How Long Does Coleslaw Last Out Of The Fridge? - The Daily Meal (2024)

How Long Does Coleslaw Last Out Of The Fridge? - The Daily Meal (1)

Ildi Papp/Shutterstock

With its tangy flavor and crispy texture, coleslaw can be a refreshing addition to most meals. You can serve it with tacos, pulled pork, barbecue foods, sandwiches, rice, and everything in between. Plus, it's extremely versatile and can be prepared in a multitude of ways. For example, Germans usually eat krautsalat, a type of coleslaw made with raw cabbage, onions, vinegar, and oil. On the other hand, Americans usually mix cabbage with mayonnaise, vinegar, lemon juice, carrots, honey, and other ingredients. Some people even make coleslaw with pickled raisins, avocado, pineapple, or nuts. How long your coleslaw lasts out of the fridge will depend on the recipe you use.

In the U.S., most coleslaw recipes call for Greek yogurt, mayo, sour cream, and other foods with a short shelf life. For this reason, coleslaw should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator and served within three to five days. Another option is to freeze it, but you'll have to leave the mayo out and add it before serving.

If you're expecting guests, you should still refrigerate the coleslaw until they arrive. Unlike kimchi and sauerkraut, this tangy salad doesn't do well at room temperature and can go bad within hours.

How long can you leave coleslaw out before it goes bad?

Like most salads, coleslaw has a short shelf life and shouldn't be left out of the fridge for longer than two hours. Ideally, keep it out for one hour or less if you're eating outdoors on a hot summer day. A study conducted in 1976 found that refrigerating coleslaw at 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit prevented bacterial growth, according to the journal "Applied and Environmental Microbiology."But even so, the lactic bacteria in the cabbage died and were replaced by those in the sour cream. When the coleslaw was stored at 44 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers noticed significant changes in its taste, odor, and color, even in the absence of pathogenic bacteria.

These findings indicate that cabbage can deteriorate rapidly when stored at room temperature. Vinegar and other acidic ingredients may slow bacterial growth, but they cannot prevent plant tissue breakdown. Additionally, coleslaw often contains mayo or dairy-based dressings that can go bad pretty quickly.

TheU.S. Department of Agriculture warns that bacteria thrive at temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, so the longer you leave your food out, the higher the risk of spoilage. If you're having a picnic, store the coleslaw in a cooler or pack it with ice. Alternatively, transfer it to an airtight container and place it in a bag with frozen water bottles.

Coleslaw has a short shelf life, but you can keep it fresh longer

How Long Does Coleslaw Last Out Of The Fridge? - The Daily Meal (3)

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Some foods last forever, but coleslaw isn't one of them. Your best bet is to serve it immediately or refrigerate it for no longer than five days. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and discard any leftovers that have been left out in the open for hours. Meanwhile, there are a couple of things you can do to keep this food fresh longer.

First of all, consider using vinegar-based dressings instead of mayo or sour cream. For example, thisAsian coleslaw recipe calls for agave syrup, rice vinegar, toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, and other ingredients. The salt in soy sauce, as well as the vinegar and agave syrup, act as preservatives. Better yet, refrigerate the coleslaw and add the dressing just before serving. This will prevent the cabbage from getting soggy and help to maintain its crunchiness.

Ideally, prepare the ingredients ahead of time and keep them separately until before serving. Shred the cabbage and store it in an airtight container, then chop the other vegetables and store them separately. Likewise, prepare the dressing and refrigerate it in a separate container. Mix all the ingredients when you're ready to eat. Go one step further and salt the cabbage beforehand. Let it rest for at least one hour, and then rinse it with water. Refrigerate the shredded cabbage and mix it with the other ingredients at mealtime.


How Long Does Coleslaw Last Out Of The Fridge? - The Daily Meal (2024)


How Long Does Coleslaw Last Out Of The Fridge? - The Daily Meal? ›

Like most salads, coleslaw has a short shelf life and shouldn't be left out of the fridge for longer than two hours. Ideally, keep it out for one hour or less if you're eating outdoors on a hot summer day.

How long can coleslaw be unrefrigerated? ›

How Long Can Coleslaw Sit Out? The USDA, the government agency that oversees food safety rules, says that prepared foods like coleslaw can be left out at room temperature for up to two hours. After two hours, harmful bacteria can start to grow.

Is it OK to eat coleslaw every day? ›

Yes. Coleslaw can absolutely be part of a healthy eating plan as long as you choose your dressing carefully.

What is the food poisoning in coleslaw? ›

Listeria is a foodborne illness caused by bacteria that is able to grow at refrigeration temperatures. Outbreaks in recent years have been linked to contaminated coleslaw, milk, and cheese. Listeria is caused by bacteria frequently found in soil, water and plant matter.

Can you eat 4 day old coleslaw? ›

The shelf life of coleslaw in the fridge is typically 3 to 5 days. Homemade coleslaw: Consume within 3-4 days. Unopened store-bought coleslaw: Use by 2-3 days past the printed date. Opened store-bought coleslaw: Eat within 3-4 days.

Is coleslaw ok if left out overnight? ›

Like most salads, coleslaw has a short shelf life and shouldn't be left out of the fridge for longer than two hours. Ideally, keep it out for one hour or less if you're eating outdoors on a hot summer day.

When has coleslaw gone bad? ›

Originally Answered: What are the signs that store-bought Coleslaw has gone bad? - A foul or sour smell is a clear indicator that the coleslaw has spoiled. Fresh coleslaw should have a crisp and slightly tangy aroma. - Visible mold or mildew on the surface of the coleslaw is a definite sign of spoilage.

Is coleslaw healthy or unhealthy? ›

Yes, coleslaw can be healthy! The base of coleslaw is shredded vegetables (traditionally cabbage), so inherently coleslaw is vitamin- and fiber-packed and good for you. The issue is the dressing. Most traditional creamy coleslaw dressing is made with high fat ingredients like mayo and has sugar added too.

Is coleslaw good for the gut? ›

Including this epic healthy coleslaw recipe. Both red and green cabbages help promote a healthy gut (which is what we're all about these days), fight inflammation, boost your immunity, and contain plenty of nutrients your body needs.

Is coleslaw good for gut bacteria? ›

Slaw – what are the benefits number 1

The fibre passes through the stomach undigested giving friendly bacteria species like bifidobacterial and lactobacilli food to digest in your gut (meaning that cabbage is a natural “prebiotic”).

Can you get sick from coleslaw? ›

There have been many outbreaks of listeriosis involving a wide variety of foods. Coleslaw, cold-smoked salmon, delicatessen meats, hot dogs, pâtés, soft cheese, and even pasteurized milk have been implicated in major outbreaks.

Can you get E coli from coleslaw? ›

... Fresh vegetables such as lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, and coleslaw have been identified as a vehicle for E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks (Beuchat, 1996;CDC, 1997;Smith De Waal et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2002 ).

Can you eat warm coleslaw? ›

Hot slaw is perfect for picnics, potlucks and barbecues. Serve it with easy pork chop recipes, baked chicken or slow-cooker sandwiches. Whether you spoon hot slaw on the side or use it as a topper, it will add a ton of flavor and crunch to the meal.

Can you eat coleslaw after 3 days? ›

When you grab that tub of coleslaw from the supermarket, it's going to have a best-by date. That's your North Star. As a general rule of thumb, once opened, you should consume it within three to five days.

Can you eat coleslaw after 2 days? ›

In terms of keeping the salad safely it should keep in the fridge for 3 to 5 days, providing that you have used pasteurized store-bought mayonnaise and all of the ingredients have their use by dates running after the 5th day.

How do you store leftover coleslaw? ›

How Can You Freeze Coleslaw?
  1. Take a clean freezer bag.
  2. Put the coleslaw mix inside the freezer bag.
  3. Starting from the bottom, build your way up to squeeze out all the excess air you can.
  4. Seal the bag.
  5. Label the freezer bag with two dates: when you froze the salad and when to consume it.
  6. Place the bag in your freezer.

How many days does fresh coleslaw last? ›

When stored properly, coleslaw will stay fresh in the fridge for up to five days. Store it in an airtight container and keep it in the coldest part of the refrigerator, preferably pressed toward the very back. If you see signs of spoilage such as a sour or off smell or visible mold, discard the mixture immediately.

How long will homemade coleslaw dressing keep? ›

Coleslaw keeps well in the refrigerator for one to two days.

To save time, you can shred the vegetables a day or two in advance and store them in a resealable bag in the fridge. The coleslaw dressing lasts for up to two weeks when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

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