.Net / Web Developer Resume HOUSTON, TX - Hire IT People (2024)

.net / Web Developer Resume

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Houston, TX

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  • Over 8 Years of experience in all phases of Software development life cycle (SDLC), Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Documentation and Maintenance of applications based on windows/web in various domains such as Banking, Financial Service, Telecom, Insurance and Health Care
  • Knowledge of Object Oriented Programming Concepts, in applying Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), UML and design patterns like Singleton and MVC framework
  • Programming experience in .NET 1.1 & 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 Framework (C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET Web Services, WCF Services, REST FUL Services, ADO.NET, LINQ to Entities and AJAX)
  • Experience in web development with JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, CSS, Knockout.JS, Angular.JS, HTML, HTML5 and DHTML (CSS).
  • Developed Web & Windows Applications Using ASP.NET, C#. NET, VB.NET, MVC 1.0/3/4 (ASPX/RAZOR View Engine).
  • Experience in developingMobilewebapplications usingJQuery MobileTouch - OptimizedWeb Framework forSmartphones & Tablets.
  • Developed services usingWCF(Windows Communication Foundation) technologies withMicrosoft Enterprise library and Web service software factory.
  • Designed Applications usingUML and Use Cases and Design Patterns, Agile Methodologies.
  • Experience in Software Configuration Management (Daily Build, Release and Testing methodology) using tools likeTeam Foundation Server (TFS)
  • Experience in working with divergent technologies includingIIS 6.0/7.0, HTML5, CSS, Classic ASP, VB6, ADO, VBScript and Java Script.
  • Worked onASP.NET MVC,singleton, Abstract Factory, Factory, Facade Design patterns.
  • Experience in implementing SOA architecture through WCF and Web services which are used to rapidly building service-oriented applications that communicate across the web and the enterprise with features Serialization, Versioning, Interoperability and hosting.
  • Developed and consumed Web services (Http, Soap, XML) and WCF services (Http, NetTcp, SOAP, XML)
  • Worked on XPATH, XSLT, SOAP, WSDL, bindings in WCF and UDDI.
  • Experience in SQL, PL/SQL, Database Triggers, SQL Stored Procedures, database-interfacing elements like ADO.NET like SQL command, Data reader, Data set and Data Adapter
  • Experience in ImplementingLanguage-Integrated Query(LINQ) and retrieve data from different data sources (LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to SQL)
  • Experience in IIS web server configuration (IIS7.0/6.0/5.0) and deployment
  • Developed Packages using SSIS and scheduled them to run periodically
  • Writing software requirement specifications & test cases, Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Good experience using Source Code Control Systems like MS Team Foundation Server (TFS), Visual Source Safe, and Tortoise subversion
  • Excellent communication skills bridging Client Interaction and Team Management
  • Demonstrated ability to work well with a wide variety of people at various levels. A Good team player and a self-starter with positive attitude, willingness to learn new concepts and acceptance of challenges


Technologies: . NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5,4.0, ASP.NET, ASP Classic, ADO.NET, Win Forms, and Web forms, XML Web Services, LINQ, WCF and MVC 3.0/4.0, ASPX/Razor View Engine for MVC 3.0/4.0, Entity Framework 4.0, Knockout JS

Languages: C, C++, C#, VB.Net, PL/SQL, T-SQL.

Scripting Languages: VBScript, Java Script, J-Query, HTML5

Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, DHTML, CSS, XML, DOM, IIS, AJAX, XSLT, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services

Operating Systems: Windows 8/VISTA/XP/2000/NT/98/95, Windows Server 2003,2008

Databases: MS SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2008 R2, MY SQL

Version Control: Team Foundation Server (TFS), Visual Source Safe (VSS), Tortoise Subversion (SVN)

Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP

Tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Rapid SQL

Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

IDE: Visual Studio 2013/2012/2010/2008.


Confidential, HOUSTON, TX

.Net / Web Developer


  • ImplementedJQuery MobileTouch Optimized Framework for web pages.
  • ImplementedASP.NET MVCpattern mechanism to display product catalogs and categories.
  • Developed the services usingWCFto access catalog and basket related functionalities.
  • Designed and developed classes usingWeb service Software factory - Application Block for Development
  • Implemented JQuery forclient side sortingandvalidations.
  • Designed and developedAnalytics Http moduleforOmniture and Google-Analyticsto handle online strategies and marketing initiatives.
  • ImplementedMicrosoft AppFabriccaching mechanism for data caching.
  • ImplementedLINQfor querying, sorting, filtering the complex objects.
  • Worked in ASP.NET security mechanism such as Impersonation, Authentication and Authorization
  • Hands on experience on implementingAJAXfunctionalities for partial page rendering through JSONP.
  • ImplementedASP.NET globalizationandlocalizationfor handling resources based on fthread culture.
  • Designed and developed the framework for data caching with AppFabric
  • Experience in handling high volume transactional, messaging and distributed systems.
  • Hands on experience on performingload testingto measure site scalability, reliability and performance in terms of evaluating page response time, memory utilization, CPU utilization.
  • Designed and Created database objects such as stored procedures, packages, functions, triggers and indexes.
  • Involved in unit testing, module testing and integration testing.
  • Hands on Experience in creating Technical Design Document,UML(Use Case Diagrams,Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram), Process flow Diagram, Data Flow Diagram Material Management
  • Transform the function specification to Technical specification for writing Unit Tests.
  • Daily SCRUM meetings and weekly technical review meetings.
  • Working with WPF, Exceed Data grid, Oracle (SQL, PL/SQL), and C# for the design and development of the application.
  • Fixing the defects raised by internal testing and Business Analyst during approval test.
  • Writing packages, triggers, SQL, indexes, constraints etc. database programming in Oracle.
  • Used Fisheye for code review

Environment: .NET 4.5, VB.Net 4.5, WPF, Exceed data grid Oracle 11i,NHibernate, MVVM, WCF, IIS 7.0, SVN, JIRA. ASP.NET 4.0, ASP.NET MVC 3, JQuery Mobile, AJAX, WCF 4.0, ADO.NET, JQuery, C#, XML, JSON, SQL Server 2008, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Microsoft AppFabric

Confidential, DALLAS, TX

.Net Developer


  • Participated in system specification meetings, analyzed user requirements, coordinated with coders and team members
  • Followed Agile and Scrum Methodology and to produce high Quality software
  • Worked with Visual Studio 2010/ .NET Framework 3.5/4.0 to implement Business Logic.
  • Involved in Implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and used WCF to expose business logic as services and consumed those services.
  • Defined service contracts, implemented service contracts etc.
  • Developed and modified web pages using ASP.NET and C#.
  • Worked with MVC architecture application using ASPX view engine and web API.
  • Developed Views, controllers and business logic models using C#.
  • Developed WCF services for both Desktop and mobile applications.
  • Used WCF Services for communicating with other application and components
  • Extensively worked on WCF Services using C# code.
  • Designed and implemented the Core components for the application, which included a data access layer and an error logging component.
  • Developed test pages for different flows of application using java script, J-query, HTML5, CSS, AJAX and JSON.
  • Developed RESTFUL Web services, APIs, and other back end components.
  • Involved in configuring Web.config file to make services work for different countries.
  • Implemented Ajax Asynchronous and Asynchronous calls.
  • Used Entity Framework as developed new entity objects using SQL server 2008 as backend.
  • Developed Packages using SSIS, scheduled them to run periodically and written Store procedures.
  • Written Stored Procedures, Query’s for Database connectivity using SQL Server 2008.
  • Experience in troubleshooting the application, analysing and resolving issues.
  • Followed Test Driven Development approach for developeing business logic(TDD).
  • Implemented N-Unit Testing, Integration Testing and Regression Testing.
  • Involved in Coordinating with offshore team and giving Non-prod support for 24hrs at on call schedules.
  • Used Team Foundation Server for version control.

Environment: .NET Framework 3.5/4.0, C#, Visual studio 2012, MVC 3.0, ASP.NET, HTML5, CSS, Entity Framework 4.0, Web API, C#, Java Script, JSON, Ajax & J-query XML, WCF, RESTFUL services, LINQ, MS SQL Server 2008, TFS and Agile Methodology

Confidential, MIAMI, FL

.Net Developer


  • Involved in maintenance and ongoing enhancements to application developed in .Net Framework 4.0/3.5, ASP.NET, C# .NET, Web services, WCF Service, JavaScript, XML, HTML, T-SQL
  • Developed day to day documents for reporting and developing the application
  • Designed & developed web and windows user interface using ASP.NET, C#. NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WPF.
  • Worked With ASP.NET, Navigation Control, User Controls, and Master Pages and developed Cascading style sheets (CSS) for consistent look and feel of the website
  • Extensively involved in developing components for Business and Data tier using ASP.NET, and ADO.NET
  • Worked on windows services, which are used to read and store data from XML files in to the database
  • Experienced in developing and consuming Web Services and n-tier web applications using ASP.NET and ADO.NET
  • Extensively worked with Java script, hidden controls, Dropdown controls, masking, unmasking
  • Maintained state of the Webpages by using View State and Session Memory objects
  • Created Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Functions to access and manipulate data from Sybase 10.0
  • Worked on exposing web services using WCF architecture for the client to communicate and exchange data and involved design of WCF based Service
  • Involved in debugging, analyzing critical application issues by looking at the logs and other connectivity
  • Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and used WCF to expose business logic as services and consumed those services from client applications. Defined service contracts, implemented service contracts and hosted in IIS 6.0. All service (contracts) configured with secured bindings
  • Worked with Tortoise Subversion for version control
  • Involved in giving NON-Prod Support for 24 hours by analyzing the issues and resolving. Took responsibility of troubleshooting by starting and stopping the engines and services of the application whenever required on support
  • Worked in Agile development environment and participated in meetings and discussions with department heads, project managers, architects and co-developers

Environment: Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET 4.0/3.5, C#, XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, Xml, Sybase 15.5, Subversion, Rapid SQL, Confidential Quality Centre 10.0, T-SQL, ADO.Net, MSMQ, WCF, IIS 6.0, Windows XP.


.Net Developer


  • Responsible for designing, developing and testing the multi-tier architecture involving the presentation layer, Business component layer and database layer
  • Developed day to day documents for reporting and developing the application
  • Designed & developed web user interface using ASP.NET, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, server controls and AJAX Control Toolkit, and developed customized Web User Controls
  • Experienced in developing and consuming Web Services and n-tier web applications using ASP.NET, C# and ADO.NET
  • Used controls like Update Panel, Accordion control, Calendar Control, Collapsible panel in AJAX control toolkit to provide a rich and interactive web experience
  • Used java Script for client side validations and displaying messages
  • Extensively used ADO.NET and data objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Data Set, Data Table, Data view to access data from SQL Data sources to Business Objects and updating the changes accordingly to SQL data sources
  • Maintained state of the Webpages in using View State and Session Memory objects
  • Wrote Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions and T-SQL Statements to access and manipulate data from SQL Server Database 2005
  • Prototyping and review of the design using Object Oriented Methodology - UML
  • Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and used WCF to expose business logic as services and consumed those services from client applications.
  • Defined service contracts, implemented service contracts and hosted in IIS 5.0. All service (contracts) configured with secured bindings
  • Worked with Visual Source Safe 6.0 for version control
  • Worked in Agile development environment and participated in meetings and discussions with department heads, project managers, architects and users

Environment: Visual Studio 2008, ASP.NET 3.0, C#, XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, SQL Server 2005,VSS 6.0, T-SQL, ADO.Net, MSMQ, WCF, IIS 5.0, N-unit, Windows XP.


.Net Developer


  • Converting the specification documents into functional specification documents.
  • Involved in end to end development of this application through Agile methodology.
  • Data model design and database programming such as stored procedures, triggers, indexes, tables, views, constraints etc.
  • Implementation of validation with the help of .Net Validation controls and java script.
  • Implementation of workflow and sending e-mails to the assignee on assignment, and reminders to expedite the requests. implementation of security in the exam application
  • Design and development of screen requirements as per the in house standards (N-Tier architecture).
  • Unit testing, System testing of the web application
  • New screens designs and development, Unit Testing, System Testing of the application
  • Maintenance of CF Reporting Portal for work requests, bug fixes.

Environment: ASP.NET, C#.Net, Crystal Reports, SQL Server, WCF, Team Foundation Server, Share point Sites, Custom Workflow, Web Services, Java script, JQuery, AJAX, Asset Liability Management, Investment Banking, Risk Management.

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.Net / Web Developer Resume HOUSTON, TX -  Hire IT People (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.