woman's clothing, plants, small box, 64 Black packing trunk, marked W. I. Leslie, Columnbus, 0.

Paper a covered box, no marks, contains 1 blue and 2 S5 Carpet bar, marked W. II. Leslie, Columbus, 0. straw bonnets, 1 tin lantern, calico apron. 87 Carpet bag, no marks, contains 1 alpaca, 2 in calico and 1 delane dresses, 1 grey merino skirt, man's flannel shirt and 1 over shirt.

53 Black bag, marked on lock, F. contains woman's clothing, 89 Black bay, no marks, contains 1 black satin vest, 4 white shirts, 1 pair drawers and 1 tlannel shirt. 90 Carpet bay, no marks, contains 3 blue drilling overshirts and 2 pair over-hauls and 1 pair drab pants. 01 Carpet bag, marked A. W.

Smith, Coshocton, 0. 92 Black bag, name inside, on books and collars, S. M. Ellinwood. 93 Lead colored chest, no marks, containg crockery, linives and forks, 2 saws, 3 augers, glass lamp, 95 Unpainted Dutch chest, name on books Franziska Kluber, conteuts woman's clothing, work basket, 96 Loug Dutch sack, name in books, Gottlieb Sailor, contents clothing, books, 97 Long Dutch bag, name Gottlieb Sailor, contents men and woman's clothing, 95 Black traveling bay, name Jacob Heenrick, contents boots, pants, shirts, books, 99 Black traveling bag, name in books, Albevah J.

Smith, Lainette, Iowa, B. Cleve. 8979. 101 Black traveling bag, no name, contents, now yellow and white shawl, pauts and coat, socks, witteus, 102 Carpet bag, unine on letters, Michael Cummings, contents books, shirts, 103 Bundle 01 bedding, marked I. Weston, Hillsdale, Michigan.

105 Clack packing trunk, marked Jane Cavenagh, Clevelami, v. 100 Black packing trunk, marked Mary Kilrane, Lorain county, 0. 107 Russet trunk, name inside, Michael, Halland, chargEs $6 15. 105 Russet trunk, name inside, G. Miller, charges $3 45.

109 Russet valise, name inside, William Evans, painters tools, charges $1 75. 110 Russet valise, name inside, Erasmus Barrows, charges $1 75. 111 Carpet bag, name inside, Erasmus Barrows, charges 75. 112 Carpet bag, name Inside, Alexander Adams, tailors kit, charges $3 40. 113 Band box, marked Elizabeth Rosenthal, Iespan, Ind.

113 White painted chest, marked John Coffman. 110 lair trunk, marked Mariah Shilling, Carlisle, Monroeville 151. 117 Black trunk, name inside, Eli Freeman, charges :33 20, Richards. 115 Small black trunk, no name, handle on top. contains cigar box, yarn, pants, looking glass, pistol, 119 Hair tr ink, marked Margaret Daniels, Coshocton, N.

Y. 120 Black bag, no name, contents two blue under shirts, pair bouts, pants, English letter writer, de. 121 Black bag, no name, contents old coat and pants. 123 Carpet bay, marked on bottom J. E.

12:3 Black bar. no name, contents rubbers and leather long boots, shirts, socks, 121 Carpet bag, name Ralph Vanatta, Newark, 0. 125 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked Katharian Ein or Fm. painted in front. 120 Red butch chest, marked John George Kellerman, New Orleans, La.

127 Red Dutch chest, marked J. G. Kellermann, New 125 Green trunk. marked bottom, Jefferson Ellis. 129 Russet valise, marked James M.

Jenkisg, Columbus, 0. 130 Russet trunk, name in bible Christian Reimeuschnider, Canton, contents black coat, pants, shirts, fnskin coat and pants, German pipe, 131 Black trunk, marked Henry Fishelder, contents clothing, books, 132 Russet trunk, name on letters Michael Welch, contents linen coat and pants, drab coat, shirts, 133 Green trunk, marked J. 11. Dye, Mechanicsburgh, Champaign 0. 134 Black trunk no marks, contains feather and straw ticks, bi 2k alpaca coat, crockery and tin ware, knives forks, 135 Black trunk, insid.

David E. Rahe, Charles. town, contains red silk and calico dresses, hickory shirts, children's clothing. 136 Brown Dutch chest, marked Frank Clas Karrer, Co lumbus, 0. 137 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked M.

Joseph Kiert, Davenport, Iowa. 138 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked Johann Ludwick Luick, Cleveland, o. 139 Black trunk, name inside, on letters, Dr. L. Barber, Chillicothe, 0.

140 Russet valise, marked D. lI. Brown, Fair Haven, Conn. 141 Carpet bag, name inside John Scharp. contains black pants and coats, shirts, German letters, 142 Dry Goods marked A.

Hoover, St. Louis, Mo. 143 Dry goods box, marked Joseph Welhelm, Urbana, Illinois. 141 Green chest, no contains bed quilt, alpaca and calico dresses, knives and forks, 145 Wood box, A. Holmes, Burlington, Iowa.

146 ry goods box, Mrs. Anu Manning, Dubuqne, Iowa, tied with rope. 17 Long box, F. W. Hunt, Burgen, New York books, Sc.

145 Green chest, Charles Keebler, Waukesha, Wis. 149 Shoe box, no marks, contains tin pail, Rubber coat, shoes, pauts, coat, boots, sheet iron stove, 150 Box, marked E. E. Murhart, Prairie, paint. 151 Long box, marked ten, Denos, Leva Station, red paint and on card.

152 Red chest, I. I'dy, Cleveland, cut in hor. 153 Unpainted chest, name inside, l1. Zewpall, Saltlick Township. 154 Small unpainted chest, marked R.

S. 150 Oak barrel, marked Mrs. Cowlin, Plymouth. 156 Long bag, marked lI. Chaper, red paint.

1:7 Bundle bedring tied in chock blanket. 139 Black walnut chest, marked Mrs. Elizabeth McCabb, Chicago. 179 Bundle bedding and clothing tied in white sack. 160 Black trunk, tied with rope, name inside.

on books, Robert Tooley, Danerille, contains men's, womau's and children's clothing, anndry school books, 1C1 Untainted Dutch chest, on top Mary M. Lunemocker and M. contains bedding, tin ware, prepared coffee, cross, 262 Unprinted Dutch chest, marked on top Adan Lauer and L. in tront, contalus clothing, bed tick, 163 Red chest, name inside, on letters, Mary Rourk, East Rockport, contains womad's calico dresses, bed clothing, small leather trunk, 104 Unpainted Dutch chest, marked on top, Y. J.

Tekulve, No. 7, New York, contains feather bed, clothing, brass clock, 165 Red chest, no marks, contains hand box, willow hasket, men and woman's clothing, 3 velvet caps, daguerrotype of eight persons, flat iron, 1GG Large unpainted Dutch chest, name inside, Heinrick Wellers, contains shoemaker's tools, bag of lasts, leather, men's clothing, hat box, bag four, bag of crackers, 167 Large unpainted Dutch chest, name inside, on picture of church, Heinrick Wellers, containg bedding, woman's clothing, 163 Red chest, 110 Dame, contains brass clock, bed ing, plaid dress, black silk shawl, knives and forks, crockery, shoes and gaters, 170 Russet valise, warked on paper B. W. Harris, Chicapo, dl. 171 Liack packing trunk, marked lI.

C. Green, Chase House, Cleveland, 0., Ciu. Cleve, check 60. 172 Small unpainted Dutch chest, no marks, containe1 dis worst Neu. RemeWOl- in- COM- its cripfrom in a above pain few painful It AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE.

A nal Weakness and Dr. AMOS SON, and Quay (up A MOST An instrument for Incontluence, or This Instrument has the practice of the British Empire, France were the cures. that Harbenger of enconium. YOUNG MEN Dr. AMOS SON are members of the uates of one of the take pleasure in portant instrument been aubjected to test.

don, l'aris, Palladciphia 10 be the only useful of Seminal Weakness arising from the solitary both body and mind, ciety. Dr. AMOS SON, to the merits of their instance where they the money will be order. P'ersons wishing the the prim, with the sent by express la ten NEW For the Vernal Discases, tures, seminal weakness, neys, diseases of the dreadful adections produce constitutional in the end, destroys A Dr. AMOS SON to this peculiar class sequently been enabled tertited and greatfuily and others daily arriving for the express purpose tions have been crowned from what they have of these infectious to that of the most entertained the possibility likewise invariably forms of the disease following causes: skilful and improper lave sucreeded in a safe, electual, and of remedies which liar whose premature or of bad consequenc short, the laudible end mass of human misery of those life, and which while fur our chill and REWARE Dr.

AMOS A MAN gaged in au extensive complaints, and are regardless of the taunts mode. lave had the public press, to direct which no grade of of practice whey have that has attended their which are so generally piries, who, with their names and titles, and have inflicted serious place faith in their TO Dr. AMOS SON ges can be forwarded the world. Beware of imposters vertisem*nt. Address.

(post paid) it numof appebeen par- asand is in- the coufrom then of and as I per- Ko I and en- or 1u is be the use no. Vern and relief FIRM, icine tened moval els, blond, all proved equal to means that delicate No Periods, and and out Bowell Coughs, Colds, Chest 80 United centa, boxes. N. order A VELOUS STARVELOUS GRAND EXTERNAL scute, bodies. we see millions Through these carried to any organ disorders or the Liver, Lungs, Asthma, Coughs cured.

Every Housewife bone or meat of any readily penetrates through body, curing the most reached by other ERYSIPELAS, SALT No remedy has ever skin, whatever form No case of Salt Rheum, sipelas, can long traveled over many hospitals, this piction, aud has thne numbers to health. GORE LEGS, SORE Some of the most of this wonderful worst cures ot sores, tumors. Protessor Governments, dis patched ments of this Ointment, Medical Stat, in the ulcer, glandular swelling, even of 20 years' standing. PILES These and other shinilar ally cured, if the Ointment affernal, by upon each pot. The Cintment and Pils, napped Hands, Salt Skin tulas, Sore out, Sore Sore Mercurial Eruptions, Sore is Sold at the Mailen Lane, New York.

respectable Druggists and United States, and the conta, and gl cach. There is considerable for Order are A ATA tA each ET US REASON LOWAY'S PILLS. human surfering HOLLOWAY'8 or the WEAK, the of all cilms, ages, Halloway personally in the United States, people, as the best of discascs. THESE PILLS These famous l'ills are atomach the liver the correcting any the very fountain its forms. DYSPEPSIA Nearly half the human in all parts of the to them in cases stomach complaints theme organs, however have failed.

GENERAL Many of the must despotic Custom Houses to the become the medicine of this wedicine is the health. or Invigorating properties FEMALE Fernale Younz or medicine. corrects and acting in medicine that for auy complaint; it. Hollow's Pits are the Asthma, Dropsy, Complaint, Debility, Fever Female Diseases, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, In Liarrhoa, Sold at the Maiden Lane, New York, respectable Druggists and States, and the and g1 each. There is a considerable Directions for are ailed to cach as to have contraoted such certain cure.

Tho mpid and unprecedented Int'b, the salutary Influence hearts it has made happy, only 25 cents, Pamphlet DR. W. C. ROcHESTER, NEW York, remedies to those afflicted attendant upon twenty years tice in his profession. None always given the best of lia, Stricture, Suppression af cessfully treated.

Young, Inou, who by ed that soul should apply to De. LISPENARD Beware of Empirics wHO ATTEMPT cures but never manently established and line in Western New York, every State iu the Union and N. MONTHLY Among U'llis them. annually auld, not one Lattes in a certain 01. which will be ing each box.

Price Al. Persons addressing or will till plaque enclose a postage All Rochester. communications addressed N. will meet SEEDS IN iny, culy will Just up. shch for country ban any sorts as are traveling TOOTH PICKS BUFFALO VENOMAS HOS fur the cure of Syphilis, Semi de Buttulo, Indrmitics New of York, Youth OGice and corker Maturity Side stairs.) SCIENTIFIC INVENTION.

the cure of general Deability, Impotence. Nocturnal Emisiona. been used with the most nappy eflect in most eminent physicians and surgeons in the and Germany. Indeed. do remarkable the late SIR hailed it as The use of this will fully sustain the TAKE PARTICTLAR NOTICE.

are the only Physicians in the State who Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad most eminent Colleges in the United States announcing that they have invented a in for the cure of the above disposes. It by the most eminent physicians in Lon. aud New Yurk it has boon declared instrument ever yet discovered for the cure or aby disease of the venital organs, habit of self indulgence which destroy untitting man either for marriage or so in order to satisfy the most skeptical as instrument, pledge themselves that in any may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial refunded by returning the lustrument in good above useful Instrument will obeerve that accompanying directions, securely packed and dollara. REMEDY AND 4CICK CURES aud all private complaints, gleets, stric. pains in the loins, alections of the kidhead, throat, nose and skin, and all those arising from a secret habit of youth, which debility, rerders marriage impossible, and both body mind.

CURE WARRANTED. have devoted their attention exclusively of maladics, and the relief they have conto render to their fellow creatures is fully acknowledged by, convalescent patienta in town frow: all parts of the country, ouly of consultation, while their exer. with the most aigual advantage yet experienced in inquiring into the causes complaints (from their most simple condition dangeruts and inveterated, they have always of their prevention and ren.oval, and found that the morst horrible and malignant could almost always ve traced to one of' the Ignorance, neglect, or the ill euecta of treatment; therefore Dr. A MOS SON discovering, in the election of their remedies, cautious course; omitting all com. bination an equivocal character, as well as Chose lujudicious application might he producuive in the hands of private individuals.

In of the remedy is the lessening of a great by the alievation, and prevention allictions that are in ailly the cret toe of they 30 extensively surround us, call aloud. interference for their extermination. OF LIPOSITION. have for a long series of years seen En. practice in the treatment of these delicate the ouly legally the 1.

qualited I'l sicians who, and envy of and contdence, through the of the attention to these evils, froza society is free. In this departmen: been edorts amply in 'he rewarded by the real soccers of these cases, confided to unqualifed and ignorant empirated publications assume foreign pretend virtues of thei: patent nostrums, injury on those who have been induced to Review. PATIENTS ABROAD. have made arrange whereby with secrecy and dispatch to al.y part of who are in the habit of copying this ad. Box 655 P.

0. Lu.falo, N. Y. corner Main aud Quay Sircets, up stairs. REMEDY FOR A MAR OINTMENT.

THE the aid of a Olicro. of little openings in the surface vi oui: this Ointinent, when rubbed on the skin, or inward part. fthe Kidneys, anections of the Heart. Inflammation et char and Colds, are by its means ofeerually knows that salt passeR freely through thickness. This healing Ointment Ear more any bone or fleshy part or the living dangerous inward complaints, that cancel means.

RHEUM SCORDUTIC HUMORS. done so much for the cure of diseases o4 they may as this Ointment.Scurvy, Sore henis, Scrofula, or Ent. its influence. The inventor Aux party of the glow, visiting the principa lawn Ointment. the giving advice as to its ap mcale of restoring countless BREASTS.

WOUNDS ULCERS. scientlic Surgeons now rely solely on the Ointment whea havin, to cope with the wounds ulcers, glandular swellings, lolloway has, by the of the Allies to the hospitals of the East large shin to be used under the direction of the worst cares of wounds. It will cure aur or contraction of the jointe AND FISTULAS. distressing complaints can be well rubbed in over the parts ctherwise folluwing the priuted direction TO Pi should be used in the folly CoMe: Sores of all kits Rheumatize. Sprains.

houm, Nrald-, Diseases, swelled ulanda. Less Still piuts, Breaste, Ulcers, Heads, Venereal Son Throats, Wounds of all kinds. of Profesror Holloway. SO and 241 Strand. London, and by all beders of Medicines throughout the civiliad world, in l'ots, 3 25 cento, 024.

saving by taking the larger sizes. the guidance of patients in every die Dat a WHY ARE WE SICK It baa race to be weighed down ty disensa PILLA are a the NERVOUS. the DELICATE and the INsoxes, and constitutions. superintends the manufacture of and and offers them to a frce and remedy the world ever saw for the 10 PURIFY TILE BLOOD. expressly combined to operate or, the khineys, the lungs, the skin, and the tow.

derangement in their functions, purifying the of lite, and thus curing the o' scare in AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. race have taken these Pills. It has been world, that nothing Pas been found of disordars of the liver, dispepsia and generally. They soon gire a healthy tone: much deranged, and when all other DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Governments have opened their the introduction of these Pills, that they may Learned Colleges addinit lest remedy ever known for persons of the system has been impaired, us ite.

never fail to atlord relief. COMPLAINTS. Old, should be without this celcomed regulates the mouthly cours at al! cases like a charm. It is also. die best can be given to children of ail consequently no family shoud be withbest rematy to Us world fur LA following Inward Weakness, Liver Complaints, and Ague, Lowniss of Spirits.

Corapiants, Piles Mondachs, Stone and Gravel, Indiatetion, Secondary Symptoms fuenz Venerel Adections. Worms of all kit 45.. of Professor HOLLOWAY, and 241 Strand London, and by all Iwalers of Medicines throughout the civilized world, in boxes, at 25 cents, saving by taking the larger size. the lox. guidance of patients in every diecetSeowwly ABOOK FOR THE MILLION.

(234 PAGES.) THE POPULAR WORK PUBLISUED ON THE DISEASES OF THE GENITAL ORGANS DR.LIS LENARDS PRACTICAL PRI VATE MEDICAL GUIDE- Par ticularly adapted to the rise of both Rexes, which describes in PLAIN know ENGLISH pertaining all that to la necessary Generative 'Dis orders contracted -the induence they produce upon mind and all persons Cain avoid. the--and if any are so unfortunate derages, how to effect a speedy and sale with which this book has is it ample has exerted. evidence of and its the desolate: merits. Price form, Muslin bound so cents. NO.

14 EXCHANGE continues to dispense his invaluable. with Secret Disease, with the succese: of personal eaperience and leave la treatment half cured. lIce satisfaction. Gonorboea. Gleet, Syphithe Menses in Females, sucindulgiug in secret habits, have contracts body destroying vick, without delay.

and itinerant self ivled Professors, succeed. Dr. L. la the only per. responsible physician in his and hie British practice exteuds through.

tue sole agent for Du. VICROIS' FEMALE the many thousand boze3 of these situation consolalus should has yet been made against round not use them -the on the directions Scut by to any part of the world. Dr. L. by mail, a reply, stamp.

Also ail who spect Booke W. C. LISPENARD, M. D. with prompt attention.

PAPERS--READ THIS Dealers, Seeds in papers, embracordered, and on torpis less it. price are disposed to Sent ELLIOTT CO. LY GOLD COWLES..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.